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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Chare Lester Grade and Topic: 3rd Grade Science Mentor Teacher: Date: April 27, 2014 Length of Lesson: 45 minutes School: University of Memphis IDT 3600


This lesson plan is part of a unit that focuses on 4 different types of animal classification amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds.

The students will be given a brief overview on the different types of categories animals can be classified as, be able to use technology to find them and be able to distinguish them with 75% accuracy.

STANDARDS ADDRESSED: GLE 0307.Inq.2 select and use appropriate tools and simple equipment to conduct an investigation. GLE 0307.Inq.3 Organize data into appropriate tables, graphs, drawings, or diagrams. GLE 0307.Inq.4 Identify and interpret simple patterns of evidence to communicate the findings of multiple investigations ISTE STANDARD: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. o Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes o Create original works as a means of personal or group expression o Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues o Identify trends and forecast possibilities MATERIALS: Computer Animal Worksheet Microsoft Word Internet

BACKGROUND and RATIONALE: Students will recall previous information learned prior to this assignment. Students should already have some knowledge about the different categories animals can be classified as. The exercise today will reinforce the information students have learned prior to this class. Academic language is not addressed in IDT-3600.
The lesson presented today is a continuation of a previous lesson covered.

We will use the basic information and tools utilized in this lesson for future lessons.

I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students. PROCEDURES AND TIMELINE: Students will enter the classroom quietly and sit at their assigned computer desks. I will continue by saying class 1, 2, 3, eyes on me, and they will reply 4, 5, 6, eyes are fixed. I will open the class on a brief introductory about our lesson and why we are doing it. I will then continue with a KWL chart to ask the students what they know, what they want to know, and at the end what have they learned in the lesson today. As the students sit quietly at their desks, I will pass out the animal worksheets. Students will be given a series of websites to go look at and find information on amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. Students will then write their name on their paper and go to the websites listed and find 3 animals per category to fit into the classification on the worksheet and give one sentence why they are there. When the students are finished, they will be given the opportunity to share their findings with their classmates. And at the end, I will leave the floor open for open ended discussions on what they have learned.

Closure: Students will be able to share their findings with the class and tell us what new information that they have learned. They will write something new that they have learned down and use it as a exit ticket.

MODIFICATIONS: For students who are struggling, a print out of the PowerPoint will be available.

Student Example

Animal Classification Name Some

Frogs Lizards Mantella

Pandas Humans Dogs

Snakes Turtles Alligators

Pelicans Bald Eagle Flamingo


Because they live on land and water, they lay many eggs, and they breathe through their skin.

Because they are furry, they give birth to live young; they live on land with 4 legs.

Because they have scales and not fur, they have ear holes instead of ears, and they are cold blooded.

Because they ate, they are warm blooded and lay eggs with hard water proof shells.

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