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Sumeet S Kulkarni Objective A challenging career in Software Testing and Quality Assurance Engineering. Highlights Certified Software Quality Engineer. E !erience of twenty three months in field of Software Quality Assurance" manual and automated Testing. Knowledge of automated test tools # $in %unner" %ational %o&ot "%S$ and Test 'irector. Knowledge of (S) and C** !rocess im!lementation.

Test automation Evaluated and recommended test automation tools and determined suita&ility with various develo!ment tools. 'evelo!ed and (m!lemented Test suites" which include features like 'ata 'riven" 'ata&ase Checks" +atch" and ,unctions.

Software Testing Created test !lans" decided testing strategies. $ritten test cases for - unit level" functional and integration testing. Effective defect tracking and re!orting to im!rove communications and reduce delay.

Education +.E Electrical . /une 0niversity" (ndia1. 'i!loma in Advanced Com!uting from Center for 'evelo!ment of Advanced Com!uting" 'e!t of Electronics" 2ovt of (ndia" /une. Technical Skills 3ardware )!erating Systems :anguages 20( 'ata&ases Software Q6A Testing Tools 4 4 4 4 4 4 (+* /C Com!ati&les. $indows 5 6788869T"*S-')S. SQ:" C" C;;" <A=A" and TS:. =+. )racle >.i" *S-Access ?.8. Standards @ /rocedures 'evelo!ment" S':C Testing" test !lan 'esign @ 'evelo!ment" !lanning Automated Testing Strategy. 4 $in %unner" Test 'irector" %ational Team Test" E-:oad and E-Tester ,rom Em!iri . .formerly %S$1

Professional experience

uexst !ssociates

Software Test Engineer

<an 788A # Till date.

$orking as Test Engineer with Que st Associates" /une since <an 788A. Through Que st Associates worked at Siemens "nformation S#stems $td. at 2urgaon" for five months for a !roBect from 'efense.

/roBect details Title % Automation of regression testing for cash management !roduct. &escription %CCash (nC is a cash management !roduct develo!ed for &anks which takes care of all the !rocesses and $orkflows like dis&ursement and collection. The sco!e of !roBect is com!lete automation of regression testing at unit and integration level using $in %unner. 'esponsibilities% /resently handling the !roBect in ca!acity as QA :eader. 'evelo!ing test !lan and test strategy. %eview of the test cases written for unit and integration level. Scri!ting through TS: for the cases written" review the scri!ts written &y team mem&ers" create com!iled modules and functions in $in%unner. (ntegrating the test scri!ts written for individual units. AnalyDe and write detailed s!ecifications and Test %eEuirements using Test 'irector. $riting Test scri!ts and functions wherever necessary for various units of the &usiness modules. Effective coordination &etween develo!ment team and testing team. Environment% $indows 9T" /ower +uilder" and )racle > i. Team Si(e %F 'ole % QA :eader Testing Tool % $in %unner" Test 'irector. &uration % G months. )lient % Cash Tech Solutions (ndia /vt. :td.

Title % /ilot round for Automation of regression testing for cash management !roduct. &escription %The sco!e of !roBect in !ilot round was to automate regression testing for a single module. Cash (n is a cash management !roduct develo!ed for &anks which takes care of all the !rocesses and $orkflows like dis&ursement and collection. 'esponsibilities% E ecuting the !roBect in ca!acity as a QA tester (nvolved in develo!ing test !lan. $riting test cases for unit and integration level for a single module. 'evelo!ed and e ecuted the Test /rocedures and Test Cases using the $in%unner H.8. $riting Test scri!ts and functions wherever necessary for various units of the &usiness modules. Environment % $indows 9T" /ower +uilder" and )racle > i. Team Si(e %F Testing Tool % $in %unner" Test 'irector. &uration % A month. )lient % Cash Tech Solutions (ndia /vt. :td. Title % Automated testing of an Analysis Tool &escription% =italstatisti is a tool for generating Euestionnaires" collecting feed &ack and analyDing the feed&ack. 'esponsibilities4 /resently handling the !roBect in ca!acity as a team leader for automated testing team. The sco!e of the !roBect is to design the strategy" testing methodology and decide the sco!e of automated testing :eading two teams for automated testing and manual testing.

Team si(e 4 G Environment% =isual +asic H.8" *S Access. Test Tool% $in %unner ?.8 &uration% )ne month.

'eciding the strategy and methodology for automated testing. (dentify various scenarios for functional and integration testing %eview the test cases written for integration and functional testing as !er the scenarios created. %ecording the scri!ts as !er the test cases written. Creating the data !ool in $in %unner for testing. Effort analysis for automated testing and manual testing.

