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How Hungry Is The Caterpillar?

Week of April 22th, 2013 Practicum 2

Development and Learning Goal Areas

o o o o o Develop ability to engage in conversations Develop the ability to attend and engage in learning activities Develop the ability to use and appreciate books Develop the ability to interact during read-alongs and book conversations Develop the ability to count

Curriculum Objectives and Dimensions

o Objective 10: Engages in conversation o Level 4: Initiates and attends to brief conversations

WMELS Performance Standards: III. Language Development and Communication B. Speaking and Communicating: B.EL. 2a Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate

Maddy will be given the opportunity to engage in back and forth when we are reading the book out load and we will also be doing a flannel board activity which she will be encouraged to participate in. o Objective 11: Demonstrates positive approaches to learning Dimension A: Attends and engages o Level 4: Sustains interest in working on a task, especially when adults offer suggestions, questions, and comments

WMELS Performance Standards:

V. Cognition and General Knowledge A. Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving: A.EL.1 Uses multi-sensory abilities to process information

Maddy will be given the opportunity to engage in the flannel board activity, which includes taking pieces of food of the flannel board and feed the caterpillar to reflect what he is eating in the book. We will talk about each piece of food as we feed the caterpillar.

o Objective 17: Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses Dimension A: Uses and appreciates books Level 4: Orients book correctly; turns pages from the front of the book to the back; recognizes familiar books by their cover

WMELS Performance Standard: III. Language Development and Communication C. Early Literacy: C.EL. 1 Shows an appreciation of books and understands how print works During the activity, I will be reading the book and demonstrating how to turn the pages and to read from front to back. Maddy will be given the opportunity after the activity to look at The Very Hungry Caterpillar and if shed like, to read it again. She will be encouraged to help turn the pages. o Objective 18: Comprehends and responds to book and others texts Dimension A: Interacts during read-alouds and book conversation Level 4: Asks and answers questions about the text, refers to pictures

WMELS Performance Standard: III. Language Development and Communication D. C. Early Literacy: C.EL. 1 Shows an appreciation of books and understands how print works

During our read-aloud Maddy will be encouraged to answer questions about what the caterpillar is eating, and encouraged to participate along with the flannel board activities. o Objective 20: Uses number concepts and operations Dimension A: Counts Level 2: Verbally counts (not always in correct order) WMELS Performance Standard: V. Cognition and General Knowledge B. Mathematical Thinking: B.EL.1 Demonstrates an understanding of numbers and counting While we are reading we will count out loud the fruit the caterpillar eats each day, and while we are on a certain day (Monday 1 apple) Maddy will be encouraged to find the apple flannel board piece and feed it to the caterpillar and count the fruit as its dropped into his mouth.

Whos It For Maddy Age: 18 months What You Need The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Caterpillar Jar Flannel board pieces that go along with The Very Hungry Caterpillar Flannel board

Where Will The Activity Take Place In the entire classroom When The Activity Will Take Place During AM free play What You Do And Say For my activity we will be doing a flannel board story/interactive read along to The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. For this activity I took an old cheese container and made it into a caterpillar. I made butterfly wings out of felt and I

attached the different food the caterpillar eats to flannel board pieces. I will place the pieces on the flannel board and invite Maddy and the other children in the classroom to come and read with me. I will read the book out loud and count each fruit he eats a day. I will also encourage the children to take turns in finding the fruit on the flannel board and feed it to the caterpillar, while counting how many pieces we put in his mouth. How To Assess Anecdotal notes of the activity could be written as we are reading the book and doing the flannel board activity Pictures could be taken of the read-aloud and flannel board activity to capture Maddy feeding the caterpillar and how she in engaged in the activity. The activity could be videotaped to capture Maddys participation in reading the story out loud, the counting of the fruit, and when she feeds the caterpillar his food. Other Things To Do: To expand on this activity I could bring in a few pairs of butterfly wings and antenna head bands for the dramatic play area. I could also bring in plastic fruit and food to match what the caterpillar eats in the book. After making sure there is no food allergies, I could bring in all the different fruits the caterpillar eats and let the children help make a caterpillar fruit salad. We could take a nature walk outside and see if we can spot any butterflies. I happen to have some stuffed Very Hungry Caterpillars and I could bring them into the classroom. Reflection on Teaching: I really enjoyed this activity. I liked how interactive it was. Not only did I get to read Maddy and the other children, I was also able to get them to participate in the re-telling of it. There was enough fruit and food that the caterpillar eats that each child was able to feed the caterpillar. I was able to get Maddy to talk about the caterpillar and what he was eating, and I was also able to demonstrate and encourage her to count out loud. I think the activity went very well and it seemed that Maddy very much enjoyed it.

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