Aptitude Questions

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1.There is a escalator and 2 persons move down it.

A takes 50 steps and B takes 75 steps while the escalator is moving down. Given that the time taken by A to take 1 step is e !al to time taken by B to take " steps. #ind the no. o$ steps in the escalator while it is staionary. %ol!tion &not s!re'( )$ A takes 1 step in one second* then B takes " steps in one second. )$ A takes t1 seconds to take 50 steps* then B takes 150 steps in t1 seconds. #or B* to take 150 steps he re !ires t1 seconds* then to take 75 steps he re !ires t1+2 seconds. %o now* s1,50* t1 , t1 - s2,75* t2,t1+2 ans, &s1.t2 / s2.t1' + &t1 / t2' which gives 100. so 100 steps is the answer 2. )$ 5+2 artists make 5+2 paintings !sing 5+2 canvases in 5+2 days then how many artists r re !ired to make 25 paintings !sing 25 canvases in 25 days0 ". )$ the digits o$ my present age are reversed then i get the age o$ my son.)$ 1 year ago my age was twice as that o$ my son.#ind my present age. ans. $ather17"* son1"7 2. There are 3531 balls o!t o$ them 1 is heavy.#ind the min. no. o$ times the balls have to be weighed $or $inding o!t the haevy ball. ans. 4 5. )$ i walk with "0 miles+hr i reach 1 ho!r be$ore and i$ i walk with 20 miles+hr i reach 1 ho!r late.#ind the distance between 2 points and the e5act time o$ reaching destination is 11 am then $ind the speed with which it walks. ans. 120miles and 22 miles+hr 3. There r $o!r $ace cards &6*7*8*A' all o$ di$$erent types&diamond*cl!b*spade*heart' and some conditions r given.$ind the order o$ cards ans. king 19 :ack 19 !een 19 ace heart diamond spade cl!b 7. )$ A*B*;*<*= r 5 members o$ a $amily.2 o$ them give tr!e statements ( 1. = is my mother in law 2. ; is my son in law>s brother ". B is my $ather>s brother 2. A is my brother>s wi$e

?ho made the stmt. and what r the realtions among them ans. = @ AA119B11; @ < A119 denotes h!sband1wi$e 11 denotes brothers 4. The prod!ct o$ 5 di$$erent temperat!res is 12.)$ all o$ then r integers then $ind all the temperat!res ans. 12*11*1*2*" B.There r B cities n!mbered 1 to B.#rom how many cities the $light can start so as to reach the city 4 either directly or indirectly s!ch the path $ormed is divisible by ". eg. 1"341#lights goes thro!gh 11"1314. 10. )$ i do this p!CCle i $ind it to be hard than the last p!CCle that i did be$ore that a$ter that..............very comple5 stmt. )s that p!CCle di$$ic!lt*easy*can>t say or depends on the no. o$ p!CCles 11. Deplace each letter by a digit. =ach letter m!st be represented by the same digit and no beginning letter o$ a word can be 0. EF= EF= EF= EF= 1111111 T=F 1111111 Ans( 0 ,1* F , 4 *= , 2* T , 7. 12. Ann* Boobie* ;athy and <ave are at their monthly b!siness meeting. Their occ!pations are a!thor* biologist* chemist and doctor* b!t not necessarily in that order. <ave :!st told the biologist that ;athy was on her way with do!ghn!ts. Ann is sitting across $rom the doctor and ne5t to the chemist. The doctor was thinking that Boobie was a goo$y name $or parent>s to choose*b!t didn>t say anything. ?hat is each person>s occ!pation0 Ans( %ince <ave spoke to the biologist and Ann sat ne5t to the chemist and across the doctor* ;athy m!st be the a!thor and Ann the biologist. The doctor didn>t speak* b!t <avid did* so Bobbie is the doctor and <ave the chemist.

.1". %ometime a$ter 10(00 GH a m!rder took place. A witness claimed that the clock m!st have stopped at the time o$ the shooting. )t was later $o!nd that the postion o$ both the hands were the same b!t their positions had interchanged. Tell the time o$ the shooting &both act!al and claimed'. Ans( Time o$ shooting , 11(52 GH ;laimed Time , 10(5B GH. .12. Fe5t n!mber in the series is 1 * 2 * 2 * 1" * "1 * 112 * 0 Ans( 222. Fo n!mber has digits more than 2. All o$ them are 1 * 2* 2* 4 * 13 * "2 * 32 converted to n!mbers in base 5. .15. %hahr!kh speaks tr!th only in the morning and lies in the a$ternoon* whereas %alman speaks tr!th only in the a$ternoon. A says that B is %hahr!kh. )s it morning or a$ternoon and who is A 1 %hahr!kh or %alman0 Ans( A$ternoon.A is %alman. .13. Two trains starting at same time* one $rom Bangalore to Hysore and other in opposite direction arrive at their destination 1 hr and 2 ho!rs respectively a$ter passing each other. Iow n!ch $aster is one train $rom other0 Ans( Twice. .17. There are 3 vol!mes o$ books on a rack kept in order & ie vol.1* vol. 2 and so on '. Give the position a$ter the $ollowing changes were noticed. All books have been changed Jol.5 was directly to the right o$ Jol.2 Jol.2 has Jol.3 to its le$t and both weren>t at Jol.">s place.Jol.1 has Jol." on right and Jol.5 on le$t. An even n!mbered vol!me is at Jol.5>s place #ind the order in which the books are kept now. Ans( 2* 5*1*"*3*2. .14. ) bo!ght a car with a pec!liar 5 digit n!mbered licence plate which on reversing co!ld still be read. En reversing val!e is increased by 743"".?hats the original n!mber i$ all digits were di$$erent0 Ans( Enly 0 1 3 4 and B can be read !pside down. %o on rearranging these digits* we get the answer as 10B34. 1B. The shape in the sketch below is that o$ a s !are attached to hal$ o$ a similar s !are. <ivide it into $o!r e !al pieces. Ans( Iint ( The $ig!re can be divided into 12 e !al triangles.

20' There are two balls to!ching each other circ!m$erencically. The radi!s o$ the big ball is 2 times the diameter o$ the small all. The o!ter small ball rotates in anticlockwise direction circ!m$erencically over the bigger one at the rate o$ 13 rev+sec. The bigger wheel also rotates anticlockwise at F rev+sec. ?hat is >F> $or the horiContal line $rom the centre o$ small wheel always is horiContal. 21' 12"2 K"255 1111111111 234B 12"25 1111111111 2"22 K1252 111111111111 "3B4 111111111111 7' %trike o$$ any digit $rom each n!mber in seven rows &need not be at same place' and combine the same operations with " digit n!mbers to get the same addition. A$ter this strike o$$ another digit $rom all and add all the Fo.s to get the same 2 digit Fo. per$orm the same process again with 1 digit Fo.s. Give the > no.s in 7 rows at each stage. . 22' There is a sa$e with a 5 digit Fo. The 2th digit is 2 greater than second digit* while "rd digit is " less than 2nd digit. The 1st digit is thrice the last digit. There are " pairs whose s!m is 11. #ind the n!mber. Ans( 352B2. 2"' there are 2 g!ards Bal and Gal walking on the side o$ a wall o$ a wearho!se&12m L 11m' in opposite directions. They meet at a point and Bal says to Gal M%ee yo! again in the other sideM. A$ter a $ew moments o$ walking Bal decides to go back $or a smoke b!t he changes his direction again to his previo!s one a$ter 10 min!tes o$ walking in the other&opposite' direction remembering that Gal will be waiting $or to meet. )$ Bal and Gal walk 4 and 11 $eet respectively* how m!ch distance they wo!ld have travelled be$ore meeting again. 22. 1" kigs and 3 libs can prod!ce 510 tors in 10 hrs* 4 kigs and 12 libs can prod!ce 242 tors in 12 hrs. #ind the rate o$ prod!ction o$ tors $or kigs and libs. =5press the answer in tors+hr.

25' 555'55555&555 "55 1111111 555 5"5 1111111 555 "55 1111111 7' #ind the 5 digit Fo. Iint( 5 is !sed atleast once in the calc!lation. 23' A $ly is there 1 $eet below the ceiling right across a wall length is "0m at e !al distance $rom both the ends. There is a spider 1 $eet above $loor right across the long wall e idistant $rom both the ends. )$ the width o$ the room is 12m and 12m* what distance is to be travelled by the spider to catch the $ly* i$ it takes the shortest path. 27' Damesh sit aro!nd a ro!nd table with some other men. Ie has one r!pee more than his right person and this person in t!rn has 1 r!pee more than the person to his right and so on* Damesh decided to give 1 r!pee to his right - he in t!rn 2 r!pees to his right and " r!pees to his right - so on. This process went on till a person has >no money> to give to his right. At this time he has 2 times the money to his right person. Iow many men are there along with Damesh and what is the money with poorest $ellow. 24'7!estion related to probabilities o$ removing the red ball $rom a basket* given that two balls are removed $rom the basket and the other ball is red. The basket contains bl!e*red*yellow balls. 2B'Jenkat has 1boy-2da!ghters.The prod!ct o$ these children age is 72.The s!m o$ their ages give the door n!mbero$ Jenkat.Boy is elder o$ three.;an yo! tell the ages o$ all the three. "0'N(says all o$ my other 2 $riends have money H(says that G said that e5act one has money F(says that N said that precisely two have money E(says that H said that " o$ others have money. G(Nand F said that they have money. All are liers. ?ho has money - who doesn>t have0

"1'Gost man has a data o$ name s!rname door n!mber* pet name o$ 2 $amilies. B!t only one is correct $or each $amily. There are a set o$ statements - !estions. ""' 2 co!ples have a party. <epending on the set o$ statements* $ind who ins!lted whom and who is the host o$ the party. "2' 5 women given some o$ their heights &tall*medi!m*short' Iair& long* plainted'* stards&Black or Brown'* sari*2 medi!m*21short.Tall19no sari.Glainted19medi!m. Answer the combinations. "5' A person has to go both Forthwards - %o!thwards in search o$ a :ob. Ie decides to go by the $irst train he enco!nters.There are trains $or every 15 min both so!thwards and northwards. #irst train towards so!th is at 3(00 A.H. and that towards Forth is at 3(10. )$ the person arrives at any random time* what is the probability that he gets into a train towards Forth. "3' A person has his own coach-. ?henever he goes to railway station he takes his coach. Ene day he was s!pposed to reach the railway station at 5 E>clock. B!t he $inished his work early and reached at " E>clock. Then he r!ng !p his residence and asked to send the coach immediately. Ie came to know that the coach has le$t :!st now to the railway station. Ie tho!ght that the coach has le$t :!st now to the railway station. Ie tho!ght that he sho!ld not waste his time and started moving towards his residence at the speed o$ " miles+hr. En the way* he gets the coach and reaches home at 3 o>clock. Iow $ar is his residence $rom railway station. "7' Dadha*Geeta - Devathi went $or a picnic. A$ter a $ew days they $orgot the date* day and month on which they went to picnic. Dadha said that it was on Th!rsday* Hay 4 and Geeta said that it was Th!rsday Hay 10. Devathi said #riday 6!n 4. Fow one o$ them told all things wrongly* others one thing wrong and the last two things wrongly. )$ April 1st is t!esday* what is the right day* date and month0 "4. There is 335""m rectang!lar area. Dam is 11+4 times $aster than 8rishna. Both o$ them started walking at opposite ends and they met at some point then* Dam said M%ee yo! in the other endM Then they contin!ed walking. A$ter some time Dam tho!ght he will have tea so he t!rned back walked back 15 meters then he changed his mind again andcontin!ed walking. Iow m!ch 8rishna has traveled by the time they meet0 "B. There are 5 b!rglars and once went to a bakery to rob it obvio!sly The $irst g!y ate 1+2 o$ the total bread and 1+2 o$ the bread. The second g!y ate 1+2 o$ the remaining and 1+2 o$ the bread. The third g!y *$o!rth g!y and $i$th g!y did the same. A$ter $i$th g!y there is no bread le$t o!t. Iow many bread are there0

20. All members belonging to < are members o$ A. All members belonging to = are members o$ <. All members belonging to ; are members o$ both A - <. %ome members o$ A does not belong to <. All members belonging to < are members o$ =. 5 !estions are there. 21. ?rite each statements tr!e or $alse(1 1. The s!m o$ the 1st three statements and the 2nd $alse statement gives the tr!e statement. 2.The no. o$ tr!e statements $alse statement. ". The s!m o$ 2nd tr!e statement and 1st $alse statement gives the $irst tr!e statement. 2. There are at most " $alse statements. 5.There is no two consec!tive tr!e statements. 22. There are twelve consec!tive $lags at an e !al interval o$ distance. A man passes the 4th $lag in 4 seconds. Iow many more seconds will he take to pass the remaining 2 $lags0 2". A person has to cover the $i5ed distance thro!gh his horses. There are $ive horses in the cart. They ran at the $!ll potential $or the 22 ho!rs contin!o!sly at constant speed and then two o$ the horses ran away to some other direction. %o he reached the destination 24 ho!rs behind the sched!le. )$ the $ive horses wo!ld have r!n 50 miles more* then the person wo!ld have been only 22 ho!rs late. #ind the distance o$ the destination. 22. A boat H leaves shore A and at the same time boat B leaves shore B. They move across the river. They met at 500 yards away $rom A and a$ter that they met "00 yards away $rom shore B witho!t halting at shores. #ind the distance between the shore A - B. 25. A person was going thro!gh train $rom Bombay to G!ne. A$ter every $ive min!tes he $inds a train coming $rom opposite direction. Jelocity o$ trains are e !al o$ either direction. )$ the person reached G!ne in one ho!r then how many trains he saw in the :o!rney0 23. #ood grains are to be sent to city $rom godown. Ewner wants to reach the $ood grains at 11 E> ;lock in the city. )$ a tr!ck travels at a speed o$ "0km+hr then he will reach the city one ho!r earlier. )$ the tr!ck travels at a speed o$ 20km+h then he will reach the city one ho!r late. #ind the distance between the godown to city. Also with which speed the tr!ck sho!ld travel in order to reach at e5actly 11 >E clock. 27. There are $ive persons A*B*;*<*= whose birthdays occ!r at the consec!tive days. Birthday o$ A is some days or day be$ore ; - birthday o$ B is e5actly the same days or day a$ter =. < is two days older than =. )$ birth day o$ ; is on ?ednesday then $ind o!t the birthdays o$ other.

24. Gersons say these statements.

A says either <emocratic or liberal wins the elections. B says <emocratic wins. ; says neither democratic nor liberal wins the election. E$ these only one is wrong. ?ho wins the election0 2B. %i5 persons A*B*;*<*= -# went to soldier cinema. There are si5 consec!tive seats. A sits in the $irst seat $ollowed by B* $ollowed by ; and so on. )$ A taken on o$ the si5 seats* then B sho!ld sit ad:acent to A. ; sho!ld sit ad:acent to A or B. < sho!ld sit ad:acent to A* B or ; and so on. Iow many possibilities are there 0 50. %!ppose there are $o!r grades A* B* ;* <. &A is the best and < is the worst' 2 persons 6ack* 6ean* Go!l and N!cy wrote the $inal e5am and made the statements like this(1 1. 6ack( )$ ) will get A then N!cy will get <. 2. N!cy( )$ ) will get ; then 6ack will get <. 6ack grade is better than Go!l grade. ". 6ean( )$ 6ean doesn>t get A then 6ack will not get A. 2. Go!l( )$ 6ack get A* then 6ean will not get B* N!cy will get ;* ) won>t either A or B. )$ all the above statements are tr!e* then which person will get which grade0 51. =ach man dances with " women* =ach women dances with " men. Among each pair o$ men they have e5actly two women in common. #ind the no. o$ men and women. 52. A s!rvey was taken among 100 people to $ind their pre$erence o$ watching t.v. programmes. There are " channels. Given no o$ people who watch at least channel 1* at least channel 2*at least channel "* no channels at all* at least channels 1 and "* at least channels 1 and 2* at least channels 2 and ". #ind the no o$ people who watched all three. 5". A bird keeper has got G pigeon* H mynas and % sparrows. The keeper goes $or l!nch leaving his assistant to watch the birds. %!ppose p,10* m,5* s,4. a.' ?hen the bird keeper comes back* the assistant in$orms that 5 birds have escaped. The bird keeper e5claims oh noO all my sparrows are gone. Iow many birds $lew away. b.' when the bird keeper come back* the assistant told him that 5 birds have escaped. The keeper realised that atleast 2 sparrows have escaped. ?hat is minim!m no o$ birds that can escape. 52. %elect $rom the $ive alternatives A*B*;*<*=. At the end o$ each !estion* two conditions will be given. The choices are to $illed as $ollows. A( )$ a de$inite concl!sion can be drawn $rom condition 1. B( )$ a de$inite concl!sion can be drawn $rom condition 2. ;( )$ a de$inite concl!sion can be drawn $rom condition 1 and 2. <( )$ a de$inite concl!sion can be drawn $rom condition 1 or 2. =( Fo concl!sion can be drawn !sing both conditions. 1. Gerson 1 says FA5

Gerson 2 says n95. Gerson " says "F920 Gerson 2 says "n910 Gerson 5 says FA4. ?hat is the val!e o$ F0 55. There are F coins on a table. There are two players A-B. Po! can take 1or 2 coins at a time. The person who takes the last coin is the loser. A always starts $irst. 1. )$ F,7* then a' A can always win by taking two coins in his $irst chance. b' B can win only i$ A takes two coins in his $irst chance. c' B can always win by proper play. d' none o$ the above. 2. A can win by proper play i$ F is e !al to a' 1" b' "7 c' 22 d' "2 e' 24 Ans( =. ". B can win by proper play i$ F is e !al to a' 25 b'23 c' "2 d' 21 e' none 2. i$ FA2* can A win by proper play always0 53. There are 2 parties A*B*;*<. There are " people 5*y*C. L1says A or < will win. P1 says A will not win. Q1says B or < will not win. Enly one o$ them is tr!e. ?hich party won0 57. 5 persons D*%*T*R*J are contesting $or a medal. =val!ation is over =nglish* Haths* Ghysics* ;hemistry and Iindi. Toper will get 5 marks* least will get 1 mark. Fo ties any where. D get 22 and won the overall medal. J gets $irst in ;hemistry and third in Iindi* T got consistent scores in 2 s!b:ects. Their $inal standings where in the alphabetical order. ?hat was the score o$ % in ;hemistry. 57. There are " types o$ castes* say A*B*;. A1 always tells tr!th* B1 always $alse* ;1 alternating. L says 119 Q is o$ ; type* ) am o$ A type. P says 119 L is a B type. Q says 119 L is o$ B type. ?ho is o$ which type0

54. Gersons A and B. Gerson A picks a random no. $rom 1 to 1000. Then person B picks a random no. $rom 1 to 1000. ?hat is the probability o$ B getting no. greater then what A has picked0 5B. Three boys and three girls bro!ght !p together. 6im* 6ane* Tom* Jirgina* <orthy* LLL. They marry among themselves to $orm three co!ples. ;onditions are(1 i' %!m o$ their ages wo!ld be the same. ii' Jirgina was the oldest. iii' 6im was dorthy>s brother. iv' %!m o$ ages 6aneK6im and TomKdorthy is same. Give the three co!ples. 30. LS&1+"' 1 LS&1+B' ,30. %olve $or L. 31. L Q PKL P Q , P Q L. #ind the three digits. 32. Two boats start $rom opposite banks o$ river perpendic!lar to the shore. Ene is $aster then the other. They meet at 720 yards $rom one o$ the ends. A$ter reaching opposite ends they rest $or 10mins each. A$ter that they start back. This time on the ret!rn :o!rney they meet at 200yards $rom the other end o$ the river. ;alc!late the width o$ the river. 3". Basketball To!rnament organiCers decided that two consec!tive de$eats will knock o!t the team. There are 51 teams participating. ?hat is the ma5im!m no. o$ matches that can be played. 32. The Haster says to his grandmaster that me and my three co!sins have ages in prime nos. only. %!mmation o$ o!r ages is 50. Grandmaster who knows the age o$ the master instantly tells the ages o$ the three co!sins. Tell the ages o$ three co!sins.& 1 is not considered as prime no.' 35. There are two $amilies Alens and smiths. They have two children each. There names are A*B*;*< whose ages are di$$erent and ages are less then or e !al to 11. The $ollowing conditions are given(1 i' A>s age is three years less then his brother>s age . ii' B is eldest among the $o!r. iii' ; is hal$ the age o$ the eldest in Alens $amily. iv' The di$$erence in s!m o$ the ages o$ Alens children and smiths children is same as that o$ $ive years ago. #ind the ages o$ all the children.

