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Siegel 1

Lucas Siegel Connie Douglas English 1102 April 1, 2014 Annotated Bibliography Aubrey, Allison. "Parents Of Sleep-Deprived Teens Push For Later School Start Times."Health News Florida. N.p., 03 Dec. 2013. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>. This article was from the point of view of a reporter and parent who has some conflicting views on this subject. The parent, Cristina Sevin, has two teenage kids in high school who have to be forced out of be at 6:00 a.m. In order to catch the bus at approximately 6:35 a.m. Cristina says that she thinks that her children should be able to start school an hour later because she feels as though this is not fair to them to have to be up and alert before the sun is even up. This article also talks about the group "Start School Later" which is going around the country trying to promote and get parents to sign off on the fact that the school system should start schools an hour later. There have been years of debate on this issue. Sleep scientists argue that early high school start times conflict with teens' shifting circadian rhythms. This was a good source because it was able to give me a parent's point of view on the situation all though it did not give me too much information. This is a useful source but I wish it would give me more information on how the parents feel about this situation. This compares well to my other sources by giving a whole new perspective on everything and it is different than a study done like a few of my other sources. This is a reliable source because it is done by the University of South Florida which should be a good source to use. This source is a little biased because this is given by a mother with kids who really do not like waking up in the morning and I bet if the students were alert and ready this early every day it would be different for the parent. This sources goal was to show how the parent felt about this situation. This source was very helpful to me because it gave me insight from a different perspective. This helps shape my argument because this is just one more POV that can be incorporated when deciding if this is a good idea or not. I can use this source in my research project by showing how parents think it would be a good idea to make school start an hour later. This article did not really change how I thought about the topic other than showing me how strong of an opinion some parents have on this topic.

Siegel 2

Boergers, Julie, Christfopher J. Gable, and Judith A. Owens. "Later School Start Time Is Associated With Improved Sleep And Daytime Functioning In Adolescents." Journal Of Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics 35.1 (2014): 11-17. PsycINFO. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. Not enough sleep is a growing issue when it comes to teenagers and it is associated with adverse health consequences. There was a study done to see if later start times would affect high school students and the results were astounding. The purpose of this study was to see if delaying school would impact sleep patterns, sleepiness, mood, and health related outcomes. What they did was boarding students in a separate school and instead of an 8:00 a.m. start time they moved it to 8:25 a.m. After this study was done it was shown that the students getting a full eight hours of sleep increased for 18% to 44%. The main grades that were affected by this were the 9th and 10th graders. This later start time also improved the problems such as daytime sleepiness, depressed mood, and caffeine usage. Once the next year started they moved the times back to the regular, earlier, start time and the results went back to how they used to be. This study showed how even twenty five minutes of sleep can be a huge impact on the health effects on students in high school. This is definitely a useful source to have. It comes from the perspective of a psychologist and it gives very insightful information about how start times for high schoolers can affect their health and academic standings in class. This compares very well to my other sources because it is good to have an opinion and actual data from a professional on the subject. This information is very reliable because it is in the library database and it is given by a professional on the subject. This source is not biased at all because it just gives out straight facts that are found using unbiased research. The goal of this source was to get research that backs up a certain point of view. This source was very helpful to me and it gave me some very useful information. This helps shape my argument because it can give some actual researched information into the argument. I can use this source in many different ways in my research. If it ever asks for a professional opinion or experiment I will easily be able to pull this up. Before I researched this source I never really had any good hard facts to base anything off of and now I do which will allow me to compare other sources to this.

Siegel 3

Edwards, Finley. "Early To Rise? The Effect Of Daily Start Times On Academic Performance." Economics Of Education Review 31.6 (2012): 970-983. ERIC. Web. 1 Apr. 2014. This is a very interesting article which goes to explain the reasoning behind staggered start times for schools but also talks about the effects of student's grades because of these times. It starts off by saying the start times for schools are very important because it reduces busing costs for students. Many school districts stagger the start times so that the same bus driver has the ability to serve multiple schools. This not only allows for the purchasing of less buses but also less bus drivers. They also have data that they poled from the Wake County, NC school system which shows that an extra 2 percent is gained in math by high school students and a similar gain in English. This shows the point of view of the school system as they believe their cost is greatly reduced by this staggered start time. They do also seem to give the other side which is in the best interest of the students because this shows how they improved their class grades. This is definitely a useful source because it gives reasons for the unpopular opinion of why school start times are what they are. This compares very well with my other sources because it has another perspective which involves money and it actually uses economic factors to show their point of view. This is very reliable information because it was in the library database and that can be trusted. This source is not biased what so ever because it gives pros and cons for both of the sides. The goal of this source is to show that there are other factors that need to be looked at rather than just showing that student's grades are improved. This source was very helpful to use because it shows multiple sides from the school systems perspective. This helps shape my argument because it's a source that is not completely one sided like most of my other ones. I can use this source to refute some others arguments on the other side of this argument. This changed my thinking by showing me that the bus system is actually a big concern due to the money factor.

