Aircraft Parameters by Ying Huo

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Model of F-16 Fighter Aircraft

- Equation of Motions Ying Huo

Dept. of electrical Engineering - Systems University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90007

Ref :

[1]. Brian L. Stevens, Frank L. Lewis, Aircraft Control and Simulation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992 [2]. Nguyen, L.T., et al., Simulator study of stall/post-stall characteristics of a fighter airplane with relaxed longitudinal static stability, NASA Tech. Pap. 1538, NASA, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1979

The mathematical model given here uses the wind-tunnel data from NASA-Langley wind-tunnel tests on a scale model of an F-16 airplane. The data apply to the speed range up to about Mach=0.6, and were used in a MASA-piloted simulation to study the maneuvering and stall/post-stall characteristics of a relaxed static-stability airplane.

Nomenclature State Variables:

- true velocity, ft/sec - angle of attack, radian ( range 10 ~ 45 ) - sideslip angle, radian ( range 30 ~ 30 ) - Euler (roll) angle, rad - Euler (pitch) angle, rad - Euler (yaw) angle, rad - roll rate, rad/sec - pitch rate, rad/sec - yaw rate, rad/sec - north displacement, ft - east displacement, ft - altitude, ft - power

p q

r N dis E dis h
Control Variables:


- throttle setting, ( 0.0 1.0 ) - elevator setting, degree - aileron setting, degree - rudder setting, degree

M T m C X ,t CY ,t C Z ,t q ps C L,t

- air density, slugs/ft^3 - Mach number - total instantaneous engine thrust, N (lb) - total airplane mass, slugs - total x-axis force coefficient - total y-axis force coefficient - total z-axis force coefficient - dynamic pressure, psf - static pressure, psf - total rolling-moment coefficient

C M ,t C N ,t t u v w W b S c Ix Iy

- total pitching-moment coefficient - total yawing-moment coefficient - temperature, R - velocity in x -axis direction, ft/sec - velocity in y -axis direction, ft/sec - velocity in z -axis direction, ft/sec - vehicle weight (lbs) - wing span (ft) - wing platform area (ft2) - mean aerodynamic chord (ft) - roll moment of inertia (slug-ft2) - pitch moment of inertia (slug-ft2) - yaw moment of inertia (slug-ft2) - product moment of inertia (slug-ft2) - product moment of inertia (slug-ft2) - product moment of inertia (slug-ft2) - reference cg location (ft) - center of gravity location (ft) - gravitational constant (ft/sec2) - engine angular momentum (slug-ft2/s) - radian-to-degree constant, d r = 57.29578

I xz I xy
I yz

X cgR X cg g
hE dr

Table 1. Mass and Geometry Properties


Parameter Vehicle weight (lbs) Wing span (ft) Wing area (ft2) Mean aerodynamic chord (ft) Roll moment of inertia (slug-ft2) Pitch moment of inertia (slug-ft2) Yaw moment of inertia (slug-ft2) Product moment of inertia (slug-ft2) Product moment of inertia (slug-ft2) Product moment of inertia (slug-ft2)

Value 20500 30 300 11.32 9496 55814 63100 982 0 0

b S

c Ix Iy

I xz I xy
I yz

Table 2. Control Surface Actuator Models Symbol Command Deflection name limit Rate limit Time constant Positive sign convention Trailing edge down Effect




0.0495sec lag

Negative pitching moment




Right-wing 0.0495sec trailing edge lag down Trailing edge left

Negative rolling moment Negative yawing moment, positive rolling moment



0.0495sec 120/s lag

Table 3. Other parameters used in the model Symbol Parameter Reference CG Location (ft) Gravitational constant (ft/sec2) Engine Angular Momentum (slug-ft2/s) ( assume fixed ! ) Radian-to-degree constant Value