33. a*b*c*d*e are having n!merical val!es. There are some conditions given(1 a' a,c A,,, bO,e b' <i$$erence between a and c as same as di$$erence between c and b as same as di$$erence between a and d. c' cAa and c9d. Then $ind a*b*c*d*e. 37. There are si5 cards in which it has two king cards. all cards are t!rned down and two cards are opened. a' ?hat is the possibility to get at least one king. b' ?hat is the possibility to get two kings. 34. There are 5 persons a*b*c*d*e and each is wearing a block or white cap on his head. A person can see the caps o$ the remaining $o!r b!t can>t see his own cap. A person wearing white says tr!e and who wears block says $alse. i' a says i see " whites and 1 block. ii' b says i see 2 blocks. iii' e says i see 2 whites. iv' c says i see " blocks and 1 white. Fow $ind the caps weared by a*b*c*d and e. 3B. There are two women* kavitha and shamili and two males shyam* aravind who are m!sicians. E!t o$ these $o!r one is a pianist* one $l!tist* violinist and dr!mmer. i' Across aravind beats pianist. ii' Across shyam is not a $l!tist. iii' 8avitha>s le$t is a pianist. iv' %hamili>s le$t is not a dr!mmer. v' #l!tist and dr!mmer are married. 70. ?hen Arth!r is as old as his $ather Iailey is now* he shall be 5 times as old as his son ;larke is now. By then* ;larke will be 4 times older than Arth!r is now. The combined ages o$ Iailey and Arth!r are 100 years. Iow old is ;larke0 71. The seven digits in this s!btraction problem are 0* 1* 2* "* 2* 5 and 3. =ach letter represents the same digit whenever it occ!rs. <A < ; B 1 = B = G 11111111111111111111 B# = G 11111111111111111111 ?hat digit is represented by each letter0

72. The 6ones have named their $o!r boys a$ter $avorite relativesT their $riends* the %miths* have done the same thing with their three boys. Ene o$ the $amilies has twin boys. #rom the $ollowing cl!es* can yo! determine the $amilies o$ all seven children and their ages0 i' Jalentine is 2 years older than his twin brothers. ii' ?inston* who is 4* and Benedict are not brothers. They are each named a$ter a grand$ather. iii' Briscoe is two years yo!nger than his brother Iamilton* B!t three years older than <ewey. iv' <ecat!r is 10 years old. v' Benedict is " years yo!nger than JalentineT they are not related. vi' The twins are named $or !ncles. 7". Hotorboat A leaves shore G as B leaves 7T they move across the lake at a constant speed. They meet $irst time 300 yards $rom G. =ach ret!rns $rom the opposite shore witho!t halting* and they meet 200 yards $rom. Iow long is the lake0 72. En the )sland o$ imper$ection there is a special road* Nogic Nane* on which the ho!ses are !s!ally reserved $or the more mathematical inhabitants. Add* <ivide and =ven live in three di$$erent ho!ses on this road &which has ho!ses n!mbered $rom 1150'. Ene o$ them is a member o$ the G!kka Tribe* who always tell the tr!th. Another is a member o$ the ?otta Tribe* who never tell the tr!th and the third is a member o$ the %halla Tribe* who make statements which are alternately tr!e and $alse* or $alse and tr!e. They make statements as $ollows(1 A<<( 1. The n!mber o$ my ho!se is greater than that o$ <ivide>s. 2. Hy n!mber is divisible by 2. ". =ven>s n!mber di$$ers by 1" $rom that o$ one o$ the others. <)J)<= ( 1. Add>s n!mber is divisible by 12. 2. Hy n!mber is "7. ". =ven>s n!mber is even. =J=F ( 1. Fo one>s n!mber is divisible by 10. 2. Hy n!mber is "0. ". Add>s n!mber is divisible by ". #ind to which tribe each o$ them belongs* and the n!mber o$ each o$ their ho!ses. 75. The names o$ the inhabitants o$ ?alkie Talkie Nand so!nd strange to the visitors* and they $ind it di$$ic!lt to prono!nce them* d!e to their length and a $ew vowel so!nds they contain. The ?alkie Talkie g!ide is disc!ssing the names o$ $o!r inhabitants U A*B*; and <. Their names each contain !pto eight syllables* altho!gh none o$ the $o!r names contain the same n!mber. Two o$ the names contain no vowel so!ndsT one contains one vowel so!ndT and one contains two vowel so!nds. #rom the G!ide>s

statements below* determine the n!mber o$ syllables and vowel so!nds in each o$ the $o!r ?alkie Talkie names(1 i' The one whose name contains two vowel so!nds is not A. ii' ;>s name does not contain more than one vowel so!nd or $ewer than seven syllables. iii' The name with seven syllables does not contain e5actly one vowel so!nd. iv' B and ; do not have names with the same n!mber o$ vowel so!nds. v' Feither the name with $ive syllables nor the name with seven syllables contains more than one vowel so!nd. vi' Feither the name with si5 syllables* nor the B>s name* contains two vowel so!nds. 73. Two identical twins have a very !n!s!al characteristic. Ene tells nothing b!t lies on Hondays* ?ednesdays and #ridays* and tells nothing b!t the tr!th all other days. The other tells nothing b!t lies on T!esdays* Th!rsdays and %at!rdays* and tells nothing b!t the tr!th all other days. En %!ndays both children speak the tr!th. 77. According to the in$ormation presented* which o$ the $ollowing conversations will be impossible. a'Twin A ( MToday yo! are a lierM Twin B ( MPo! are telling the tr!thM b'Twin A ( MToday yo! are a lierM Twin B ( MToday ) am a tr!th tellerM c'Twin A ( MTommorow ) shall be a lierM Twin B ( MThat>s correctM d'Twin A ( MTommorow yo! will be a lierM Twin B ( MToday yo! are a tr!thtellerM e'Twin A ( MPesterday we were both tr!thtellersM Twin B ( MPo! are lyingM. 74. Ass!me that the twins $ollowed a di$$erent set o$ r!les* so that on a given day both told only the tr!th while ne5t day both only lied* alternating days o$ tr!th telling and lying. Rnder these r!les*which o$ the $ollowing conversations wo!ld be possible0 a' Twin A ( MToday yo! are a lierM Twin B ( MThat is correctM b' Twin A ( MToday yo! are a lierM Twin B ( MThat is not soM c' Twin A ( MTommorow we will be liersM Twin B ( MPesterday we were tr!thtellersM d' Twin A ( MTommorow we will be liersM Twin B ( MPo! are 1 year older than ) amM e' Twin A ( M?e always tell the tr!thM Twin B ( M?e some times tell the tr!thM.

7B. )$ the twins are heard saying the $ollowing on the same day* which choice presents a correct statement 0 Twin A ( M)t is %!nday TodayM Twin B ( MPesterday was %!ndayM Twin A ( Mit is s!mmer season nowM a' it is a s!mmer s!nday. b' it is a s!mmer monday. c' it is Honday b!t not s!mmer. d' it is %!nday b!t not s!mmer. e' it is impossible to determine whether it is %!nday or Honday. .40. )n the month o$ october in a year has e5actly $o!r mondays and $o!r $ridays* $ind what day o$ week wiil be on the 20th o$ Fovember o$ that year. Ans( 20th Fovember was a wednesday. 41. %i5 persons A*B*;*<*= - # went to solider cinima. There are si5 conse!tive seats. A sits in one o$ the seats $ollowed by B* $ollowed by ; and soon. )$ a taken one o$ the si5 seats * then B sho!ld sit ad:acent to A. ; sho!ld sit ad:acent A or B. < sho!ld sit ad:acent to A* B*or ; and soon. Iow many possibilities are there0 Ans( "2 ways. 4". )n mathematica co!ntry 1*2*"*2....*4*B are nine cities. ;ities which $orm a no. that is divisible by " are connected by air planes. &e.g. cities 1 - 2 $orm no. 12 which divisible by " then 1 is connected to city 2'. #ind the total no. o$ ways yo! can go to 4 i$ yo! are allowed to break the :o!rnies. Ans( 5. 42. AB;<= are sisters. =ach o$ them gives 2 gi$ts and each receives 2 gi$ts Fo two sisters give the same combination & e.g. i$ A gives 2 gi$ts to B then no other sisters can give $o!r to other one.' &i' B gives $o!r to A. &ii' ; gives " to =. Iow m!ch did A*B*;*= give to <0 Ans( <onor no o$ gi$ts A 1 B 1 ; 1 < 2 45. There are some b!lbs*which are n!mbered $rom 1 to 100.all the b!lbs are in on conditions. The $ollowing operations are per$ormed(1 1. Those b!lbs n!mber which are divisible by 2 are switched E##. 2. Those b!lbs n!mbered which are divisible by " are switched EF &which are already E##' and E## b!lbs are switched EF. ". %imilarly b!lbs n!mbers divisible by 2 are either switched EF or E## depending !pon there previo!s condition.

2. This proced!re is adopted till 100th b!lb. At the end there were how many b!lbs which were in EF condition0 Ans( 10 & only per$ect s !ares '. 43. There are di$$erent n!mbers related with A*B*;*<*=.s!ch that* AB.;<,===. =.;<1 AB,;;. #ind AB.<. Ans( B=. 47. #ind the total no o$ 10 digits whose s!m is 2. 44.#o!r m!sician problem&re$er GD= BADDEF%'. 4B.GD= BADDEF% problem 119 Groblem n!mber 25 to 24 page no. 2. B0. A* B* ; are " girls and there are 770 Apples. #or every 2 Apples* A takes*B takes ". #or ever 3 Apples* ; takes 7 Apples0 Ans( 231(125("0". .B1' T* R* J are " $riends digging gro!ps in $ields. )$ T - R can complete i groove in 2 days -* R - J can complete 1 groove in " days - J - T can complete in 2 days. #ind how many days each takes to complete 1 groove individ!ally. Ans( 22 days. B2' 2 mathematician has 5 apples. )$ he arranges them in rows o$ " one will be le$t. The same is the case with 5*7*B apples. B!t when he arranged them in rows o$ 11* non will be le$t. #ind the no. o$ apples. Ans( B23. &Iint( 11.3 11.11 11.13 11.21 ,2=......11.73 ,"<B23'. B"' I starts r!nning a$ter T reaches 1+5th they m!st when I reach 1+3th* i$ I wants win at what speed I sho!ld be r!n0 Fote( Ene circle is there* yo! show this type o$ problem. B2' There are 2 mothers* 2 da!ghters and the colo!r o$ their dresses* and they are aged 1* 2* " - 2. <etails o$ the dresses are given - then it asked abo!t the remaining dresses. B5' There are 5 levels o$ dolls and each o$ di$$erent colors - condition are given. Fote( This type o$ problem also re$er. B3' 5 st!dent A* B* ;* <* =. Ene st!dent knows 5 lang!ages. Nike that !p to one langa!ge. ;onditions(1 .' %panish is most pop!lar langa!ge. .' " persons knows Gorchigese. .' B - ; normally speak =nglish* b!t when < gathered* they switched to %panish beca!se that is only common between the three. .' Enly langa!ge common between A* B* = is #rench. .' Enly langa!ge common between ; - = is )talian.

.B7. An escalator is descending at constant speed. A walks down and takes 50 steps to reach the bottom. B r!ns down and takes B0 steps in the same time as A takes 10 steps. Iow many steps are visible when the escalator is not operating. AF%. 150. B4. =very day a cyclist meets a train at a partic!lar crossing. The road is straignt be$ore the crossing and both are travelling in the same direction. ;yclist travels with a speed o$ 10 8mph. Ene day the cyclist comes late by 25 min. and meets the train 5km be$ore the crossing. ?hat is the speed o$ the train. 30 kmph. BB. #ive persons m!cker:ee* misra* iyer* patil and sharma* all take then $irst or middle names in the $!ll names. There are 2 persons having $irst or middle name o$ k!mar* " persons with mohan* 2 persons with dev and 1 anil. 11 =ither m!kher:ee and patil have a $irst or middle name o$ dev or misra and iyer have their $irst or middle name o$ dev. 11 E$ m!kherk:ee and misre* either both o$ them have a $irst or middle name o$ mohan or neither have a $irst or middle name o$ mohan. 11 =ither iyer o$ sharma has a $irst or middle name o$ k!mar b!t not both. ?ho has the $irst or middle name o$ anil0 Today is H!kher:ee. 101. Two t!rns have vertain pec!liar characteristics. Ene o$ them always lies on Honday* ?ednesday* #riday. The other always lies on T!esdays* th!rsdays and sat!rdays. En the other days they tell the tr!th. Po! are given a conversation. Gerson A 11 Today is s!nday and my name is anil. Gerson B 11 Today is t!esday and my name is Bill. ?hat is today0 Today is t!esday. 102' ?hich o$ the $ollowing statements can be ded!ced $rom the in$ormation presented0 i' )$ it is %!nday* the twins will both say so. ii' )$ it is not %!nday* one twin will give the correct day and the other will lie abo!t everything. iii' En any given day* only one twin will give his correct name. a' i only. b' i and ii only. c' i and iii only. d' ii and iii only. e' i*ii and iii. 10"' )$ the twins are heard saying the $ollowing on the same day* which choice presents a correct statement0 Twin A ( M)t is %!nday TodayM. Twin B ( MPesterday was %!ndayM. Twin A ( Mit is s!mmer season nowM.

a' )t is a s!mmer s!nday. b' )t is a s!mmer monday. c' )t is Honday b!t not s!mmer. d' )t is %!nday b!t not s!mmer. e' )t is impossible to determine whether it is %!nday or Honday. 102. Nogical reasoning tactics practice p!CCle poetry. 1' Ienny* A5ie* Amie are $riends. ;onditions(1 a' Ierry or A5ies is the oldest. b')$ A5ie is the oldest* Amie is the yo!ngest. ?ho is the yo!ngest - who is the oldest0 Ans( Amie is the yo!ngest* A5ie is oldest. 105. There is a robery and $o!r persons are s!spected o!t o$ them one is act!al thie$* these are the sentences said by each one o$ themO A says < had done B says A had done ; says i dddnt done < B lied when he said that i am thie$ E!t o$ these only one man is tr!e remaining are $alse ans ; is the$* < is tr!eO .103 Iow many $o!r digit n!mbers divisible by $o!r can be $ormed !sing 1* 2* "* 2T repetitions are not allowedO ans 3 107 A vender solds two things at same cost 12 D% with one item at 25Vpro$it and other at 20Vloss*by this transaction he made pro$it or loss by how m!ch0 Ans loss*30paise 104. ;onversation between two employees is as $ollows(1 =HGNEP==11( IelloO Fow yo!r e5perience is twice the my e5perience. =HGNEP==12( =5actly two times. =HGNEP==11( B!t at the last meet* yo! said that yo!r e5perience is thrice o$ my e5perience. =HGNEP==12( That is when we met at 2 years back* yo!r e5perience is thrice that o$ yo!rs. ?hat is the e5perience o$ two employess with the company0 Ans( =HGNEP==11( 2 years =HGNEP==12( 4 years. 10B ther are $o!r persons A*B*;*< and $or lang!ages english *$rench*german*italian. conditions 1 only one lang!age is spoken by more than two men 2 A dont know english " a man can speak either $rench or german b!t not both

2 all man cannot spek in a gro!p&no common lang!age' 5 A can mediate when B and ; want to speak with each other 3 each men can speak two lang!ages ans A $rench italian B english $rench ; german italian < german italian 110. There are " women *they having three :ewells* named diamond emerald* r!by " women A*B*; " thie$s <*=*# each they had taken one :ewel $rom each o$ the women $ollowing conditions one who had taken diamond is the bachelor and most dangero!s < >s brother in law = who is less dangero!s than the thie$ who had stolen emerald &this is the key $rom this e had stolen r!by' < did nt stolen $rom B one more condition is there 111. there were three s!spects $or a robbery that happend in a bank* tommy* :oy and br!ce=ach o$ them were saying that ) haven>t done anything and the other two has done it.police $o!nd that tommy was lying .who is the thie$. "H &HAD8%'. 112. 6oe started $rom bombay towards p!ne and her $riend :!lie in opposite direction.they meet at a point .distance travelled by :oe was 1.4 miles more than that o$ :!lie.a$ter spending some both started there way. :oe reaches in 2 ho!rs while :!lie in ".5 ho!rs.Ass!ming both were travelling with constant speed.?ath is the distance between the two cities. 11". there were $ive h!nters A*B*;*<*= and $ive animals A*B*;*<*=. I!nter having the same name with the animal didn>t kill it. =ach h!nter has missed some animal. A animal was h!nt by the h!nter whose name matches with animal h!nt by h!nter B. ; animal was h!nt by the h!nter whose name matches with animal h!nt by h!nter <. = has h!nt ; and missed < .$ind o!t animals h!nted by A*B*;. 3m. 112. A boy picks !p the phone and asks M?ho are yo!0M. The voice $rom the other side answers M) am yo!r mother>s mother1in1lawM. ?hat is the relation o$ the boy with the $ellow speaking at the other end.

115. )magine a rectangle. )ts length , 2.width. A s !are o$ 1 inch is c!t on all corners so that the remaining portion $orms a bo5 when $olded. The vol!me o$ the bo5 is WWWWW c!bic inches. #ind the original dimensions o$ the bo5. 113. 2 persons are doing part time :ob in a company say A and B. TIe company is open $or all the 7 days o$ the week. >A> works every second day. >B> works every "rd day. )$ >A>works on $irst :!ne and >B> works on second :!ne. #ind o!t the date on which both >A> and >B> will work together. 117. ;onsider a pile o$ <iamonds on a table. A thie$ enters and steals 1+2 o$ th e total !anity and then again 2 e5tra $rom the remaining. A$ter some time a second thie$ enters and steals 1+2 o$ the remainingK2. Then "rd thie$ enters and steals 1+2 o$ the remainingK2. Then 2th thie$ enters and steals 1+2 o$ the remainingK2. ?hen the 5th one enters he $inds 1 diamond on the table. #ind o!t the total no. o$ diamonds originally on the table be$ore the 1st thie$ entered. 114. )magine 2 persons A*B*;*<. &)t is a strength determining game'. A $o!nd it hard* b!t co!ld p!ll >;> and ><> to his side. A; and B< pairs on opposite sides $o!nd themselves e !ally balanced. ?hen A and B e5changed thier positions to $orm pairs A< and B;* B; pair co!ld win and p!ll A< to thier side. Erder the 2 persons in Ascending order according to thier strengths. 11B. ;onsider a bea!ty contest. " persons participate. Their names are Attractive* <electable* #ascinating. They are $rom " tribes G!kkas* ?ottas* %!mmas. G!kkas 1 Always speak tr!th. ?ottas 1 Always speak lies. %!mmas 1 %peak tr!th and lies alternatively. =ach o$ the " persons make 2 statements. The person who speaks tr!th is the least bea!ti$!l. #rom the statements they give and the character o$ the " tribal types* $ind o!t which person belongs to which tribe. Also $ind o!t the persons in the Ascending order o$ their bea!ty. 120. There are 5 positions1;lerk* B!yer* ;ashier* Hanager* #loorwalker. There are 5 persons1 Hrs.Allen* Hrs.;Nark* Twain* =wing* Bernett. ;onditions( 1. ;lerk and cashier l!nch time 11."0.to12."0. 2. Ethers 12."0 to 1."0. ". Hrs.Allen and Bernett play d!rind l!nch time. 2. ;lerk and cashier share Bachlor rooms. 5. =wing and Twain are not in good terms beca!se one day when Twain ret!ned early $rom l!nch he saw =wing already sitting $or l!nch and reported abo!t him to the manager. #ind o!t which person holds which post. 121. There are 4 co!rses to be handled by $ac!lty in 2 semesters. 2 in 1st semester and 2 in 2nd semester. The candiadates hired $or the post are k* l* m* n* o. The co!rses are Halvino* %hakespeare* 6oyce* ;ha!ncer........... %ome conditions will be given like* 1. N and F handle %hakespeare and Halvino. 2. H and E handle Halvino and 6oyce.

