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When the Wheels Fall Off . . .

Keep Moving Forward

An Interactive Audio Installation When the Wheels Fall Off . . . Keep Moving Forward is an interactive audio installation that provides a listening station for stories collected as part of a series of story circles held by the Boston Busing Desegregation Project. Most of the audio recordings you will hear in this collection are specific to the CIRCL Project initiative to connect people !"#$% to the history of educational desegregation in Boston !&'(#!&"). *elling stories and listening deeply to the stories of others strategically in order to consider social transfor+ation, -nown as a narrative strategy, offers opportunities for citi.ens to +a-e the invisible visible, the absent present and the violent nonviolent by connecting history with current social issues so that we +ight find solutions which help us transfor+ our reality. The Listening Station/represented by our anti0ue des- sculpture holds inside of it an opportunity to listen to a sa+pling of the collection and to share your own thoughts in writing or by joining us for a story circle offered in the gallery. Co++unity +e+bers li-e you are essential to our +ission. 1iven the collaborative focus of this wor-, your participation is truly invaluable. It is the co++unity that shapes our efforts, not the other way around.

!2 3pen des-.


)2 *a-e a bric-. $2 *urn on the +p$ player 4attached to bric-2. (2 Put in headphones. %2 Press center button to play, press again to stop, press right button to s-ip ahead, press left button to s-ip bac-. 52 6indly re+e+ber to turn off player to conserve power when finished. '2 1ently return +p$ player to des-. "2 *ell your story by writing it in the co+position boo- or by signing up for a story circle 4in the boo-2.

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3ur stories were collected through recording participants7 responses in structured story circles 4a facilitated dialogue process2. !. 8irst, we showed a )9 +inute seg+ent of Eyes on the Prize, Americas Civil Rights Movement, 195 !19"5, produced by Blac-side. :e used the video in the series which addresses school desegregation in Boston entitled ;6eys to the 6ingdo+.< ). =fter watching the video seg+ent, participants responded to two pro+pts, shared below, in order to elicit a story about our connection to the historical flashpoint that so+e refer to as ;busing< in Boston> and that we offer as a ju+ping off point for co++unity dialogue about how we +ight continue to +ove forward in our struggle for 0uality education for all. Answer the following pro&pts 'in writing(! !. :here did you go to school 6#!)? ). *ell a story about how you are connected or not connected to the history that you view in the docu+entary or that you -now as school desegregation in Boston which too- place !&'(#")? 4If our video is not available for you to watch, feel free to view the Boston @chool Decision, so+eti+es -nown as the 1arrity Decision, in the blac- binder in the des-. $. ach participant in the circle had approAi+ately )#( +inutes to respond to each pro+pt. @o, feel free to use a ti+er to deter+ine the scope and breadth of the story that we are as-ing you to share with us. (. :riting your story in our binder +eans that it will be available to the public to view and that we +ay continue to share it to support the +ission of the project.

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