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Peer Teaching Lesson Plan

Britney Jo Block T & L Lesson Plan- Introduction to Multiplication Teacher: Britney Jo Block Lesson Topic: In this lesson I will introduce the students to the concept of multiplication by showing them how it is also in groups of. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to multiply numbers 1-4 by sorting the numbers into groups. The students will do this by reading a story, using manipulatives, worksheets, and a online game. Grade Level: 2nd grade Teaching Date: October 2nd, 2013. Stage 1 - Desired Results Content Standards/Goals: 2.O.A 3 Determine whether a group of objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of members, e.g., by pairing objects or counting them by 2s; write an equation to express an even number as a sum of two equal addends . 2.O.A.4. Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends.

Understandings: Students will understand that Students will understand that

2x2 is the same as 2 groups of 2. A multiplication problem can be solved by sorting into groups and using extended addition. Students will understand that when it is written 2x3 that it means 2 groups of 3, not 3 groups of two. BUT they would get the same answer by writing it opposite as well. Students will understand that multiplication is frustrating but if they are patient and work through the problem they will be able to understand it

Essential Questions:

What happens when you multiply by zero? What happens when you multiply by one Does 3x2 and 2x3 get the same answer? Show me what 3x2 and 2x3 looks like with manipulatives What is another way to say 2x2? What does it mean to take a number multiplied by another number? What story can you tell me to describe your problem? What number sentence can you write to describe your problem? What are things you see every day that are grouped together like the number problem?

Knowledge: Students will know . . . What students will learn:

Students will be able to multiple small numbers. Students will be able to put the multiplication problem into groups by using manipulatives. Students will learn that 2x2 means 2 groups of 2. Students will learn the meaning of multiplication


Factors: the numbers that are multiplied together. Product: the answer to the multiplication problem.

Skills: Students will be able to do . . . What students will be able to do:

Students will use manipulatives to work through the multiplication problem. Students will be able to sort the multiplication problem into groups to solve the problem Students will be able to understand the concept of multiplication.

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Students will show their learning by Listening to a story on multiplication Working with manipulatives to help aid their learning Work on a worksheet to help them gain a better understanding of multiplication Work with a online game to allow them to play and interact with what they learned

Playing an interactive grouping game.

Preparation Prior to Teaching Review on extended addition and multiply by zero Make sure they understand when what happens when you multiply by zero Pre-Assessment:

Working with the child individually to see assess whether they are ready to move onto multiplication or if they need to work more on addition and subtraction. Using a K-W-L to assess background knowledge of students

Students' Background Knowledge: Students will need to be able to use addition. Students will need to have a basic understanding of sorting objects into groups. They will need to understand extended addition. They need to be able to understand that 2+2+2=6. Teacher Background: Vocabulary used in multiplication. An understanding of the groups of method. Understanding of the basic algorithm of multiplication. Know that students will get confused by multiple by 1 and 0. Tell students that today we will be working on multiplication. Ask if they remember extended addition and how to use it.

Differentiated Instruction:

Content: The book that I am reading is about Halloween. Due to the fact that some children may not know what Halloween is due to different cultures, I would choose to read a different book on multiplication. Process: The worksheets that the children work on can be adjusted to each student if they have a language barrier or they do not understand the directions. The computer game we play can be in their first language as well. Product: Students that do not work well on computers can work longer with manipulatives if they would like to.

Accommodations: From the Case Studies on Blackboard: Kayla (emotional/behavioral problems, frequent tantrums, hitting, and biting): When it comes to Kayla I want her to feel comfortable in my classroom. I would first make sure she is sitting by someone who can work well with her. I want both of them to get the full effect of the lesson but I will allow for the two of them to work together on questions. I will keep them paired up so that if Kayla does start getting frustrated her partner can talk her through it. I

will also keep close to Kayla so I can see the warning signs of her throwing a tantrum. When it comes to the computer game I think Kayla will enjoy it and I will allow for her to work alone on it and if she needs help I will help or let her neighbor help her. Claudia (Autism): When it comes to Claudia I want her to feel included. I will put her in the front next to someone that works well with her. I will make sure that I am including her in my activity. When I have the students sort their M&Ms into groups I will assess and make sure she understands. If she is not understanding it I will work hard to make sure she isnt frustrated. I will allow for her neighbor to help her if she needs it. When it comes to the worksheets I will ask for her partner to assist Claudia on the worksheet and work together on it. And the same goes for the computer game. If Claudia needs a break then I will let her take her break and pick up where she left off. Technology: Students will use the interactive white board to demonstrate to the class how they did the problem In this students will use an online game to work on multiplication. The game sorts chocolate chips into groups and allows students to practice multiplication by using a variety of activities. Carls Cookies

Extensions & Enrichment Enrichment Students will be given the task of sorting random object that they see everyday into groups and multiply. When they are at school they can sort their pencils. When they are at home they can sort fruit or snacks into groups. Review Students will work in groups and use their bodies as manipulatives. They will be told to sort themselves into 2x3 and they have to group themselves Activity Game: "Carls Cookies" Students will play the game Carls Cookies where the chocolate chips on are a certain amount of cookies. They have to determine how many chocolate chips there is total. Sources: Leedy, L. (1995). 2x2=Boo!. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Other Evidence: While the students are using their manipulatives to do the multiplication problem I will walk around to and keep an eye on them to make sure they are doing it themselves. When they work on the worksheet, I will walk around and ask students questions to assess if they understand what we are learning. During Carls Cookies it keeps track of how many right answers and how many wrong in the very top corner. I can sneak a peek at this while they are working on their activity. Stage 3 - Learning Plan

Procedure for Teaching Step-by-Step Lesson Flow: Anticipatory Set Today is October 2nd. Can anyone tell me what holiday is in October? Thats right! Halloween! I thought it would be fun to read a book that involves Halloween called 2x2=boo! Can anyone tell me what else they think this book will be about? Thats right multiplication! Yesterday we learned that when you multiply by zero you get what number? Zero is right! What is another way to say 2x2? Thats right 2 groups of 2! Also, we need to remember our extended addition when we are using multiplication to sort into groups! Can anyone tell me what extended addition is? Good job! Lets get started on 2x2=Boo! Instruction

1. 2. 3. 4.

