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Character Billy

Hair Relaxed, nothing stylish. Dark brown hair

Make up


$hort blonde hair


$cruffy grey hair 'nd un(catered beard


,ell looked after hair and in a bob

Effect !his presents the ery pale pallet and character as being dark eyes fatigued, drained and no eye catching colours to represent po"erty as her pale #ake up gi"es out a ghostly effect. ery naturalistic, !his tells us that he #uch #ore colour is well fed and in face looked after by her sister but still the Dark red bruise on bruise indicates it%s neck not a safe en"iron#ent for a child. )ale and !his shows that he dark eyes doesn%t ha"e any self respect and no hygiene. *ssues of tiredness and drug abuse are clear. ,ell done #ake up Healthy looking showing colour in wo#en who looks the face. after herself a clear contrast of her son. $hows #uch #ore class.

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