Tws 9 - Weebly Ready

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TWS 9 Classroom Management: Activities for a safe learning environment:

Throughout the entire year one of my main goals as a teacher is to have activities in the classroom that will keep our learning environment positive and safe. Using rules is one way to keep the classroom safe. Having students help create the rules is a great way to let students have a voice in the classroom. Using a morning meeting is also a way to make sure the day is started on a positive note. If there is anything that may disrupt the classroom, the morning meeting is a time to address the problem. Also having a morning meeting is a way to praise the students for their achievements. I mentioned below that one consequence is for students to go to a designated area and calm down. This will also be a spot for students to fill out a form that addresses why the student may have acted out. I will then discuss with the student their responses on the paper and ways we can work together to make sure it does not happen again. Practicing the rules and procedures for inside the classroom and also outside the classroom is another way to make sure the learning environment is a safe place for the students.

Rules: 1) Respect will be given to everyone in and outside of our classroom. ( We will review what respect looks like) 2) Students will be responsible for their belongings and also for their actions ( We will review what it looks like to be responsible) 3) Students will not criticize one another during class discussions and classroom activities, inside and outside of the classroom. 4) Students will demonstrate control for their self-inside and outside of the classroom. 5) Students will know what is expected from them and will follow all rules accordingly. Hierarchy of Consequences: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Warning Intervention (Students will go to a designated area and calm down) Teacher/Student conference Teacher/Parent conference Principal visit

If needed for the safety of my class, the student who is misbehaving will be removed from the area. I will ask for assistance from a teacher to watch over my class while I handle the situation elsewhere.

Reinforcements: Intrinsic: 1) 2) 3) 4) Extrinsic: 1) 2) 3) 4) Students will gain extra credit Students will be able to have extra activity or recess Students will be able to sit with friends during lunch Students will be able to be the helper for the day. Lessons will interest students so students will be engaged throughout the lesson Students will get verbal recognition when following the rules Lessons will be challenging for students so there is a want to complete and succeed A positive learning environment will always try to be produced.

Non-Instructional Routines and Procedures: The day will start off with students arriving to school. Students will be asked to sit quietly in the hall until it is time to enter the classroom. As students are arriving in the classroom they will know to write down their lunch choice on the paper located on the podium beside the door. Students will then get the materials they will need from their book bags and cubbies. Before the class I will have two students go into the classroom and sharpen two pencils for each student and place them on the desk. If students need more pencils they will have the freedom to get up and get a pencil from the bucket. Students will begin on their morning work. I will have two students pass out breakfast to all of the students. As students are doing morning work I will call a group at a time up to my kidney shaped table to check homework and signed papers. After students have finished morning work we will go over it as a class. Students will then know to put morning work up and come sit on the rug located at the front of the classroom. A class meeting will then take place. The first thing we will do is a greeting. The helper for the day will decide on the greeting. I will have a class meeting to start our day off on a positive and care free note. After the greeting we will then complete a classroom activity. A classroom activity is held to encourage a team building activity. The next thing that will be done is sharing. During this time I will either give the students a topic to discuss or let students share something with the class. Lastly the news for the day will be shared. I will discuss with the class what we will be covering that day and also if there are in special activities that are planned for that day. Every student will have a job in my class. Some jobs in the class will be the classroom librarian. This student will make sure the classroom library is neat and all books are placed in the proper basket. Another student will be the banker. If students have brought money for ice-cream or

fieldtrips this student will place the money in the money bag. This student also will be asked to record that brought money and how much they brought. Some other jobs will be the line leaders, the recess basket leader and the folder collector. I will assign these at the beginning of the year. The helper of the day will be announced during the class meeting. The helper will know what is expected from them. They will be in charge of taking notes to the office, collecting papers, washing the lunch table and grabbing the first-aid kit when we leave the room. Daily procedures will be practiced as needed. Students will be able to use the restroom when needed. If a student is taking advantage of this freedom I will intervene. Students will have checkpoints when walking down the hall. We will practice these the first week of school and then as needed. If students start having a difficult time with the checkpoints we will review them. Most lessons will be taught on the rug and also at students desk, During transitions students will know to report to the rug at the start of the lesson. Students will know that when this is being done they are able to talk to one another. When the lesson starts they know to turn and face the board and give whoever is speaking their full attention. When a student needs to leave the classroom for whatever reason they will take a hall pass with them. Each hall pass will have the location written on it. When students are leaving the classroom at the end of day they will know to clean up their area and place their chairs on their desk. Students will then line up and as directed will leave the classroom and head to their designed areas for dismissal. As a whole class at the beginning of the year we will discuss why it is important to have rules and procedures. We will also discuss ways to follow procedures and the right way to follow them and the wrong way to follow them. I will have students act these out. During an emergency situation I will follow the plan my school administration has in place. I will review these with my class and also have a copy presented on one of the walls in the classroom. I will also discuss with students how we should line up if there is an emergency and the destination we will go to. Students will also be able to ask questions. Before a drill I will have students discuss with one another what our procedures are when there is an emergency. During the drill or actual emergency I will keep students calm and make sure everyone is following the procedures we have discussed.

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