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Or Or Can you think You might You might of that one 180 You might notice notice that 180 FACTOR PAIR Can we has a in see that 180 is has a ZERO ZERO in for 180a ? its ONES its ONES an EVEN grow PLACE which PLACE which NUMBER tree of means it is a means it is a and that theof This should be multiple multiple of 10. 10. means that 2 two numbers factors SO is aSO factor that multiply ofx 180? 10 = 180 10 x =to 180 together give 2x = 180 ? the Product 10 x 18 =180. 180

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180 10 18

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You have to find FACTOR PAIRS for 10 and 18

180 10 18
We grow this tree downwards since that is how we write in English (and we cant be sure how big it will be - we could run out of paper if we grew upwards).

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Find factors for 10 & 18

180 10 18
6 x 3 = 18

2 x 5 = 10

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Since 2 and 3 and ARE 5 are PRIME WE NUMBERS they do not DONE grow new branches. ??? They just grow down alone.

180 10 2 18 6

Since 6 is NOT a prime number it is a COMPOSITE NUMBER - it still has factors. Since it is an EVEN NUMBER we see that: 6 = 2 x3

5 2 3 3

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and if we flip it over we can see why it is called a tree


5 2 3 3 5
10 180 6 18

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