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Angie Arsola

ETEC 524

Educational Technology Philosophy My goal as an educator is to enhance the lives of students in order to produce productive citizens and lifelong learners. Educational technology has transformed teaching, not many can refute the fact that integrating technology is beneficial for students. Technology empowers students to take control of their learning. In my perspective, teaching is about having children strive to their independent potential. I feel that as an educator I have a responsibility to create meaningful lessons and experiences, in which students can flourish from. All students have the ability to learn, however each is unique and have different forms of learning. In the classroom, it is my job to use different strategies and resources in order to get through to all students. Today the world is very dependent on technology, and as a teacher I continue to push myself to grow and change with the demands of this digital era. Change is difficult especially after several years of teaching. However, I am still continuously learning and now understand that educational technology is much more then using an iPad or showing a power point presentation. Educational Technology is using and working technology while simultaneously teaching the curriculum. I frequently ask myself how do I create critical thinkers and problem solvers in my classroom? The answer is just a click away! Students need to constantly be challenged in the classroom. In essence, I must continually integrate technology into the curriculum effectively in order to better prepare my students for the 21st century. Students today must be able to access, analyze, and organize information effortlessly. When used efficiently, educational technology allows the students to be responsible for their learning, provides engaging lessons, and allows the teacher to become a facilitator.

Angie Arsola

ETEC 524

Teaching has changed dramatically since I was a 6th grader. I have come to understand that the old fashioned lecture and note taking method is no longer productive. Students need to participate and reflect on their learning, in order to develop and apply higher order thinking skills. In my opinion learning happens when students have the ability to make real world connections, ask questions, and learn from their mistakes. In my classroom learning means having students explore, connect, and reflect on a daily basis. My hope is that I prepare my students effectively, so that they may be successful.

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