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Ryan Schroeder

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Calling the mayday.

In today's re service, structure res are reaching new areas of concern. The materials that are used in manufacturing house hold items are burning hotter. Furthermore these combustibles are producing more toxic smoke than ever. Houses are getting bigger with more complex design. Making it easier to become lost and disoriented. !

! Here are the ever more important instructions on what to do, if help is needed. ! !
Mayday situations!
Lost or disoriented! Tangled, pinned or stuck! Fall through a oor! Collapse that blocks your exit! Can not nd an exit! Low air alarm with no exit! Personal protective equipment failure!

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If you nd yourself in any one of these life threatening situations it is imperative that you call the mayday. The call for help needs to be done as soon as you realize that you are in trouble. Trying to free yourself before calling is not acceptable. Here are the steps for initiating your rescue. ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remain calm! Speak clearly! Use Escape acronym! Activate personal alert safety system! Conserve air! Attempt to correct the problem!

It is important that you remain calm. Your thoughts and actions need to be focused on your self rescue. Speaking clearly over the radio will help the incident commander identify the problem and the solution. The Escape acronym ( engine, situation, conditions, air, position, and escape plan) is going to paint the picture for the IC. The PASS device will help determine your location. Without air there is little to no chance of rescue. Skip breathe to prolong your remaining air. With all of these steps completed, you will greatly improve you chance of being rescued. Now while you wait for help attempt to correct the problem. !

Fireghting is a dangerous occupation. With calculated risk vs benet we can minimize the danger. Remembering these steps can improve your chances of going home. !

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