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Subject: General Biology

Unit: Plants
Presentation Date: Day 1
Topic: Introduction to Plants

Daily Lesson Plan 1

Teacher: Michael Lucier
Class: 1st and 7th Periods (00:00- 00:50min.)
Grade Level: 9th

I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will identify different uses of plants.
2. Students will explain major parts of plants.
1. Students will be able to discuss personal thoughts about the plant discussion
II. Lesson Outline

Pass out bell ringers. Take attendance.


Introduce students to plants; discuss

their uses and prevalence. Brief
overview of what is to come in the
Give instructions for exit slip and
collect each slip when students
complete it.


III. Resources
Materials Needed:


Dry erase marker

Exit Slip instructions



LCD projector

Complete bell ringer activity: Name at
least 3 major parts of plants and describe
what they do. Ex. Roots, Stem, Leaves
Turn to page 501.

Complete exit slip. What they learned,

found interesting, questions they have

IV. Reminders and Special Notes

Exit slips were used with bell ringers. Bell ringers were completed on one side, exit slips
on the other.

Subject: General Biology

Unit: Plants
Presentation Date: Day 2
Topic: Histology of Plants

Daily Lesson Plan 2

Teacher: Michael Lucier
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:50 min.)
Grade Level: 9th

I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will develop and apply reading comprehension of note materials.
2. Students will develop and apply specific reading comprehension strategies, such
as note-taking and questioning.
3. Students will develop connections between the notes and powerpoint.
1. Students will be able to cooperate in the discussion with teacher and peers.
II. Lesson Outline

Take attendance. Provide bellringer


Provide Plant Physiology and anatomy


Complete bellringer: Explain various uses
of plants.
Fill in Plant and physiology notes as each
section is discussed.


Review what was learned during

lecture. The basics

Participate in review discussion of what

was learned. Ask questions.

III. Resources
Materials Needed:



LCD projector

Plant Physiology and anatomy notes (APPENDIX)

Bell ringer
IV. Reminders and Special Notes

Subject: General Biology

Unit: Plants
Presentation Date: Day 2
Topic: Histology of Plants (pt. 2)

Daily Lesson Plan 3

Teacher: Michael Lucier
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:50
Grade Level: 9th

I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will develop and apply reading comprehension of note materials.
2. Students will develop connections between the notes and powerpoint.
3. Students will develop and apply specific reading comprehension strategies, such
as note-taking and questioning.
1. Students will be able to cooperate in the discussion with teacher and peers.
II. Lesson Outline

Take attendance. Provide bellringer


Provide information for plant

physiology and anatomy notes

Complete bellringer. Differentiate
between phloem and xylem
Fill in Plant and physiology notes as each
section is discussed.


Review what was learned during

lecture. The basics

Participate in review discussion of what

was learned. Ask questions.

III. Resources
Materials Needed:


LCD projector

Plant physiology and anatomy notes (APPENDIX)

Bell ringer
IV. Reminders and Special Notes

Daily Lesson Plan 4

Subject: General Biology
Teacher: Michael Lucier
Unit: Plants
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:50
Presentation Date: Day 4
Grade Level: 9th
Topic: Physical Adaptations of Plants
I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will develop and apply specific reading comprehension strategies, such
as note-taking and questioning.
2. Students will cooperate in discussions with the teacher and peers about the current
II. Lesson Outline

Take attendance. Monitor bellringer
Have an active discussion/lecture with
the students about physical
adaptations of plants.
III. Resources

Materials Needed:

Power point


LCD projector

IV. Reminders and Special Notes

Complete bellringer. Differentiate
between the male and female flower parts.
Listen intently and provide input
regarding physical adaptations.

Daily Lesson Plan 5

Subject: General Biology
Teacher: Michael Lucier
Unit: Plants
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:90
Presentation Date: 5
Grade Level: 9th
Topic: Chemical Adaptations of Plants
I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will develop and apply specific reading comprehension strategies, such
as note-taking and questioning.
2. Students will cooperate in discussions with the teacher and peers about the current

II. Lesson Outline


Take attendance. Monitor bellringer


Call on students for responses to the

lecture. Have an active discussion with
students regarding chemical
adaptations of plants.

III. Resources
Materials Needed:

Power point


LCD projector
IV. Reminders and Special Notes

Complete bellringer. Discuss at least two
physical adaptations of plans. Explain
how thorns are adaptations.
Provide responses to questions and
provide input regarding chemical
adaptations of plants.

