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Trauma Capitis / Neuroimaging

Synonyms Traumatic Brain Injuri

1.Epidural hematoma
1.1. Defenisi Epidural or extradural hematoma (haematoma) is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in which a buildup of blood occurs between the dura mater (the tough outer membrane of the central nervous system) and the skull.


Epidural Hematoma
xxx 1.3. Etiology The majority of bleeds originate from meningeal arteries, 10% of epidural bleeds may be venous,[ 1.4.Location Particularly in the temporal region. Thus only 20 to 30% of epidural hematomas occur outside the region of the temporal bone

1.5. CT Scan Biconvex lens

1.6. Symptoms Lucid interval followed by unconsciousness 1.7.Treatment The blood may be removed surgically to remove the mass and reduce the pressure it puts on the brain, through trephination / a burr hole or craniotomy.

2. Subdural hematoma
2.1. Defenition 2.2. Gambar

Subdural hematoma as marked by the arrow with significant midline shift

xx 2.3.Etiology Bridging veins

2.4. Pathogenesis Head injury, Rapidly changing velocities within the skull
Various rotational or linear forces

Sharing injuries

Stretch bridging veins Tear small bridging veins

2.4. Location Between the dura and the arachnoid 2.5.Classification Subdural hematomas are divided into acute, subacute, and chronic, depending on the speed of their onset.[1] Acute subdural hematomas that are due to trauma are the most lethal of all head injuries and have a high mortality rate if they are not rapidly treated with surgical decompression.[2] 2.6. Symptoms Gradually increasing headache and confusion 2.7. CT Scan

3. Physical examination
3.1. Battle sign

xx "Battle's sign is bruising over the mastoid sinus (just behind the auricle) and is a delayed physical finding associated with basilar skull fractures. Hemotympanum (blood behind the ear drum) and "raccoon eyes" (periorbital bruising) are other delayed findings consistent with basilar skull fractures." San Francisco General Hospital Emergency Services 3

3.2. Racon eye / Pandas eye

3.3. Rhinorrhea


"Schematic representation of various herniation pathways (1) subfalcine, (2) uncal (Transtentorial), (3) cerebellar, and (4) transcalvarium)


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