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Chare Lester IDT 3600

Content Area: Social Studies Grade: 3rd Summary: The purpose of this instructional power point is to help students understand the diversity in the economy and that many people from different races, back grounds, ethnics, socioeconomic groups, and religious beliefs made contributions to the development of civilizations. Learning Objective: Given facts and websites on people and their contributions to the world, students will be able to correctly identify both of them with a 100% accuracy within the questions. Content Standard 1.0:Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and traditions. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures. Accomplishments: 3.1.03 Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, socioeconomic groups to the development of civilizations. (a) Explain the significance of selected ethnic and/or cultural celebrations in Tennessee, the United States and other nations such as St. Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, and Kwanzaa. (b) Retell the heroic deeds of characters from folktales and legends.

Mayan Contributions Facts

Mayan contributions are many. They developed an advanced writing system. The Mayans discovered the zero value in mathematics, at about the same time it was discovered in India and later passed onto the Arabs. Their astronomic forecasts based on mathematical calculations and scientific observations were amazing and still are. Mayan Calendar Many of our foods (corn, squash, chocolate, tropical fruits, turkeys) were perfected by the Mayans. +the+Mayan+Civilization

Fill in the blank.

The Mayans developed an advanced _________ system.

A. zero value B. Writing C. Mathematics


answer is B: The Mayans developed an advanced writing system.

Select the correct answer.

What foods were perfected by the Mayans?

A. corn, squash, chocolate, tropical fruits, and turkeys. B. corn, squash, beans, fruit, and chickens. C. Squash, roosters, beans, fruit, and turkey.

Correct Answer is A: corn, squash, chocolate, tropical fruits, and turkeys were perfected by the Mayans.

Aztec Contribution Facts

Aztecs came up with mandatory universal education. Aztecs introduced popcorn. The Aztecs practiced advanced medicine.

Select the correct answer.

The Aztecs introduced what? A. Chilli B. Popcorn C. Corn

Correct Answer

is B: Aztecs introduced popcorn.

Inca Contribution Facts

The Incas loved music. They invented many wind and percussion instruments. Drums and flutes were very popular. The panpipe was the most popular. Terrace Farming Freeze Dried Foods Use of Gold and Silver Marvelous Stonework Wonderful Textiles Aqueducts (the Incas were frequent bathers) Hanging Bridges Panpipes Systems of Measurement (calendar, quipus)

Fill in the blank.

The Incas loved _______, so they invented ______ and it was there most poplar instrument. A. Math, calculator B. Language, writing C. Music, panpipe

Correct Answer is C:. The Incas loved music that they invented may of the instruments that we have today, but the most poplar is the panpipe.


In this lesson, students would have learned about the different contributions made to the early civilizations by people of different ethnics and backs grounds. Students would have also learn each specific thing that each group brought an dhow it impacts the world that we live in today because we still many of those contributions.

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