Subject: General Biology

Unit: Plants
Presentation Date: Day 6
Topic: Types of plants

Daily Lesson Plan 6

Teacher: Michael Lucier
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:50
Grade Level: 9th

I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will develop and apply specific reading comprehension strategies, such as
note-taking and questioning.
1. Students will be able to cooperate with teacher and peers during discussion.
II. Lesson Outline

Take attendance. Monitor bellringer
Distribute Types of plants notes.


Monitor students during group work

Complete bellringer: Differentiate
between angiosperms and gymnosperms
Note completion was originally an
individual assignment. Split into pairs due
to difficulty for some students.
Complete the assignment; fill in notes
from textbook

III. Resources
Materials Needed:

Vascular and nonvascular note handout


LCD projector


Vascular and nonvascular notes (APPENDIX)

IV. Reminders and Special Notes
Adjust notes accordingly for some classes.

Subject: General Biology

Unit: Plants
Presentation Date: Day 8
Topic: Plants Quiz

Daily Lesson Plan 7

Teacher: Michael Lucier
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:50
Grade Level: 9th

I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will develop critical thinking skills by evaluating answer choices on the

II. Lesson Outline


Take attendance. Monitor bellringer
Provide quizzes to the students.


Bellringer: Differentiate between
Vascular and nonvascular.
Complete the quiz and work on
Review sheet when finished.

III. Resources
Materials Needed:

Bell ringer

LCD projector



Quizzes (APPENDIX)

Note handouts (APPENDIX)

IV. Reminders and Special Notes

Monitor classroom during the quiz.

Ensure the students work on review sheets when finished with quiz.

Daily Lesson Plan 8

Subject: General Biology
Teacher: Michael Lucier
Unit: Plants
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:50
Presentation Date: Day 8
Grade Level: 9th
Topic: Quiz Answers & Study Guide

I. Lesson Objectives:
2. Students will build text analysis skills by discussing responses to the quiz.
3. Students will identify relationships between plants and use knowledge to
complete the study guide.

II. Lesson Outline



Take attendance. Monitor bellringer
Cover topics from the quiz; Provide
explanation of each question and
Provide the students with study
guides; allow them to complete

Follow along with the teachers comments,
ask questions and be prepared to answer
the teachers questions.
Fill in answers to the study guide for
future reference to Fridays test.

III. Resources
Materials Needed:

Quizzes from previous day (APPENDIX)

Note handouts (APPENDIX)

Study Guides (APPENDIX)

IV. Reminders and Special Notes

Subject: General Biology

Unit: Plants
Presentation Date: Day 9
Topic: Plants Review

Daily Lesson Plan 9

Teacher: Michael Lucier
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:50
Grade Level: 9th

I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will build text analysis skills by discussing the various topics covered
during the unit.
1. Students will participate in active listening and discussion during review.

II. Lesson Outline


Take attendance. Monitor bellringer


Call on students to present answers

from the study guide and engage the
class in a full review.

III. Resources
Materials Needed:

Notebook paper

Study guides (APPENDIX



Bellringer: Name at least three physical
adaptations and three chemical
adaptations of plants.
Present answers to the study guide and
participate in active listening and

Subject: General Biology

Unit: Plants
Presentation Date: Day 10
Topic: Plants Exam

Daily Lesson Plan 10

Teacher: Michael Lucier
Class: 3rd and 7th Periods (00:00-00:50
Grade Level: 9th

IV. Reminders and Special Notes

I. Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will build text analysis skills by discussing the various topics covered
during the unit.
2. Students will participate in active listening and discussion during review.
1. Students will be able to cooperate within groups.
II. Lesson Outline

Take attendance. Allow time for quick
Pass out test forms and scantron

Review notes and study guide for test.
Complete test

III. Resources
Materials Needed:

Test handouts & Scantrons

Study guides (APPENDIX)

IV. Reminders and Special Notes
Monitor classroom during test-taking


Assessment Plant Physiology and Anatomy Notes (Page 1 of 4)

What are the parts of the plant, and how do they work?
I. Major Plant Parts:

Roots, Stems, Leaves, ________

II. Roots
A. Functions of Roots

Absorb water and __________

Anchor the plant, and support the above ground part of the plant.

B. Root Systems:

________ roots: A system that has no dominant primary root.

Tap roots: A system composed of one primary root and many secondary roots that branch off.