Siegel 4

Jin, Qiushuang, and Qian Shi. "A Comparison Of The Number Of Hours Of Sleep In High School Students Who Took Advanced Placement And/Or College Courses And Those Who Did Not." Journal Of School Nursing 24.6 (2008): 417-424. ERIC. Web. 1 Apr. 2014. A very intriguing study in Iowa was done where they compared high school students sleep habits to how many Advanced Placement or college courses they were taking. This study showed that a person taking AP classes slept approximately twenty minutes less than students not taking AP classes. In 9th and 10th graders it shows that they sleep approximately one hour less because of AP classes which is crazy. Over time this time of sleep loss really adds up. This study was intended to give information to the high school nurses serving these students. This is a very useful source because it shows how academics in school is a large factor in how much sleep a student gets during the night. This compares well to my other sources because it is the first source I have that actually has facts related to sleep affected by certain classes. This is very reliable information because it gives insight on another study done on this topic. This article is not biased at all because it is just facts collected by a study. The goal of this was to show the relationship of AP classes and sleep. This source was helpful because it is the only one I have that directly relates certain classes to sleeping habits and that is what I wanted to find. This has shaped my argument because it gives me more facts to support a certain side of this research topic. I can use this source to show how college level courses taken in high school greatly affect the sleeping habits of teenagers in this country. This has changed how I think a little but about this topic. I have always known that these classes were hard but I didn't realize that it affected sleep this much.

Siegel 5

Orenstein, David. "Brown University." School Districts Can Help Combat an Epidemic of Sleepiness. Brown University, 05 Sept. 2012. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>.
This article helps us understand the perspective of Mary Carskadon, A professor at Brown University. She goes on to say that the step from middle school to high school is a great one. She says that workloads increase, bedtimes become less strictly enforced and their access to technology during the night time has greatly been increased. She believes that school administrators would serve students and teachers better by having school start at a later time. She says that there is too much evidence to show the improvements over the years of how well student do with more sleep. They have improved moods, energy, alertness, and academic performance. She goes on to say "What changes with age is not the need for sleep, but the time when sleep begins". This is a very interesting statement that can be proven by many research methods. This was definitely a very useful source because I got the opinion of a college professor on the topic of high school sleep. This compares well with my other sources because it has a lot of the same information but also gives a different perspective on the whole thing. This is a very reliable source coming from a Brown University professor of psychiatry and human behavior. This source is maybe biased a little bit just because there are not as many facts as previous articles had. It still gives good insight on the topic though. The goal of this source was for this professor to give her knowledgeable opinion on what she feels is the right argument to make on this topic. This source was very helpful to me because I had been searching for an opinion from a teacher for a long time and I finally found one. This helps shape my argument by showing their perspective and giving the reader of my project more insight on this topic. I can use this source if I am required to have a professional opinion in my final project. This has changed the way I think about this topic because I never really knew how a professional felt in this kind of situation and now I do.

