3-5 2 Lesson Plan

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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Chelsea Schmieding April 1, 2014 12 4! P" #oodfields Elementar$ Science lesson %4 &escription of Lesson The students will understand ways to describe motion with
directional terms. They will be able to provide examples as well as participate in physical movement with given instructions from the teacher.

Lesson Title or Essential 'uestion that guides the lesson How can motion be described? Curriculum Standards Addressed

SC Curriculum Standard(s) SC Science Standard 3- ! The student will demonstrate an understanding of how motion and sound are affected by a push or pull on an ob"ect and the vibration of an ob"ect. #$hysical Science%.

SC Academic *ndicator(s) SC Science Standard 3- .&! Compare the motion of common ob"ects in terms of speed and direction. +ther ''()- The teacher will discuss the students that directional terms help people in their everyday lives in many different ways. Students will have the opportunity to discuss ways they have used directional terms or anyone else.

Lesson +,-ecti.e(s)
What should students know or be able to do by the end of the lesson? Objectives should be observable and measurable Antecedent! *hen given examples of ob"ects and directional terms+ /ehavior! students will demonstrate their ,nowledge Content! of the direction in which the ob"ect is moving &egree! with -./ accuracy.

Assessment(s) of the +,-ecti.es

The students will review positional terms from the previous lesson at the beginning of the lesson. They will participate in movement activities in an activity similar to 0Simon Says1. The teacher will ma,e sure the students are moving in the correct direction. )t the end of the lesson+ the students will complete a handout for a formative assessment. Students will receive a daily grade to ensure that they understand the material

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"aterials01esources chart paper+ mar,ers+ science noteboo,s+ direction signs! north+ south+ east+ west+ direction handout Prere2uisites (Prior 3no4ledge)
5n 3st grade+ students illustrated ways in which ob"ects can move in terms of direction and speed #straight forward+ bac, and forth+ fast or slow+ 6ig6ag+ and circular%. The activity 5 planned for this lesson is both cognitively and developmentally appropriate for these students. $hysical development is also appropriate because 5 will not have students perform movements or motions they cannot do.

3. Today7s lesson will begin with a brief review of position terms from yesterday. 5 will as, the students to name a position term or phrase and then have another student give me an example using the position term their classmate gave. &. Students will copy notes in their science noteboo,s. They will copy notes on motion+ direction+ and speed in a T-Chart. #8otion can be descri,ed in terms of speed and direction. (irection- path or course along which something is moving. Speed- how fast or slow an ob"ect moves. 9aster ob"ects move a greater distance than slower ob"ects in a certain period of time.% 3. :nce the students have copied these notes+ the teacher will show them a second chart. This chart will have directional terms drawn on them. 4. The students will also copy the directional terms into their noteboo,s. . Students will participate in a discussion strategy called 0thin,-pair-share.1 Students will thin, about the pictures drawn and discuss what they thin, the meaning of the picture is. ;. The teacher will then call on students to share what each symbol represented and label them on the chart. Students will label them in their noteboo,s as well. <. The teacher will have the students move throughout the classroom using her own rendition of 0Simon Says.1 Some examples include! 8iss Schmieding says clap three times up. 8iss Schmieding says to ta,e & slides to the east. 8iss Schmieding says turn and face south+ etc. This will last for about -< minutes. =. Students will be reminded to act appropriately and to be respectful of their surroundings. -. Students will then complete a short handout for a grade. This handout will have a diagram and they have to indicate directional terms. The teacher will read the >uestions out loud to the students. 3.. The teacher will collect these handouts for formative assessment.

Acti.it$ Anal$sis #should show use of T*S 3 data%

Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning these specific activities. In your explanation include the following prompts: ?isual @earners will benefit from the chart on directional terms. They will be able to see the terms and copy them in their noteboo,s. Ainesthetic learners will benefit from the movement activity #li,e Simon Says%. )uditory learners will benefit from the discussion on directional terms and phrases as well as listening to the instructions for the movement activity. )ll students will benefit from the discussion as well as the movement activity to get them involved throughout the lesson by 0doing1. 2evised 3.&..34

5 did not use any technology for this lesson. 5 felt as though the ,inesthetic activity was great for students to understand directions of ob"ects. The charts were incorporated to show the correct spelling of the directional terms and symbols to represent them.

&ifferentiation0Accommodations0"odifications0*ncreases in 1igor #should show use

of T*S 3 data% 'S:@ Students will have oral conversation opportunities throughout the lesson to become familiar with the material and terminology presented. )ny student with vision difficulties will have the opportunity to move closer to the board during note-ta,ing. 5 will spea, loud and clear for all students to hear the material presented.


ite all references for materials!resources used in preparing the lesson. itations should be in "#"$ %th edition format.

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