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Leota Douglas Eng-1100-61 Prof: Lago Changes in the Workplace Over time change is something that occurs whether

physically or internally. As this happens we must be able to adapt to the conditions. Some may try to ignore or resist the need to change with their surroundings. In the workforce change can be seen in terms of physical improvements seem to increase the performance level of workers and provide a more convenient way for the consumers to complete transitions. Something we have no control over is the future and how things will change, especially with the increase of technology the work place can sometimes be forced to evolve to maintain its standards and functionality. I have witnessed experienced the advantages of technology in retail, it makes shopping easier by shortening the time in which a sale of return is processed. Some business eliminated the requirement of a receipt to complete a return. With this change consumers can shop freely without the worry of a hassle in the future. The career path chosen by individuals can give us a glimpse into who that person is. We often time choose a career based on personal wishes, financial reasons, or simple to follow the footsteps of people who influenced us with the hope of bringing about change. As Carnevale explains the differences in financial stability a career can provide. During college years students may choose a major depending on the childhood dream they had. Personally I did not research the job market and income potential when choosing my major. Unemployment for students with new Bachelors degrees is an unacceptable 8.9 percent (Carnevale, 297) which is information I was not familiar with before choosing a major. A major will often times determine the field in which students will be employed in. Carnevales piece gave the reader much needed information
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into the workforce and the expected growing trends for careers commonly explored by college students and new graduates. The career chosen by an individual can sometimes change a person as depicted in Sennetts writing, where the character is transformed based on the career he chose. Rico, I learned, has fulfilled his fathers desire for upward mobility, but has indeed rejected the way of his father. ( Sennett, 309) He described the change in Ricos character as if he was raised in a family of wealth. The career he was in changed him personally that his demeanor was different from his father and the boy Sennett once knew. With his character and being surrounded by wealthy individual he himself started to assume the lifestyle of the wealthy elite. The job market is a fast changing world; with the increase in technologically advances a career can be on top having the most potential for grow in the future. However this can certainly change without notice like the recession in recent years, at the same time, majors that are closely aligned with occupations and industries can misfire (Carnevale, 298). As stated in Carnevales writing choosing a major can often times be a downfall when drastic changes are being made in the career fields. Careers which was once pretended to have a high number of job availability along with financial stability started declining and laying workers off. During my years in the work place as a cashier and customer service rep, my duties included checking out customers and processing returns or answering questions a customer might have. I have experienced numerous changes, that both benefited the employees and consumers. I worked in retail for five years where the company implemented changed that would make the checkout easier for the customer and also the employee. The steps to get a customer out the door became faster and easier with the changes in software which the company saw as beneficial. I was able to check out customers in a short time which generated revenue for the
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company. With this speedy process customers were satisfied and were more likely to return or suggest the business to others. Also in hopes of providing a more comfortable work environment for the employees, changes were made in the break area which included better furniture, a television and updated appliances. Over the years the visible effects of the changes in the work force is evident, we encounter the modern unveiling of buildings or new equipment or discovery of new techniques which will transform the job market to meet the needs of the future, and to continue being a competitive force. As stated change is something we cannot avoid, therefore confirming to the changes is often the best way. Change can be seen as good or bad it all depends on the individual interpretation of the change. During my interview process I was afforded the opportunity to speak with two individual that choose their career path in completely different ways. Ms. Lipscomb who is a second grade teacher explained that teaching was also a passion of hers, so therefore during her college years she knew the path in which she wanted to take. She has been teaching for 15 years and says she has witnessed changes over the years in the education field. She says with technology a lot of the focus is on getting children ready to testing, and with the age of technology the computer plays a role in educating children. They incorporate the computer programs into the lesson plans. Ms. Lipscomb said teaching has come a long way, the way in which the information is being relayed to the children are often open to modification. With weekly training at her school they are constantly learning ways to approach teaching. She remembers first starting out as a teacher with little experienced so trial and error played a big role in improving her craft. Before the projectors, smart boards and computers they were the chalkboard and chalk used to carry out their task, while she explains the financial earnings of teachers are considerable low for the way they do she
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still think she choose the right field and is currently pursuing a master degree at William Paterson University in education. This is her passion and she sees herself staying in the field until she retires. Lesley is an immigrant who came to the United States fourteen years ago in hopes of securing a better life for herself and her family. With no college education she started in the retail field which she is currently in. she explains the difficulties that come with not having a degree. The selection process in the work field is minimal, she is not able to be in the field she wants to right now but admits she is working to leave the retail field and start in the Health Aid field which she thinks is the closet she will come to her dream career of being a nurse. Lesley spoke about not always being financially able to afford the things she wanted because she needed to take care of her needs field. Working in retail is a constant adjustment, in this industry everything is a season ahead and the changes are often, so therefore Im always learning something new whether its with the new system software the company is introducing or the physical changes that are being made around the store. She has been with the same company for 13 years and have experienced also of changes in management style, employees, store lay out, and technological side, also wifi which she chuckled about the store being wifi equipped to better service customers. The freedom of choice is an advantage when it comes to the career path one will embark on. Researching the work field is a necessity in deciding what major to pursue. College Majors provided statistics on what should be expected with each major as it pertains to the career field. The risk of unemployment among recent college graduates depends on their major. (Carnevale, 297). With Ms. Lipscomb she choose a career that will provide job security, her earning potential

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may not be at highest level but she will be able to an opportunity to work in the field of her major.

Work Cited Behrens, Laurence, and Leonard Rosen . Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 12th . Boston: Pearson, 2013. Print.

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Interview questions 1. What is your current occupation? 2. How did you get into your current career field? 3. Was this always your career choice? 4. Are you interested in another career field? 5. Do you see yourself changing career path? 6. What changes have you experience since the start of your career? 7. Do you think these changes have improved the overall functionality of your work? 8. Can you compare the changes in your career field from the past to current? 9. Do you think you will remain in your current career field?

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Interview candidates: Lesley Marques, Cynthia Lipscomb

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