122. A $amily ) know has several children. =ach boy in this $amily has as many sisters as brothers b!t each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters. Iow many brothers and sisters are there0 ans( 2 boys and " girls. 12". Fo. o$ animals is 11 more than the no. o$ birds. )$ the no. o$ birds were the no. o$ animals and no. o$ animals were the no. o$ birds& ie.* interchanging no.s o$ animals and birds.'* the total no. o$ legs get red!ced by one $i$th &1+5'. Iow many no. o$ birds and animals were there0 ans( birds(11*animals(22 122. )n a soap company a soap is man!$act!red with 11 parts.#or making one soap yo! will get 1 part as scrap. At the end o$ the day ! have 251 s!ch scraps. #rom that how many soaps can be man!$act!red0 ans( 22 K 2K 1 , 25. 125. 2.. @ ".. @ Fo. 7 does not occ!r in this 1111111111111111 @ 5.. @ m!ltiplication. .2. @ .." @ #ind the prod!ct. 1111111111111111 @ ..... @ 1111111111111 @ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ans 2 4 1 "22 11111 532 5320 42"00 111111111 B0242 111111111

123. There is a 5digit no. " pairs o$ s!m is eleven each.Nast digit is " times the $irst one. " rd digit is " less than the second. 2 th digit is 2 more than the second one. #ind the digit. ans ( 252B3. 127. There are $ive thieves* each loot a bakery one a$ter the other s!ch that the $irst one takes 1+2 o$ the total no. o$ the breads pl!s 1+2 o$ a bread. %imilarly 2nd* "rd*2th and 5$th also did the same. A$ter the $i$th one no. o$ breads remained are ". )nitially how many breads were there0 ans ( "1.

124.There are some chicken in a po!ltry. They are $ed with corn Ene sack o$ corn will come $or B days.The $armer decides to sell some chicken and wanted to hold 12 chicken with him. Ie c!ts the $eed by 10V and sack o$ corn comes $or "0 days. %o initially how many chicken are there0 12B.Two people L - P walk on the wall o$ a godown in opposite direction. They meet at a point on one side and then go ahead. L a$ter walking $or some time* walks in opposite direction $or 15 mtrs.Then again he t!rns back and walks in the original direction. ?hat distance did P walk be$ore they met again* i$ L walks 11 mtrs by the time P walks 4 mtrs. 1"0. Groblem $rom %A8RFTANA <=J) >GRQQN=% TE GRQQN= R>. Groblem no( 2"& ?alking back to happiness.' 1"1. #ind a $ive digit n!mber s!b:ect to $ollowing conditions(1 a. )t contains 2 prime no digits. b. "rd digit is the lagest. c. 1st digit , &" rd digit 1 1'. c. %!m o$ 2th digit and 5th digit is less than 1st digit. d. Jal!e o$ the 5th digit lies between the val!e o$ 1st digit and 2nd digit* 5th digit is one hal$ o$ the 2th digit. Ans( 71422 1"2. 1* 2 * "* 2 digits are available. Iow many n!mber o$ 2 digited n!mbers which are divisible by 2. &There sho!ld be no repetition o$ digits in the n!mbers' can be $ormed0 Ans( 3 n!mbers. 1"". A hill o$ 220 yards is there. Two competitors 6A;8 and 6)NN go !p the hill* $irst 6A;8 reaches the topmost and immediatly starts back and meet 6)NN 20 yards $rom the topmost point. #inally 6A;8 reaches the starting point 0.5 min!tes earler than 6)NN. %peed while coming down is 1.5 times the speed o$ going !p. #ind the time taken by 6A;8 $or whole :o!rney &440 yards'0 Ans( 3." min!tes. 1"2. A merchant in the last day sells 2 lamps $or Ds.12 price. Ie $inds that he has got 25 V gain on one and 20V lost on the other. <id he loose or gain overall0 )$ so how m!ch0 Ans( 30 paise Noss. 1"5. 2 persons are there caledd 6EIF* 6A;EB* G)T=D* and ?)NN)AH%. 2 la!ngages are there named =FGN)%I* )TAN)AF* G=DHAF* #D=F;I. ;onditions(1 a. There is no common lang!age $or all. b. =5cept one lang!age* no lang!age is spoken by more than two.

c. Ene can know either German or #D=F;I b!t not both. d. 6ohn can>t speak =FGN)%I B!t 6ohn can act as interpreter between 6A;EB and G)T=D. 6acob knows G=DHAF b!t he can tailk with ?)NN)AH who doesn>t know a word o$ G=DHAF. e. Fo common lang!age between 6EIF* G)T=D* and ?)NN)AH%. ?hich two lang!ages does each person speaks0 Iint( )TAN)AF )% %GE8=F BP TID== G=D%EF% &This hint is given in 7!estion paper' 1"3. 5 co!ples are there. H=F( N* H* F* E* G. ?EH=F( %* T* R* J* ?. 10 seats are in one row. Edd n!mberd seats are reserved $or H=F only Nike that many conditions are there. This problem is $rom GD=1BADDEF% BEE8. 1"7. ) participated in a race.1+5th o$ those who are be$ore me are e !al to 5+3th o$ those behind me. ?hat were the total n!mber o$ contestants in the race0 1"4. #ind the " digit n!mber. Third digit is s !are root o$ $irst digit. %econd digit is s!m o$ $irst and third digits. #ind the n!mber. 1"B. This problem is o$ time and work type. %ome A and some B are able to prod!ce so many tors in so many ho!rs.&$or e5ample 10 A and 20 B are able to prod!ce "0 tors per ho!r'. Nike this one more sentence was given. ?e have to $ind o!t the rate o$ working o$ A and B in tors+ho!r. 120. A and B play a game o$ dice between them. The dice consists o$ colors on their $aces instead o$ n!mbers. A wins i$ both dice show same color. B wins i$ both dice show di$$erent colors. Ene dice consists o$ 1 red and 5 bl!e. ?hat m!st be the color in the $aces o$ other dice.&i.e how many bl!e and how many red0'. ;hances o$ winning $or A and B are even. 121. A girl has 55 marbles. %he arranges them in n rows. The nth row consists o$ n marbles* the &n11'th row consists o$ &n11' marbles and so on. ?hat are the n!mber o$ marbles in nth row0 122. This !estion is o$ analogy type. %ome sentences regarding tastes o$ people to poetry are given like all who like A>s Goem* like the poems o$ B. Nike this 7 or 4 sentences were given. 7!estions were based on this. 12". This !estion is also o$ analogy type. #o!r persons are there A*B*;*<. =ach o$ the $o!r persons own either G*7*D*%. 10 sentences !sing i$ cla!se were given. ?e have to $ind o!t which belongs to whom.

122' =very station in F railroad iss!es every other station>s ticket. %ome stations are added. Fow they have to iss!e 23 more tickets. Give the Fo. o$ stations a$ter and be$ore added. 125' There was a race between " people. He* <o!g and Anne. ?hen ) take 21 steps the distance covered is e !al to <o!g>s 22 steps and Anne>s 24 steps. ) take 3 steps to every 7 steps o$ <o!g and 4 steps o$ Anne. ?ho won the race0 123'Iow many bearers will an e5plorer need $or a 3 day march i$ each man can carry the $ood st!$$ o$ one man $or 2 days. 127' ;onsider the $ollowing statements( Albert( <ave did it. <ave( Tony did it. G!g( ) did not do it. Tony( <ave lied when he said that i did it. &a')$ only one o!t o$ all above statements is tr!e* who did it0 &b')$ only one o!t o$ all above statements is $alse* who did it0 124' A contrib!tion o$ Ds. 500 was raised$rom 500 people. The $ee was as $ollows( Hen( Ds.".00 each ?omen( Ds. 2.00 each ;hildern( 0.24 each )$ n!mber o$ women is more than n!mber o$ men* how many childern are there0 12B' Alice and Ni! had some berries. The total o$ Alice>s berries and s !are o$ n!mber o$ berries with Ni! is 32. The total o$ Ni!>s berries and s !are o$ n!mber o$ berries with Alice is 173. Iow many berries does each o$ them have0 150' A rope ladder was le$t down $rom a ship. 12 steps o$ the ladder were e5posed at 10(00 am. The !een who was going to visit the ship* said she wo!ld visit at 1(00 pm as she wo!ld have to climb lesser n!mber o$ steps then. The tide in the sea increases $rom morning to a$ternoon at the rate o$ 1.2 meters per ho!r. The distance between any 2 steps o$ the ladder is 0.2 mts. Iow many steps will the !een have to climb0 151' 5 h!nters <oe* <eer* Iare* Boarand Dow kill 5 animals. =ach h!nter kills an animal that does not correspond to his name. Also each h!nter misses a di$$erent animal which again does not correspond to his name. a' The <eer is killed by the h!nter* known by the name o$ the animal killed by Boar. b' <oe is killed by the h!nter* known by name o$ animal missed by Iare. c' The <eer was disappointed to kill only a Iare and missed the Doe. 152' A local $orecast service has acc!racy o$ 2+" says Fo rain * and Heteriological service having acc!racy o$ 2+" says Dain. i$ Gre$erence is as no rain what is the chance o$ rain0

15"' a' 10 1 B 2 4 " 7 2 3 5 5 3 2 7 " 4 2 W W b' 2 2 13 512 W ?rite the ne5t elements in the series. 152' A Han is sitting in the last coach o$ train co!ld not $ind a seat* so he starts walking to the $ront coach *he walks $or 5 min and reaches $ront coach. Fot $inding a seat he walks back to last coach and when he reaches there* train had completed 5 miles. ?hat is the speed o$ the train. 155' The Eld car o$ Hary re !ires tyres to be changed a$ter each 22000 km. )$ she wants to go $or 22000 km :o!rney then how many minim!m n!mber o$ tyres she will need. 153' A coin is so !nbalanced that it may come both heads in 2 tosses as it may come tails in a single toss. ?hat is the probabality o$ getting a head in a single toss. 157' A pen* pencil and eraser together cost X1.00. i$ 2=AF * i$ F92G* and "G92= then what a single pen will cost0 154' A local $orecast service has acc!racy o$ 2+" says Fo rain * and Heteriological service having acc!racy o$ 2+" says Dain. i$ Gre$erence is as no rain what is the chance o$ rain0 15B' %herlock holmes thrwated the plan to kidnapp Hrs mary when they were !estioned Hercy and his two associated shipy and rany.when they were telling the story one o$ them told one thing wrong and other tr!e* the other told both tr!e* and the last told both $alse. e5amining the $ollowing tell the roles played by each Hercy(( 1' i wrote the ransome note 2' shipy broke into the window rany 1' shipy wrote the ransome note 2' mercy ran away with the lady shipy 1'i broke into the window 2'rany wrote the ran some note. 130' Tom asked kim did yo! like the stamps0 %he said yes *me and rob too liked them. 8im again said that rob got " more than he wo!ld have got* i$ i wo!ld have kept 2 more than* what he got. Tom asked how many ! gave Dob0 %he replied 2 more than what ) got. Tell* how many stamps each rob and kim got0 131' The virgo cl!b members !sed to meet every week to play cards. =ach time they !sed to seat aro!nd a ro!nd table and $or their memory they !sed all the possiblecombinations o$ postions each $or a single time only. ;an yo! tell $or how many times they met0 =ssays Asked )$ yo! are given a chance to change a thing in yo! hometown* what wo!ld yo! change0 Give e5amples why yo! want to do so.

Television is creating a comm!nication gap among yo!ng generation. 132. A person needs 3 steps to cover a distance o$ one slab. )$ he increases his $oot length &step length' by " inches he needs only 5 steps to cover the slabs length. ?hat is the length o$ the each slab. Ans( "1 inches. 13". There are 1B red balls and one black ball. Ten balls are p!t in one :ar and the remaining 10 are p!t in another :ar. ?hat is the possibility that the black is in the right :ar. Ans( 1+2. 132. There is one lily in the pond on 1st :!ne. There are two in the pond on 2nd :!ne . There are $o!r on "rd :!ne and so on. The pond is $!ll with lilies by the end o$ the :!ne. &i' En which date the pond is hal$ $!ll0 Ans( 2Bth. 11the :!ne has "0 days'. &ii' )$ we start with 2 lilies on 1st :!ne when will be the pond be $!ll with lilies. Ans( 2Bth 6!ne. 135. A lorry starts $rom Banglore to Hysore at 3.00 A.H* 7.00 A.H* 4.00 am.....10 pm. %imilarly one another starts $rom Hysore to Banglore at 3.00 am*7.00 am* 4.00 am.....10.00pm. A lorry takes B ho!rs to travel $rom Banglore to Hysore and vice versa. &i' A lorry which has started at 3.00 am will cross how many lorries. Ans( 10. &ii' A lorry which had started at 3.00pm will cross how many lorries. Ans( 12. 133. A person meets a train at a railway station coming daily at a partic!lar time . Ene day he is late by 25 min!tes* and he meets the train 5 k.m. be$ore the station. )$ his speed is 12 kmph* what is the speed o$ the train. Ans( 30 kmph. De$er11%hak!ntala <evi Book. 137. A thei$ steals hal$ the total no o$ loaves o$ bread pl!s 1+2 loa$ $rom a backery. A second thei$ steals hal$ the remaing no o$ loaves pl!s 1+2 loa$ and so on. A$ter the 5th thei$ has stolen there are no more loaves le$t in the backery. ?hat was the total no o$ loaves did the backery have at the biggining. Ans( "1. 134. A gardener plants 100 meters towards east* ne5t 100 meters towards north*ne5t 100 meters towards west. B4 meters towards east* B3 meters towards north and B3 meters towards west* B2 meters towards so!th. and B2 meters towards east and so on. )$ a person walks between the trees what is the total distance travelled by him be$ore he reaches the center. Ans( @111111111111111@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 11111111@1 @ 111111111111111111111@ 1.

13B. There are $o!r women and " men. They play bridge one night. #ind widow among them. D!les( &i' wi$e and h!sband are never partners. &ii' ?i$e and h!sand never play more than one game. Ene night they played $o!r games as $ollows(1 1. 111111 K 111111 vs 1111111 K 111111111 2. 111111 K 111111 vs 1111111 K 111111111 ". 111111 K 11.111 vs 1111111 K 111111111 2. 111.11 K 111111 vs 1111111 K 111111111 the woman are marked . above. Ans( De$er Groblem 21. Hind Teasers by %!mmers. 170. #rom a vessel* 1+"rd o$ the li !id evaporates on the $irst day. En the second day "+2th o$ the remaining li !id evaporates. ?hat $raction o$ the vol!me is present at the end o$ the second day. Ans( 50V. 171. There is a 2 inch c!be painted on all sides. This is c!t down into o$ 1 inch c!bes. ?hat is the no o$ c!bes which have no pointed sides0 Ans( 4. 172. %am and Hala have a conversation. %am says ) am certainly not over 20. Hala says ) am "4 and yo! are atleast 5 years older than me. Fow* %am says yo! are atleast "B. All the statements by the two are $alse. Iow old are they really0 Ans( Hala , "4 yrsT %am , 21 yrs. 17". Dam %ingh goes to his o$$ice in the city* every day $rom his s!b!rban ho!se. Iis driver Gangaram drops him at the railway station in the morning and picks him !p in the evening. =very evening Dam %ingh reaches the station at 5 E> ;lock. Gangaram also reaches at the same time. Ene day Dam %ingh started early $rom his o$$ice and came to the station at 2 E> ;lock. Fot wanting to wait $or the car he starts walking home. Hangaram starts at normal time* picks him !p on the way and takes him back ho!se* hal$ an ho!r early. Iow m!ch time did Dam %ingh walk0 172. )n a railway station* there are two trains going. Ene in the harbo!r line and one in the main line* each having a $re !ency o$ 10 min!tes. The main line service starts at 5 o>clock and the harbo!r line starts at 5.02A.H. A man goes to the station every day to catch the $irst train that comes. ?hat is the probability o$ the man catching the $irst train0 Ans( 0.4. 175. A $amily L went $or a vacation. Rn$ort!nately it rained $or 1" days when they were there. B!t whenever it rained in the mornings* they had clear a$ternoons and vice versa. )n all they en:oyed 11 mornings and 12 a$ternoons. Iow many days did they stay there totally0 Ans( 14.

173. Albert and #ernandes have two leg swimming race. Both start $rom opposite ends o$ the pool. En the $irst leg* the boys pass each other at 14 m $rom the deep end o$ the pool. <!ring the second leg they pass at 10 m $rom the shallow end o$ the pool. Both go at constant speed b!t one o$ them is $aster. =ach boy rests $or 2 seconds at the end o$ the $irst leg. ?hat is the length o$ the pool0 177. =ach alphabet stands $or one digit in the $ollowing m!ltiplication. TI)% 5)% 111111111 L#LL LLRL 111111111111 LLFLL 111111111111 ?hat is the ma5im!m val!e T can take0 174. )$ 1+2 o$ the time $rom midnight pl!s 1+2 o$ the time $rom now to midnight is the present time* then ?hat is the present time0 2. )n a 10 digit n!mber* i$ the 1st digit n!mber is the n!mber o$ ones*2nd digit n!mber is the n!mber o$ twos* and ... so on. 10th digit is the n!mber o$ Ceroes* then $ind the n!mber. 17B. A train blows a siren one ho!r a$ter starting $rom the station. A$ter that it travels at "+5th o$ its speed it reaches the ne5t station 2 ho!rs behind sched!le. )$ it had a problem 50 miles $arther $rom the previo!s case*it wo!ld have reached 20 min!tes sooner. #ind the distance between the two stations. 140. An army 50 miles long marches at a constant rate. A co!rier standing at the rear moves $orward and delivers the message to the $irst person and then t!rns back and reaches the rear o$ the army as the army completes 50 miles. #ind the distance travelled by the co!rier. 141. Elympic race ( 2 contestants ( Alan*charlie* <arren *Brain. There are two races and average is taken to decide the winner. Ene person comes at the same position in both the race. ;harlie always come be$ore <arren. Brian comes $irst once. Alan comes third atleast once. #ind the positions. Alan never comes last. ;harlie - <arren comes 2nd atleast once. 142' There are 3531 n!mber o$ balls in a bag. E!t o$ which one is heavy ball. )n how many minim!m n!mber o$ weighing yo! can $ind the heavy ball. Ans( 4.

14"' The pro$it made by a company in one year is eno!gh to give 3V ret!rn on all shares. B!t as the pre$$ered shares get on ret!rn o$ 7.5V* so the ordinary shares got on ret!rn o$ 5V. )$ the val!e o$ pre$erd shares is Ds 2*000000* then what is the val!e o$ ordinary shares0 Ans( Ds. 3*000000. 142' There were 50 players playing a game among themselves. =ach player is o!t o$ the game when lose " matches. ?hat is the n!mber o$ matches sho!ld be played in order to get the winner. 145' A - B two places. ; - < are two people. ; started $rom A and < started $rom B. ?hen they meet each other in the way ; traveled 14 m more than <. Then ; takes 1" and hal$ a min!te and < takes 22 min!tes to reach the other end. ?hat was the distance between A - B. Ans( 123. 143' ) have been hearing a girl singing a song $or last two score. %ong( )$ seven times $ive and three times seven is added to my age it wo!ld be as $ar above si5 nines and $o!r as the di$$erence between twice o$ my age and a score. Given1A score is 20 yrs. 147' A to!rist wants to go $rom A to B. There are $o!r ways to do this(1 1. To take a wagon. The wagon stops $or hal$ an ho!r at a station in between a - b and then goes to b. 2. To walk to B. )$ he leavs A at the same time the wagon leaves* he will be between by the wagon by 1 mile to reach B. ". To walk $rom A at the same time the wagon leaves $rom A. Ie will arrive at the mid station at the time when the wagon is prepared to leave. Ie can take the wagon $rom there. This will take shortest time. 2. To go on !pto the mid station - to walk $rom there. Ie will reach at B 15 min!tes be$ore the wagon. ?hat is the distance between A - B0. 144' )n a train there is one brakeman* cond!ctor* engineer - $ireman. Their names are Art* 6ohn* Tom - Gete given in this order or in reverse order. Po! have to tell the occ!pation o$ the $o!r* w.r.t. these conditions(1 1. Brakeman has no relatives. 2. 6ohn is older than art. ". =ngineer - $ireman are brothers. 2. 6ohn is pete>s nephew. 5. #ireman is not cond!ctor>s !ncle. 3. ;ond!ctor is not engineer>s !ncle. Ans( Gete - Tom are brothers. Tom11#ather and 6ohn is his son. Art11Brakeman. 6ohn11;ond!ctor. Tom11=ngineer. Gete11#ireman.