_______ Root: The first root to emerge at germination. May become the main tap root.

Secondary Roots: Roots that branch out from the primary root.

_______________: Area at the tip of the root where new cells develop

Healthy Roots: Roots are white or nearly white, and smell fresh.

Unhealthy Roots: Roots are black, brown, or dark orange and smell rotten and sour.

III. Stems
A. Functions:

Support the leaves, and positions them so they can receive as much ________ as possible

Responsible for the size and shape of the plant.

Move water, minerals, and manufactured food throughout the whole plant.

Green stems _________ food through photosynthesis.

B. Internal Structures

Xylem: Tissue responsible for carrying water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. It is located near the center of the
Xylem Up!!

________: Tissue responsible for carrying food produced in the leaf to the rest of the plant. The phloem is usually located
near the outside of the stem. Phloem Down!!

Cambium: Tissue responsible for the production of new xylem and phloem. It is found between the ______ and phloem.

C. Specialized Stems

Bulbs: Short flattened stem which has several fleshy leaves. Bulbs are found beneath the soil.

Example: Onions

Assessment Plant Physiology and Anatomy Notes (page 2 of 4)

Corm: Sphyrical structure similar to a bulb. Example: Gladiolus

Rhizome: Thick underground stem which lies horizontally. Example: Mother in Laws Tongue

_______: Horizontal stem which lies above the ground (often called runners).
Example: Strawberry runners

Tuber: Rhizome with a tip that is swollen with stored food.

Example: Potatoes.

IV. Leaves
A. Functions:

Produce food for the plants. They are designed to efficiently collect light and use that light to make _________.

B. Leaf Parts

Leaf Blade: Large, broad, flat surface whose job is to collect sunlight

________: supports the leaf and holds it away from the stem.

________: Main vein running down the center of the leaf. It helps hold the leaf so it is facing the sun.

C. Leaf Types

__________ leaf: Has only one leaf on the petiole.

__________ leaf: A leaf with multiple blades.

D. Vein Patterns

_______: Veins never cross. Found in monocots.

Netted: Veins form a network. Found in Dicots.

E. Leaf Layers:

Cuticle: The top waxy, non-cellular part of the leaf. Its job is to prevent water escaping.

_________: Skin like layer of cells found on both the top and bottom of the leaf. Its job is to protect the leaf.

Palisade Mesophyll: A layer of cells standing on end directly below the upper epidermis. This area is responsible for

E. Leaf Layers (continued)

Spongy Mesophyll: Loosely packed cells located beneath the palisade mesophyll. This area is responsible for holding the
products of photosynthesis.

_________: Holes in the lower epidermis responsible for gas exchange.

_________Cells: Surround the stomatas which open and close them.

V. Photosynthesis
A. Photosynthesis: A chemical process by which a plant turns _______ energy from the sun into ________ energy in the form of

The plant uses water and carbon dioxide to produce _________ (a sugar). The by-product of photosynthesis is _________.

Assessment Plant Physiology and Anatomy Notes (Page 3 of 4)

These chemical reactions take place inside the cells near the chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are filled with Chlorophyll which
makes the plants green.

Plants dont photosynthesize. Chloroplasts do! Plants just happen to be lucky enough to have chloroplasts in their cells.

VI. Respiration
A. Cellular ____________: The opposite of photosynthesis. This process breaks _______ down so plants can use them.

Similar to digestion in animals.

Takes place in a place in the cell called the mitochondria.

VI. Flower Parts

A. Male

Stamen: Male part of the flower.

________: Stalk like in the stamen that holds up the anther

_______: Sack-like structure that contains pollen.

Pollen grains are released from the anther that contains sperm.

Staminate: Flowers that have only male parts.

B. Female

Pistil: Female part of the flower

_______: Sticky part of the pistil that is receptive to pollen.

Style: Rod shaped middle part that has a swollen base (ovary) containing eggs

C. Neither male or female

Petals: colorful leaf-like structures which attract animals and insects.

Corolla: When all of the petals are fused together.

_________: Green leaves that protect the flower before it opens.

Calyx: When all of the sepals are fused together.

VII. Sexual Reproduction in Plants: Two parents (meiosis)


The __________ releases pollen.


Pollen is carried by wind, gravity, animals, or insects to the stigma of another flower. (This is when pollination occurs)


The pollen moves from the _________ down through in a pollen tube the style depositing sperm in the _________.


