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Phonics Lesson: ea, ee, ey Overview (brief description of students, subject, topic, and skills/concepts) - Fundations is our phonological/phonemic

awareness, phonics, and spelling program. Each day, we teach a specific Fundations lesson that corresponds to the unit we are in. Right now, we are in a ea, ee, ey words unit. Most of the weeks spelling words contain this pattern. We practice them daily and try to incorporate them into other parts of the day as well. Yesterday we used letter pattern cards with picture cues. For example, one card has ee and a picture of a jeep. Students say the letters, the word jeep, and then the ea sound. Next, we played a game of ghost rider where students are paired in partnerships. Partner 1 closes his/her eyes and partner 2 spells the chosen word on partner 1s back and then they switch. Students get spelling practice and begin to notice patterns. Understandings (What big ideas do you want students to know/understand and be able to do/have the skill at the end of this lesson?) Students will understand that words have patterns Students will understand that we can segment/break words up into sounds Students will understand that we can blend sounds together to create cohesive words Students will understand that words carry meaning and we can use them to communicate

Standards (What standards can you cite from CCSS, NGSS, MA History/Social Sciences Framework, other?) - Common Core English Language Arts Standards 1. Phonics and Word Recognition: Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. 2. Speaking and Listening: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). Objectives (What skills and concepts must the students achieve in this lesson? To what degree? Think gradual release of responsibility.) Students will be able to recognize words that have ee, ea, and ey vowel patterns Students will be able to spell words that have ee, ea, and ey vowel patterns Students will be able to blend and segment words that have ee, ea, and ey vowel patterns Students will be able to use words that have ee, ea, and ey vowel patterns in sentences

Assessment (What will you use to check for how well students achieved the objectives? How will students demonstrate achievement and understanding? How will they know that they have achieved their goal?) I will assess the class first when we are all blending words together I will assess students on a more individual basis when they segment words during hangman

I will reassess them again with their ticket to leave. I will continue to assess students through out the entire unit during Fundations and on their spelling assessments every Friday. I will also look for proof of understanding and mastery of skills in their other reading and writing work across all content areas.

Instructional Approach. (How will you introduce topic, explain/model/guide skill development, provide activities for practice/application, and differentiate instruction? What is your allotted time for each step and your plans for closure? Sequence this section with #s.) - Fundations is part of our daily routine and students are already familiar with our ee, ea, ey unit (see Overview above). To introduce the topic today, the whole class will practice blending words together. Then we will play a few rounds of hangman. After the words are guessed, students will practice segmenting them. Before going off to independent reading, students tickets to leave will be to either segment or blend an ee, ea, or ey word, spell an ee, ea, or ey word, or use an ee, ea, or ey word in a sentence. Sponge (to soak up extra time, provided to all students, an activity to apply or extend skills/concepts from the lesson, preferably differentiated.) - Students will move into independent reading after Fundations. Materials needed. (Just a list here is fine.) Fundations cards Easel Dry erase markers Eraser

Reflection. (How did it go? What did the students do to show that they learned? What would you shift for next time? What will you do next with your instruction for this skill/concept? To complete after teaching w/ or w/out CT or FI.)

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