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Multimedia Project Rubric 4

Organization Student presents information in a logical, interesting sequence thats easy to follow. Student demonstrates full knowledge with good explanations. Graphics reinforce screen text. Student put great time and effort into the project and went above expectations.

Student presents information in a logical, easy to follow manner.

Audience has difficulty following presentation because presentation lacks consistency. Only rudimentary information is given in the presentation. Some graphics do not support the text. Student did not give the required effort.

Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence.

Content Knowledge

Student provides expected information but fails to elaborate. Graphics relate to the text. Student put a fair amount of effort and met expectations.

Student does not show a grasp of the information.

Graphical Representation Effort

Superfluous or no graphics are used. Student gave very little or did not make an attempt in terms of effort.

Total available score = 16 points

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