chd165 Anecdotal Record

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CHD 165 Assessment Activity # 01 Anecdota !

ecord Date: 01"#0"#01# *ime: +:00)m Chi d,s Name: Devin- $roo%e Chi d,s Age: + . 5 /etting: in the c assroom 03server: Chris

Your Name: Changwoo Lee Anecdota !ecord $ac%ground &n'ormation: Devin is 'our years o d( He is having a hard time 'or coo)eration and 'ocusing(

0thers &nvo ved: $roo%e 1gir 5years o d2

Descri)tion: Devin was running around the c assroom- and he started to run without oo%ing his 'ront( He 3um)ed with his 'riend $roo%e( Devin started to cry and said 4$roo%e5 You hurt me(6 $roo%e started to argue with Devin a3out the accident( $oth o' the chi dren cried(

&nter)retation: Devin did not )ay attention to what was in 'ront o' him( He started 3 aming $roo%e instead o' his care ess( Chi dren tend to 3 ame others o' other things when it hurts them( *eacher was trying to e7) ain the situation and to te Devin what he needs to do when he runs( &t too% a whi e 'or Devin to ca m down and isten to the teacher(

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