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Cadwallader Elementary

April 2014
This newsletter is designed for parents and students. It will serve to communicate of up-coming events, activities, and projects.

April Activities 4/22/2014 Math STARR test 4/23/2014 Reading STARR test 4/28/2014 Math Pre AP test

$" Greetings parents this month we will be STARR testing. th grade students will be ta!ing the "athematics STARR test on Tuesda#, April $$, $%&', and the reading STARR test on (ednesda#, April $), $%&'. *lease remember to have students go to bed earl#.

4/29/2014 Reading Pre AP test 4/30/2014 Science Pre AP test QUOTE OF THE MONTH:

%" Also please help &e &otivate 'our !i(s) *e&in( the& that the' ill pass ith fl'in+ colors"

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the or!"# -Aristotle

Clip Art Credits: http:// .na!st"$EE/clipart4%.html

3. &"rin' the ee( of April )* + ,a- )nd .t"dents ill /e tested for Pre AP co"rses. 0hese test alon' ith m- recommendation ill help place -o"r child in Pre AP classes in 7th 'rade.

Contact Information


Phone 434-7500

Email: ,rs.miller@school.ed"

Phone 555-%)5-57*1

$oom 2 53)


3e/site: .mrsmiller.ed"

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