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OXFORDSHIRE NETBALL CENTRE : Duty team responsi i!ities

For each session, 7.00 and 8.30, a different club/team has been allocated the responsibility for running the proceedings. There should be "#$ %!u mem ers to cover the duty. The duty team members are match officials and s&ou!' not e in(o!(e' in p!ayin) or umpirin) during that session. If a club fails to cover its allocated duty, points ill be deducted from the team. Failure to provide duty officials ill result in a loss of points ! no sho or late arrival after half time " 3 points deducted late arrival during second #uarter $ % points deducted late arrival after &.'(/8.%0 or during the first #uarter $ ) point deducted Time of arrival is to be ritten on the results sheet *e anticipate at least one +,- officer ill be present each evening, but generally as players/umpires. They should be consulted if necessary. The %ourts an' Community Arena %!u &ouse ill be opened by the site staff to allo teams enough time to arm"up. If the eather is e.treme, matches ill be cancelled by (.00pm and information posted on the +.fordshire netball ebsite, but should there be a deterioration during the evening, the duty team, in consultation with umpires, will be responsible for deciding on abandonment. This should be recorded on the results sheet, which, along with cards, should still be posted, and reported as soon as possible to the ONL Chair /see -eague rule %%0 ******************************************************************************************************************************* *******

T&e +irst session 'uty team should

arrive no later than .!"pm to prepare the master results sheet and match cards collect the e#uipment crate from the $rena office1 it contains! mobile phone $ ,--". -,/ 01, ! s itch it on and chec2 for messages % stop atches 3cme hooter loudhailer ith siren game schedule sheet for the season results sheet hich is dual use ! a chec2list for the duty team role, registering the arrival of teams and umpires and match results for the evening $ first duty team should insert the clubs playing both sessions match cards /) per court, per match0 ith clipboards and pens to be collected and returned by the first named team " first duty team should insert date%division%club names on the cards neutral umpiring guidance

emergency procedures accident/incident file 435 envelopes $ one 3( for the cards, one 3& for the chec2 list/results sheet $ both clearly labelled " to be posted by the second session duty team +,- rules, 5ngland ,etball rules

&lease let Lesley 'illiams know if anything is missing%damaged "()*+ ,!) *+*

T&e 'uty team is responsi !e +or 2eepin) t&e e(enin) to s%&e'u!e

sound a - minute .- blasts%hold up card/, + minute .+ blasts%hold up card/, !" seconds .0 blast%hold up card/ warning hooter%siren start the matches .0 long blast/ time the #uarters and the breaks, using the hooter%siren to keep all games running to order. $t the end of each #uarter1 sound the hooter%siren, time the interval .! minutes after first 2 third #uarter3 - minutes at half time / and sound the hooter !" seconds before the start of the ne4t #uarter to allow teams to take to the court3 sound the hooter again to re5start the game ,+T5 ! brea2s may be shortened in inclement eather $ see rule 17 there is no in6ury time1 in6ured players should #uic2ly remove themselves/be helped from the court and substitution made for the game to continue $ duty team members should be prepared to support%phone an ambulance etc. as necessary ensure the accident record is completed the match card for each court should be brought to you hen signed1 record the result and score and place them in the 3( envelope complete the checklist%master result sheet and add any comments about the session to inform the League committee and future weeks

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""" The se%on' 314$,pm5 session 'uty team will arrive by *.0"pm to ensure a smooth
hand over .unless playing in the (."" match, in which case report by *.+"pm/ match duties as for session 0 seal and take to post the two stamped addressed envelopes .cards in $-, results sheet and + checklists in $ / to Natalie 6eason 7 they may need sellotape8 check the courts for litter, ensuring all teams clear their rubbish into the bins

switch off the mobile phone, check all the e#uipment tidily back into the crate, and return it to the $rena office if the mobile battery is low, hand it to the $rena duty staff with the charger and ask them .very nicely8/ to charge it 2 return it to the bo4 file """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Note ! the rules allo for a delay in the start time of up to )0 minutes but only if there is an e.treme traffic situation, delaying lots of players/umpires77not 6ust for one club having left too little time for the 6ourney. See rule 17 *ith many than2s for your support. *e are sure it ill all go smoothly8

O6+or's&ire Net a!! Lea)ue %ommittee

l6 /occ/county netball/9: duty team/)%08)3

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