Alright now that we are finished with our story I want everyone to find a seat Lets do some multiplication problems using manipulatives. Before we start, what questions do you have for me? Everyone will need to take 20 M&Ms and put them in a pile. Now I want you to sort the M&Ms into 2x3 which also means? Now can someone come show me how they got their answer on the white board? 5. Now can you show me 3x3. Who can show me on the board 6. Lets try a tricky one! 4x1. Who wants to show me on the board 7. How about me try 4x3! Can I get someone to show me on the board

8. Give me a thumbs up or thumbs down if you are ready to move on 9. Lets practice what we have learned. I want you to work on these worksheets. When you are done with the worksheets put your pencil down. 10. ______ show me how you got that answer. Great job! 11. Now that you are all finished lets talk to our neighbor partner about what we did. 12. Now that we have worked so hard I think it is time for a game. Please open up you computers and follow the instructions on the board. If you have any questions please raise your hand. -Instructions on board 1. Go Google and turn off sound 2. Type in Carls Cookies 3. Select the top link on Google 4. Go through the tutorial and then select level 1 5. Play! 13. I think we have time for one more game! I want everyone to stand up and lets go into the hallway. I want half the class on one side and the other on the other side. When I shout out a number sentence you need to put yourself into groups of the number sentence. If you have too many people than the number sentence asks for then some people can sit down quickly but make sure everyone is taking turns sitting down! 14. What a awesome job you all did! Now what I want you to do is continue to group things together whenever you see objects that can be grouped and then figuring out what their number sentence would be! This way you can keep practicing your multiplication!

Check for Understanding The following questions will be asked as students are doing the Independent Practice: a.) Can you tell me what you did to figure out the answer? b.) How did you know to split them into that many groups? c.) What happens when you only have one group? Guided Practice 1. Additional problems to solve as time allows: 4x4, 3x3, 4x3, 2x2, 1x1. Have the students draw pictures on the back of their worksheets that goes along with the number sentence

2. Now that we all seem to understand I want you to take out your notebook and write me a story about when you would have to group something and use multiplication. I will walk around and read with you. 3. When everyone is done, discuss with your elbow partner what you wrote about, make suggestions for improvement. 4. Revise your problems, as needed. 5. Collect all problems to read and combine to make a multiplication story book

Independent Practice 1. Explore the classroom and find objects you can group. Group them and then solve the multiplication problem 2. Tonight when you go home and find something in your house that you have already put into groups. Write it down and solve the problem and bring it to class to share! Eg. I have my shoes grouped into 6 groups of 2, 6x2=12 Closure 2nd Graders: You have done a wonderful job learning today! Can anyone tell me what is another way to say 2x3? Can anyone tell me what 3 groups of 3 is? What are you going to do tonight when you go home? Excellent! Great job!

Preparation Organizational & Management Steps Have manipulatives ready. Have Paper towel ready to put the M&Ms on. If you decide not to use M&Ms and just you a manipulative that is not food, you will not need a paper towel. Gather all other materials needed and distribute them to the groups. Make sure that no one is elbow partners with someone they dont work well with. Make sure the computers are ready. They can be on their desk if there is enough room. Make sure they are closed if they are on the desk. If there isnt room to have them on their desk, pass them out after you have checked to make sure they are understanding the worksheet. Materials & Resources For Students: 1. M&Ms (or other manipulatives) 2. Crayons, pencils, markers for worksheets 3. Computers

For Teacher: 1. M&M, paper towels 2. White board 3. Computer

Reflection The experiences I had when I was planning this lesson was that I felt very nervous. I was nervous to not only teach to my peers but I was nervous I wasnt going to do a very good job. I had no experience with the UBD lesson plan so when I started working with that I was even more nervous. Something that went well was that I felt like I had a lot of material and that I was well prepared for my lesson. I just didnt know how to write it all into my lesson plan. Some thing that surprised me the most about this experience was the depth that the UBD lesson plan went into. I have written lesson plans before but I never had to think as in detail as I had to with the UBD The experience I had when I was teaching my peers is not an experience I will have when I am teaching students, when I am working with children I seem to be less nervous and more of myself. When I teach my peers I found myself feeling like I was under the pressure. I did have to deviate from my lesson plan, I found my peers going through my activities a lot quicker than expected. I had to act quickly and keep them busy while others were still working on their activity. I had them write me a story that involved multiplication grouping. I believe that my students did learn from my lesson plan. I would definitely of taken my time more and try not to rush through things because I am worried that my peers are getting bored with my lesson because when I am in the classroom my students will want to do more than just a few problems together. I feel that my activities helped a lot with their learning. I used manipulatives for them to see right in front of them and then the computer game about chocolate chips on a cookie made them understand the groups of theory

more. The final game allowed them to use their bodies and group each other into groups. I made sure that I had enough activities for all different types of learners. What would happen next with my lesson is to get into larger multiplication problem and have them start learning the multiplication times table. I would get into the tricks of learning of the harder problems. I would want them to learn songs, and hand tricks to help them remember when you multiply by 8s and 9s. Based on my students reaction to my lesson I would definitely do more activities to get them moving and working together. They seemed to enjoy that the most.

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