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Ilse Reyes Topic: How technology is used in Business

Technology is use in our daily life. It is something that now that we have it, it is hard to leave. Technology has created a positive impact in society, which makes life a lot easier. Technology has brought distant places closer ust by using a computer and internet and has changed the way that business are done now a days. The impact that technology has in global business is that makes businesses to communicate with other countries easily or compete worldwide using hardware, software, and information technology. This can make a small business growth easily or big businesses go international. Technology has changed the way business is conducted the world over. !lobal business is all about people located in different parts of the world conduct transactions with each other. The activities of global business include in"land transportation, manufacturing, and customs. #uring the course of these transactions, a large number of documents are created and e$changed. In large companies technology helps bring down costs, save time and reduce the labors of the workers. %irst of all, internet has created a big impact in human life, which has help with the evolution of business. &hat makes the internet so important is a link between internet and computer. This link can make a small business become international due to a simple website. The website helps a business to interact with others from a different state or country. The internet allows the sharing of information and knowledge immediately, which is en tremendous help for global business. 'lso, the internet helps a company to make research and learn more about other companies and suppliers. The internet has transformed tremendously the global business movement( ust with a click a business can go international. &ith the internet is ust matter of seconds to have anything delivered in matter of days.

)sing the internet people can buy things online. *eople can also trade stock or file things online. %or e$ample, a website is a low" cost option for the company and consumers from all over the world can have access anytime when they need to purchase. The delivered can take few days, depending where the consumer and the company are at. The use of internet has distance barriers between countries, which make easy for any company to growth international. It makes the world smaller, while companies can have consumers around the world. +nce a business goes international there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that immediately using the web a company goes international and consumers from all over the world can purchase the company goods. The disadvantage of this is that automatically the company is competing with other international companies. There is the competition of who gives the products cheaper, faster, with the best ,uality of product, and with a good service. 'n e$ample of this can be if a person wants to buy a flight ticket. There are

hundreds of websites that offer that same ticket, but with different prices. The person of course is going to buy it, the cheapest as she or he can. The competition of ,uality of goods internationally have a high demand. In any type of business hardware is need it. Hardware is any electronic device that is use in any business to show information. %or e$ample, the desktop computers, laptops, cell phones, and pro ectors these devices make a business. %or a laptop or a computer to assist in a business needs internet. The computer plus the internet helps the business to communicate with others in the same place or with other countries easily. This is a big help for global business because if a company needs to send or have contact with another company in another state or country, the company can easily have the contact sending it via email. These electronic devices have help to world of global business. -ot only that but also computers help companies to organi.e, personal

schedules and other type information. Before the e$istence of email, telegraphs was the way that business communicated. &ith the telegraphs for a company to receive a letter took about ten to fifteen days, it depended where it was send. If it was send out of the country to receive the mail could take several months. &ith email is totally different. ' person can contact any person immediately, no more than / minutes and worldwide. -ow even people can receive emails in their cellphones. BlackBerrys and 0martphones have also created an impact in business. These types of phones make easier to reach people anytime, anywhere. Technology has caused communication to change in an acutely level. -ew software1s and advanced applications are helping companies to improve the way they manage their research and the developed of the products and services. There are different types of software, this programs help to edit images, help with the accounting, are word processing, and help with the creation of presentations. %or e$ample, if a company wants to keep record of the inventory or of what they have shipped, software is in charged to keep all records. Radio fre,uency identification is a cheaper way to have control the inventory and products, with a microchip. This type of software makes a company to have control of things easily. 'lso, there are other types of software1s that help a company to have conference calls or video conferencing. 2onference calls allow people from different states or countries to be in the same conversation at the same time. 3ideo conferencing provides almost the same service, but with the benefit of seen each other face to face with a video camera through the computer. %or e$ample, if there is a global company, that wants to communicate immediately with the manager of that company in other countries, they can see themselves through the video conference. This

improves communication on a global scale and enables all parties to understand specific plans and agreements. The video call is use most of times in conferences in large rooms or auditoriums. The two types of communication have created a huge impact in global business. To conclude technology haves create a huge impact in the world of business, with the improved to technology the creation go new products satisfied the costumers needs and demands. &ith products such like hardware, software, and information technology make a company to be run easily and worldwide. Technology has also increased the efficiency and productivity in manufacturing and service areas for global businesses.

&ork 2ited

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