14B' There is a 14 strong b!ilding and 2 people live in it. They are dentist* lawyer* acco!ntant* architect. <entist $loor is 5 times the lawyer>s $loor. Acco!nt is below dentist. )$ archetect moves two $loors !p he will be midway between dentist and acco!nt. )$ architect moves to midway o$ the b!ilding &Bth $loor' then he will be middle o$ dentist lawyer. Gro!nd $loor can be ignored i.e. $loor 0. Ans( <entist 15. Acco!ntant 1". Archetect 12. Nawyer ". 1B0' 2 ladis* Hrs Hargarat* Hrs Grice* Hrs ?inter - Hrs =llen went $or marketing. =ach went $or 2 shops only. Their s!rnames are lorret* torrey* doris and marshall. Ene went to a hardwares shop. Two went to bank. Two went to b!chers. All b!t dorris went to grocery etc. ?ho went where0 1B1'. A so$tware engineer starts $rom home at " pm $or evening walk. Ie walks at a speed o$ 2 kmph on level gro!nd and then at a speed o$ " kmph on the !phill and then down the hill at a speed o$ 3 kmph to the level gro!nd and then at a speed o$ 2 kmph to the home at B pm. ?hat is the distance on one way0 1B2'. A bag contains certain n!mber o$ $iles. =ach $ile is n!mbered with one digit o$ 0 to B. %!ppose the person want to get the n!mber between 1 to 2000 &or 7000 check '. Iow many minim!m n!mber o$ $iles sho!ld be present in the bag. . 1B"'. a K b K c Kd , d K e K $ K g , g K h K i ,17. )$ a , 2* what are the val!es o$ d and g. =ach letter taken only one o$ the digit $rom 1 to B. Ans( a , 2 *b , 2* c ,3* d , 5* e , "* $ , 4* g , 1* h , 7* i , B. 1B2. A $rog :!mps " $t comes back 2$t in a day. )n how many day it will come o!t o$ "0$t deep well0 Ans( 24 day. 1B5. A1B,; <+=,# GKI,) ;.#,) Ans( A,B* B,5* ;,2* #,2. 1B3. ?hen the act!al time pass 1 hr* wall clock is 10 min behind it. ?hen 1 hr is shown by wall clock* table clock shows 10 min ahead o$ 1 hr. ?hen table clock shows 1 hr* the alarm clock goes 5 min behind it. ?hen alarm clock goes 1 hr* wrist watch is 5 min ahead o$ it. Ass!ming that all clocks are correct with act!al time at 12 noon* what will be time shown by wrist watch a$ter 3 hr0 Ans( 5(27("2.5 &n L 30 '50+30 L 70+30 L 55+30 L 35+30. 1B7. A so$tware engineer :!st ret!rned $rom R%* has eaten too m!ch $at - p!t a lot o$ weight. =very s!nday he starts walking 2 km+hr on level gro!nd* then !p at " kmYhr* then

back down hill at 3kmYhr* then again on level gro!nd at 2kmYhr till he reaches his destination. )$ he ret!rned home at B p.m.* what distance did he covered0 Ans( 22 km. 1B4. Answer the !estions $rom $acts(1 The members o$ certain tribe are divided into " casts abhor* dravid ampT magar. 1. An abhor woman can>t marry dravid man. 2. A magar woman can>t marry a dravid man. ". A son takes the caste o$ his $ather and a da!ghter takes caste o$ her mother. 5. All marriages e5cept those mentioned* are not permitted. 3. There are no children born o!t o$ a wedlock. 1BB There are 2 scales o$ temp A - B. )t was given A varies $rom 12 to 1"" and B varies $rom "3 to 47. #ind the temperat!re* when temperat!re o$ A is e !al to temp o$ B. Ans( 52.5. Net t,m5Kc* c,170 ,9 m,51+11B a,a.51+11B 170 ,9 a,52.5. 201. There are 2 married co!ples* o!t o$ which* " poeple in a gro!p is needed. B!t there sho!ld not be his or her spo!se in the gro!p. Iow many gro!ps are possible0 Ans( "2. 202. )n the 2 digits 1*2*"*2* how many 2 digited n!mbers are possible which are divisible by 20 Depeatations are allowed. Ans( 32. 20". Two men are going along a track o$ rail in the opposite direction. Ene goods train crossed the $irst person in 20 sec. A$ter 10 min the train crossed the other person who is comming in opposite direction in 14 sec. A$ter the train has passed* when the two persons will meet0 Ans( Appro5. 72 min* check it once. 202. The no. o$ children* ad!lts. The no. o$ ad!lts the no. o$ boys. The no. o$ boys no. o$ girls. The no. o$ girls no. o$ $amily. ;onditions(1 1. Fo $amily is witho!t a child. 2. =very girl has at least one brother and sister. Ans( c 9 a 9 b 9 g 9 $T B 3 5 2 ". 205. There are 2 boys 1 Anand* Anandya* Hadan and H!rali with nic1names perich* Comie* dr!mmy and madeena not in the same order. %ome conditions. Ans( Anand ( Gerich Anandya ( <r!mmy Hadan ( Qombie H!rali ( Hadeena

203. There are 2 diamonds* 1 spade and 1 cl!b and 1 ace and also 1 king* 1 :ack and 1 ace are arranged in a straight line. 1. The king is at third place. 2. The le$t o$ :ack is a heart and its right is king. ". Fo two red colo!rs are in consec!tive. 2. The !eens are separated by two cards. ?rite the order o$ which s!its &hearts *cl!bs'and names &:acks !eens etc.' are aranged0 207. ?rite each statement as tr!e or $alse. 4 Harks 1. The s!m o$ the $irst three statements and the second $alse statement gives the tr!e statement. 2. The no. o$ tr!e statements 9 Fo. o$ $alse statements. ". The s!m o$ second tr!e statement and $irst $alse statement gives the $irst tr!e statement. 2. There are atmost " $alse statements. 5. There are no two conse !tive tr!e statements. 204. There are " piles each contains 10* 15* - 20 stones. There are A* B* ;* <* #* G and I persons. Ene man can catch !pto $o!r stones $rom any pile. The last man who takes will win. )$ $irst A starts ne5t B and so on* who will win0 Ans( Hay be #. 20B. )n a certain department store the position o$ B!yer* ;ashier* ;lerk* #loorwalkar Hanager are held* tho!gh not necessarily respectively* by =vans* Ames* ;onroy* <avis ampT B!yer. The cashier - the manager were roommates in college. The B!yer is bachelor* =vans - Hiss Ames have only b!siness contacts with each other. Hrs. ;onroy was greatly dosappointed when her h!sband told her that the manager had re$!ged to give him a raise. <avis is going to be the best man when the clerk - the cashier are married. ?hat position does each person held0 210. )n a $o!r team $oot1ball to!rnament* all the teams played each Ether in three ro!nds o$ matches as shown in the Table 1 A. %ome o$ The res!lts o$ the to!rnament are shown in the Table 1 B. Rsing the ;l!es given below* please $ill in the blank col!mns in the res!lt Table 1 B &Goals $or - Goals Against0'. Fote ( Two points $or win* one point $or draw - Cero points $or de$eat are awarded. ;l!es ( 1. =ast Cone won the to!rnament despite scoring one less goal than the r!nners1!p. 2. Forth Cone scored an odd n!mber o$ goals in their $irst ro!nd Game. ". %o!th Cone* who $ailed to score in their $inal match* were beaten by a two1goal margin in the $irst ro!nd. 2. =ast Cone lost their match aginst west Cone. 5. All $o!r teams scored goals in the second ro!nd matches. 3. ?est Cone scored the same n!mber o$ goals against east Cone as Forth Cone scored aginst them.

211. =ast Cone scored $o!r goals in ro!nd two match.A+N)A EN9 Table 1 A &Hatches Glayed' Do!nd 1 Forth Cone vs %o!th Cone ?est Cone vs east Cone. Do!nd 2 %o!th Cone vs ?est Cone =ast Cone vs Forth Cone Do!nd " %o!th Cone vs =ast Cone ?est Cone vs Forth Cone. Table 1 B &Des!lts' Glayed ?on <raw Nost Golas #or Goals Against Goints =ast Qone " 1 1 1 0 " 2 Forth Qone " 1 1 1 0 0 2 ?est Qone " 1 1 1 2 " " %o!th Qone " 1 1 1 2 5 1 212. )n certain comm!nity* there are tho!sand married co!ples. Two thirds o$ the h!sbands who are taller than their wives are also heavier and three !arters o$ the h!sbands who are heavier than their wives are also taller. )$ there are 120 wives who are taller and heavier than their h!sbands* how many h!sbands are taller and heavier than their wives0 21". Both the G!ptas and %inhas have two yo!ng sons* whose ages are !nder =leven. The names o$ the boys* whose ages ro!nded o$$ to the nearest year are all di$$erent* are Da:esh* Graveen* Nalith and Grathap. Taking the ages o$ the boys only to the nearest year* the $ollowing statements are tr!e(1 Da:esh is three years yo!nger than his brother is. Graveen is the oldest. Grathap is 5 years older than the yo!nger %inha>s boy. Nalith is hal$ as old as one o$ the G!ptha>s boys. The total ages o$ the boys in each $amily di$$er by the same amo!nt today as they did $ive years ago. 212. A long <ivision Groblem(1 55'555555555&5555555 55 111111 555 55 111111 555

55 1111111 55 55 1111111 555 555 1111111 1111111 )n the complete sol!tion* there are $o!r 5>s. #ind the missing digits. 215. #ollowing services are operated by Asian airlines between the two are located in di$$erent co!ntries with di$$erent time Cones. As it is normally done* the time shown is the local time 1 viC )%T - T%T. Deg!lar #light %!personic #light Arrive Ale5andria 17(10 T%T 15(20 T%T <epart Ale5andria 20(50 T%T 22(50 T%T Arrived Damp!r 2"(20 )%T )s the arrival time o$ s!personic $light into Damp!r $rom Ale5andria same as the Arrival time o$ the Deg!lar $light* ass!ming each %ervice 1 Deg!lar and %!personic maintains its own constant speed o$ $light. 213' A* B* ;* <* = related. #o!r o$ them made these statements each(1 i' ; is my son1in1law>s brother. ii' B is my $ather>s brother. iii' = is my mother1in1law. iv' A is my brother>s wi$e. ?ho made these statements0 217' A ship is away $rom the shore by 140 miles. A plane is travelling at 10 times speed o$ the ship. Iow long $rom the shore will they meet0 214' A clock showing 3 o>clock takes "0 secs to strike 3 times. Iow long will it take to strike 12 at midnight0 Ans( 33 seconds. 21B' Enly boys aged 9 13 wear coats. Boys aged 9 15 go to watch $ootball. %ome more statements are given. ?hat can be said abo!t those who are watching $ootball0 220' There are " societies A* B ampT ; having some tractors each. A Gives B and ; as many tractors as they already have. A$ter some days B gives A and ; as many tractors as they have. A$ter some days ; gives A and B as many tractors as they have. #inally each has 22 tractors. ?hat is the original Fo.o$ tractors each had in the beginning0 Ans( A 1 "B. B 1 21. ; 1 12.

221. B= . B= , A;B. A* B* ;* = are non Cero n!mbers. #ind B* =. Ans( B,1 =,B. 222. A* B* ;* <* = are having n!merical val!es. There are some conditions given(1 a' A,; A,,,9 BO,= b' <i$$erence between A and ; as same as di$$erence between ; and B as same as di$$erence between A and <. c' ; A A and ; 9 <* Then #ind A* B* ;* <* =. 22". There are si5 cards* in which* it has two king cards. All cards are t!rned down and two cards are opened. a' ?hat is the possibility to get at least one king0 b' ?hat is the possibility to get two kings0 222. A person went to a shop and asked $or change $or 1.15 paise* b!t he said that he co!ld not only give change $or one r!pee b!t also $or 50p* 25p* 10p and 5p. ?hat were the coins he had0 Ans( 111950p 2111910p 1111925p. 225. There are " n!rses and they work altogether only once in a week. Fo n!rse is called to work $or " consec!tive days. F!rse 1 is o$$ on t!eseday* th!rsday and s!nday. F!rse 2 is o$$ on sat!rday. F!rse " is o$$ on th!rsday* s!nday. Fo two n!rses are o$$ more than once a week. #ind the day on which all the " n!rses were on work. 223. There are 5 persons A* B* ;* <* = and each is wearing a block or white cap on his head. A person can see the caps o$ the remaining 2 b!t can>t see his own cap. A person wearing white says tr!e and who wears black says $alse. i' A says ) see " whites and 1 black. ii' B says ) see 2 blacks. iii' = says ) see 2 whites. iv' ; says ) see " blacks and 1 white. Fow #ind the caps weared by A* B* ;* < and =. 227. There are two women* 8avitha and %hamili and two males %hyam and Aravind* who are m!sicians. E!t o$ these $o!r one is a Gianist* one #l!tist* Jiolinist and <r!mmer. i' Across Aravind beats Gianist. ii' Across %hyam is not a #l!tist. iii' 8avitha>s le$t is a Gianist. iv' %hamili>s le$t is not a <r!mmer. v9 #l!tist and <r!mmer are married.

224. 1+" rd o$ the contents o$ a container evaporated on the 1st day. "+2 th o$ the remaining contents o$ the container evaporated the second day. ?hat part o$ the contents o$ the container are le$t at the end o$ the second day0 22B. A man covered 24 steps in "0 seconds b!t he decided to move $ast and covered "2 steps in 14 seconds. Iow many steps are there on the escalator when stationary0 1. Gerson1( Host o$ !s are satch 6. Gerson2( Host o$ !s are :!te %. Gerson"( Two o$ !s are satch 6. Gerson2( Three o$ !s are :!te 6. Gerson5( ) am satch 6 we have to $ind who is satch and who is :!te. Ans( %( %atch 6(6!te. 2. #o!r persons are there to cross a bridge they have one torch light. Gerson A can cross in 1 min. Gerson B can cross in 2 min. Gerson ; can cross in 5 min. Gerson < can cross in 10 min. They have to cross bridge with in 17 min. At a time only two persons can cross. ). A - B 11119 2. )). A A1111 1. ))). ; - < 11119 10. )J. B A1111 2. J A - B 11119 2 WWWWWWWWWWWWWW Total 17. 2"0. ?hat is the ma5im!m n!mber o$ slices can yo! obtain by c!tting a cake with only 2 c!ts0 Ans( 13. 2"1. Three are three bo5es. )n $irst bo5* two white balls. )n second bo5* 2 black balls. )n third bo5* 1 white - 1 black ball. The lables on the bo5es are not correct. Then yo! have to open one bo5 and to $ind the colo!r o$ the balls in all bo5es. Ans( Epen the bo5 labled black - white. )$ white balls are there then the bo5 labled with white balls contain black balls and labled with black balls contain one black and one white ball and vice versa* i$ two black balls are there. 2"2. There is a 2 inch c!be painted on all sides. This is c!t into n!mber o$ 1 inch c!bes. ?hat is the n!mber o$ c!bes which have no painted sides0 2"". %am and Hala have a conversation. %am says ) am certainly not over 20. Hala says ) am "4 and yo! are atleast 5 years older than me. Fow %am says yo! are atleast "B. All the statements by the two are $alse. Iow old are they realy0

2"2. Dam singh goes to his o$$ice in the city every day $rom his s!b!rban ho!se. Iis driver Hangaram drops him at the railway station in the morning and picks him !p in the evening. =very evening Dam singh reaches the station at 5 o>clock. Hangaram also reaches at the same time. Ene day Dam singh started early $rom his o$$ice and came to the station at 2 o>clock. Fot wanting to wait $or the car he starts walking home. Hangaram starts at normal time* picks him !p on the way and takes him back ho!se* hal$ an ho!r early. Iow m!ch time did Dam singh walked0 2"5. %ome people went $or vaction. Rn$ort!nately it rained $or 1" days when they were there. B!t whenever it rained in the morning* they had clean a$ternood and vice versa. )n all they en:oyed 11 morning and 12 a$ternoons. Iow many days did they stay there totally0 2"3. Geo$$rey* Iallmann and Holly attend and interview and give three di$$erent statements each. To make it a little comple5. E!t o$ the three statements made by each one* one is $alse. Geo$$rey says( ) am 22 1 $alse Iallmann is elder than me by one year. Holly is 25 Iallmann says( ) am not the yo!ngest 1 Geo$$rey is 2 years yo!nger than me Holly is yo!nger than me by one year 1 $alse Holly says( Geo$$rey is 2" ) am a year yo!nger than Geo$$rey &) don>t remember this statement b!t it is $alse.' Answer( Goe$$rey is 22 as Goe$ states* And Goe$,, 2" as Holly states. Both cannot be tr!e. =ither one has to be tr!e or either one has to be $alse. %tart deriving $rom this point and ! get* Age( Geo$$rey 2" Iallmann 25 Holly 22

2"7. There is a c!be* which has to be inscribed with the $ollowing pair o$ n!mbers on opposite sides.1 and 3* 2 and 2*" and 5. Iow many di$$erent ways can it be done0 2"4. There>s an electric wire r!nning 1 km $rom the side o$ a b!ilding.

The n!mber o$ poles in between them is placed in an interval o$ distance between each other. )$ one pole is removed then the distance between each pole becomes 1 2+" meters. #ind o!t how many poles were kept. 2"B. The time taken to travel in train $rom Town A to Town B is 5 ho!rs. There are trains starting $rom both towns at an interval o$ 1 ho!r. Iow many trains meet in 1 trip0 Ans ( 10 trains check it as trains come $rom both sides every ho!r. 220. %hadow went to an )sle where the natives lie and the visitors speak tr!th. %hadow saw a salesman and wanted to know whether he was a native or a visitor. Ie did not pose a !estion directly b!t asked him indirect instead. %hadow saw a woman and asked the salesman*M)s that a FAT)J= or J)%)TED0M .#or which the salesman replied*M %he is a visitorM. )s the salesman a Fative or a Jisitor0 Ans ( %ince %hadow himsel$ saw him+her as a woman and asked the salesman. The %alesman replied *M%I= M by which he speaks tr!th and is a Jisitor. %alesman is a Jisitor. 221. Three $riends divided some b!llets e !ally. A$ter all o$ them shot 2 b!llets the total n!mber o$ b!llets remaining is e !al to the b!llets each had a$ter division.#ind the original n!mber divided. Ans( 14 &2 marks'

)nitially . 5 5 5 Fow 512 512 512 = !ation is "5112 , 5

222. There are " societies A* B* ;. A lent cars to B and ; as many as they had already. A$ter some time B gave as many tractors to A and ; as many as they have. A$ter sometime c did the same thing. At the end o$ this transaction each one o$ them had 22. #ind the cars each orginally had. Ans( A had "B cars* B had 21 cars - ; had 12 cars 22". The B!lls* Gacers* Nakers and 6aCC ran $or a contest. An!p* %!:it* 6ohn made the $ollowing statements regarding res!lts. An!p said either B!lls or 6aCC will de$initely win %!:it said he is con$ident that B!lls will not win

6ohn said he is con$ident that neither 6aCC nor Nakers will win ?hen the res!lt cameit was $o!nd that only one o$ the above three had made a correct statement. ?ho has made the correct statement and who has won the contest. Ans( %!:ithT Nakers 222. #ive people A *B *; *< *= are related to each other. #o!r o$ them make one tr!e statement each as $ollows. &i' B is my $ather>s brother. &ii' = is my mother1in1law. &iii'; is my son1in1law>s brother &iv'A is my brother>s wi$e. Ans( &i' < &ii' B &iii' = &iv' ;

225. %ome statements are given below( N says all o$ my other $o!r $riends have money H says that G said that e5actly one among them has money F says that N said that precisely two among them have money E says that H said that three o$ the others have money G* N and F said that they have money All the above statement are $alse.. ?ho has money - who doesn>t have any money0 223. #i$ty min!tes ago i$ it was $o!r times as many min!tes past three o>clock*how many min!tes is it to si5 o>clock0 Ans( Twenty si5 min!tes. 227. A hotel has 10 storeys.?hich $loor is above the $loor below the $loor* below the $loor above the $loor* below the $loor above the $i$th. Ans( The si5th $loor. 224. %even members sat aro!nd a table $or three days $or a con$erence. The member>s names were Abhishek* Amol* Ank!r* An!rag*Bh!wan *Jas! and Jikram. The meetings were chaired by Jikram. En the $irst evening members sat aro!nd the table alphabetically. En the $ollowing two nights* Jikram arranged the seatings so that he co!ld have Abhishek as near to him as possible and abesent minded Jas! as $ar away as he co!ld. En no evening did any person have sitting ne5t to him a person who had previo!sly been his neighbo!r. Iow did Jikram manage to seat everybody to the best advantage on the second and third evenings0 Ans(

