Multiapp Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Grade and Topic: Mentor Teacher: Amber Harris Grade 2, Science Prof. Weaver Date: April 27, 2014 Length of Lesson: 45 min. for 2 days School: University of Memphis

UNIT/CHAPTER OBJECTIVE/GENERALIZATION/BIG IDEA: Animals can be classified into specific groups based on their characteristics. This lesson is part of a unit covering animal classifications and animal symbiotic relationships. Shared characteristics between animals will be discussed as well as their differences. The goal is to get students to organize animals into groups based off of their characteristics as described in the TN state science
standard 5.1.

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Given the characteristic of each classification of animals, the student will be able to arrange animals into different classes with a score of 3 out of 4 on the rubric.
Student Participation The goal of this lesson is for students to understand the differences between distinct animals. Students are expected to illustrate examples of at least 2 animal classifications.

State/District Common Core Standards Tennessee Science-GLE 0207.5.1 Investigate the relationship between an animals characteristics and the features of the environment where it lives. ISTE Standard(s)

1. Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. 3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media


Animal Characteristic Worksheet-Animal Classification Pencil Microsoft Word Internet access to:

Technology Integration

Students will use the websites above as a resource to research information involving animal classifications as well as create a visual component about what they have researched. Upon completing the activity, students will save their work on as well as copying the link onto a Microsoft Word doc. and sharing it in the Dropbox folder for their class. A sample of what the completed assignment has been provided here. ..\Documents\example of toondoo of animal classifcations.docx


Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of each type of animal classification by providing a visual representation of what they have learned. Academic language is not address in IDT 3600. This lesson plan will be an introduction to a unit corresponding to animal symbiotic relations and animal habitats. Subsequent lessons will follow up on this lesson plan by recalling what was learned in this lesson and incorporating it into the next lessons. I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.


Begin by displaying the different animal classifications with definitions and examples on a large screen display, overhead, or whiteboard. Provide brief background information on the Animal Characteristics Worksheet, what is expected and what materials the student needs. Give students a few minutes to fill out the worksheets, then have the class orally read their answers

discussing the worksheet with the class

Follow this with a brief discussion pointing out that the some of the characteristics of animals are shared between multiple classifications, therefore the students must organize animals into classifications based on the most characteristics shown in each class being present in that specific animal.

Procedures: Provide a sequential (step by step) description of the procedures and activities for the lesson. Prior to the Computer (15 minutes) Teacher Procedures 1. After the introduction, distribute the Animal Characteristics worksheet and ask the students to write down one or more characteristic of each animal classification 2. After students have filled out the worksheet, the teacher will direct them towards a discussion on their answers. At the Computer (45 minutes) Teacher Procedures 1. Have students open up both Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer. 2. Direct students to animal classification website. 3. Direct students to open up a new tab, then go to toondoo website. 4. Monitor as needed. Student Procedures 1. Open Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer. 2. Go to animal classification website. 3. Open a new tab and go to toondoo website. 4. Using the information on the animal classification website, create an illustration of 2 animal classifications. 5. Save your toondoo creation. 6. Copy and paste link to your toondoo in a Microsoft Word document, then share this document in the class Dropbox. Student Procedures 1. Students will complete their Linked World planning worksheet, briefly describing one characteristic of each animal classification. 2. They will then discuss how they answered.

After the Computer (30 minutes) Teacher Procedures Student Procedures

1. Place the students in groups of 3 or 4. 2. Ask students to observe each others work. 3. Allow students 5 to 10 minutes to discuss the differences. 4. Have each student write a sentence or two on how animal classification are important.

1. While in group, the students will review each others work and note differences and similarities 2. Students will then discuss their papers. 3. Lastly each student will write a sentence or two on how animal classifications are important.

Closure: Students volunteer to share reflections. At the end of class, the teacher collects reflections and checks for assignment submission.


Animal Classification Rubric

Criteria Toondoo creation represents 2 of the animal classifications discussed. 1 None of the animal classifications discussed were represented in the toondoo. 4 The required number of animal classifications discussed was represented in the toondoo, and student shows an understanding of the concepts discussed in the lesson. The information did Some of the Almost all of the All of the not demonstrate an information information information appropriate demonstrated an demonstrated an demonstrated an representation of the appropriate appropriate appropriate concepts discussed. representation of the representation of the representation of the concepts discussed. concepts discussed. concepts discussed. The reflection does The reflection The reflection The reflection not demonstrate an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a clear understanding of somewhat vague somewhat clear understanding of animal understanding of understanding of animal classifications animal animal classifications and/or what it classifications classifications and/or what it means to the and/or what it and/or what it means to the students. means to the means to the students. students. students. 2 Only 1 animal classification discussed was represented in the toondoo. 3 The required number of animal classifications discussed was represented in the toondoo.

Accuracy of Information


MODIFICATIONS: I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not a part of this particular lesson.

Attached Animal Classification Worksheet

Animal Classifications Worksheet.docx

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