Lesson Plan For Emergent Literacy Lesson 1

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Literacy Lesson Plan

Shannon Donegan Ashley, Prekindergarten, and school of child April 29, 2014

Literacy Lesson Plan for Emergent Reader: Ashley is a preschool girl at Clymore Elementary School. She was put through a variety of assessment to accurately determine that she is an emergent reader. Emergent readers are readers that are beginning to grasp the basic concepts of books and print. They are also acquiring alphabet knowledge such as the ability to recognize and name upper-and lowercase letters and identity letter sounds. They are also developing phonological awareness skills. These skills include recognizing phonemes, syllables, and rhymes. Concept of Word Learning Objectives: Objective Speech to print matching

Standard of Learning Foundation block 5 d) Follow text with a finger, pointing to each word as it is read form left to right and top to bottom with assistance

Assessment Note if the student points to each word as she says it moving from left to right

Materials needed: o Cut out and laminated images and text o Pocket chart Time for this part of lesson: This will last approximately 6 minutes

Procedure: Environmental Print This lesson plan uses the concept of environmental print in order to teach concept of word. The instructor will have the words I can and read cut out and laminated as well as images of environmental print such as McDonalds, Target, Wal-Mart, and a Stop sign. The teacher will have these words and images laid out so that they read, I can read (insert environmental print here). The teacher will then go over what each of the images represent, pointing to each one and asking the child what the environmental print says. Then the teacher will read through each of the sentences and point to each word as they say it Then the teacher will ask the student to read it through with him/her together (do this a few times so that the student can have a chance to memorize what the sentence says) The teacher will then instruct the student to read each sentence on their own and point to each word as they say it. Concept about Print

Learning Objectives: Objective Students will partake in retelling of the story using props to act the story out

Standard of Learning Literacy Foundation Block 1 a) Listen with increasing attention to spoken language, conversations, and texts read aloud b) use complete sentences to ask and answer questions about experiences or about what has been read

Assessment Observe if the child is able to successfully retell the story through the use of the provided props

Materials needed: List all materials needed o Cut out images of wolf, pigs, straw house, wooden house, and brick house o Story book The Three little Pigs Time for this part of lesson: This will last approximately 6 minutes

Procedure: The Three Little Pigs: Retelling o The teacher will do a picture walk of the story with the student o The teacher will read the story through to the student a few times o Then the teacher will model a retelling of the story for the student using the props o Then the teacher will ask the student to retell the story for you using the props provided Alphabet Learning Objectives: Objective Standard of Learning Assessment Students will be able to Literacy Foundation Block 3 Note whether the student can understand the concept letter c) Begin to pronounce identify the letter and letter sounds consonant letter sounds in sounds as they pick out the isolation letters from the monster Literacy Foundation Block 4 a) Identify and name upper and lowercase letters in random order Materials needed: o Empty wipe container (monster) o Construction paper (used to decorate wipe container to look like monster) o Foam letters Time for this part of lesson: This will last approximately 6 minutes Procedure:

Monster activity The teacher will place all 24 of the letter of the alphabet in the monster Instruct the students that they will take turns reaching into the monsters mouth to take out a letter. Before they take out the letter they must say the monster chant Monster, Monster open wide! What letter do you have inside? Then they may take out a letter. Onc e they have the letter they must say which letter it is and the sound that the letter makes. If they say the correct sound and letter they get to keep the letter if not they have to put it back in the monsters mouth. Continue to play this game for the time allotted. Language Play/Phonological Awareness Learning Objectives: Objective Standard of Learning The student will successfully Literacy Foundation Blocks 3 identify beginning sounds. d) Successfully detect beginning sounds in the world

Assessment Observe if the child is able to successfully sort the images according to their beginning sound.

Materials needed: o Laminated pieces of construction paper with upper case letters glued on them o Images that correspond with the letters printed on the construction paper Time for this part of lesson: This will last approximately 6 minutes Procedure: Beginning Sound Activity To start the activity the teacher will lay out the three different pieces of construction paper The teacher will hand the student one of the images and ask them what it is The teacher will then ask the student what sound it begins with. If they have for example a pig say p-p-p pig what letter does p-p-p pig start with? The teacher will then tell the student to place it on the chart under the letter they think it corresponds with

Writing Learning Objectives: Objective The student will engage in correctly writing upper case letters in the shaving cream

Standard of Learning Literacy Foundation Block 6 e) Begin to use correct manuscript letter and number formation

Assessment Observe if the child is able to successfully write the capital letters she is given in the shaving cream

Materials needed: o Shaving cream o Paper towels (for cleanup)

Time for this part of lesson: This will last approximately 6 minutes Procedure: Shaving Cream Writing The teacher will place a small amount of shaving cream on the desk and ask the child to spread it out Then the teacher direct the student to write various letter in the shaving cream If the student does not know how to draw the letter then the teacher wll model drawing the letter for them in the shaving cream and then have them try again

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