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Culminating activity- GRADE 6

Suzanne Collins, the author of the famous The Hunger Games trilogy has decided to add a fourth book to her series. After months of trying to write the fourth book, Suzanne is unable to come up with ideas for her new book. Suzanne has decided to organize a contest in all junior schools across Canada and the United States. To enter this contest you must submit to Suzanne your idea for book #4. Be sure to include dialogue and descriptive language. Things Suzanne will be looking for are: the use of similes, word choice and visualization. Suzanne has asked that you represent your book idea by one of the following ways: Write a short story that summaries your idea for book #4 (1000 words max, groups of 2 max); Make a large three dimensional diorama of an important scene from your book idea. Write a paragraph describing the scene and its importance to the plot of the book (paragraph must contain at least 150 words, groups of 2) Act out an important scene from your book. Explain why you selected this scene and why it is important to the story (scene must be at least 3 minutes long, groups of 3 max); Create a song or a rap that describes the characters, setting, conflict and solution of your book idea. Be prepared to perform the song or rap in front of Suzanne. Be sure that the song or rap has at least three verses and a chorus or hook (groups of 2 max);

If you are the winner of this contest your book idea will be selected as The Hunger Games Book #4. Moreover, you will receive a $1000 for your education. Deadline to enter contest is May 8th 2014. Good luck!!!!

Due date: May 8th 2014

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