%econd evening(Jikram*Ank!r*Abhishek*Amol*Jas!*An!rag and Bh!wan. Third evening (Jikram*An!rag*Abhishek*Jas!*Bh!wan*Ank!r*Amol. 22B. Two trains start $rom stations A and B spaced 50 kms apart at the same time and speed. As the trains start* a bird $lies $rom one train towards the other and on reaching the second train* it $lies back to the $irst train.This is repeated till the trains collide. )$ the speed o$ the trains is 25 km+h and that o$ the bird is 100km+h. Iow m!ch did the bird travel till the collision. Ans( 100 kms. 250. #o!r prisoners escape $rom a prison. The prisoners* Hr =ast* Hr ?est* Hr %o!th* Hr Forth head towards di$$erent directions a$ter escaping.The $ollowing in$ormation o$ their escape was s!pplied( The escape ro!tes were The Forth Doad* %o!th Doad* =ast Doad and ?est Doad. Fone o$ the prisoners took the road which was their namesake. Hr.=ast did not take the %o!th Doad Hr.?est did not the %o!th Doad. The ?est Doad was not taken by Hr.=ast ?hat road did each o$ the prisoners take to make their escape0 Ans( Hr.=ast took the Forth Doad Hr.?est took the =ast Doad Hr.Forth took the %o!th Doad Hr.%o!th took the ?est Doad. 251. ;omplete the series( 5* 20* 22* 3* 2* 4* 0 Ans( 12 &as 5.2,20* 20K2,22* 22+2,3* 312,2* 2.2,4* 4K2,12'. 252' A soldier looses his way in a thick :!ngle. At random he walks $rom his camp b!t mathematically in an interesting $ashion. #irst he walks one mile =ast then hal$ mile to Forth. Then 1+2 mile to ?est* then 1+4 mile to %o!th and so on making a loop. #inally how $ar he is $rom his camp and in which direction. Ans( <istance travelled in north and so!th directions 1+2 1 1+4 K 1+"2 1 1+124 K 1+512 1 and so on , 1+2+&&11&11+2'' %imilarly in east and west directions 11 1+2 K 1+13 1 1+32 K 1+253 1 and so on , 1+&& 11 & 1 1+2'' Add both the answers

25"' Iow can 1000000000 be written as a prod!ct o$ two $actors neither o$ them containing Ceros Ans( 2 power B 5 5 power B 252' ;onversation between two mathematcians( #irst ( ) have three childern. The prod!ct o$ their ages is "3. )$ yo! s!m their ages* it is e5actly same as my neighbo!r>s door n!mber on my le$t. The second mathematician ver$ies the door n!mber and says that it is not s!$$icient. Then the $irst says M Ek one more cl!e is that my yo!ngest is really the yo!ngestM. )mmmediately the second mathematician answers . ;an yo! answer the !estion asked by the $irst mathematician0 ?hat are the childeren ages0 Ans 1*3 and 3 255' Night glows $or every 1" seconds . Iow many times did it glow between 1(57(54 and "(20(27 am. Ans ( "4" K 1 , "42 253' 500 men are arranged in an array o$ 10 rows and 50 col!mns according to their heights. Tallest among each row o$ all are asked to $all o!t. And the shortest among them is A. %imilarly a$ter res!ming that to their original podsitions that the shortest among each col!mn are asked to $all o!t. And the tallest among them is B . Fow who is taller among A and B 0 Ans A 257' A person with some money spends1+" $or cloths* 1+5 o$ the remaining $or $ood and 1+2 o$ the remaining $or travel. Ie is le$t with Ds 100+1 . Iow m!ch did he have with him in the begining 0 Ans( Ds 250+1 254' There are si5 bo5es containing 5 * 7 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 2B balls o$ either red or bl!e in colo!r. %ome bo5es contain only red balls and others contain only bl!e.Ene sales man sold one bo5 o!t o$ them and then he says M ) have the same n!mber o$ red balls le$t o!t as that o$ bl!e M. ?hich bo5 is the one he solds o!t 0 Ans( Total no o$ balls , 4B and &4B12B +2' , 30+2 , "0 and also 12 K 13 , 5 K 7 K 14 , "0 230' Grass in lawn grows e !ally thick and in a !ni$orm rate. )t takes 22 days $or 70 cows and 30 days $or "0 cows to eat the whole o$ the grass.

Iow many cows are needed to eat the grass in B3 days.0 Ans ( 20 g 1 grass at the beginning r 1 rate at which grass grows* per day y 1 rate at which one cow eats grass* per day n 1 no o$ cows to eat the grass in B3 days g K 22.r , 70 . 22 . y g K 30.r , "0 . 30 . y g K B3.r , n . B3 . y %olving* n , 20. 231'There r some bees in a garden..1+5th o$ them went to a partic!lar $lower*1+"rd went to another $lower*" times the di$$erence o$ the above two went to third $lower..n one was remaining n it was roaming aro!nd..how many bees were there0 &" marks' Ans(15 232'there was a comm!nity in which there were 1000 co!ples.)n that 2+"rd o$ men who r taller r also heavier n "+2th o$ the men who r heavier r also taller n there were 120 women who were both heavier n taller than men.%o how many men r both taller n heavier than men0 23"'A man drives with constant speed..n he a$ter some time he sees a milestone with 21digits..then he travels $or an hr n sees the same 2 digits in reverse order..n then a$ter an hr he sees that the milestone has the same 2 digits with a 0 between them..so whats the man speed0 Ans(25km+hr 232'There were 2 systems A n B.12 degrees in A is e !ivalent to "3 in system B.and 1"" in A is e !ivalent to 47 in B.now what is the temperat!re where they both r e !al0 Ans(51.25 &conversion A,&7+"'B170' 235' L P Q L P Q ABKAB1 111111111111 1111111111111 ;<=#BGA $ind L*P*Q*G 233'A women b!ys some shoestrips n then 2 times o$ that she b!ys packet pins n then 4 times o$ shoestrips she b!ys handkerchie$s..n she has a bill o$ Ds".22..n she pays $or each article as many paise as there r articles&o$ tht partic!lar item'.Fow whats the n!mber o$ handkerchie$s0

Ans(13 237'Hs.Anitha got her salary n she spent hal$ o$ it in shopping n gave 1D% to a beggar.A$ter that 1+2 o$ the remaining money she spends in a hotel n she gives Ds.2+1 as a tip to waiter.n then 1+2 o$ the remaining she spends again n she gives " D% as charity..n a$ter that $inally she is le$t with Ds 1+1 when she comes o!t.?hats the act!al money she had0 Ds 22+1 &" marks' 234. A person is cycling in a circ!lar track.At some point he notices that 1+5 o$ people in $ront o$ him and 5+3 o$ people together condtit!te the total no. o$ cyclists.#ind the total no. o$ cyclists. Ans("1 23B.Trains leave $rom Few Pork to ?ashington every ho!r on the ho!r&1(00*2(00....'.Trains leave $rom ?ashington to Few Pork every ho!r on the ho!r and hal$ ho!r&1(00*1("0*2(0*2("0....'.)t takes a train 5 hrs to complete its :o!rney $rom ?ashington to Few Pork as well as $rom new york to washington.A train leaves $rom new york to washington. #ind o!t how many trains it will meet be$ore it reaches washington. Ans(1B or 21&not s!re'. 270' A pen* pencil and eraser together cost X1.00. i$ 2=AF * i$ F92G* and G92= then what a single pen will cost0 271. )n a class there are less than 500 st!dents . when it is divided by " it gives a whole n!mber. similarly when it is divided by 2*5 or 7 gives a whole n!mber.$ind the no. o$ st!dents in the class. ans( 220 272. Rncle re!ben and a!nt cynthia came to town to shop re!ben bo!ght a s!it and hat $or X15 cynthia paid as m!ch as $or her hat as re!ben did $or his s!it then she spent the rest o$ their money $or a new dress on the way home cynthia called re!ben>s attention to the $act that his hat cost X1 more than her dress then she added i$ we had divided o!r hat money di$$erently so that we bo!ght di$$erent hats mine costing 1 and 1+2 time cost i$ yo!rs then we each wo!ld have spent the same amo!nt o$ money in that case said !ncle re!ben Mhow m!ch wo!ld my hat have costM Ans ( Rncles hat costs X3.2 &total money was X2B'

27". #o!r $amily names are given and their $rends name are given b!t not in order.& ! hav to $ind which $rend belongs to which $amily' =ach $rend prepares salad !sing " di$$erent $r!its . they are given apple* cherry* grape* banana.* no two $rens !ses the same combination. Jario!s conditions are given and 2 !es asked. ?hich $r!it did mandy didn>t !se0 ?ho is $l!res $riend0 Fame the $r!its common btwn =rica and stacy0 272.Iere is a simple mathematical p!CCle set by Nong$ellow in his own $lowery* poetical lang!age. )$ 1+5th o$ a hive o$ bees $lew to the badamba $lower* 1+"rd $lew to the slandbara* " times the di$$erence o$ these two n!mbers $lew to an arbo!r* ad one bee contin!ed to $ly abo!t* attracted on each side by the $ragrant ketaki and malati* what was the total n!mber o$ bees0 Ans( 15 275. &don>t remember the e5act !estion'a man while sorting $iles picks !p $ile n!mber one*misses one* picks !p $ile no. 2*mises two $iles*and so on...a$ter that he $o!nd that he picked !p 5V o$ the $iles. Iow many $iles were there0 Ans("B 273. A man walks at 2 km+hr on plain* then at " km+hr !phill and then ret!rns thro!gh the same road at 3 km+hr downhill and at 2 km+hr on the plain. )t takes altogether 3 ho!rs. %o what distance he covered in one way0 Ans( 12 km %ol!tion( Net plain road , 5 km And hill road , y km 0 5+2 K y+" K y+3 K 5+2 , 3 0 5+2 K y+2 , 3 0 5 K y ,12 277. There are some men and some lodges $or which the $ollowing conditions hold tr!e U i' =ach lodge is represented by e5actly " men . ii' =ach man is associated with e5actly 2 lodges. iii' Any pair o$ lodge has only one man in common. Iow many men and how many lodges were there0 Ans( 3 men and 2 lodges. %ol!tion(

i' N1 is represented by H1* H2* H". N2 is represented by H"* H2* H5. N" is represented by H1* H2* H3. N2 is represented by H2* H5* H3. ii' H1 is associated with N1*N". H2 is associated with N1*N2. H" is associated with N1*N2. H2 is associated with N2*N". H5 is associated with N2*N2. H3 is associated with N"*N2. iii' ;ommon between N1 and N2 is only H". ;ommon between N1 and N" is only H1. ;ommon between N1 and N2 is only H2. ;ommon between N2 and N" is only H2. ;ommon between N2 and N2 is only H5. ;ommon between N" and N2 is only H3. i.e all the given conditions are satis$ied. 274. A person sells 2 items $or Ds. 12 each. #or one he pro$its 25V and $or the other he losses 20V. Altogether did he loss or gain0 And by how m!ch0 Ans( Ie losses by 30 paise. %ol!tion( ;ost price o$ the item $or which he losses , Ds. 12.100+40 , Ds. 15. ;ost price o$ the item $or which he Gains , Ds. 12.100+125 , Ds B.3. 0 Total cost price is Ds. 22.3 and total sell price is Ds. 22. %o altogether he losses by Ds. 0.3. 27B. Hy $atherZs age was 5 in the year 5[. ) am obvio!sly talking abo!t 20th cent!ry. )n which year was my $ather born0 Ans( )n the year 14B2. %ol!tion( 5 , 22 as 22[ , 1B"3 and the s !are o$ any other integer will not $all in between 1B00 and 2000. i.e my $ather was 22 in the year 1B"3. 0 my $ather was born in the year 14B2. 240.A man was going by cycle. A$ter going 2+"rd o$ total distance the cycle broke down and he had to complete the :o!rney on $oot. At the end he $o!nd that he walked twice as long as he was on cycle. Iow many times the speed o$ the cycle is as the speed o$ walking0 Ans( 2 times. %ol!tion( Net the distance be C km* speed o$ cycle be 5 km+hr and walking speed be y km+hr. Then he covered 2C+" km by cycle in 2C+"5 hr and covered C+" km on $oot in C+"y hr. 0 according to the !estion 2.2C+"5 , C+"y 0 5+y , 2.

241.)n a badminton to!rnament a team is eliminated $rom the to!rnament i$ it losses 2 games. )$ there are 51 teams then what is the ma5im!m n!mber o$ games re !ired to select the champion0 Ans( 101 %ol!tion( To eliminate the 50 teams 50.2 , 100 games are re !ired. And the champion team may lose in at most 1 game. 0 Ha5. no. o$ games re !ired , 101. 242. There are " tribes in a )sland. %ororean who always speak tr!th* Fororean who always speak $alse and Hidorean who speak tr!th and $alse alternately in either order. #rom the statements given by A*B and ; &who belong to " di$$erent tribes'* three persons $rom the island* identi$y who belongs to which tribe. A ( ; is %ororean. B is Hidorean. B ( A is Fororean. ; is Hidorean. ; ( A is Hidorean. ) am %ororean. Ans( AB; Hidorean Fororean %ororean %ol!tion( Think logically. 24". There are 5 persons A*B*;*<*= . All o$ them have di$$erent occ!pations and none o$ them are o$ same age. There pro$essions are ;ons!ltant* Glanner* =ngineer* F!tritionist and Technician de$initely not in the same order. #rom the $ollowing conditions determine whose pro$ession is what0 i' The cons!ltant is the oldest among them. ii' The Technician is not yo!nger than the Glanner and the Glanner is not yo!nger than the F!tritionist. iii' < is not as old as A and also not as yo!ng as B* who is not as old as the =ngineer and also not as yo!ng as ;. iv' ; is not the yo!ngest among them. Ans( Fames are given in descending order o$ their ages. ;ons!ltant =ngineer Technician Glanner F!tritionist A<B;= %ol!tion( Think logically.

242. 2 persons* ?atts* Doger* EZneil and %mith* were eating in a resta!rant while %mith was killed by poisoning. <!ring investigation the other " persons gave the $ollowing statements. They gave one $alse statement each. ?atts ( i' ) didnZt do it. ii' EZneil sat beside me. iii' ?e had o!r !s!al waiter. Doger ( i' %mith was across the table $rom me. ii' ?e had a new waiter. iii' The waiter didnZt do it. EZneil ( i' Doger didnZt do it. ii' The waiter has poisoned %mith. iii' ?atts lied when he said that we had o!r !s!al waiter. Ene among these three persons and the waiter m!rdered %mith. ?ho is the m!rderer0 Ans ( EZneil is the m!rderer. %ol!tion( Think logically. ) have given the $alse statements in red and italics. 245 There is a 2 inch c!be painted on all sides. This is c!t down into o$ 1 inch c!bes. ?hat is the no o$ c!bes which have no pointed sides. Ans( 4 \&n12'.&n12'.&n12'] where n is side length o$ the c!be 243. #ind the val!es o$ each o$ the alphabets. FEEF %EEF KHEEF 6RF= Ans( B"23 247. )$ a clock takes 7seconds to strike 7* how long will the same clock take to strike 100 Ans( The clock strikes $or the $irst time at the start and takes 7 seconds $or 3 intervals1th!s $or one interval time taken,7+3. There$ore* $or 10 seconds there are B intervals and time taken is B.7+3,10 and 1+2 seconds. 244. #i$ty min!tes ago i$ it was $o!r times as many min!tes past three o>clock* how many min!tes is it to si5 o>clock0

Ans( Twenty si5 min!tes. 24B. =veryday in his b!siness a merchant had to weigh amo!nts $rom 1 kg to 121kgs* to the nearest kg. ?hat are the minim!m n!mber o$ weight re !ired and how heavy sho!ld they be0 Ans( .The minim!m n!mber is 5 and they sho!ld weigh 1*"*B*27 and 41kgs. 2B0. Dam* %hyam and G!mnaam are $riends. Dam is a widower and lives alone and his sister takes care o$ him. %hyam is a bachelor and his niece cooks his $ood and looks a$ter his ho!se.G!mnaam is married to Gita and lives in large ho!se in the same town.Gita gives the idea that all o$ them co!ld stay together in the ho!se and share monthly e5pensese !ally. <!ring their $irst month o$ livingtogether* each person contrib!ted Ds.25. At the end o$ the month* it was $o!nd that Ds B2 was the e5pense sothe remaining amo!nt was distrib!ted e !ally among everyone. The distrib!tion was s!ch that everyone received a whole n!mber o$ D!pees. Iow m!ch did each person receive0Ans. Ds 2 &Iint( Dam>s sister*%hyam>s niece and G!mnaam>s wi$e are the same person' 2B1. %am and Hala have a conversation. ^ %am says ) am certainly not over 20 ^ Hala says ) am "4 and yo! are at least 5 years olderthan me ^ Fow %am says yo! are at least "B All the statements by the two are $alse. Iow old are they really0 Ans( Hala , "4 yrs* %am , 21 yrs. 2B2. Grass in lawn grows e !ally thick and in a !ni$orm rate. )t takes 22 days $or 70 cows and 30 days $or "0 cows to eat the whole o$ the grass. Iow many cows are needed to eat the grass in B3 days.0 Ans ( 20 \Iint( g 1 grass at the beginning r 1rate at which grass grows* per day y 1 rate at which one cow eats grass* per day n 1 no o$ cows to eat the grass in B3 days g K 22.r , 70 . 22. y g K 30.r, "0 . 30 . y g K B3.r , n . B3. y* %olving* n , 20. ] 2B". Three criminals were arrested $or shop li$ting. Iowever* when interrogated only one told the tr!th in both his statements* while the other two each told one tr!e statement and one lie. The statements were( ^ ANB=DT (&a' ;hander passed the merchandise. &b'Br!ce created the diversion.

^ BDR;= (&a' Albert passed the merchandise. &b') created the diversion. ^ ;N)J= (&a' ) took the goods o!t o$ the shop. &b' Br!ce passed them over. Ans( Albert passed the goods. Br!ce created the diversion. ;live took the goods o!t o$ the shop. 2B2. There F stations on a railroad. A$ter adding L stations on the rail ro!te 23 additional tickets have to be printed. #ind F and L. Ans. 5,2 and F,11 & Net initially*F&F11' , tT A$ter adding* &FKL'&FKL11' , tK23TTrail and error method ' 2B5. ;omplete the Table given below( Three $ootball teams are there. Given below is the gro!p table. #ill in the 5>s Glayed ?on Nost <raw Goals #or Goals Against A225551 B255122 ;2555"7 Ans( The $illed table is given below Glayed ?on Nost <raw Goals #or Goals Against A220071 B201122 ;2011"7 2B7. #o!r prisoners escape $rom a prison. The prisoners* Hr. =ast* Hr. ?est* Hr. %o!th* Hr. Forth head towards di$$erent directions a$ter escaping. The $ollowing in$ormation o$ their escape was s!pplied( ^ The escape ro!tes were The Forth Doad* %o!th Doad*=ast Doad and ?est Doad. ^ Fone o$ the prisoners took the road which was theirnamesake. ^ Hr. =ast did not take the %o!th Doad ^ Hr. ?est did not the %o!th Doad. ^ The ?est Doad was not taken by Hr. =ast ?hat road did each o$ the prisoners take to make their escape0 Ans( Hr. =ast took the Forth Doad Hr. ?est took the =ast Doad Hr. Forth took the %o!th Doad Hr. %o!th took the ?est Doad.

