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Terri Jo Toman

16115 Quiche Court, Punta Gorda, FL 33955, (941) 268-7449 erri!i"#on$%ahoo&co'

+,er 24 %ear# o- e./erience a# a Licen#ed Practica" 0ur#e (LP0)& Pro,idin! a -u"" ran!e o- #)i""ed and indi,idua"i1ed, /ractica" and #/ecia"i1ed nur#in! care, to a"" "e,e"# o/atient# inc"udin! co'/"e. /atient# 2ho are acute"%, chronica""%, and3or 'enta""% i""& 0u'erou# honor# and a2ard# re-"ectin! e.ce/tiona" 2or) ethic, inno,ati,e /ro4"e' #o",in!, and #tron! "eader#hi/ #)i""#& 5e'on#trated )no2"ed!e and a4i"it% cou/"ed 2ith out#tandin! inter/er#ona" #)i""#, to train and #u/er,i#e other#6 ta)e direction6 2or) 2e"" inde/endent"% or a# a tea' 'e'4er6 -or!e and 'aintain #trate!ic 2or)in! a""iance#6 and interact con#tructi,e"% 2ith co""ea!ue#, #u/erior#, /atient#, and a##ociated /ro-e##iona" #u//ort /er#onne"& Current acti,e, -u"" and unre#tricted LP0 "icen#e (P0998241)& Graduate o- a #tate a//ro,ed #choo" o- /ractica" nur#in!& Current 7a#ic Li-e (u//ort certi-ication&

8r'or Correctiona" 9ea"th Care (er,ice#, :nc& Lee Count% (heri-- 5e/art'ent 2115 5r& ;L< 7",d& Ft& ;%er#, F" 339=1 232=14-Pre#ent P>0 Licensed Practical Nurse (u/er,i#or* odd Cha#e >0 (239-477-1547) Per-or'# /atient inta)e, docu'entation, dia4etic chec)#, /oint o- care te#tin! inc"udin! Fa#tin! 7"ood (u!ar3Fin!er (tic) G"uco#e (F(G), and ?"ectrocardio!ra'# (?<G@#), ,ita" #i!n#, 2ound care Pre/are and ad'ini#ter 'edication#, inc"udin! in#u"in 8##i#t Ph%#ician 2ith round#, tran#cri4e# order#, order# 'edication on"ine >e#/ond# to e'er!encie#, trau'a care, and -ir#t aid a# nece##ar% 5ocu'entation u#in! the P>+; -or'at ria!e (ic) Ca"" -o""o2in! #tandardi1ed /rotoco"#

(unri#e 9o'e Care 2211= <i'4"e 8,enue Port Char"otte, FL 33952 1132=1= - Pre#ent

Licensed Practical Nurse/Clinical Coordinator (u/er,i#or* <ath% 9un!er-ord >0 (941-661-173=) >ecei,ed inta)e re-erra"#, ,eri-ied in#urance, and #chedu"ed nur#in! and a""ied 'oda"itie# /er /h%#ician@# order#& Pro,ide# care to /atient# 2ho e.hi4it a ,ariet% o- 'o#t co'/"e. /h%#ica" and3or 4eha,iora" /ro4"e'#& P"an# a//ro/riate action# 4a#ed u/on the /"an o- care and o4#er,ation# o- the /atient#@ condition under the #u/er,i#ion o- a re!i#tered nur#e and3or /h%#ician& A#in! #ound Bud!'ent and critica" thin)in!, ,ar% the order and #eCuence oa##i!ned 2or) #e"ectin! the 'o#t a//ro/riate action#& Per-or'# /atient inta)e, docu'entation, dia4etic chec)#, /oint o- care te#tin! inc"udin! Fa#tin! 7"ood (u!ar3Fin!er (tic) G"uco#e (F(G),Proti'e3:nternationa" 0or'a"i1ed >atio (P 3:0>) and ?"ectrocardio!ra'# (?<G@#), ,ita" #i!n#, /h"e4oto'%, hea"th #creenin! inc"udin! ? +9 (?thano", (eru' or P"a#'a D ;edica"), de/re##ion and Po#t rau'atic (tre## 5i#order (P (5)& >ecord# 'edica" hi#torie# and docu'ent /re,iou# /h%#ica" and or 'enta" hea"th condition# and concern#6 -unction in either the /ri'ar% care or 'enta" hea"th ro"e de/endin! on /atient need#& :n#truct# and educate# /atient# on ,ariou# di#ea#e /roce##e# and treat'ent /"an# a# 2e"" a# -o""o2-u/& 8# o- 5ece'4er 2=13 returned to /rn #tatu#&

