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Kaitlyn Watts

1310 Fisher Drive Pennsburg, PA 18073 267-424-0175 Objective Seeking an editorial internship or full-time position with a publishing company

Education The Pennsylvania State University o Bachelor of Arts in English, May, 2014 Concentrations in Creative Writing and Publishing o Minor in World Literature o Study abroad experience in London, England o Cumulative GPA: 3.89 o Major GPA: 3.85 o Relevant Courses: The Editorial Process Technical Writing and Editing Introduction to Article Writing Advanced Fiction Writing

Relevant Experience Lynd Ward Graphic Novel Prize Selection Jury, Internship, 2014 o Currently serving as the undergraduate representative on a jury of five, responsible for reviewing all submitted graphic novels and deliberating on and selecting candidates Staff Writer for Phroth, Penn States student-run humor newspaper and magazine o Two articles published, assisted in selecting and editing content

Additional Experience The Mix in Pollock Commons, Server; September 2012 May 2013

Skills Basic proficiency in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel; Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Conversational proficiency in written and oral Spanish

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