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Task 1 (30 points)

85 - 100/100 Student is highly interested on discovering why and where we use numbers up to 10000 and has a lot of facilities to do the task. Student is able to complete the 100 timetables and to do the exercises without difficulties. Student shows high understanding of mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and place value.

Task 2 (20 points)

Task 3 (30 points)

70 - 85/100 Student shows interest on discovering why and where we use numbers up to 10000 and is able to complete the task with very little help from the teacher. Student is able to complete the 100 timetables and to do the exercises without too much help from the teacher. Student shows good understanding of mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and place value.

55 - 70/ 100 Student shows some interest on discovering why and where we use numbers up to 10000 and has some difficulties doing the task. Student has some difficulties completing the 100 timetables and to do the exercises. Student shows basic understanding of mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and place value. Student shows some difficulties answering the questions.

40 - 55/100 Student shows very little interest on discovering why and where we use numbers up to 10000 and has a lot of difficulties completing the task. Student has a lot of difficulties completing the 100 timetables and to do the exercises. Student shows difficulties understanding mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and place value. Student shows difficulties answering the questions.

0 - 40/100 Student hardly any interest on discovering why and where we use numbers up to 10000 Student is not able to complete the 100 timetables and to do the exercises. Student shows no understanding of mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and place value. Student is not able to answer the questions.

Task 4 (20 points)

Student fully satisfied the Student is able to requirement of the task. answer the questions easily.

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