Ca/e Cora" Fa'i"% Chiro/ractic 21= 5e" Prado 7ou"e,ard (outh Ca/e Cora", FL 3399= Anited (tate# =932=12 D =132=13 9our# /er 2ee)* 1= Licensed Massage Thera ist (u/er,i#or* 5r& Ei""ia' ;a%er (239-574-8===) 8d'ini#ter# /ro-e##iona" 'a##a!e and 4od% treat'ent# to /atient#& horou!h )no2"ed!e o- nu'erou# 'a##a!e 'oda"itie#, /o##e## a !enera" under#tandin! o- 4od% treat'ent# <no2"ed!e to e--ecti,e"% /ro,ide 2e""ne## #o"ution# to 'eet the need# /atient#& Current"% ho"d# #tate "icen#e& Pro,ide indi,idua"i1ed 4od%2or) treat'ent# that 'eet the /atient#@ need# and e./ectation# +4tain the 4a#ic 'edica" hi#tor% -or a /atient, a##e##e# an% /ro4"e'# or condition#, and #u!!e#t a//ro/riate thera/% 4a#ed on current hea"th o- /atient& ?n#ure /atient# -ee" 2e"co'e 2hen the% arri,e -or their a//oint'ent# ;aintain #/a a//earance and c"ean"ine##

A/ho"d the #tandard# o- #anitation and #teri"i1ation a# directed 4% "a2 and the o--ice /o"icie#

Correctiona" ;edica" (er,ice#3 ;9; (er,ice#, :nc& 3=231 +i" Ee"" >d Punta Gorda, FL 33955 1232==7 - 1132=1= 9our# /er 2ee)* 4= Licensed Practical Nurse (u/er,i#or* 5r& 8"an 8ri)ian (8=4-677-4676) 8##i#t Chie- P#%chiatri#t 2ith Foren#ic P#%chiatric ?,a"uation, ;i""er Foren#ic 8##e##'ent# (;F8( ), 7eha,iora" >i#) 8##e##'ent# (7>8), G"o4a" 8##e##'ent Function (G8F), /artici/ated in ;u"tidi#ci/"inar% (er,ice ea' (;5( )& Pre/ared and ad'ini#tered 'edication# inc"udin! 9a"do" 5ecanoate and Pro" 5ecanoate inBection# 8##i#ted Chie- ;edica" Ph%#ician 2ith inta)e /h%#ica"#, ,ita" #i!n#, ?"ectrocardio!ra'# (?<G@#) and trau'a care Eor)ed Critica" Care Anit (CCA) and ran#itiona" Care Anit ( CA), /er-or'ed audit# o- 'edica" record# -or accurac% in accordance 2ith F"orida 5e/art'ent oCorrection# /o"icie# :n#tructed and educated in'ate# in #u/er,i#ed 'edica" education# c"a##e# and !rou/#&

Char"otte :nBur% Center 324 Cro## (treet Punta Gorda, FL 1232==6 - 1232==7 9our# /er 2ee)* 25 Licensed Massage Thera ist (u/er,i#or* 5e44ie 8'ara" (941-457-1638) 8d'ini#ter# /ro-e##iona" 'a##a!e and 4od% treat'ent# to /atient#& horou!h )no2"ed!e o- nu'erou# 'a##a!e 'oda"itie#, /o##e## a !enera" under#tandin! o- 4od% treat'ent# <no2"ed!e to e--ecti,e"% /ro,ide 2e""ne## #o"ution# to 'eet the need# /atient#& Current"% ho"d# #tate "icen#e& Pro,ide indi,idua"i1ed 4od%2or) treat'ent# that 'eet the /atient#@ need# and e./ectation#

+4tain the 4a#ic 'edica" hi#tor% -or a /atient, a##e##e# an% /ro4"e'# or condition#, and #u!!e#t a//ro/riate thera/% 4a#ed on current hea"th o- /atient& ?n#ure /atient# -ee" 2e"co'e 2hen the% arri,e -or their a//oint'ent# ;aintain #/a a//earance and c"ean"ine## A/ho"d the #tandard# o- #anitation and #teri"i1ation a# directed 4% "a2 and the o--ice /o"icie#

