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Reading Part 1: DEAR/AR Part 2: Whole Group o Build Background o Realistic Fiction and Dialogue o Writing Traits-compare and contrast Part 3 Small Group o Vocab Foldable o Spelling Study o Independent Work o Small Group 1. Read for today 2. Write for today 3. Writing Journal-compare and contrast apples to oranges. Tell how they are alike and different by drawing a Venn Diagram in your journal 4. Practice book pgs. 172-175comprehension activity 5. DEAR/AR 1. Vocab foldable with a partner-example provided on the board: word, picture, define, and use in a sentence. 2. Small group with teacher 3. Independent work 4. Write a story with a friend: must be realistic fiction, contain dialogue, and have at least two characters. Standard: SL.3.1C Essential question: How do animals adapt to changes in their environment? Explain: Adapt to changes over time. Class discussion on the question Tell students we will talk about how and ermine adapts to its environment. Pg. 287 Engage Watch video on Ermine Look at photos of ermine Explain Talk about what we have learned after the video and how it can relate to other

Independent Work

Small Group Stations

Whole Group: Building Background Knowledge

animals Explore Create a web talking about the main idea and supporting details. o Students will draw this in their journals Elaborate Students will be assigned partners and discuss further questioning on page t138 Evaluate Discuss those questions as a class and wrap up this part of the lesson Whole Group: Realistic Fiction and Dialogue The teacher will quickly review what realistic fiction is by asking the students what it is and to provide examples of it. To address dialogue, the teacher will provide an example on the board and ask the students what they see. After the students talk about how they see quotation marks and characters, the teacher will explain what dialogue is and what it is used for. The class will practice by going over a few examples provided by the students. The teacher will assist if needed. For a formative assessment, the students will read a paragraph in a story in their RWWs and find at least one line of dialogue and point to it while the teacher walks around to see if they got it down. o The students will later write a story with a partner using dialogue and realistic fiction. The teacher will have a picture of a Venn Diagram on the board and ask the students if they know what it is called and why we use it. The teacher will choose two students from the group. o The students will then give the teacher similarities and differences amongst the students as she puts that information on the board. o If the students begin to struggle, we will put simple facts about

Whole Group: Compare and Contrast

each person on the board and the students will then look to see which ones are similar and which ones are different The teacher will then have the students split back up into their assigned partner and create their own Venn Diagram using the story Red Fox and Grey Wolf. After a few minutes the class will talk about the similarities and differences we found in the story The teacher will wrap up the lesson by asking why it is important that we compare and contrast and how it can be useful.

Small Group Reading Objectives Engage

Explain Explore


Approaching Students will be able to find the main idea within the text and list 2-3 supporting details Ask the students what they remember about the story they read the previous day Have them share one detail each Review the main idea and reread the story Go through each chapter and ask questions -what does the introduction tell us about the main idea of this text?(provide supporting evidence) - what is the main idea of chapter one? How have wings inspired scientists? The students will fill out a graphic organizer as we go and it will be used as a formative assessment.

Small Group Reading Objectives Engage Explain


At/Above Students will be able to find the main idea within the text and list 2-3 supporting details Ask the students what they remember from reading the story the previous day Discuss expository text (what it is and why we use it) then talk about the main idea and how we support our main idea when writing Students will fill out a graphic organizer as they reread the text noting down the main idea and 3 supporting details.

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