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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: LaChandra D. Mason Grade and Topic: Mentor Teacher: Kindergarten, Science Dr. Carmen Weaver Date: April 27, 2014 Length of Lesson: 45 Minutes

School: University of Memphis

UNIT/CHAPTER OBJECTIVE/GENERALIZATION/BIG IDEA: The lesson on how animals grow and is part of a unit covering heredity. Identifying and describing animal reproduction and transmission of hereditary information between generations as described in the TN Kindergarten state science standard 4. LESSON OBJECTIVE: Given pictures of animals in various stages of growth, TLW place the picture in correct sequence order with 6/6 accuracy. Given pictures of a juvenile animals, TLW identify the adult animal with 6/6 accuracy. Student participation: The goal of this lesson is for the student to demonstrate an understanding of how animals grow and that offspring resemble their parents. Students will create a picture chart. STANDARDS ADDRESSED: GLE 0007.4.1 Observe how plants and animals change as they grow. GLE 0007.4.2 Observe that offspring resemble their parents. 0007.4.2 Match pictures of seedlings to adult plants and a juvenile to the adult animal. ISTE Standard(s) 3. Research and Information Fluency; Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks

MATERIALS: Animal How They Grow worksheet Computer Microsoft Word Internet Access to: a. MS Clipart Gallery Pencil Text book Microsoft PowerPoint Prezi

Technology Integration Word processing software will be used to type, drag, cut, and paste images to the Animals Sequencing activity. BACKGROUND and RATIONALE: Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of each animal by matching picture and correctly placing them in sequenced order as it related to their growth. Students will provide a visual presentation. This lesson is a continuation of TN Kindergarten science standard 4 We will refer to the summary created here as we continue to explore animals. We will also use our outlines for a unit on creative writing. Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600. I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson. PROCEDURES AND TIMELINE: Introduction: Good morning class! Today we will be talking about How animals grow! Do you know what a puppy grows up to be? What about a tadpole? Well today we will use the internet to help us to explore and find the answers.! Procedures Prior to the Computer (10 minutes) Teacher Procedures: 1. After the Introduction, ask them to briefly name the animals. Do the juvenile and adult look the same? Student Procedures: 1. Students will verbally recall animals.

At the Computer (35 minutes) Teacher Procedures: 1. Have students open Internet browser 2. Direct students to the MS Clipart Gallery website 3. Direct Students to the C Drive file named Animals How They Grow. 4. Monitor and assist as needed Student Procedures: 1. Open Internet browser 2. Have students to the c drive and open the file Animals How They Grow 3. Click to open the document 4. Find an animal 5. Use pull-down menu to copy the image 6. Go to Picture cell in the Word document 7. Type the name of the animal in the column named animal 8. Paste the Picture in the column marked Juvenile/Baby 9. Go to Adult column in the Word document 10. Drag the picture of the adult animal and drop it in the correct cell

11. Save work 12. Repeat items 5-11 for the remaining pictures. 13. When all phrases are finished 14. Print a copy and upload one to the class dropbox. 15. Type your write name on paper. Closure: What do you have planned to close the lesson? Allow students to share with large group their animals and sounds. Lead the students in singing Old McDonalds on last time as the teacher collects work and ask questions. Class work will be displayed for parents and school community to enjoy

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE: Animal Growth and Sequencing Criteria Animal Pairing 1 2

Correctly pair 1-3 juvenile Correctly all 6 pair juvenile animal with adult animal with adult. The rationale for very few or no order of animal growth. The reflection some understanding of Animals growth from juvenile to adult The rationale for All (6) the animals correctly sequenced in order of growth. The reflection shows understanding of the 6 animals growth from juvenile to adult

Animal Sequencing


MODIFICATIONS: Students who do not master this lesson will be given additional resources and attention. Students will be offered PowerPoint presentations and text books as guides. Students needing enrichment will be offered the opportunity create a presentation using Prezi or PowerPoint to show understanding of how animals grow. I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson. Student Sample:

Animals How They Grow



In the chart below, search the internet for pictures of animals. In the first column marked Animal, type the name of the animal you chose. Find pictures of 6 animals and drag the juvenile/baby picture and drop it in the column titled Juvenile/baby. Then find matching pictures of the juvenile to the adult and the adult picture should be dropped in the column marked Adult. Be sure to type you name before submitting it to the dropbox.









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