Gericare Pro,ider 24451 (andhi""" 7",d& Port Char"otte, FL 33983 =232==3 - 1232==6 9our# /er 2ee)* 3= Patient Educator ?ducated Ph%#ician#, 0ur#e# and /atient# on ad,anced 2ound care and 2ound care #u//"ie#, and co'/re##ion "%'/hede'a /u'/#& Fi"ed co''ercia"3;edicare in#urance -or'# dai"%& 8,era!ed F3=,=== 7i""a4"e #a"e# /er 'onth con#i#tent"%& ?#ta4"i#hed e.ce""ent ra//ort 2ith /h%#ician# and /atient#& 8chie,ed nu'erou# a2ard# -or 2ound care #/ecia"i#t& ;aintained and audited in,entor% o- a"" dura4"e 'edica" eCui/'ent -or "oca" o--ice&

?di#on (tate Co""e!e Punta Gorda FL Current"% enro""ed 2=14 ;aBor 7u#ine## 8d'ini#tration3 9ea"th Care 8d'ini#tration Co'/uter Literac% o Eor)in! )no2"ed!e o- Eindo2# 8, ;icro#o-t Eord, ?.ce", Po2er Point, created Po2er Point and ?-/ort-o"io /roBect#& ?n!"i#h Co'/o#ition o Gra''ar, Part# o- #/eech, u#e o- 8P8, ;L8, Chica!o 2ritin! #t%"e#& ?cono'ic# o 8//"ied (cienti-ic and ;athe'atica" /rinci/"e# re!ardin! chan!e# in de'and and #u//"% a--ect eCui"i4riu' /rice and the e"a#ticit% on econo'ic outco'e#& o Co'/are 'ar!ina" uti"it%-to-/rice ratio# -or /roduct# in /urcha#in! co'4ination# o- /roduct# that 'a.i'i1e their uti"it%& 7u#ine## 8d'ini#tration o Co-created -ir#t /"ace Po2er Point /re#entation 2ith tea' 4ui"din! on G?--ect# on (ocia" ;edia and the ;ar)et (%#te'H&

o 5i--erentiate 4et2een the theorie# o- co'/arati,e and a4#o"ute ad,anta!e and the i'/act o- 4u#ine## inc"udin! the i'/ortance o!"o4a" trade& "lorida #cadem$ o% Massage and S&in Care "t' M$ers( "L echnica" or +ccu/ationa" Certi-icate =632==6 ;aBor* ;a##a!e hera/% ;inor* 8nato'% I Ph%#io"o!% >e"e,ant Cour#e2or), Licen#e# and Certi-ication#* ;a##a!e hera/% and 7od%2or) 225 hour#, ;a##a!e (tudent C"inic 85 hour#, 8nato'% and Ph%#io"o!% 165 hour#, 8""ied ;oda"itie# 97 hour#, 9%drothera/% 15 hour#, F"orida La2 1= hour#, 9i,38id# 3 hour#, certi-ication# in #tone thera/%, 'edica" 'a##a!e, 9a2aiian "o'i "o'i 'a##a!e, '%o-a#cia" re"ea#e Charlotte Count$ School o% Nursing/ Charlotte )ocational Technical Center Port Charlotte( "L echnica" or +ccu/ationa" Certi-icate =63199= ;aBor* 0ur#in! ;inor* 8nato'% I Ph%#io"o!% >e"e,ant Cour#e2or), Licen#e# and Certi-ication#* LP0 Licen#e J* P0998241 L; Licen#e a Current CP> 7L( 7318313

8'erican ;a##a!e Counci" - ;e'4er F"orida ;a##a!e 8##oc& - ;e'4er ?di#on (tate Co""e!e (tudent Go,ern'ent- ;e'4er ?di#on (tate Co""e!e ;i"itar% 8//reciation-;e'4er ?di#on (tate Co""e!e >e/u4"ican C"u4-;e'4er

5e#hea (te,en# Gri''(K) 0ur#e +n Ca"" Co''unit% Liai#on 941-661-5626 5r& 8"an 8ri)ian (K) C;(3;9; Chie- P#%chiatri#t 8=4-677-4676 5r& 7e"tran Pa!e# (K) ;9; ;edica" 5irector 941-586-43=4 5ou!"a# >eichen4ach (K) <a"%/to, <a"%/to Eound Lac 5irector 239-822-299= 7onnie Ga",in (K) Fa2cett ;e'oria" Ca#e ;ana!er >0 941-661-1314 (K) :ndicate# /ro-e##iona" re-erence

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