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Engaging in Reading: Reading Between the Lines (Inferences) Making Inferences from a Job Ad Read the following job

ad and answer the questions below:

Accounts Representati e +his full time position requires the indi"idual to be organi.ed5 able to learn on the job5 comfortable with detailed tasks5 and excited about seeking new distribution opportunities. +he successful candidate must able be able to interact well with clients and pro"ide speed! ser"ice as required. +he indi"idual must ha"e computer skills and be interested in working in a team en"ironment that stri"es to meet set goals and profit points. +he ideal candidate should be a self0starter with a desire to pla! a role in all aspects of customer ser"ice. <ours are negotiable based on the needs of indi"idual clients. /alar! and benefits package is open for negotiation depending on education and experience. +otal Rest 4inen 1ompan! is a leader in importing and distributing luxur! lines and bed accessories with offices in +oronto5 =ontreal5 /an >rancisco5 and ?ew )ork 1it!.

1. What are the explicit skills that are required for this position? 2. What are the implicit skills that are required for this position? . Wh! is teamwork an important requirement for the accounts representati"e job? #. Would !ou expect to ha"e consistent and set work hours if !ou were the successful candidate? $xplain !our response.

%. What are some of the factors that will be used to set salar! and benefits? &. 'etermine if !ou could appl! for this job b! completing the following chart. Remember to consider !our own learning skills and work habits. Requirement -rgani.ed /elf0/tarter +eamwork 1omputer2+echnic al (ossible $xamples of )our *ualifications in +his ,rea

3ased on +hink 4iterac!: 1ross01urricular ,pproaches5 6rade 7 8 12 1ooperati"e $ducation: (re0placement 9:ob Readiness;

3ased on +hink 4iterac!: 1ross01urricular ,pproaches5 6rade 7 8 12 1ooperati"e $ducation: (re0placement 9:ob Readiness;

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