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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: 4/1/2 14 !chool: "oodfields Kayla Chrisley Date and Time of Lesson: !cience/'rd

!u#$ect/%rade Le&el:

Description of Lesson: !tudents (ill learn to recogni)e (ays to change the &olume of
sounds #y acti&ely engaging in the lesson* !tudents (ill learn that the strength of &i#rations change the &olume and the distance can change the &olume of an o#$ect* !tudents (ill learn that &olume is measured in deci#els*

Lesson Title or Essential +uestion that guides the lesson: Comparing different &olumes of sounds* Curriculum !tandards ,ddressed:
CC!!: '-.*/: 0econgi)e (ays to change the &olume of sounds*

Lesson 1#$ecti&e2s3:
What should students know or be able to do by the end of the lesson? Objectives should be observable and measurable Antecedent: when given different sounds Behavior: Students will recognize Content: different ways to change the volume of sounds.

,ssessment2s3 of the 1#$ecti&es:

Before: Students will review what was learned in the revious class. !his will be done through a "ower"oint. # class discussion will be held and five $uestions will be asked to make sure students have a strong understanding on sound and how it is made. %uring: Students will be assessed throughout the lesson. %uring class discussion students will be observed on their res onses. Students will be asked $uestions throughout the lesson. !he $uestions will be from the revious lesson and also the lesson being taught. "ost: Students will return to their seats and com lete the rest sheet inde endently. !he sheet will consist of a few $uestions that have the students com are two sounds. !he students then will need to determine which sound is the loudest and which sound has the. & will take these u as a daily grade.

Revised 1.20.14

sheet' encils' guitar' drum.

"ower"oint' Smart Board' Science (otebook' ost assessment

Prere5uisites 2Prior Kno(ledge3: Students must know what sound is and how sound is
made. Students have not been introduced to itch and volume in revious grades.

Procedures: 1) The lesson will start off by reviewing what was previously learned. I will show the students a PowerPoint on what sound is and how sound is made. At the end of the PowerPoint students will be asked to answer questions. We will also dis uss what pit h is and how to hange the pit h of sound. !) We will then go over the study guide that the students ompleted for homework. ") We will pro eed to new material whi h learning to hange the volume of sounds. #) I will show a PowerPoint that will e$plain in depth ways to hange the volume of sound. It will also e$plain what volume is measured in. %tudents will omplete pra ti e e$amples in their % ien e &otebook. ') We will then dis uss volume and what it means. () )olume is the loudness or softness of a sound. The pit h of a sound an be the same but the volume ould be different. A person yelling and a person whispering may use the same pit h but the volumes are different. We will then dis uss that it takes more for e to produ e loud sounds than soft sounds. *) +ne way volume an hange in a sound is to make distan e between the sound and the person. I will talk to the students and have one students stand right beside me and the other stand in the hall. We will dis uss how the person beside me an hear me better than the person in the hall. The volume of the sound will be softer if the person is at a distan e. ,) We will then dis uss that the strength of vibrations. If the striking or plu king ob-e ts makes the sound louder than hitting the ob-e t softer will make the sound softer. If for e is de reased then the sound be omes softer. If for e is in reased then the sound be omes louder. .) I will then e$plain to students that volume is measured in something alled a de ibel. The more de ibels the louder the sound. I will then dis uss with the lass different sounds with different de ibels. I will have them answer out whi h one is louder. 1/) %tudents will then omplete pra ti e questions in the notebook. 11) After we have dis ussed this I will review what we learned today. The floor will then be open for remarks or questions towards what we have learned. 1!) %tudents will then go ba k to their desk and I will hand out a sheet for them to omplete. 1") I will take up the sheet and use it as a daily grade.

,cti&ity ,nalysis: (should show use of TWS 1 data)

&dentify at least two activities you lan to use in this lesson and e) lain why you are lanning these s ecific activities. &n your e) lanation include the following rom ts: Revised 1.20.14

Students are su osed to be able to com are different volumes of sounds. !he worksheets used will su ort the objective in the lesson. *aving students discuss different itches and volumes and share e)am les will meet the objective because the students are to com are different volumes. !his class erforms better when a review is done rior to the new material. *aving a review before new material is learned will reach the classes needs. Students can use the "ower"oint as a reference when learning new material and writing their res onses. A PowerPoint will be used to use as a reference throughout the lesson. I will use the PowerPoint to list examples for ESOL students and low scoring readers.

Differentiation/,ccommodations/4odifications/6ncreases in 0igor (should show use

of TWS 1 data) +sing a review before starting new material is a way to meet the accommodations needed for my ,SO- students. +sing a "ower"oint for reference will give students that are visual learners a way to gras the material easier. Students who are low level readers will be accommodated by having the $uiz read out loud to them. #ll students will be more likely engaged by using a real guitar. 0eferences: .ayla /hrisley

Revised 1.20.14

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