X cgR g
hE dr

32.174 160.0 57.29578

Six-degree-of-freedom Motion Equations

The equations used to describe the motions of the airplanes were nonlinear, six-degreeof-freedom, rigid-body equations referenced to a body-fixed axis coordinate system. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Force Equations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

u = V cos cos v = V sin w = V sin cos V = u 2 + v 2 + w2

1 ( q SC X ,t + T ) m qS & = pw ru + g cos sin + v CY ,t m qS & = qu pv + g cos cos + w C Z ,t m

& = rv qw g sin + u

& + vv & + ww & & = uu V V -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

= tan 1 ( )

w u v = sin 1 ( ) V


& wu & uw (V cos ) 2

& & v cos V V cos v (V cos ) 2

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kinetics -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& = p + tan ( q sin + r cos )

& = q cos r sin

q sin + r cos cos

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moments -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Iz I q Sb &= y & + pq) + qr + xz ( r C L ,t p Ix Ix Ix

&= q I Iz Ix q Sc C M ,t hE r pr + xz ( r 2 p 2 ) + Iy Iy Iy

&= r or
&= p
&= q
&= r

Ix Iy Iz

pq +

I xz q Sb & qr ) + (p C N ,t + hE q Iz Iz

1 2 {I xz ( I x I y + I z ) pq + [ I z ( I y I z ) I xz ]qr + I xz N + I z L + I xz I z hE q} 2 I x I z I xz
I Iz Ix M hE r pr + xz ( r 2 p 2 ) + Iy Iy Iy
1 2 2 {( I x I x I y + I xz ) pq + I xz ( I y I z I x ) qr + I x N + I zz L + I x I z hE q} 2 I x I z I xz

where L = q sbC L ,t , M = q sc C M ,t , N = q sbC N ,t -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Navigation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& = V cos cos cos cos + V sin (sin cos sin cos sin ) N dis + V sin cos (cos sin cos + sin sin ) & = V cos cos cos sin + V sin (sin sin sin + cos cos ) E dis + V sin cos (cos sin sin sin cos ) & = V cos cos sin V sin sin cos V sin cos cos h

= 2.377 10 3 (1.0 0.703 10 5 h ) 4.14
519(1.0 0.703 10 5 h ) h < 35000.0 t= 390.0 h 35000.0

1 q = V 2 dynamic pressure 2 p = static pressure s 1715t

M = V 1.4 1716.3 t

c C Xq ( d ) q + C x ( d , E ) 2V b [CYr ( d ) r + CYp ( d ) p ] CY ,t = C y ( d , A , R ) + 2V b [rCYr ( d ) + CYp ( d ) p ] + 0.021 A + 0.086 R = 0.02 d + 2V 20.0 30.0 c C Z ,t = C z ( d , d , E ) + C Zq ( d ) q 2V c = C z ,1 ( d , d ) + C Zq ( d ) q 0.19 E 2V 25.0 b C L ,t = Cl ( d , d , A , R ) + [ rC Lr ( d ) + C Lp ( d ) p ] 2V b = Cl ,1 ( d , d ) + [C Lr ( d )r + C Lp ( d ) p ] + Cl , 2 ( d , ) A + Cl ,3 ( d , d ) R 2V 20.0 30 c C M ,t = C Mq ( d ) q + C Z ,t ( X cgR X cg ) + C m ( d , E ) 2V c b [C Nr ( d ) r + C Np ( d ) p ] CY ,t ( X cgr X cg ) C N ,t = Cn ( d , d , A , R ) + b 2V c b = Cn ,1 ( d , d ) + [C Nr ( d ) r + C Np ( d ) p ] CY ,t ( X cgr X cg ) b 2V C X ,t =

+ Cn , 2 ( d , d )


+ Cn ,3 ( d , d )


Table 4. Source of aerodynamic coefficients

Independent variables ( d = d r , d = d r )



C Xq

Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table

d d , E d d d d d , d d d d , d d , d d d , E d , d d d d , d d , d

Cx CYr CYp
C Z ,1

Cl ,1 C Lr C Lp Cl , 2 Cl , 3 C Mq Cm Cn ,1 C Nr C Np Cn , 2 Cn , 3

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