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INTERIOR. ROVER'S RETURN - THE DEAD OF NIGHT LADDO is behind the bar, c eanin! the ta"s #hen he hears a crea$ %r&' acr&ss the R&(er's. LADDO He &) He "eers int& the dar$ness. LADDO Is an*b&d* there) LADDO ea(es the ta"s s &# *, #a $in! int& the in$* b ac$. He tries the i!hts#itch... n&thin!. LADDO Lass&, is that *&+) ,+it " a*in! ar&+nd. The "+b !&es -+iet. LADDO ret+rns t& the ta"s and c&ntin+es c eanin!. S+dden *, a b indin! % ash &% #hite i!ht er+"ts thr&+!h the cei in! and the R&(er's starts t& tre'b e and -+a$e, and #hat sh&+ d descend %r&' the i!ht b+t... FRI./IN' ALIENS00 LADDO stands in a#e &% the &&$ t&#ard hi'. i!ht and the %ric$in' a iens. The*

FRI./IN' ALIEN 1 Ladd&, *&+ ha(e been ch&sen. FRI./IN' ALIEN 2 3&+ #i be #e treated &n &+r %ric$in' s"aceshi". FRI./IN' ALIEN 1 Ste" int& the %ric$in' i!ht, Ladd&, and ascend #ith +s0 At that '&'ent, OTHER LADDO 3'/NO4 THE ONE 4ITH THE HAIR b+rsts int& the R&(er's ret+rn, +n"hased b* the %ric$in' a iens - he's t&& distracted. OTHER LADDO 3'/NO4 THE ONE 4ITH THE HAIR Ladd&00 3&+.. I... It... 5&'bies00 FRI./IN' ALIEN 2 5&'bies) Fric$in' 6&'bies0 Ladd&, *&+ '+st c&'e -+ic$ *... the %ate &% .&r&nati&n Street 'i!ht de"end &n it0 OTHER LADDO 3'/NO4 THE ONE 4ITH THE HAIR The %ate &%... 4h& the he are *&+) FRI./IN' ALIEN 1 4e are %ric$in' a iens. 3&+ 'a* c&'e #ith +s t&&, b+t *&+ '+st c&'e -+ic$ *.

OTHER LADDO 3'/NO4 THE ONE 4ITH THE HAIR I' ta$e '* chances #ith the 6&'bies, than$s... Ladd&, I need *&+r he " #ith this0 And s& LADDO is "&sed #ith a ch&ice, ascend #ith the FRI./IN' ALIENS and tr+st that the* #i he " hi' sa(e .&r&nati&n Street, &r !& t& the aid &% his %riend OTHER LADDO 3'/NO4 THE ONE 4ITH THE HAIR in a %i!ht a!ainst the 6&'bies... 7.LIFFHANGER ENDING8

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