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Kyara LeGrand Senior Portfolio Journalism 115 Outcome 1 I am capable of entry-level media work in print journalism.

I am providing evidence of and reflecting on my ability to carry out journalistic research and interviews. I am providing evidence of this outcome with the interview that I had with Gail Ciampa from the Providence Journal. For this assignment I was able to come up with open-ended questions and I was able to take good enough notes so that I could interview her well enough. We had an extensive conversation of what her career was like through the course of several years, what her achievements were, her fears on where journalism is headed etc... An example of an open-ended question that I asked was, You've seen an evolution in technology since you entered into the career of journalism, what was that like for you? Also, prior to the interview I read several articles that she wrote for the food column in the Providence Journal so that I could be well educated in her style of writing as well as some journalistic techniques that she might use. Questions I asked: So, you've seen a whole technological evolution occur through your lifetime, what is that like?

She said: It's been really cool to see technology advance, things were much more difficult years ago, finding information was more difficult and the computer has made things much more efficient and much more simple, however it is sad as well, because technology has really hurt newspapers and journalists. We just don't know what to do. But it has been very cool to see the change.

What are Journalists trying to do to keep up with the internet: Well, we have tried and talked about different ideas about how to get people to subscribe to newspapers or to buy newspapers to create revenue for the company but nothing seems to stick. Now we are trying to make it so that people can only get 15 stories online for free then they will be forced to subscribe or to buy

a newspaper. Other newspapers are trying this as well and the New York Times has even reduced the number of free stories to only 9 free stories. Hopefully this sticks!

The next outcome that I have met is my ability to competently use technology appropriate to the medium. In Journalism 115 we have had several assignments to read online and we have sometimes had follow up assignments to those assigned readings, such as handouts in class with questions we've had to answer regarding those readings. We have also had forum questions that we've had to answer in regards to certain readings. We have had an online tests, as well as research assignments all online. However, the technology used during the interview was the simple pencil and paper. In the forum posts the class has discussed questions in regards to movies we have watched in class. With each online assignment I need to do some research for several of the reports I have written and for the interview I had to do the same. In this way I am able to use technology when it is required. One specific assignment that I've had to research using the internet as my source was the assignment comparing and contrasting journalism in three different countries.

Country Located: Egypt is located in Northern Africa Is there an official statement about the press: As of January 16th Egyptian voters approved an amended constitution that strengthens guarantees of freedom of the press and expression and a ban on government interference in the news media. The documents Articles 70, 71 and 72 provide guarantees of press freedom, freedom of publication and the independence of the news media, including protections against censorship, confiscation, suspension and closure of news media. Who owns the news media: Prior to the passing of this amendment Journalism was controlled by Egypt's rulers. They generally would keep a close eye on the networks because its channels are widely watched across Egypt and the world. The news media was state-run and commercial media companies were more directly subject to government controls. Who controls the news media: The state appears to have owned news media The history/development of news media in the country-Data on types of news media and numbers of news media outlets: According to Reporters without Borders there are several print-media outlets in Egypt and they include, Al Masry Al Youm, Al-Dustour, AlShorouk, Al-Youm Al-Sabe, as well as the weekly Al-Fajr and the weekly edition of AlDustour and only one new newspaper has been launched since the revolution, Tahrir, edited by Ibrahim Issa, who was sacked from Al-Dustour for criticizing the previous government. According to the same group Egypt has over 50 television stations two of which have been added after the Revolution as well.

Names of influential news media outlets: Al-Jazeera seems to be an influential new newspaper that seems to be independent of most state-run newspapers. Tahrir also seems to be influential because it has been the only newspaper to have been written after the revolution in Egypt and the editor Ibrahim Issa, was sacked from Al-Dustour for criticizing the previous government. Anything about how the news media covers the news: It seems that in Egypt since the news is so controlled by the government there isn't much freedom for Journalists to properly report news about the government or other issues that may occur in Egypt, because if anything is written that makes the government look negative, Journalists are penalized severely for it. How the country's news media is regarded elsewhere: It is very obvious that the situation for Journalists in Egypt is far more difficult than it would be in other countries and there are reports on what the government is trying to do to reporters for Al-Jeezra. I say there news is regarded as important despite the fact that it is highly controlled. Issues of concern for the country's journalists: I would say an issue of concern for Egypt is that prior to the passing of the amendment the military had shut down was is regarded to as unfriendly news outlets and they started a campaign of intimidating journalists both Egyptian and foreign. Therefore a concern could be for the potential of another government to come into power and continue with the same regimes. Journalists are generally imprisoned for criticizing their government and up to this point have not had more freedom.

http://en.rsf.org/report-egypt,149.html http://ipi.freemedia.at/index.php?id=269&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=452&cHash=dac9d18dff 0c5efd1a3542001c789f4c http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/11/opinion/egypts-war-on-journalism.html?_r=0 https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/publications/risj-challenges/transformations-in-egyptianjournalism.html http://www.arabmediasociety.com/?article=830 http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2014/01/journalism-becomes-a-crime-inegypt.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-19245300 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-25551518

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