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Introduction to building three dimensional parts in Autodesk

Turn on computer, start Autodesk, the initial screen will ask about the type of part that is to be opened, select Standard part

Make sure that the part tree has English units selected

Select two dimensional drawing and then select the front plane as the drawing plane

Select rectangle for the drawing shape of the first part. Make sure to place the origin of the rectangle at the center of the cross hairs for the drawing. The rectangle should be 2.25 in length and .75 in height.

After the rectangle size has been created and appropriately sized, select the accept drawing.

Select the extrude tab in the three dimensional tool box to create the solid part

Extrude the part to .75

After the part has been extruded, it is time to add some of the additional parts. Select the front face as the location to place the drawing.

The extruded part in two dimensional drawing modes

Again, select the rectangle drawing box but snap the corner at the top of the extruded part.

The dimensions should be .75 X .75. Exit two dimensional drawing with the rectangle drawing as shown.

Select the drawing and extrude the part.

Pay attention to the direction for the extrude. If it is not being placed into the proper orientation, select the direction from the menu.

After step 2 of drawing, this is what the part should look like.

Select the two dimensional drawing followed by the rectangle drawing tab. Place the starting point of the drawing at the origin.

Draw a simple square with the dimensions of .75 X .75 as shown

Extrude the square by selecting extrude tab and then drawing

The width is again .75

Accept the extrusion when the proper dimension has been achieved.

The finished part, make sure that the part is then saved as drawing basic shape

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