2B4. A hotel has two wings* the east wing and the west wing. %ome east wing rooms b!t not all have an ocean view.All west wing rooms have a harbor view. The charge $or all rooms is identical* e5cept as $ollows ( ^ =5tra charge $or all harbor view rooms on or above the "rd $loor ^ =5tra charge $or all ocean view rooms e5cept those witho!t balcony ^ =5tra charge $or some harbor rooms on the $irst two $loor - some east wing rooms witho!t ocean view b!t having kitchen $acilities. ?hich o$ the $ollowing cannot be determined on the basis o$ the in$ormation given( ). ?hether there are any rooms witho!t a balcony $or which an e5tra charge is imposed. )). ?hether any room witho!t a kitchen or a view involves an e5tra charge. ))). ?hether two e5tra charges are imposed $or any room. &A' ) only &B' )) only &;' ))) only &<' )) and ))) only &=' )* )) and ))) Ans( &A' 2BB. A ship went on a voyage. A$ter it had traveled 140 miles a plane started with 10 times the speed o$ the ship. #ind the distance when they meet $rom starting point. Ans( 200miles. & <istance traveled by plane , 1+10 distance traveled by ship K 140 ' "01. #ather>s age is three years more than three times the son>s age. A$ter three years* $ather>s age will be ten years more than twice the son>s age. ?hat is the $ather>s present age0 Ans( "" years. "02. Night glows $or every 1" seconds . Iow many times did it glow between 1(57(54 and "(20(27 am. Ans ( "4" K 1 , "42 "0". There are 20 poles with a constant distance between each pole. A car takes 22 second to reach the

12th pole.Iow m!ch will it take to reach the last pole. Ans( 21.25 seconds &Net thedistance between two poles , 5* Ience 115(22((1B5(0 ' "02. A man collects cigarette st!bs and makes one $!ll cigarette with every 4 st!bs. )$ he gets 32 st!bs how many $!ll cigarettes can he smoke. Ans( 4K1,B "05. The min!te and the ho!r hand o$ a watch meet every 35 min!tes. Iow m!ch does the watch lose or gain time and by how m!ch0 Ans( GainsT 5+11 min!tes "03. A s!rvey was taken among 100 people to $ind their pre$erence o$ watching T. J. programs. There are " channels. Given the no o$ people who watch ^ at least channel 1 ^ at least channel 2 ^ at least channel " ^ no channels at all ^ at least channels 1and " ^ at least channels 1 and 2 ^ at least channels 2 and " #ind the no o$ people who watched all three. "07. %ome statements are given below( ^ N says all o$ my other $o!r $riends have money ^ H says that G said that e5actly one among them has money ^ F says that N said that precisely two among them have money ^ E says that H said that three o$ the others have money ^ G* N and F said that they have money All the above statement are $alse. ?ho has money - who doesn>t have any money0 "04. 500 men are arranged in an array o$ 10 rows and 50 col!mns according to their heights. Tallest among each row o$ all are asked to $all o!t. And the shortest among them is A. %imilarly a$ter res!ming that to their original positions that the shortest among each col!mn are asked to $all o!t. And the tallest among them is B. Fow who is taller among A and B 0 Ans. A "0B. Hr. Hath!rs :ewels have been stolen $rom his bank

locker. The bank has lockers o$ 12 people which are arranged in an array o$ " rows and 2 col!mns like( 12"2 5374 B 10 11 12 ^ The locker belonging to 6EF=% was to the right o$ BNA;8>% locker and directly above H)NNAD>%. ^ BEETI>% locker was directly above H)NNAD>%. ^ %H)TI>% locker was also above GDAP>s &tho!gh not directly'. ^ GD==F>% locker was directly below %H)TI>%. ^ ?)N%EF>% locker was between that o$ <AJ)% and BEETI. ^ H)NNAD>% locker was on the bottom row directly to the right o$ I=D<>%. ^ ?I)T=>% locker was on the bottom right hand corner in the same col!mn as BEETI>%. ?hich bo5 belonged to Hr. Hath!rs0 Ans( Bo5 n!mber B belongs to Hr.Hath!rs. "10. Groblem based on sets. 100 ppl. 45 are married* 70 have phone* 75 have ho!se* 30 have car. $ind ppl having ho!se* car* phone and r married00 easy set problem. i am not s!re abt $ig!res b!t $ind total ppl who do not have these things and s!btract $rom 100 to get ppl having all these. ans. 10 "11. village and town. in between a hill. a person travels on cycle 4 km !phill and 22 downhill to reach town contin!o!sly in 2hrs 50 min. then he comes to village in 2 hrs and "0 min. $ind his speed !phill and downhill. ans. !phill 3 downhill 13 "12. $ind wiCard>s age. his age is " times son>s age* his $ather>s age is 20 more than twice his age. total o$ their ages is 1220. ans. "30 "1". there r some steps. i come down 7 steps then see a man at bottom. then he comes !p and i go down at same speed&my speed'. when 2 steps r remaining $or me i $ind tht man has reached the top. $or my single step downwards he took 2 steps !p. $ind total steps. ans. 22 steps. "12' Ene person went to market to p!rchase three varieties o$ chocolates. Ie had p!rchased 20 items with 20 cents. #!dges are available at 2 cents each* chaco bars are

available at 2 $or a penny and g!m pints are available at 2 a penny. Iow many o$ each item he had p!rchased. "15' There is a $ive digit n!mber* where the third n!mber is one higher than the s!m o$ $irst and second digits. #o!rth digit is twice o$ $i$th and third digit is twice the $o!rth. %econd digit is $ive more than the $irst digit. ?hat is the n!mber "13' A c!be* which is painted red on all its sides* is c!t into 27 c!bes with three straight c!ts. Fow how many c!bes have i' Fo red $ace ii'Ene red $ace iii'Two red $aces iv'Three red $aces "17' )t is a typical Tap problem. There are two taps* which are !sed to $ill the tank and one tap to empty the tank. #irst tap $ill the tank in 10 min.* while the second takes !arter o$ an ho!r to $ill the tank i$ both are operated independently. Third tap is capable o$ emptying the tank in seven and a hal$ min!tes. )$ all the taps are opened sim!ltaneo!sly &when the tank is empty' how long &i$ ever' will it take $or the tank to get $illed completely0 "14' Ten years be$ore* one is seven years more than the Mhal$ the ageM o$ other. Fow the brideZs age is "0 years. And also one is nine1tenths the age o$ other. ?hat is groomZs present age. "1B' Two g!ys are tossing coin with a bet o$ X1 $or each game. A$ter some tosses.* one g!y earned X" while the other won three times. Iow many games do they play. "20' There is one 4 marks analytical !estion. ?hich is the easiest p!CCle ) had ever seen. There are in total eight members in the gro!p. #ive members are to be selected $rom that gro!p. They had given three conditions. ?e have to answer $o!r m!ltiple1choice !estions which are $ramed based on the above three conditions. )n almost all the !estions* answer can be $o!nd o!t by eliminating the answers $rom the choices. Going thr! the GD= Barrons analytical section will help. Get the gist o$ it.* rather than trying to solve more and more. "21' There are $o!r $riends* who are speaking abo!t the piCCa* which one o$ them ate be$ore. =ach one will say one statement and we were given that one o$ them is lying. ?e have to $ind o!t who ate the piCCa. =asy one..* no need to worry abt. this. "22' All the above nine p!CCles are very easy when compared to this one. This is di$$ic!lt not beca!se o$ logic b!t beca!se o$ its grammer. The sentence str!ct!re is too complicate. This !estion reminded me o$ p!CCle 127 o$ sak!nthala deviZs G!CCles to G!CCle R.

"2". there is a 1 km long wire plces on 5 poles . i$ the no o$ poles is red!ced by 1 then he distance o$ wire between each poles increases 1 2+".how many poles are there intially.Y "22. clark *:ones*mason* smith are 2 ppl. there are 2 pro$essions dr!ggists*grocer*b!tcher*policeman.$ind o!t who is who0 1'clark and :ones are neighbo!rs and they drive each other to work. 2':ones earns more than mason "' the police man earns more than the dr!ggists and i MthinkM the grocer. 2' the policeman does not have a dr!ggists as a neighbo!r. 5' the b!tcher walks to work 3'policeman does not meet the grocer !ntil he arrests him $or commiting an o$$ence. "25. A and B write a test A says M i got a third o$ the !es. wrongM B says M i got 5 wrongM together they got three !arters o$ the !estions correct. how many did a get correct. &5 m' "23. )$ a die has 1*3 and "*2 and 2*5 opposite each other how many s!ch dies can be made. "27. There are three bo5es * )n one bo5 Two white balls * )n two bo5 2 black balls )n three bo5 1 white -1 black The lables on the bo5es are not correct.Then yo! have to open one bo5 and to $ind the colo!r o$ the balls in all bo5es. %ol!tion( Epen the bo5 labled black- white )$ white balls are there then the bo5 labled with white balls contain black balls and labled with black balls contain one black and one white ball and viceversa i$ two black ballsare there. "24'. there are containing 5 * 7 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 2B balls o$ either red or bl!e in colo!r. %ome bo5es contain only red balls and others contain only bl!e . Ene sales man sold one bo5 o!t o$ them and then he says M ) have the same n!mber o$ red balls le$t o!t as that o$ bl!e M. ?hich bo5 is the one he solds o!t 0 Ans ( total no o$ balls , 4B and &4B12B +2 , 30+2 , "0 and also 12 K 13 , 5 K 7 K 14 , "0

"2B'. A chain is broken into three pieces o$ e !al lenths containing " links each. )t is taken to a backsmith to :oin into a single contin!o!s one . Iow many links are to to be opened to make it 0 Ans ( 2. ""0' when the act!al time pass 1hr wall clock is 10 min behind it when 1 hr is shown by wall clock* table clock shows 10 min ahead o$ it when table clock shows 1 hr the alarm clock goes 5min behind it* when alarm clock goes 1 hr wrist watch is 5 min ahead o$ it ass!ming that all clocks are correct with act!al time at 12 noon what will be time shown by wrist watch a$ter 3 hr ans1115(27("2.5 &n L 30 '50+30 L 70+30 L 55+30 L 35+30 ""1. complete the $ollowing a. X . . X _ . 0 0 ` _ _ ` ` X 0 0 some what simillar like this...b!t not clear. b. 1 * " * 7 * 1" * 21 * WW * 2" Ans ( "1 c. 1* "* B* WW * 13B00 ""2. A girl took part in a &some' game with many others in a circ!lar closed circ!it. A$ter pedaling $or several min!tes* he $o!nd that 1+"th o$ the cyclists ahead o$ her and "+2th o$ the cyclists behind him together $ormed the total no. o$ participants. Iow many were participating in the race0 """. E# all pets i have* e5cept 2 all are rabbits E# all pets i have* e5cept 2 all are $ish E# all pets i have* e5cept 2 all are cats Iow many rabbits* $ish and cats are there0 ""2. given carpenter K painter , 1100 painter K electrician , "200 electrician K pl!mber , 5100 pl!mber K mason , 2200 mason K labo!r , "000 labo!r K painter , 1100 $ind every person>s cash0 &i dont know the e5act amo!nt mentioned above.' ""5. o!t o$ "0 !estions* the three persons A*B - ; answered 25 correct answers* B answered 55V o$ A* B and ; together answered 25 V more o$ what A answered. #ind how many answers each answered0 ""3. 6im*B!d and sam were ro!nded !p by the police yesterday. beca!se one o$ them was s!spected o$ having robbed the local bank. The three s!spects made the $ollowing statements !nder intensive !estioning. 6im( )>m innocent

B!d( )>m innocent %am( B!d is the g!ilty one. )$ only one o$ the statements t!rned o!t to be tr!e* who robbed the bank0 ""7' There are two containers on a table. A and B . A is hal$ $!ll o$ wine* while B* which is twice A>s siCe* is one !arter $!ll o$ wine . Both containers are $illed with water and the contents are po!red into a third container ;. ?hat portion o$ container ;>s mi5t!re is wine 0 ""4' A wall clock loses 10 min!tes every 1 ho!r. )n 1 ho!r by the wall clock * a table clock gets 10 min!tes ahead o$ it. )n 1 ho!r by the table clock an alarm clock $alls 5 min!tes behind it. )n 1 ho!r o$ the alarm clock* a wristwatch gets 5 min!tes ahead it. At noon* all 2 timepieces were set correctly. To the nearest min!tes* what time will the wrist show when the correct time is 3 p.m. on the same day 0 ""B' MPo! see*M said Hrs.H!rphy*MGaddy is now one and one1third times as old as he was when he took to drink* and little 6immy* who was $orty months old when paddy took to drink is now two years more than hal$ as old as ) was when Gaddy took to drink * so when little 6immy is as old as Gaddy was when he took to drink.o!r three ages combined will amo!nt to :!st one h!ndred yearsM Iow old is little 6immy0 "20'Both the Allens and the %miths have two yo!ng sons !nder eleven. The name o$ the boys whose ages ro!nded o$$ to the nearest year are all di$$erent are Arth!r* Bert* ;arl and <avid . Taking the ages o$ the boys only to the nearest year * the $ollowing staements are tr!e . Arth!r is three years yo!nger than his brother . Bert is the oldest . ;arl is hal$ as old as one o$ the allen boys . <avid is $ive years older than the yo!nger smith boy . the total ages o$ the boys in each $amily di$$er by the same amo!nt today as they did $ive years ago Iow old is each boy and what is each boys $amily name. "21' )n a certain organiCation there are either men eligible to serve on a eligible to serve on a newly established commitee o$ $o!r. The selection o$ the members is not an easy matter * however $or there are :ealo!sies and attachements among the candidates which prevents a $ree choice o$ $o!r committeemen* i$ yo! were the president o$ the organiCation co!ld yo! select a committee o$ $o!r satis$ying all these whims0

. Ames will serve with anybody . Brown won>t serve !nless ;layton serves . ;layton wont serve with =vans . <avis wont serve witho!t h!ghes . evans will serve with anybody . #rench wont serve with <avis !nless Grant serves too* and wont serve with ;layton !nless <avis also serves . Grant wont serve with both Brown and ;layton and wont serve with either Ames or =vens . I!ghes wont serve !nless either Brown or #rench serves and wont serve with ;layton !nless Grant serves too and wont serve with both Ames and =vans "22' An artist has e5actly seven paintings 111 *T*R*J*?*L*P* and Q 11 $rom which she m!st choose e5actly $ive to be in an e5hibit. Any combination is acceptable provided it meets the $ollowing conditions( . )$ T is chosen * L cannot be chosen . )$ R is chosen * P m!st also be chosen . )$ J is chosen * L m!st also be chosen 1' ?hich one o$ hte $ollowing is an aceptable combination o$ paintings $or incl!sion in the e5hibit0 A. T*R*J*L*P B. T*R*J*P*Q ;. T*?*L*P*Q <. R*J*?*P*Q =. R*J*?*Q*P 2' )$ painting T is chosen to be among the paintings incl!ded int he e5hibit which one o$ the $ollowing cannot be chosen to be among the paintings incl!ded in the e5hibit0 A. R B. J ;. ? <. P =. Q "'?hich one o$ the $ollowing s!bstit!tions can the artist always make witho!t violating restrictions a$$ecting the combination o$ paintings

given that the painting mentioned $irst was not* and the painting mentioned $irst was not* and the painting mentioned second was* originally going to be chosen 0 A. T replaces J B. R replaces P ;. J replaces L <. ? replaces P =. Q replaces ? 2' )$ the artist chooses painting J to be incl!ded among the paintings in the e5hibit* which one o$ the $ollowing m!st be tr!e o$ that combination o$ paintings0 A. T is not chosen B. P is not chosen ;. R is chosen <. ? is chosen =. Q is chosen "2"' Pesterday my mother asked me to b!y some stamps. %tamps are available in 2 paise*7paise*10paise*15paise and 20paise denominations. #or three types o$ stamps ) was asked to b!y $ive o$ each. #or the other two types o$ stamps. ) was asked to b!y si5 o$ each. Rn$ort!nately ) $orgot which ) was s!pposed to b!y $ive o$ and which to b!y si5 o$ N!ckly my mother had given me the e5act money re !ired to b!y the stamps * Ds. ".00 and the shopkeeper was able to give me the correct stamps. ?hich stamps did ) b!y0 "22'#armer 6ones sold a pair o$ cows $or Ds. 210 * En one he made a pro$it o$ ten percent and on the other he lost ten percent. Altogether he made a pro$it o$ $ive percent. Iow many did each cow originally cost him0 "25.Heera was playing with her brother !sing 55 blocks.%he gets bored playing and starts arranging the blocks s!ch that the no. o$ blocks in each row is one less than that in the lower row. #ind how many were there in the bottom most row0 "23.Dah!l took part in a cycling game with many others in a circ!lar closed circ!it. A$ter pedaling $or several min!tes* he $o!nd that 1+5th o$ the cyclists ahead o$ him and 5+3th o$ the cyclists behind him together $ormed the total no. o$ participants. Iow many were participating in the race0 "27.Tom wants to catch a hare. Ie is standing 250 yards so!th $rom the hare. The hare starts moving d!e east.

Tom* instead o$ moving in the northeast direction*moves in s!ch a way that at every instant* he is goingtowards the hare. )$ speed o$ tom is one and one1third times that o$ the hare* $ind the distance each traveled be$ore he ca!ght the hare. "24.Two people are playing with a pair o$ dies. )nstead o$ n!mbers* the dies have di$$erent colors on their sides. The $irst person wins i$ the same color appears on both the dies and the second person wins i$ the colors are di$$erent. The odds o$ their winning are e !al. )$ the $irst dice has 5 red sides and 1 bl!e side* $ind the color&s' on the second one. "2B.A company>s director said d!ring the board meeting( M The company>s income $rom roads will be s!$$icient to pay 3V o$ the entire stock iss!e* b!t since we are paying 7.5V interest on the pre$erred stock o$ Ds.2* 000*000 we are able to pay only 5V o$ the common stockM. #ind the val!e o$ the common stock. "50. Hr. AFPHAF le$t AFPTE?F by car to attend a wedding at AFP;)TP. Ie had been driving $or e5actly two ho!rs when the car got p!nct!red. )t took his driver e5actly ten min!tes to change the wheel. )n order to play sa$e they covered the remaining distance at a speed o$ "0 mph. conse !ently* Hr. AFPHAF was at wedding hal$ an1 ho!r behind sched!le. Iad the car got the p!nct!re only "0 miles later * ) wo!ld have been only #)#T==F min!tes late he told the driver . Iow #ar is AFP;)TP $rom AFPTE?F. Ans( 120 miles "51. Alpha* Beta * gamma* delta and epsilon are $riends and have birthdays on consec!tive days tho!gh may not be in order. Gamma is as many days old to Alpha as Beta is yo!nger to =psilon. <elta is two days older then =psilon. GammaZs Birthday is on ?ednesday. Tell whose birthday is when. Ans( Alpha( #riday Beta ( %at!rday Gamma( ?ednesday <elta( T!esday =psilon( Th!rsday

"52.The !arter o$ the time $rom midnight to present time added to the hal$ o$ the time $rom the present to midnight gives the present time. ?hat is the present time0 Ans( Bhrs past "3 min!tes AH "5". A man is going to a wedding party. Ie travels $or 2hrs when he gets a p!nct!re. ;hanging tyres takes 10mins. The rest o$ the :o!rney he travels at "0 miles+hr. Ie reaches "0mins behind sched!le. Ie thinks to himsel$ that i$ the p!nct!re had occ!rred "0miles later* he wo!ld have been only 15mins late. #ind the total distance traveled by the man "52. A$ter world war )) three departments did as $ollows #irst department gave some tanks to 2nd -"rd departments e !al to the n!mber they are having. Then 2nd department gave some tanks to 1st - "rd departments e !al to the n!mber they are having. Then "rd department gave some tanks to 2nd -1st departments e !al to the n!mber they are having. Then each department has 22 tanks. #ind the initial n!mber o$ tanks o$ each department0 Ans T A1"B B121 ;112 "55. A girl >A> told to her $riend abo!t the siCe and color o$ a snake she has seen in the beach. )t is one o$ the colors brown+black+green and one o$ the siCes "5+25+55. )$ it were not green or i$ it were not o$ length "5 it is 55. )$ it were not black or i$ it were not o$ length 25 it is 55. )$ it were not black or i$ it were not o$ length "5 it is 55. a' ?hat is the color o$ the snake0 b' ?hat is the length o$ the snake0 Ans( a' brown b' 55

"53.A man was on his way to a marriage in a car with a constant speed. A$ter 2 ho!rs one o$ the tier is p!nct!red and it took 10 min!tes to replace it. A$ter that they traveled with a speed o$ "0 miles+hr and reached the marriage "0 min!tes late to the sched!led time. The driver told that they wo!ld be late by 15 min!tes only i$ the 10 min!tes was not waste. #ind the distance between the two towns0

