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TWS 4-Assessement My showcase lesson will consist of four consecutive lessons that covered sound and how sound

moves. The scientific term the students will for this process is vibration. For my preassessment students will take a test prior to the week of lessons. Sound was introduced to students in first grade. Students learned that sound was produced by vibrating objects. I will use the data collected from the pre-assessment to develop lessons that meet the students learning needs. The pre-assessment will consist of multiple choice questions on vibration and sound and determine answers to questions using data and pictures. Throughout the lesson I will use a variety of formative assessment to encourage students critical thinking. Some formative assessments used throughout the lesson will have students observe different objects that produced sound, make predications, take notes and answer questions in discussions. Students will use their science journals throughout the entire lesson and I look for evidence that students are making meaning of science concepts. I will give the quiz I had the students take prior to the lesson for a post assessment. I found this an appropriate assessment because I was able to see the students growth from the start of the lesson to the end. Pre- Assessment: (prior to start of lessons) A pre-assessments purpose is to determine students prior knowledge prior to the lesson being taught. A pre-assessment also helps to develop lessons that will benefit students. I will give the students a test prior to the start of the lessons to determine prior knowledge. This assessment will be given the week before so I will have appropriate time to collect data and use that to develop the weeks lessons. The twenty- two pre-assessment was developed to have a variety of questions to determine students prior knowledge on the topic sound. In addition I will

have students draw a line of learning and write in their notebook one thing about sound they know is true. I take up the science notebooks and collect data from the students responses. I will score the pre-assessment using a grading scale appropriate to the number of questions. I will use the assessment to determine what material needed to be taught deeper than other material. I will score the students science journals with a rubric. The scoring rubric consists of three different parts. The parts are: low understanding of topic, medium understanding of topic and high understand of topic. I will use the graded pre-assessments and the science journals to compare each students prior knowledge on the given topic. While observing and collecting data from the pre assessment my main focus will be if students are able to explain something about sound in their own words. Using the ling of learning is a way for students to explain sound in their own words. I expect 70% of the students in my third grade class to score a B or above on the test given. There is a lot of prior learned material used on the test but also some new material. Since a high percentage of my class have IEPs or are ESOL students I will take this into consideration while grading the assessments. I expect 95% of my students to score on the second part of the rubric which is medium understanding of the topic sound. The percentage is so high because I will be ok with students writing anything they know about sound using their own words. I will use the data collected from these pre-assessments to determine the progress of learning my students have done on the topic sound. During Assessment (Days 1, 2, 3, 4): The reason to use assessments throughout a lesson is to monitor the students progress at different points of a lesson. Another reason use a variety of assessments during a lesson is to monitor students progress. Using a variety of assessments in a lesson will show if one can move forward with the lesson or if more explanation is needed. Some formative assessments used

throughout the lesson will have students observe different objects that produced sound, make predications, take notes and answer questions in discussions. To begin the first day I will have students discuss with a partner something about sound. I will walk around and observe the students responses. Another assessment I will use during this lesson will be to have students draw a T chart in their science journal. I will bring different instruments into class. We will be covering vibration and how it is transferred from different objects to produce sound. Students will observe the different instruments and the sounds they make. Students will then conclude in their own words the materials involved in the transfer of the vibrations of sound. On day two students will compare different sound that are similar. I will have students work with a partner as I make different sounds with a variety of objects. Students will collect data and compare the pitch and volume. Students will write down their similarities and differences of the different pitches and volumes. A formative assessment I will use at the end of day two will be an exit slip. Students will explain in their own words what pitch is and what volume is. I will use this assessment to determine if we move on to the topic for day three or discuss pitch and volume again. If more than 75% of the students do not have a clear understanding of what we discussed that day I will not move on to the next level. Assessing students throughout the lesson is a way for me to and if students are ready to move on to the next lesson that week. Day three will consist of activities involving the students and an exit slip. Since students have already been taught that changing the volume of sounds either makes it softer or louder this day will mostly be spent by having students up out of their desk doing activities with one another and as a whole class. Students will complete an exit slip that will have them explain one way to change the volume of a sound. On day four students will be assessed on their classroom discussion. I will

use the same rubric I used for the science journals to assess students. Students will also use a review game to study for their test. Post-Assessment (Day 5) The main purpose of a post-assessment is to see what students have learned after the content has been covered. Students will be given the same test they took as their pre-assessment for their post-assessment. I will use the results of the post-assessment to determine if my teaching was effective. I will compare the students pre-assessment with their post-assessment. This will determine if students were able to develop an understanding of the topic sound. I would like for all students to increase in the percentage from the pre-assessment to the post-assessment.

Objective: (Prior to lessons): Students will be take a quiz prior to the lessons taught. This is done in order to produce lessons that fit the needs of the students.

Assessments Pre- Assessment

Format of Formative Students will take a quiz prior to the week of lessons on sound. Students will complete this quiz knowing there will not be a grade and the quiz is being given to see what students already know about sound. I will use the quiz to plan that weeks lesson. I will also use the quiz to

Accommodations Since this is a quiz that will be given twice I will not review the material before the students take the quiz. Accommodations for ESOL students will be assistance when needed to explain vocabulary words. The quiz also will have pictures to questions that may

compare the preassessment and postassessment results.

have new vocabulary words.

Day1, 2,3. Objective 1 (Day) 1: At the end of this lesson students will be able to explain what sound is and how sound is produced.

During- Assessments

Objective 2 (Day 2): At the end of this lesson students will be able to explain how pitch affects sound and how to change the pitch of a sound. Objective 3 (Day 3): At the end of this lesson students will be able to explain how volume affects sound and how to change the volume of a sound.

Students will be given a variety of formative assessments during the lesson that will be spread out over four days Students will observe different instruments and make predications. Students will do exit slips almost after every lesson to respond to what they have learned that day. Students will be asked to discuss throughout the weeks lesson with a partner and also as a whole group. Students will use their science journals to take notes and explain new vocabulary word. One strategy that will be used in the students science journals will be the line of learning.

Accommodations will be made for low learners and ESOL students by working with a partner. New vocabulary will be introduced before the lesson. Students who I see need assistance I will work in a small group with them. Pictures, illustrations and different objects will be used throughout the lesson for visual learners as well as ESOL students. Students will be able to be active in the lessons to stay engaged.

Day 5: After lessons: Students will retake the same test as their pre assessment and I

Post- Assessment

Students will be tested on the same quiz that was given for the preassessment. I feel this is appropriate to see

ESOL students have had a chance to see the quiz that will be assessed before the lesson started. Having students take

will compare the two to determine what students have learned.

students growth from the beginning of the lesson to the end. Students will have a variety of different questions being asked. I will take up the post-assessment and compare the students preassessment. A grade will be posted on the post-assessment.

the same quiz before and after the lesson is appropriate because the students will know what to expect and are already familiar with the material. As students are taking the test I will read out the questions and answer choices. This is an accommodations for low readers and ESOL students.

Correct answers for Pre and Post assessment: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) B I C F A G C H B

10) F 11) C 12) G 13) C 14) F 15) A 16) G 17) A 18) G 19) C 20) I 21) D 22) G

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