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Name:___________________________ Cigarette Smoking- Research Assignment Lets face it- Smoking stinks!

Not only do cigarettes smell bad, but theyre also dangerous for your body. Due Date: May 8th 2014
You may ans er each of the !uestions "for that section# in one $aragra$h %& you may ans er each !uestion se$arately (indi idua! "ork#$ &emember to use com$lete sentences and to use a$$ro$riate headings as needed. 'f you are using the 'nternet, $lease include a reference for the ebsite"s# used. %art A: Addiction & 'ithdra"a! (. )hats in a cigarette* +. )hy do $eo$le smoke cigarettes* ,. )hy is it so hard for $eo$le to sto$ smoking*

%art (: )arm*u! +**ects o* Smoking (. )hat does cigarette smoking do to your body* -lease $ro.ide e/am$les. +. 0o does cigarette smoking affect those around the smoker*

%art C: %eer %ressure$$$)o" "i!! ,-. res/ond to it0 (. )hat should you do if someone offers you a cigarette* +. )hat are some things that you can do to hel$ make sure you make a good choice for yourself and for your body*

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