"57. Three clocks where set to tr!e time. #irst r!n with the e5act time. %econd slows one min!te+day. Third gains one min!te+day. A$ter how many days they will show tr!e time. "54. There were some containers o$ !antity 1* "* 2* 5* 3* 12* 15* 22* 22* "4 liters. =ach was $illed with some li !id e5cept one. The li !ids are milk* water and oil. 7!antity o$ each was like this. ?ater , 2. milk oil , 2. water. #ind o!t which container was empty and containers $illed with milk and oil. "5B. Two travelers* one with 32 barrels o$ wine* other with 20 barrels o$ wine. They don>t have eno!gh money to pay d!ty $or the same. #irst traveler pays 20 $rancs and gives his 5 barrels* %econd traveler gives his 2 barrels b!t gets 20 $rancs in e5change. ?hat>s val!e o$ each barrel* and d!ty $or each barrel0 Ans( Jal!e o$ each barrel1120 $rancs* <!ty on each110 $rancs "30. ?hat is Ann>s relation with her h!sband>s mother>s only da!ghter1in1law>s sister>s h!sband0 Ans( Brother1in1law "31. %ome g!y holding a glass o$ wine in his hand looking aro!nd in the room says* MThis is same as it was $o!r years ago* how old are yo!r two kids now0M Ether g!y says MThree now* Gam had one more in the meanwhile.M Gam says* M)$ yo! m!ltiply their ages* answer is B3 and i$ yo! add the ages o$ $irst two kids* addition is same as o!r ho!se n!mber.M The $irst g!y says* MPo! are very smart b!t that doesn>t tell me their ages.M Gam says* M)t>s very simple* :!st think.M ?hat are the ages o$ three kids0 Ans( 4* 3* 2 "32. A motor cyclist participant o$ a race says M?e drove with the speed o$ 10 miles an ho!r one way* b!t while ret!rning beca!se o$ less tra$$ic we drove on the same ro!te with 15 miles per ho!r.M ?hat was their average speed in the whole :o!rney0 Ans( 12 miles per ho!r "3". Given $ollowing se !ence* $ind the ne5t term in the series( &i' 0* 2* 2* 3* 4* 12* 12* 20* 13* WWWW Ans( 12 &ii' "* 3* 1"* 23* ""* 33* WWW Ans( 5"

"32. Three c!stomers want hairc!t and a shave. )n a saloon* two barbers operate at same speed. They take !arter o$ an ho!r $or the hairc!t and 5 mins $or the shave. Iow !ickly can they $inish the hairc!t and shave o$ these three c!stomers0 Ans( "0 min!tes "35. A shopkeeper likes to arrange and rearrange his collection o$ stamps. Ie arranges them sometimes in pair* sometimes in b!ndle o$ three* sometimes in b!ndle o$ $o!rs* occasionally in b!ndle o$ $ives and si5es. =very time he>s le$t with one stamp in hand a$ter arrangement in b!ndles. B!t i$ he arranges in the b!ndle o$ seven* he>s not le$t with any stamp. Iow many stamps does a shopkeeper have0 Ans( "01 "33. Three di$$erent types o$ ob:ects in a b!cket. Iow many times does one need to select ob:ect $rom the b!cket to get atleast " ob:ects o$ the same type0 Ans( 7 "37'. A stamp collector has the habit to arrange or rearrange the stamps accordingly. while doing this he some times keeps the stamps in pairs* or in gro!p o$ " or in 2 or in or in 3 and realises that in any case he is le$t with 1 stamp and when he arranges them in gro!ps o$ 7 no stamps remain. what is the n!mber o$ stamps he has0 "34'. amy while walkin down the street with her da!ghter* meets her h!sband>s mother>s only d!aghter in law>s sister>s h!sband. how is the related to her0 "3B'. there are " c!stoners who wants to take a hair c!t and shave. there are 2 barbers who takes one !arter o$ an ho!r $or a hair c!t* and 5 min!tes $or a shave. both the barbers want to $inish o$$ and go !ickly to their homes. in what time can do it. "70'. we travelled to a place at the rate o$ 10 miles per ho!r and o$$co!rse ret!rned the same way* b!t owing to less tra$$ic at the rate o$ 15 miles per ho!r.what was o!r relative speed. "71'. there are " types o$ apples in a bo5. what is the n!mber o$ apples we sho!ld take so that we end !p with " apples o$ one kind. "72'. a'."*3*1"*23*""*33*W b'.0* 1*2*1" *3*"" *12* 3"*20* 10"*W

"7". =ach alphabet A*B.. Q is a constant.A,1*B,2*;,"S2*<,2SB n so on.=ach letter is assigned a val!e 1the position o$ that letter raised to the val!e o$ preceding alphabet.&; , " SB*<, 2 S ; n so on' ;omp!te the n!merical val!e o$ &L1A'&L1B'&L1;'....&L1P'&L1Q'.

"72. Hr. T has a wrong weighing pan.Ene arm is lengthier than other.1 kilogram on le$t balances 4 melons on right.1 kilogram on right balances 2 melons on le$t.)$ all melons are e !al in weight*what is the weight o$ a single melon0 "75. )n a game o$ dice* 2 dice thrown at each t!rn.The score at each t!rn is taken as the prod!ct o$ n!mber on 2 dices.there were $ive t!rns&rolls'.second roll is 1 less than $irst n &like this ... the relationship between third n second*third n $o!rth*$o!rth n $i$th ' were given.#ind the score in $irst roll*second roll*third roll*$o!rth roll.&:!s giving an idea abt !estion and don know the e5act relationships'. GRDGN=(these are always poisono!s i$ red are. P=NNE?(si5 months in a year they are sa$e. GD==F( always sa$e to cons!me i$ p!rple are poisono!s. D=<(si5 months in a year poisono!s. The colors are colors o$ m!shrooms available.AT this time which one is sa$e to cons!me0 G( ) am 22 H,GK2 I,G11 I( ) am not the yo!ngest. di$$erence between H - I is " G is 25. H( H is yo!nger than G. G , 2". I , GK2. Hr.G*Hr.H*Hr.I made only one statement $alse. #ind the ages o$ all three. &) am not s!re abt the statements :!s chk it o!t with others' "73 Hatri5 problem repeated $rom prev paper there are " males A*B*; and " $emales L*P*?. they played 14 games o$ gol$ altogether. 1. A scored B2 2. L scored 103 ". P scored 102. 2. Q scored 100. 5. B and ; scored B3 and B4 and don>t no who>s score what00

3. A>s wi$e beats ;>s wi$e. 7. there are two co!ples whose s!m o$ scores is same. <etermine who>s wi$e is who and scores o$ B and ;. "77. A girl had several dollars with her. she went o!t $or shopping and spent hal$ o$ them in shopping mall*being genero!s she had given 1 dollar to the beggar. A$ter that she w ent $or l!nch and spent the hal$ o$ the remaining and gave 2 dollars as tip to the waiter.Then she went to watch a movie and spent the hal$ o$ remaining dollars and gave a!torikshaw1wala " dollars. This le$t her with only 1 dollar.Iow many dollars did she had with her at the beggining. "74. A person says that his son is 5 times as old as his da!ghter and his wi$e is 5 times older than his son and he is twice the age o$ his wi$e . The s!m total o$ all the ages e !als the age o$ the grand mother who celebrated her 41st birthday today. Iow old was his son0 "7B. A bargain h!nter bo!ght some plates $or X 1."0 $rom asale on sat!rday*where price 2 was marked o$$ at each article .En monday she went to ret!rn them at reg!lar prices*and bo!ght some c!ps and sa!cers $rom that m!ch amo!nt o$ money only. the normal price o$ plate were e !al to the price o$ >one c!p and one sa!cer>.)n total she bo!ght 13 items more than previo!s. sa!cers were only o$ " cents hence she bro!ght 10 sa!cers more tahn the c!ps*Iow many c!ps and sa!cers she bo!ght and at what price0 "40. A :eweller prepared a window display each displaying " o$ the 7 :ems at a time . They were methyst*opal*sapphire*emerald* r!by and garnet.<isplayed according to the $ollowing conditions(1 1 A shol!d always be displayed on the le$t window and < on the right. 2 D!by sho!ld never come with any o$ < or G. ".= sho!ld always be with %. then some 2 !estions were asked on this. easy `1 which combination is appropriate0 AE%TA<DTA=%&ans'. `2 which condition is correct in the right window0 `" D!by can be displayed with $ollowing other two0 `2 % can be displayed with the $ollowing other two on le$t side window0 "41. Dacing competition.Garticipants were $rom " tribes %onorean1always says tr!th Hidorean1alternatively says T and # *not with any partic!lar start. Fororean1always #alse A says11. ; obstr!cted me at the last moment *which ca!sed me to losethe race. 2. ; always speak tr!e ". c is the winner. B says 1 1. A is the winner. 2. c says $alse always.

; says1 1.B won the Dace 2. ) didn>t ca!sed any obstr!ction to A at the last time. )<enti$y the tribes o$ each. "42. A boss tells 1+3 th o$ his li$e in child hood*1+12 o$ his in yo!th and 1+7 o$ his in bachelor*$ive years a$ter his election a son was born whom was died $o!r years ago at hal$ his $inal age. $ind the boss age. . AF%.(72 ths sol!tion a+3Ka+12Ka+7 K5...... "4". Two thieves went to the m!se!m to stole the diamonds $irst thie$ stole hal$ o$ them and while going he took another two and le$t. %econd* third and $o!rth did the same and there was Cero diamonds at the end. Iow many diamonds initially at the beginning0 %imilar to 7. Fo. 1B" %tolen Hangoes $rom %hak!ntala <evi 1 Hore G!CCles Ans( 7B "42. A* B* ; are the h!sbands and <* =* # are their wives not in that order. They are playing the Gol$ $ollowing these conditions. <* =* # and B scores are as $ollows 103*102*100 and B2.A and ; scores are B4 and B3 not in that order as their names are not displayed. Two co!ples get the same score. B wi$e beat the A wi$e list o!t the wives names and the scores they got. Ans( I!s ?i$e %core Total A # B4 102 200 B < B2 103 200 ; = B3 100 B3

100 1B4 103 200 102 1B4

"45.A women with dollar bills goto the shopping he spent hal$ o$ the money she had $or shopping as she was so kind she gave one dollar to the beggar.she went to the hotel and spent hal$ o$ the remaning and she gave 2 dollars to the waiter*the she b!y some goods with hal$ o$ the remaining and she gave " dollars to the receptionist. how m!ch money she had in the begining0 ans(22 come in the reverse order 1K",2and twice o$ it 4K2,10 and twice o$ it 20K1,21 and twice o$ it 22. "43.A cond!cter in the b!s ask the man how old the boy is.the man replied that my son is $ive times older than my da!ghter and my wi$e is $ive times older than my son and i am twice older to my wi$e and o!r ages s!mmed !pto my granmother whose age is 41 years.can ! tell me the son age0 ans( 5 years 5K55K25LK50L,41 41L,41 5,1 there$ore son age is 5 years old "47.$ind o!t who is oldest and who is yo!ngest $rom the $ollowing statements...

a'either A or B r the oldest b'either ; is the oldest or B is the yo!ngest. ans( A is the oldest and B is the Po!ngest "44.one boy tells three ppl to g!ess m!le color.. n!mber one says its not blk n!mber two says its eiterh brown or grey n!mber " says its brown. ..the boy then says one is atleast lying ans atleast telling tr!th...$in$ m!le color ans grey0 "4B. 2 men take t!rns walking and riding one horse that they share...walking speed 2km+hr..riding speed 12km+hr..one rides $or some time and ties horse $or the other walking $ellow and contin!es walking......they keep going on like this alternately ..$ind time that the horse rests "B0. 7 ppl have holidays on 7 di$$ days...and they give conditions like A>s hol is " days be$ore B etc etc...we have to $ind the days on which they take holiday 5.3 s!b:ects " ppl teach 2 each...some craCy conditions and we gotta $ind the s!b:ect $or each..i cant really recall clearly so why con$!se ! g!ys "B1. A Nady &say N' is a philanthropist. she goes to a resta!rent* orders $ood and pays hal$ the amo!nt she has and another doller to a waiter as tip. she then goes to a mall* does some p!rchases and pays hal$ the amo!nt le$t and another 2 dollers to a begger o!tside. At last she goes to a book store* takes some books and pays hal$ the amo!nt le$t and another " dollers to a begger o!tside. she then checks that she only had a doller le$t to her. Iow m!ch money she had initially0 AFs. 22 X "B2. Three co!ples are playing gol$ together. The men are =* B - T while women are H G - I. they play 4 ro!nds. H* G* I - = score 103* 102* 100* B2 respectively. while B - T scored either B3 or B4 as it was !nresolved d!e to error at scoreboard. ?hen $inally resolved they $o!nd that two o$ the co!ples scored same. )t is given that1 =>s wi$e scored greater than B>s wi$e. ?ho>s whose wi$e - how m!ch the men scored each0 "B". A lady b!ys some plates in 1"0X with 2X o$$ every item. she then ret!rns the plates $or the same amo!nt ne5t day to e5change them $or some c!ps - sa!cers. =ach sa!cer costs only "X each and the no. o$ sa!cers is 10 more than c!ps. Altogether she takes 13 more items than be$ore. )$ she had to b!y only c!ps* how many o$ them she co!ld have been taken home on the $irst day0

"B2. )mpressed by admiration o$ the boy by stranger* the $ather said MHy son is $ive times as old as my da!ghter and my wi$e is $ive times as old as my son. )>m do!ble the age o$ my wi$e and my grandmother is as old as the s!m o$ ages o$ all o$ !s and she is celebrating her 41st birthday.M what is the age o$ the boy0 AF%. 5 yrs "B5. A* B - ; participate in a race - one o$ them wins. They belong to three comm!nities1H* F* E. E always speak the tr!th* F always lie and H alternate. =ach o$ A* B - ; belongs to one comm!nity. A %AP%( 1. ) wo!ld have won the race i$ ; had not inter$ered me at the last movement. 2. ; always speaks tr!th. ". ; is the winner. B %AP%( 1. A wins the race. 2. ; is not a >F>. ; %AP%( 1. ) hadn>t inter$ered with A at the last movement. 2. B wins the race. Tell* who>s who0 "B3. Iarry is a $riend o$ A5y and Amy. Two statements are given abo!t them. 1. i$ one o$ A5y and Amy is oldest then another is yo!ngest. 2. =ither Iarry is the oldest or Amy is the yo!ngest. ?ho is the oldest0 AF%. A5y "B7.sons age is 5 times da!ghters.mother is $ive times son.$ather is 5 times wi$e. Total o$ all age is Grandpas who is celebrating 41st Baday. Ans(15 yrs "B4' Ene woman b!ys plates worth 1."0X at 2cent disco!nt each plate.Then she e5changed the plates $or sa!sers - bowl where one bowl - one sa!sers costs e !al to one plate.no o$ sa!sers which costs " cent is10 more than bowl. no o$ sa!cers - bowl is 13 more than no o$ plates. Ans(110Glates

"BB. MEne1si5th o$ my li$eM* said my boss* M) spent as a child* ne5t one1twel$th as an old boy* one1seventh - 5 more years in politics - socialiCation. This bro!ght me !pto when 6immy born. 6immy was elected $or the governer $o!r years ago* when he was hal$ my present age.M Iow old is my boss0 AF%.( 42 yrs. &Iowever* ) overlooked that >one1seventh> part* - got the answer "3 1 a wrong answer.' .......................................................6 , &B+2' K 2 &B+3' K &B+12' K &B+7' K 5 K 6 , B ,9 B , 42 ....................................................... 201.A ;o!ple decided to travel a north co!ntry side .so they decide to travel a minim!m amo!nt on car the $irst day and the second and s!bse !ent day a distance o$ 20 miles .)$ they travel a total amo!nt o$ 1040 miles. #ind he distance traveled on the 2th day and the B day. 202. A card board o$ "2 . 12 has to be attached to a wooden bo5 and a total o$ "5 pins are to be !sed on the each side o$ the card bo5. #ind the total n!mber o$ pins !sed . 20". <!ring a GiCCa b!$$et where A eats more times 2.2 than B* and B eats 3 times less than ;.$ind the leat n!mber o$ times all the three has to eat. 202. Nast Pear my co!sin came to my place and we played a game where the loosing one has to give one choclate to the person who won the game .At the end o$ the vacation*i.e the day my co!sin was leaving she co!nted n!mber o$ games that i won an she won.At last she gave me a total o$ 4 choclates even tho!gh she won abo!t 12 games. #ind the m!mber o$ games that we played. 205. A tree on $irst day grows 1+2 o$ its siCe second day 1+"rd o$ its siCe on the previo!s day similarly than 1+2th and so on.! have to calc!late a$ter how many days the tree will be 100 times o$ its original siCe. ans 11B4 days 203. three person are there let A B ; one always tell tr!th one always lie and one sometimes tell tr!th they are standing in straight line the $irst person who is seniormost and always tells tr!th tells in middle A is standing the middle one says ; is in the third position the last one says B is in second position ie middle

207. A*B*;*<and = are :!niors and #*G*I*) are seniors yo! have to make three gro!ps each containg three person s!ch that in each gro!p one senior is there and some other conditions which i cant recall e5actly b!t was like that i$ this person will be in gro!p than this cant be in the same gro!p . 204. there are 100 teams in a $ootball knocko!t to!rnament how many mathces sho!ld be held to get the winner answer is BB ie one less than the no o$ teams bcoC in every match on team goes o!t 20B.A car traveling with !ni$orm speed. There r 15 poles. A car travel $rom 1 to 10th pole in 10 seconds. the poles are e !ally spaced. then how many seconds it takes to reach the 15th pole0 &2' 210. A boy :!mp to the river $rom the bridge. Ie swim opposite direction o$ the stream. A$ter 1000 yards he noted that his hat was $allen at the bridge. The he goes to take the hat. Ie didnZt change his speed.?hat is the velocity o$ stream0 &2' 211. Rncles A bo!ght a Iat - %!it $or Ds.15.A!nty B bo!ght a %!it with as m!ch as cost o$ !ncleZs Iat. Then reaming cost he bo!ght <resses. <resses cost is one r!pee more than his hatZs cost. Then she told him his hatZs hat is 1 and b cost o$ her hat. They spend e !al amo!nt on their p!rchase . a. Then !ncle said how m!ch is the cost o$ Iat. b. Iow m!ch they spend altogether 0 &2' 212. There are 17 brown ties*1" red ties* B green ties* 5 bl!e ties and 2 white ties.Then a man takes a tie. so* how many times he at least take tie to get the 2 ties )n same colo!r0 &3' 21". Hrs. Barbinger bo!ght some plates on %at!rday $or X1."0* when everything was being sold two cents below the reg!lar price. %he e5changed those plates on Honday* at their reg!lar price* $or c!ps - sa!cers. ;ost o$ one plate e !als cost o$ one plate - one sa!cer. %he ret!rned home with 13 more articles than be$ore. %ince* sa!cers cost only " cents each* she bo!ght 10 more sa!cers than c!ps. The p!CCle is* how many c!ps co!ld she have bo!ght on %at!rday* $or X1."00 AF%.( 1" c!ps ....................................................... En Honday( c!p , 12 cents* sa!cer , " cents* plate , 15 cents En %at!rday( c!p , 10 cents* sa!cer , 1 cent* plate , 1" cents .......................................................