Title 4 A%/A9 .Army %ecord )ffice Automation /hase =1. &escription4 The !roBect is for 'efense and deals with %ecord )ffice automation. A!!lication is a client server model. The sco!e of the !roBect was # writing &usiness threads" writing test cases for functional testing" creating test data" 20( testing using $inrunner" for si teen record offices of the defense. 'esponsibilities4 Com!leted the !roBect in ca!acity as a test engineer. The !roBect was e ecuted in two rounds. %ound A E ecution of the test cases using sam!le test data. %ound 7 (dentification of &usiness threads. $riting test cases for functional testing. Creating test data &ased on the test cases and e ecuting the test cases. 0sing SQ: for checking the out!ut of various re!orts. 20( testing using $in%unner. Testing Tool4 $in %unner H.8 Environment4 $indows 9T" *S SQ: server ?" =isual +asic H.8 Team Si(e 47 &uration 4G *onths )lient% Siemens (nformation System :td. Title% * Testing of a com!le design tool. &escription% The design tool is used for creating designs of hydraulic valves used in manufacturing industries. The tool com!rised of several com!le modules for design of valves. The user can enter the inlet and outlet dimensions of valve and the tool gives the user ready made design. 'esponsibilities% E ecuted the !roBect in ca!acity as a Test engineer. The aim was to &uild the testing strategy and methodology for Testing. This includes defining the sco!e of the testing" identifying the o&Bectives and ste!s" creation of e ecution !lan" identifying the delivera&les. 'efining the Testing Strategy Creation of Standard 2uidelines for 0ser (nterface Testing Creation of Test case writing ,ormats for 20(" 0nit Testing" ,unctionality Testing" (ntegration Testing and Com!ati&ility Testing. Creation of checklist for :oad Testing Creation of Test 'ata sheet ,ormat Environment% =isual +asic H.8"*S Access " $indows5 "and 9T. Title 4Testing of real time we& &ased system. &escription4 E-=evat is a real time we& &ased system" which takes care of key !rocess like software Euality assurance" reviews and defect tracking. The testing was devoted towards checking the functionality and the user interface of the a!!lication 'esponsibilities% E ecuted the !roBect in ca!acity of test engineer $ork involved $riting &usiness threads. $riting test cases for unit level testing and functional testing &ased on the threads. E ecution of the test cases.

20( testing. Team Si(e 4 7 Environment4 $indows 9T" *S SQ: server ?" <S/ &uration 4 A month

+enith "nfoTech $td.

System E ecutive

*arch 7888 # <an 788A

$orked as Systems E ecutive and was res!onsi&le for testing and im!lementation. The !roBects undertaken were as &elow. Title 4 Su!er+anker. &escription4 (t is software designed for total automation of the &ank. $as res!onsi&le for e haustive functional and 20( testing of the !roduct. $as also res!onsi&le for im!lementation. Successfully tested and im!lemented the software in thirteen &ranches of ,)entral -ank of "ndia. at /une. 'esponsibilit#4 $as involved in the !roBect in ca!acity as a Systems E ecutive. $ork involved # $riting test cases for unit level testing" integration testing. E haustive unit level" integration and regression testing for all the modules of the a!!lication. Testing of the re!orts. (m!lementation of the a!!lication across thirteen &ranches of Central +ank of (ndia" at /une. Team si(e 4 I Environment4 9ovell 9et$are" Co&ol" and +trieve. &uration 4 > *onths Title 4 (nternet +anker &escription 4(t is a (nternet &anking software. $as res!onsi&le for functional and 20( testing. $as also res!onsi&le for im!lementation. Successfully tested and im!lemented the software in JThe Saraswat +ankK at /une. 'esponsibilities4 $as involved in the !roBect in ca!acity as a Systems E ecutive. $ork involved # $riting test cases for unit and functional testing (ntegration and regression testing of the a!!lication. (m!lementation of the a!!lication at The Saraswat +ank" /une. Team si(e 4A Environment 4 $indows 9T" =isual +asic H" *S SQ: server ? " AS/. &uration 4 I *onths.

The "ndian Electric )ompan#

*arketing E ecutive

,e&A55> - <an A555

$orked as *arketing e ecutive at /une and was res!onsi&le for marketing of electric motors of various ty!es. 3el!ed the com!any in increasing the sales of the com!any.

/roBect done as !artial fulfillment of 'i!loma at C-'AC .Center for develo!ment of Advanced Com!uting1. Title 4 Cy&er *anager. &escription 4This live !roBect was done for a cy&er cafL. (t involved the com!lete automation of the cy&er cafL. (t involved the automation of &illing !rocess and user access levels. Environment4 $indows 9T" =isual +asic H " and *S Access . Team si(e 47

/roBect done as !artial fulfillment of Engineering 'egree. Tile 4Switchgears for '.2 set &escription 4 Selected Switchgears and designed change over scheme for :arsen and Tu&ro at their Switchgears training center located in +hosari /une" for their H7G K=A '.2 set. This !roBect was done as !artial fulfillment of 'egree Course in Electrical Engineering.

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