10 Brain Damaging Habits

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#BE AWARE! 1. No Breakfast People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.This leads to an insufficient suppl of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration. 2. Overeating !t causes hardening of the brain arteries" leading to a decrease in #ental power. 3. S oking !t causes #ultiple brain shrinkage and #a lead to Al$hei#er disease. !. Hig" S#gar $ons# %tion Too #uch sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing #alnutrition and #a interfere with brain develop#ent. &. Air 'o((#tion The brain is the largest o% gen consu#er in our bod . !nhaling polluted air decreases the suppl of o% gen to the brain" bringing about a decrease in brain efficienc . ). S(ee% De%rivation &leep allows our brain to rest. 'ong ter# deprivation fro# sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells. *. Hea+ ,overe+ -"i(e s(ee%ing &leeping with the head covered" increases the concentration of carbon dio%ide and decrease concentration of o% gen that #a lead to brain da#aging effects. .. /orking 0o#r 1rain +#ring i((ness Working hard or stud ing with sickness #a lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as da#age the brain. 2. 3a,king in sti #(ating t"o#g"ts Thinking is the best wa to train our brain" lacking in brain sti#ulation thoughts #a cause brain shrinkage. 10. Ta(king Rare(0 !ntellectual conversations will pro#ote the efficienc of the brain..

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