When the sperm has been deposited in the ovary ____________ has occurred.


When the eggs have been fertilized, the ovary and surrounding tissue start to enlarge to become a ________ and the
fertilized eggs become _________.

VIII. Flower Types:

_________Flower: Has both male and female parts.

Assessment Plant Physiology and Anatomy Notes (Page 4 of 4)

Imperfect Flower: A flower that is missing either male or female parts.

Complete Flower: Flowers that have sepals, petals, pistils, and stamens.

Incomplete Flowers: When a flower is missing sepals, petals, pistils, or stamen.

Imperfect Flowers are always incomplete. Incomplete flowers may or may not be imperfect

Assessment Plant Types: Vascular and nonvascular notes (Page 1 of 4)

Notes: Nonvascular and vascular plants


Describe nonvascular plants.





Identify and describe the major phyla of nonvascular plants.







Discuss the importance of nonvascular plants.

a. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


c. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


e. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


Describe vascular plants.




List and describe the functions of the two types of vascular tissue.

Assessment Plant Types: Vascular and nonvascular notes (Page 2 of 4)

a. _______________________________________________________________________________________________



b. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Discuss the advantages of vascular plants compared to nonvascular plants.








List the three seedless vascular plants.

a. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


c. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


List and describe the two types of seed-bearing vascular plants.

a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________



Assessment Plant Types: Vascular and nonvascular notes (Page 3 of 4)


List and describe four types of gymnosperms.

a. _______________________________________________________________________________________________














Define cotyledon.




List, describe and give four examples of the two classes of angiosperms.

a. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


Assessment Plant Types: Vascular and nonvascular notes (Page 4 of 4)

Examples ________________________________________________________________________________________




Examples ________________________________________________________________________________________



Outline alternation of generations.

a. _______________________________________________________________________________________________




c. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


Assessment Plant Quiz (Page 1 of 3)

Assessments Plant Quiz

___1. Primitive land plants that lack true roots, stems and leaves are vascular plants.
___2. Mosses, liverworts, hornworts are all types of bryophytes nonvascular plants
___3. Xylem conducts water and minerals from the roots to the stems and leaves
___4. Phloem conducts sugar from the leaves to the rest of the plant.
___5. Monocots have two cotyledons in each seed.
___6. Roots are designed to efficiently collect light and use that light to make energy.
___7. The plant uses water and carbon dioxide to produce glucose (a sugar).

Multiple Choice: Circle the best possible answer

8. The top waxy, non-cellular part of the leaf. Its job is to prevent water escaping
a. Cuticle

b. Stomata

c. Guard Cells

d. Epidermis

9. Skin like layer of cells found on both the top and bottom of the leaf. Its job is to protect the leaf.
a. Cuticle

b. Stomata

c. Guard Cells

d. Epidermis

c. Guard Cells

d. Epidermis

10. Surround the stomatas which open and close them.

a. Cuticle

b. Mesophyll

11. Colorful leaf-like structures which attract animals and insects.

a. Stamen

b. Sepal

c. Petiole

d. Petal

12. Horizontal stems which lies above the ground (often called runners). Example: Strawberry runners
a. Rhizome

b. Stolon

c. Tuber

d. Corm

13. Thick underground stems which lies horizontally. Example: Mother in Laws Tongue
a. Rhizome

b. Stolon

14. Rhizome with a tip that is swollen with stored food.

a. Stolon

b. Corm

c. Tuber

d. Corm

Example: Potatoes.
c. Tuber

d. None of the above

15. This process breaks sugars down so plants can use them.
a. Photosynthesis

b. Respiration

c. Condensation

d. None of the above

16. A chemical process by which a plant turns light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of sugar.
a. Photosynthesis

b. Respiration

c. Condensation

d. None of the above

17. Which of the following is a function of roots?

a. Absorb water and nutrients

b. Anchor the plant

c. Store food

18. Support the leaves, and positions them so they can receive as much sunlight as possible

d. All of the above

Assessment Plant Quiz (Page 2 of 3)

a. Stems

b. Roots

c. Flower

d. All of the above

19. Main vein running down the center of the leaf. It helps hold the leaf so it is facing the sun.
a. Petiole

b. Midrib

c. Leaf Blade

d. Cuticle

Place the correct letter of each term (A-L) next to the correct definition (1-12).
___ 1. Male part of the flower.