212. Hr and Hrs AB; p!rchase s!it and hats $or 15 Ds. then $rom remaining money Hrs. AB; p!rchase A dress. %he shaid M Hy dress cost is more than 1 Ds $rom yo!r hat>s cost. she also added Mi$ we divide o!r money and then p!rchase and cost o$ my hat is " and 1+2 times yo!rs hat then we had spend e !al moneyM a. M i$ that M condition $allows what is price o$ his hat0 b. Total amo!nt spend 0 ans. hat, 3 Ds * Total , 22 Ds. & not s!re' 215. Hy rack contains 4 Ded colo!r ties* 1" violate colo!r ties*10 Bl!e colo!r ties* 5 Gink colo!r ties* 2 green colo!r ties. )$ electricity gone and i want at least two ties o$ same colo!r then how many ties i sho!ld take o!t $rom my rack0 Ans ( 3 ties. 213. Two trains leaving $rom two station 50 miles away $rom each other with costant speed o$ 30 miles per ho!r* approaches towards each other on di$$rent tracks. i$ lenght o$ each train is 1+3 mile. when they meet Iow m!ch time they need to pass each other totally0 AF% ( 10 sec. & not s!re' 217. All handsome* $air skinned* m!sc!lar* lean* employed* and rich men are tall. All handsome men are $air skinned. %ome m!sc!lar men are handsome. %ome m!sc!lar men are not $air skinned. All lean men are m!sc!lar. Fo lean man is handsome. Fo $air skinned man who is not handsome is rich. All tall men who are neither $air skinned nor m!sc!lar are employed. 1. pramod is not $air skinned. ?hich o$ the $ollowing m!st be tr!e 0 a' pramod is employed b' i$ pramod is m!sc!lar* he is neither handsome nor lean c' i$ pramod is tall* he is employed or m!sc!lar. d' i$ pramod is not employed* he is m!sc!lar. e' i$ pramod is tall* he may be m!sc!lar or handsome* b!t not both. 2. which m!st be $alse i$ the in$ormation given is tr!e 0 a' no lean men are $air skinned. b' some $air skinned are lean. c' some rich men are both $air skinned and m!sc!lar. d' some tall men are neither $air skinned nor employed e' some rich men are lean ". which o$ the $ollowing can be ded!ced $rom the in$ormation given 0 a' all rich men are handsome b' some rich men are handsome c' some rich men are employed d' some rich men are m!sc!lar e' all rich men are handsome* m!sc!lar* or employed

2. which cannot be shown to be tr!e or $alse on the basis o$ the in$ormation given 0 ). Fo $air skinned or m!sc!lar man is employed )). %ome m!sc!lar men are $air skinned b!t not handsome ))). Fo $air skinned man both handsome and lean a' ) only b' )) only c' ))) only d' ) and )) e' )) and )))

A214 )n H!l!nd* the shoe store is closed every Honday* the bo!ti !e is closed every T!esday* the grocery store is closed every Th!rsday and the bank is open only on Honday* ?ednesday and #riday. =verything is closed on %!nday. Ene day A* B* ; and < went shopping together* each with a di$$erent place to go. They made the $ollowing statements( A < and ) wanted to go earlier in the week b!t there wasnZt day when we co!ld both take care o$ o!r errands. B ) did not want to come today b!t tomorrow ) will not be able to do what ) want to do. ; ) co!ld have gone yesterday or the day be$ore :!st as well as today. < =ither yesterday or tomorrow wo!ld have s!ited me. ?hich place did each person visit 0 21B The Fovice hockey to!rnaments are on $or beginners. 6!st three teams are in the leag!e* and each plays the other two teams :!st once. Enly part o$ the in$ormation appears in the res!lt chart* which is given below. Team Games ?on Nost Tied Goals #or Goals against A 2 1 0 B 2 1 1 2 ; 2 The scoring pattern in the to!rnament is as $ollows( Two points are awarded to the winning team. )n case o$ a tie* both teams are awarded one point* so the total points in the standings sho!ld always e !al the total n!mber o$ games played & since each game played is co!nted as one $or each o$ the two participating teams'. E$ co!rse* total goals scored $or and goals scored against m!st be the same* since every goal scored $or one team is scored against another. The games are played in the $ollowing order( Game 1( A Js BT Game 2( A Js ;T Game B Js ; ;an yo! determine the score o$ each o$ the above games 0 220 A recent m!rder case centered aro!nd the si5 men* clam* $lip* gront* herm* mast* and walt. )n one order or another these man were the victim* the m!rderer* the witness* the police* the :!dge* and the hangman. The $acts o$ the case were simple. The victim had died instantly $rom the e$$ect o$ g!nshot wo!nd in$licted a shot. A$ter a lengthy trial the m!rderer was convicted* sentenced to death* and hanged.

J Hast knew both the victim and the m!rderer. v )n co!rt the :!dge asked clam his acco!nt o$ the shooting. J ?alt was the last o$ the si5 to see $lip alive. J The police testi$ied that he picked !p gront near the place where the body was $o!nd. J Ierm and walt never met. ?hat role did each o$ the $ollowing play in this melodrama 0 a' H!rderer b' Jictim c' 6!dge d' ?itness A221.A alone can do a work in 3 days B alone can do in 4 days with help o$ c they $inished the work in " days.)$ the agreed s!m is 320 what is the share o$ c.&re$er r.s agarwal' A222' A boy goes to school $rom his ho!se.on one $o!rth oh his way to school* he crosses a machinery station. And on one third o$ his way to school* he crosses a Dailway station. Ie crossed the machinery station at 7("0 and he crosses the Dailway station at 7("5. ?hen does he leave the ho!se - when does he reach the school 0 &5H' A22".A drives a car $o!r times a lap 10*20 "0*30 kmph what is the average speed. A222.speed o$ boat in still water 10 km*i$ speed !p stream is 22 km and speed down stream is 13 what is speed o$ the river. A225.)$ grand $ather age is s!m all the three grand childern whos age r in e !al interval what is the age o$ the grand $ather0 A223.)n a grass $ield i$ 20 cow co!ld eat $or 20 days.The same grass $ield can $eed "0 cows $or 30 days.how long will it $eed 20 cows0 227' An =raser* Gencil* Fotebook together costs X1.00. Fotebook costs more than the cost o$ 2 Gencils. " Gencil costs more than 2 =rasers. " =rasers costs more than a Fotebook. Iow m!ch does a pencil costs0 &5H' 224' #o!r persons A*B*;*< were there. All were o$ di$$erent weights. All #o!r gave a statement. Among the $o!r statements only the person who is lightest in weight o$ all others gave a tr!e statement. A %ays ( B is heavier than <. B %ays ( A is heavier than ;. ; %ays ( ) am heavier than <.

< %ays ( ; is heavier than B. #ind the lightest - Nist the persons in ascending order according to their weights. &5H' A224. A man was travelling to a place "0 miles away $rom starting point. he was speeding at 30 miles+hr. b!t when he came back* his car got breakdown and hal$ an ho!r was wasted in reparing that. altogether he took 1 hr $or ret!rn :o!rney. #ind the avg. speed o$ the whole :o!rney. A22B.)>H FET J=DP %RD= D=GAD<)FG TI)% 7R=%T)EF. A detective was assigned to generate a code !sing 2 digits* so that no one co!ld break it. he knew that i$ the code starts with 0*5 or 7 it will be cracked. so how many n!mbers can be $ormed !sing 2 digits. A2"0. A cow was standing on a bridge* 5$eet away $rom the middle o$ the bridge. s!ddenly a lightning e5press with B0 miles+hr was coming towards the bridge $rom nearest end o$ the cow.seeeing this the cow ran towards the e5press and managed to escape when the train is one $eet away $rom the bridge. i$ it wo!ld have ran to opposite direction&ie away $rom train' it wo!ld have been hit the train one $t away $rom the end o$ the bridge. ;alc!late the length o$ bridge. 2"1. there are " towns attacked by " dragons15*y*C. F!mber o$ days 5 attack a town is e !al to n!mber o$ days y attacking another town. F!mber o$ days 5 attack is e !al to hal$ the s !are root o$ n!mber o$ days C attacking a town.n!mber o$ days y attacking the town is twice the s !are root o$ C.calc!late how m!ch days the c!rse o$ each dragon be. A2"2. A town have a pop!lation o$ 500000 and 22V o$ males and 24V o$ $emales are married to same town. $ind the total n!mber o$ males 2"". A and B came back home a$ter their e5am and their $ather asked them abo!t the test. A replied11 1+"rd o$ my answers were wrong B replied11 5 o$ my answers were wrong b!t together we got "+2 o$ answers right. Iow many !estions were there $or the e5am0 2"2' ?e are given 100 pieces o$ a p!CCle. )$ $i5ing two components together is co!nted as 1 move & a component can be one piece or an already $i5ed set o$ pieces'* how many moves do we need to $i5 the entire p!CCle. Ans( 14 2"5' This problem has appeared b2. 2 kids $rom 2 $amilies G!pta and sharma... their names are Graveen* Gra... blah blah...and some relation... which $amily and what are their ages.. Ans( %inhas 1 11&praveen' %inhas 1 5&lalit' G!pta 1 10&pratap' G!pta 1 7 &ra:esh'

2"3' This was one hell o$ a long problem 1 B!t it has appeared be$ore.. Two girlC a$ter one g!y & s!e* swe and sam i think'..%!e $irst asks his ho!se no... he replies with two statements &second is $alse' so she goes to the wrong ho!se... blah blah.. same thing happens with the other gal ?hat was the ho!se n!mber o$ s!e and sam Ans( 20 and 22 2"7' A comple5 statement 1 abo!t an aeroplane comming late. MThe boy says i$ it was 3 ho!rs later* the waiting time wo!ld be 1+5th o$ the time i$ the plane had come 2 ho!rs earlier instead. the plane is s!pposed to come at midnight Ans 11.00 a.m 2"4' There are 2 statements and 2 g!ys & <ave* G!s* someone else and one more someone else' 1 sorry my memory is rottenO Anyway now these g!ys make 2 statements abt. who commited the crime. ?e need to $ind o!t who did it i$ &i' all b!t one are saying $alse and &ii' all b!t one are saying tr!e Ans( &i'archie& ii' tony A2"B' A kid goes to a bank with a chec !e... ;omes back and says he spent "5 cents .. his mom says yo! have bro!ght back twice what ! ver s!pposed to get. ?hat happened is the novice bank clerk gave dollars $or cents and vice1versa& !ote silly' anway... ?hat was the act!al amo!nt00 Ans( don>t know... A220. 6ohn had decided to divide his D%.1000+1 $or his $o!r children according to their ages. The elder child sho!ld be a D%.20+1 e5tra $or each than his yo!nger child . ?hat will be the share o$ Hahesh who is the yo!ngest0 A221.Ene side o$ the meas!ring arm was longer than the other side .)$ " pyramid width was placed in longer side it is e !al to 2 c!be width in the shorter arm.)$ 4 pyramid width was placed in longer arm then it is e !al to 3 c!be width. Net 1 pyramid width is e !al to 10kg.?hat is the wgt o$ c!be width0 A222. A*B*;*< are $o!r girls who have 1*2*"*2 apples with them respectively.)$ = have apples e !al to his sister*# have twice the apples as his sister*G have thrice the apples than his sister and ) have $o!r times the apples than my sister.All together we have "2 apples . A*B*;*< are the sisters o$ whom and whom0 22".Andy*Brian*;edric*<ave are architects *barber* case worker and dentist b!t not in the order. .Architect will have the letter crZ in his name. .Atleast one o$ the person sho!ld have coincidence in the $irst letter o$ their name and their occ!pation b!t not all \eg( andy1architect] . Barber and dentist share their name by only one letter ?hat is the occ!pation o$ each person0

222.There are 100 b!lbs connected to 100 switches ^ 1 to 100 all the switches are p!t EF. ^ Enly even n!mbers o$ switches are !sed ie* EF means E## and viceversa ^ %imilarly odd n!mbers o$ switches are done ^ %witch n!mber which is divisible by " are done similarly ^ %witch n!mber which are divisible by 2 are done similarly This process is done !pto 100 divisibles. ?hen do all the b!lbs are in EF and E## condition0\4marks] A225. A man wrote his dwillZ accordingly the money was also shared between his car driver*5 sons and 5 da!ghters. #irst he gave one r!pee to his car driver*remaining 1+5 o$ the money is given to his 1st son .again he gave one to his car driver and remaining 1+5 o$ the money is given to his 2nd son* contin!ing the process !ntil 5 sons are completed .A$ter that he remaining money is divided between his 5 da!ghters. ?hat was total amo!nt o$ money0 A223. 2 people identi$ied a criminal and their statements are( ` A( =yes was bl!e *height was tall and he wore a hat - a vest. ` B( =yes was dark * height was short and he wore a hat - a vest ` ;( =yes was green *height was medi!m and he wore hat - a tie. ` <( =yes was grey *height was tall and he wore a rain coat and a hat. =veryone said only one correct identi$y other. two was !ntr!e . Iow can be the criminal identi$ied0 A2270. A wall clock was slow by 10min!tes . According to the wall clock*a table clock was 10 min!tes ahead o$ it . According to the table clock an alarm clock was 5 min!tes behind and according to the alarm clock wrst watch was 5 min!tes $ast.Atnoon all the clocks were ad:!sted .?hat will be the time at 3 G.H wrist watch0 224.Gro$essor 8ittredgeZs literat!re seminar incl!des st!dents with varied tastes in poetry.All those in the seminar who en:oy the poetry o$ browing also en:oy the poetry o$ eliot.Those who en:oy the poetry o$ eliot despise the poetry o$ coleridge. %ome o$ those who en:oy the poetry o$ eliot also en:oy the poetry o$ A!den. All o$ those who en:oy the poetry o$ ;oleridge also en:oy the poetry o$ <onne. %ome o$ those who en:oy the poetry o$ A!den also despise the poetry o$ ;oleridge. All o$ those who en:oy the poetry o$ <onne also en:oy the poetry o$ #rost. i. Hiss Gar$ield en:oys the poetry o$ <onne.?hich o$ the $ollowing m!st be tr!e0 &A' she may or may not en:oy the poetry o$ coleridge. &B' %he does not en:oy the poetry o$ Browing. &;' %he does not en:oy the poetry o$ eliot. &<' %he en:oys the poetry o$ ;oleridge.

ii. Hr.I!5table en:oys the poetry o$ Browing. Ie may also en:oy any o$ the $ollowing poets e5cept &A' A!den. &B' ;oleridge &;' <onne &<' =liot &=' #rost iii. Hiss )nag!chi en:oys the poetry o$ ;oleridge. ?hich o$ the $ollowing m!st be $alse0 &A' she does not en:oy the poetry o$ A!den. &B' %he en:oys the poetry o$ <onne. &;' %he en:oys the poetry o$ #rost. &<' %he does not en:oy the poetry o$ Browning. &=' %he may en:oy the poetry o$ =liot. iv. Based on the in$ormation provided* which o$ the $ollowing statements concerning the members o$ the seminar m!st be tr!e0 &A' All the those who en:oy the poetry o$ eliot also en:oy the poetry o$ Browning. &B' Fone o$ those who despise the poetry o$ #rost en:oy the poetry o$ A!den. &;' %ome o$ those who en:oy the poetry o$ A!den despise the poetry o$ ;oleridge. &<' Fone o$ those who en:oy the poetry o$ Browning despise the poetry o$ <onne. &=' %ome o$ those who en:oys the poetry o$ #rost despise the poetry o$ <onne. a. Dimmie wears a hat only i$ George wears a tie. b. George wears a scar$ only i$ 6ohnie wears a tie. c. Jickie wears a goggles only i$ Dimmie wears a hat. d*e*$*g*h some what like this there are 4 statements*$rom that we have to determine who wears what. 22B. 4 8igs and 12 Nigs can do 510 tors o$ work in10days. 1" 8igs and 3 Nigs can do 242 tors o$ work in 12 days. Then $ind work done by 8igs and Nigs individ!ally in tors+hr0 A250.There is a " digited n!mber. "rd n!mber is the s !are root o$ the 1st digit. 2nd digit is the s!m o$ 1st and "rd.And that n!mber is divisible by 2*"*3*7. ?hat is that n!mber0 AnsT232 251. A boy is playing a game. Ie took totally 55 blocks and kept like placing

some 5 n!mber on the gro!nd*ne5t one less than that above those blocks like that till the topmost one is one*like( 5 55 555 5555 55555 555555 5555555 55555555 555555555 5555555555 &They didnZt gave this pict!ire*b!t my e5planation is not clear*thatZs ) gave ! this pict!re' the !estion is how many blocks are there at the base level0 A252. There r 100 nations competing $or a world1c!p. The board decided to make 8nock1o!t series. Iow many matches to be played $or deciding the world champion0 A25".There is log weighing "0kgs. The log having twice thickness and twice short as $irst one will weigh howm!ch 00 252. there ia tr!ck which sho!ld reach some place at 11ao clock * i$ it travels with "0 mph it reaches i ho!r be$ore * i$ it travles with 20 mph it reaches 1 ho!r late. what is the distance it m!st be travlled and what is the speed it m!st maintain to rech at e5act time0 ans( 120 miles and 22 mph 255.There is a s !are cabbage patch.Ie told his sister that i have a larger patch than last year and hence 211 more cabbages this year. Then how many cabbages ) have this year.0 Ans(103.103,112"3 253. there are two colcks one r!ns 1min+hrs $aster and other 1min+hr slower when will the two clocks have time di$$erence o$ 1 hr ( ans ( "0hrs 257. i take a ta5i whose no is " digit no. it is not divisible by 2*"*5*7 b!t divisible by 11 it is the smallest no possible( ans ( 121

254. A man bro!ght some watermelons to town and sold them. he sold 1+2 more than 1+2 o$ what he bro!ght and e was le$t with one melon. how many melons did he bring to Town0 ans( " 25B. ?hen ! reverse the digits o$ age o$ $ather ! will get the age o$ son. one year ago the age o$ $ather was twice that o$ son>s age. what are the c!rrent ages o$ $ather and son0 ans( 7" - "7 A230. There will be $o!r $riends *one is doctor* one is lawyer... they are having $o!r cars one $errari* corvette .... there were some conditions and we were s!ppose to $ind what is pro$ession o$ each one and what car they own. this was the one $or 4 marks. 231. There is a circ!lar ring in which there are 12 black mice and one white mo!se. A cat walks circ!larly in the ring and eats 12 mice. ?here sho!ld the cat start so that the white mo!se is the last one to be eaten by cat0 ans( i$ the cat moves circ!larly it has to start $rom the 11th mice &clockwise' w.r.t. to white one. 232. A $armer grows $o!r types o$ crops say ?*L*P - Q . two conditions were given( 1. )$ the $armer grows crop ? in a year then also grows L that year 2. )$ the $armer grows crop Q one year then he never grows crop P ne5t year There were 3 choices among which we were s!ppose to $ind one correct one which does not violate the two conditions the choices were some thing like(& $irst pair denotes crops grown $irst year and second a$ter semicolon represents crops grown ne5t year' ?*L T L*Q &this one is a valid one' Ans( ) donZt remember the choices b!t the ans was option ; 23". )n a class there are less than 500 st!dents . when it is divided by " it gives a whole n!mber. %imilarly when it is divided by 2*5 or 7 gives a whole n!mber. $ind the no. o$ st!dents in the class ans( 220 232. There are three types o$ birds A*B - ; . A costs 5po!nds* B costs " Go!nds and ; costs 1+" o$ a po!nd. $ind the no. o$ A*B -; s!ch that ! will get 100 birds $or 100 po!nds. &) think we were s!ppose to $ind " answers since there were " rows in the answer' ans( A ( 2 B ( 14 ;( 74 235. There are 5 persons who have won top $ive places in an event in Elympics . one o$ them asks all the $ive regarding thier positions* they reply as a( Mi am not the lastM b( Mc is in third placeM c( M= is behind AM d( MB is in $irst placeM e( M< is not the $irstM The persons who have won gold and silver have lied $ind the positions in order&$ormat( name o$ $irst* name o$ second*..' ans( B*<*=*A*;

233. A co$$ee seller has two types o$ co$$ee Brand A costing 5 bits per po!nd and Brand B costing " bits per po!nd. he mi5es two brands to get a 20 po!nd mi5t!re. he sold this at 3 bits per po!nd. the seller gets a pro$it o$ "" 1+2 percent. how m!ch he has !sed Brand A in the mi5t!re0 ans( "0 po!nds 237. Po! are given with two identical iron bars. one o$ them is magnetiCed and the other is not. ! are s!ppose to $ind which one is magnetiCed. ! are not s!ppose to !se any other thing. my ans( $irst time i told that i will s!spend the bars $reely. b!t then they told me that i am not s!ppose to !se any e5ternal help. i took some time and then realiCed that a magnetic bar in the middle repels towards the end . i told that place one o$ the bars horiContal then move the other one perpendic!larly to it . i$ it repels towards any o$ ends then the horiContal one is magnetiCed i$ it attracts then is not. They were convinced A234( ?hat is the res!lt o$ &51a'.&51b'.&51c'.............&51y'.&51C' 0 my ans( i told that since there is a term &515' the answer is Cero. They told ok. $inally they asked me whether i have any !estions to them i asked them what is the d!ration o$ training and what is $ield which i will be working on i$ i get selected. Anyone looking $or in$i solve %hak!ntala devi>s 2 books* George s!mmers and Davi nar!la this wo!ld me more than eno!gh. most important thing is develop !r logical analysis skill and try to remember the approach rather than answers. donZt panic in the interview :!st be cool and con$ident ! will de$initely get thro!gh. Best o$ l!ck $or all A23B' a' 10 1 B 2 4 " 7 2 3 5 5 3 2 7 " 4 2 W W b' 2 2 13 512 W write the ne5t elements in the series.

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