Multiapp Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Grade and Topic: Mentor Teacher: Latarius Brady Grade 4, Science Kris King Date: April 27, 2014 Length of Lesson: 95 minutes

School: University of Memphis - IDT 3600


This lesson plan is part of a unit plan on animal adaptation. In this lesson students are expected to demonstrate knowledge on an animals habitat, its predator and prey, and its adaptive behaviors and characteristics that give the animal a better chance to survive and adapt to its environment.

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Given a specific animal, the student will be able to identify its habitat with 100% accuracy. Given a computer and word processing software, the student will be able to create a PowerPoint that describes an animals habitat, its predator and prey, and its adaptive behaviors and characteristics with a score of three out of four on the rubric. Student Participation The goal of this lesson is for students to demonstrate a clear understanding of how animals adapt to their surroundings. Students provide visual representations of animals living in their habitats. STANDARDS ADDRESSED: State/District Standards Standard 2 Interdependence Standard 5 Biodiversity and Change ISTE Standard(s) 3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media
d. Process data and report results

MATERIALS: Materials Used Computers with word processing software and Internet access to Microsoft Clipart Gallery Technology Integration Students will use the website stated above as a resource for access to images. The Word processing software will be used to type and add images of the animal and other images that depict how it adapts to its habitat. A sample of what the students work should look like is included at the end of this lesson plan. BACKGROUND and RATIONALE: Students will be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of how animals adapt to their surroundings.

Vocabulary associated with animal adaptation- adaptation, predator, prey, characteristics, and adaptive behaviors. Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600. Prior to this lesson, students have already learned the different habitats and specific animals that live in those habitats. As we continue to explore how animals adapt to their environments, we will also discover how animals have become endangered or extinct due to lack of adaptation. The lesson or technology use will be modified to meet the needs of diverse learners. PROCEDURES AND TIMELINE: Introduction: Begin by displaying examples of adaptive behaviors animal on a SMART board. For instance, giraffes have longs neck so they are able to eat leaves in tall trees. Procedures: Prior to the computer (10 minutes)
Teacher Procedures 1. After the Introduction, display a list of animals the students can use for their PowerPoint. Instruct students to go up to the board as you call them up and to write their name next to the animal they want to research. Inform them that no one can use the same animal. 2. Distribute the list of websites students will use to research information on the animal they have chosen. At the computer (50 minutes) Teacher Procedures 1. Have students open an Internet browser and Microsoft PowerPoint. 2. Direct students to the Microsoft Clipart Gallery website. Inform students that they are to use this site to search for images to put on their PowerPoints. 3. Instruct students to use only the websites they were given to research their animal. 4. Monitor students and assist as needed. Student Procedures Students will go up to the board and write their name next to the animal of their choice.

Student Procedures 1. Open an Internet browser and Microsoft PowerPoint. 2. Search for adaptation information on chosen animal and write it down. 3. In Microsoft PowerPoint, create a title slide and two other slides with information about the adaption of your animal. 4. Go to the Microsoft Clipart Gallery Site and use key words to locate images pertaining to chosen animal. 5. Use pull-down menu to copy image. 6. Go to the picture cell wherever you Want to put it in the PowerPoint. Paste Paste the picture. 7. Correct any spelling errors.

After the computer (45 minutes) Teacher Procedures 1. Place students in groups of 3 to 4 students. 2. Give students 5-10 minutes to discuss their animals adaptive behaviors.

Student Procedures 1. While in groups, students discuss their animals adaptive behaviors and find out what their animals had in common.

Closure: Students present their animal adaptation PowerPoints for the remainder of class.


Criteria Graphic images represent the animal (habitat, predator/prey, adaptive behaviors) Description of animals adaptive behavior

1 Only one or none of the chosen graphics represent the animals adaptive behavior.

The description does not demonstrate an understanding of the animals adaptive behavior.

2 Only a few of the chosen graphics clearly or somewhat clearly represent the animals adaptive behavior. The description demonstrates a somewhat vague understanding of the animals adaptive behavior.

3 Almost all of the chosen graphics clearly represent the animals adaptive behavior. The description demonstrates a somewhat clear understanding of the animals adaptive behavior.

4 All of the chosen graphics very clearly represent the animals adaptive behavior.

The description demonstrates a clear understanding of the animals adaptive behavior.

MODIFICATIONS: I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.


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