A. Staminate

___ 2. Stalk like in the stamen that holds up the anther

B. Corolla

___ 3. Sack-like structure that contains pollen.

C. Anther

___ 4. Are released from the anther that contains sperm.

D. Pistil

___ 5. Flowers that have only male parts.

E. Stigma

___ 6. Female part of the flower

F. Filament

___ 7. Sticky part of the pistil that is receptive to pollen.

G. Sepals

___ 8. Rod shaped middle part that has a swollen base containing eggs

H. Style

___ 9. Colorful leaf-like structures which attract animals and insects.

I. Stamen

___ 10. When all of the petals are fused together.

J. Pollen grains

___ 11.Green leaves that protect the flower before it opens.

K. Petals

___ 12. When all of the sepals are fused together.

L. Calyx

Matching : PART 2 Roots and stems

Place the correct letter of each term (A-O) next to the correct definition (1-15).
___ 1. A system that has no dominant primary root.

A. Tuber

___ 2. System composed of one primary root and secondary roots that branch off.

B. Tap root

___ 3. The first root to emerge at germination.

C. Apical Meristem

___ 4. Roots that branch out from the primary root.

D. Bulbs

___ 5. Area at the tip of the root where new cells develop

E. Fibrous Roots

___ 6. Roots are white or nearly white, and smell fresh.

F. Phloem

___ 7. Roots are black, brown, or dark orange and smell rotten and sour.

G. Stolon

___ 8. Tissue carrying water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.

H. Primary Root

___ 9. Tissue carrying food produced in the leaf to the rest of the plant.

I. Corm

___10. Tissue responsible for the production of new xylum and phloem.

J. Secondary Root

___ 11. Short flattened stem which has several fleshy leaves; found beneath the soil.

K. Healthy Root

Assessment Plant Quiz (Page 3 of 3)

___ 12. Sphyrical structure similar to a bulb. Example: Gladiolus

L. Unhealthy Root

___ 13. Underground stem which lies horizontally. Example: Mother in Laws Tongue

M. Rhizome

___ 14. Horizontal stem which lies above the ground (often called runners).

N. Cambium

___ 15. Rhizome with a tip that is swollen with stored food.

O. Xylem

Example: Potatoes

Assessment Plant Study Guide for Test (Page 1 of 6)

1. Identify differences between vascular and nonvascular plants
2. Describe nonvascular plants
3. What are the major phyla of nonvascular plants?
4. Describe vascular plants
5. What advantages might vascular plants have over nonvascular plants?
6. Give examples of seedless vascular plants
7. Give examples of seed-bearing vascular plants
8. Differentiate between angiosperms and gymnosperms
9. Differentiate between the vascular tissues xylem and phloem
10. Name at least three types of gymnosperms
11. What is a cotyledon?
12. List, describe and give four examples of the two classes of angiosperms

Assessment Plant Study Guide for Test (Page 2 of 6)

a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________

13. Identify the differences between dicots and monocots

14. What are the functions of roots?

15. Differentiate between fibrous roots and tap roots

Assessment Plant Study Guide for Test (Page 3 of 6)

16. Differentiate between primary roots and secondary

17. Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy roots.
18. What are the functions of roots?

19. What tissue is responsible for the production of new xylem and phloem?
20. Differentiate between the following specialized stems and provide an example of each.
a. Rhizome ______________________________________________________________________________
b. Stolon ______________________________________________________________________________
c. Tuber ______________________________________________________________________________
21. What are the functions of leaves?

Assessment Plant Study Guide for Test (Page 4 of 6)

22. Differentiate between the parts of a leaf:
a. Leaf
23. Identify the difference between a compound and simple leaf
24. What two vein patterns are found in leaves; which one is found in dicots and which one is
found in monocots?
25. Differentiate between the different layers and structures found within layers:
a. Cuticle:
b. Epidermis:
c. Stomata:
d. Guard

Assessment Plant Study Guide for Test (Page 5 of 6)

26. Differentiate between photosynthesis and cellular respiration

27. Differentiate between stamen and pistil
28. Define the male flower parts
a. Filament:
b. Anther:
29. Which male flower part releases pollen grains?
30. Define the female flower parts
a. Stigma:
b. Style:
31. Differentiate between calyx and corolla
Be able to identify the various parts of this leaf cross section

Assessment Plant Study Guide for Test (Page 6 of 6)

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