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Elkhart Central High School Mr. Clark

us Grading Policy Participation and Attendance 55% (550 points) Students are expected to be in attendance in order to rehearse for any upcoming performances. In addition to being in attendance, students need to arrive to class on time and be prepared to rehearse in a timely manner. Participation is required by every student in order for this ensemble to be successful. This means having all necessary materials for class (instrument, music, pencil, reeds, valve oil, etc.) All students need to actively participate when the class is either rehearsing or having a discussion. 10 points for each day of class (55 class days). Performances 25% - ( 250 points) Attendance is mandatory for all students involved in this ensemble when regarding all concerts or performances of any kind. These concerts are wonderful experiences for the students to work together and make beautiful music. Concert =125 pts Tests and Quizzes 15% (150 points) Throughout the duration of this course students will be given both tests and quizzes over material we have been covering during class. Quizzes will contain multiple choice and matching. Quizzes will be given every two weeks, resulting in a total of 8 quizzes. Tests will contain multiple choice, matching, and short answer. Tests will be given monthly, resulting in a total of 4 tests. If a student is absent on a test or quiz day, the student may make up the quiz or test if the instructor is notified of the excusable reason for the absence. 10 points for each quiz and 17.5 points for each test. Homework 5% (50 points) All homework assignments need to be turned in completed and on the assignments due date. 5% will be deducted from an assignments grade for each day it is late. The homework assignments are designed to help the students retain information gone over during class throughout the semester. Letter Grades are calculated as follows: A= 90% - 100% B = 80% - 89% C = 70% - 79%

D = 60% - 69% F = 59% and below By signing below you agree that you understand and have read the grading policy for this class. If you have any questions at all feel free to contact me at your leisure. Parent/Guardian ___________________________________ Date __________________ Student _________________________________________ Date ___________________

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