Activity #9 (PET Level Part Four Reading Comprehension)

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Activity N 9 (PET level part four reading comprehension)

Read the text and ans er the !uestions "elo #

$#% &hat is the riter main purpose in riting this text' A#% (#% )#% *#% To complain about her lack of time for running. To describe her fitness training programme. To show how difficult being a runner can be. To give advice to other female runners.

+#% &hy did the riter give up running hen she as +,' A#% (#% )#% *#% She had a child to look after. She suffered an injury. She wanted to study at college. She was working full-time.

-#% .f she /oins the 0lympic team1 the riter is thin2ing of3 A#% (#% )#% *#% Training more at weekends. Giving up her present job. Spending more time at home. Reducing her working hours.

4#% &hat does the riter say a"out her employers' A#% (#% )#% *#% The allow her free time for running. They would like her to give up running. They pay for some of her equipment. They want her to spend weekends.

,#% &hich of the follo ing is the "est description of the riter' A#% An athlete who has not won important competitions because of pressures of family and work. (#% An excellent runner who has won a number of competitions thanks to a lot of hard work. )#% A woman who put her ambition to win competitions before her duties as a mother. *#% A disappointed runner who would like to have the luxuries that other international athlete have.

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