Siegel 6

Perkinson-Gloor, Nadine, Sakari Lemola, and Alexander Grob. "Sleep Duration, Positive Attitude Toward Life, And Academic Achievement: The Role Of Daytime Tiredness, Behavioral Persistence, And School Start Times." Journal Of Adolescence 36.2 (2013): 311-318. ERIC. Web. 1 Apr. 2014. This was a study done in Switzerland which shows the relationship of sleep duration with a positive attitude towards life and academic achievement. In this study 2761 adolescents were studied. They were determining if the relationship was determined by an increase in daytime tiredness and lower self-discipline/behavioral persistence. They studied if students were to get twenty minutes more of sleep, would they do better in school and they found that even this little change in sleep patterns can make a very noticeable impact on students. There were many tables and graphs that I could use that were found in this source in order to help with me explaining this research. This was definitely a useful source because it was another great research topic but this time it had a completely new demographic which was the country they lived in. It compares well with my other researched sources because it can be looked at from different angles and you can pull out the pros and cons of this study and compare it to the other ones. This is a reliable source because it was found in an online school library database. This is not a biased source although the information can sway someone in believing that starting school later is a good thing. The goal of this source is to relay more information into the readers head and show them another study. This source was very helpful to me. I like finding studies to show how this is actually an ongoing topic and it should be taken seriously. This helps show how schools should be moved because of actual data collected from this study. This may be biased but that is what this article is intended to do. This source can be used by showing another experiment and the data collected from it to show a certain perspective on the subject. This has changed how I feel on the topic by giving me extra information and no I have a very good basis to do my project off of.

Siegel 7

Short, Michelle A., et al. "A Cross-Cultural Comparison Of Sleep Duration Between U.S. And Australian Adolescents: The Effect Of School Start Time, Parent-Set Bedtimes, And Extracurricular Load." Health Education & Behavior 40.3 (2013): 323-330. PsycINFO. Web. 1 Apr. 2014. This article was saying how High schoolers sleep schedules could be compared to one another's based on what extracurricular activities and parent set bed time were used in their everyday life. Obviously this showed that teens with more stuff to do after school would be not get as much sleep but there would be a downside to starting school even later. It wouldn't necessarily help the students who had commitments such as jobs or sports after school because it would cause them to have to go to bed even later which in the end would not make a difference for the start times of the students. There also is a study involved where it compares Americans to Australians and the information found is pretty cool actually. A part in this article says that if parents were stricter about the bed times of their children, then it wouldn't be as much of a problem. This is a very useful source because it also compares and gives multiple sides to this argument. It can be compared to my other sources because the information contradicts some of the other sources which can be good when taking a side because it makes the decision harder. This is a reliable source because I found some of the same facts on my other sources and this was found in a database which is definitely reliable. This source is not very biased it just gives off good observations and facts. The goal of this source was to compare and contrast Australians to Americans while also stating the pros and cons of high school sleep schedules. This source was helpful to me although I wish it went more in depth on the topic of how it doesn't really matter if schools start later or not. It kind of has me guessing at what it's trying to say. It helps shape my argument by giving more opinions on why schools shouldn't start later. This was a very interesting article and I wish it gave me more information on the basis on the cons of later start times because that is a hard subject to research.

Siegel 8

University of Minnesota. "Later Start Times for High School Students." Later Start Times for High School Students. University of Minnessota, 08 May 2013. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. <>. This source was a study done by researchers from the University of Minnesota and they came up with some really good conclusions and information from doing this. They say that from the hours of 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. In teens the chemical melatonin is secreted whether you are asleep or not during this time which is one reason high schoolers sleep during their first few classes. Since classes start before the hours of 8 a.m. this chemical is still being secreted which causes students to still be tired in school. Biologically at this time the teen body is still in sleep mode. Teens that are sleepdeprived or functioning with a sleep debt are shown to be more likely to experience symptoms such as depression, difficulty relating to peers and parents, and are more likely to use alcohol and other drugs. Data from this study done in Minneapolis schools showed that there was a significant reduction in school dropout rates, less depression, and students reported earning higher grades. It was also said that this research had widespread national attention. Many higher up officials in the Minneapolis school district such as Pat Britz, Carol Johnson, and Marilyn Conner had very good things to say about this research and said it greatly impacted the way they would run their schools in the future. This was a very good and useful source to have. It showed the point of view of a research team trying to find the best option for high schoolers when it comes to sleep deprivation. It gave a lot of facts about the topic and it was very interesting to read about. It compares very well to the psychologists research study done because it can easily be compared and contrasted with this study. This is a very reliable source because it is done by a very prestigious university. This source is not very biased but the facts sway you towards wanting to start schools later. The goal of this source was to get another researched study on my topic and get some very useful information. This source was very helpful to me. This shapes my argument because it gives off facts that will be able to be interpreted by anyone and it will give them the option to pick a side if they want to. I can use this source in my project by projecting the side of a researcher trying to find the best opportunities for high school students. This has changed how I think about my topic by showing me facts that I previously did not know and it was very interesting to find out.

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