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Focus questions: How did new ideas and technological developments contribute to change in this period?

Suggested time allocation: 15 lessons Targeted outcomes: HT5-1: Explains and assesses the historical forces and factors that shaped the modern world and Australia. HT5-3: Explains and analyses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the historical contexts that shaped the modern world and Australia HT5-4: Explains and analyses the causes and effects of events and developments in the modern world and Australia HT5-8: Selects and analyses a range of historical sources to locate information relevant to an history inquiry HT5-9: Applies a range of relevant historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past HT5-10: Selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences. Lesson Students learn Students learn to: about: Aboriginal social issues and experiences in the 1920s: Outcomes Integrated teaching, learning & assessment Evidence of learning/feedback Resources Used: - Anderson, M., Low, A., Keese, I. & Conroy, J. (2010). Retroactive 2 stage 5 Australian History (3rd ed.). Milton: John Wiley & Sons Australia.

Darlington, R. & Hospodaryk, J. (1999). A History of Australia since 190. Port Melbourne: Heinemann.

- Worksheets: - Video The Coniston Massacre

HT5-1 HT5-4 HT5-8 HT5-10

How Aboriginal people were treated in the 1920s.

-Describe the varying experiences of Aboriginal people during the 1920s. -Explain the significance of the Coniston massacre.

- T instructs Ss to read pages 66-67 in A History of Australia since 1901. T should read along with Ss and provide clarifications on sections of the reading. - T will handout worksheet Aboriginal Experiences in the 1920s to Ss, and instructs Ss to answer the questions provided on the worksheet. - T will play video The Coniston Massacre gY. Ss should take notes in their exercise books as they watch the short video. - T will hand out a task worksheet on the Coniston massacre to Ss. T should go through the instruction on the worksheet with students and clarify expectations of the task. T should also go through written sources provided on the task worksheet to ensure Ss understanding of them. - Ss will organise themselves into groups of 3 or 4. - T will hand to Ss script worksheet which Ss will fill out and use to complete the task. - Ss are given until lesson 10 to complete and present this task in front of the class.

Feedback: - T will go through question answers with Ss and praise those with correct answers. - When going through the similarities and differences table on the worksheet, the T should draw the table on the classroom white board and get Ss to come up to the board and write down one of their answers. Once Ss have given their answers, the T will go through the written answers with the class and assess which answers are correct and which may be incorrect. - Ss will receive feedback on the Coniston massacre task when they present in lesson 10.

Political developments in the 1920:

HT5-1 HT5-3 HT5-4 HT5-9 HT5-10

The importance and effects of migration in the 1920s.

-Discuss why Australia needed migrants in the 1920s -Describe the attitude of Australians towards migrants.

- T instructs Ss to read the Case Study on pages 6263 in A History of Australia since 1901. T should provide read along with Ss and provide clarifications on sections of the reading. - T will hand out the worksheet Migration in the 1920s to Ss and instructs Ss to answer the questions on the worksheet. T should also provide Ss with commentary on the sources at the bottom of the worksheet. -T instructs Ss to make their own posters encouraging British people to migrate to Australia. The posters should be completed on an A3 piece of paper provided by the T. -T will hand out worksheet Australian politics in the 1920s to Ss. - Ss will independently complete the cloze passage on compulsory and preferential voting. - T reads along with Ss pages 60-61 in A History of Australia since 1901 and pages 109-110 of Retroactive 2 stage 5 Australian History. T will clarify sections of this information to Ss. - T asks Ss to answer questions based on the readings on the worksheet Australian Political Developments in the 1920s.

Feedback: - T will go through question answers with Ss and praise those with correct answers.

- At the end of the lesson Ss

HT5-1 HT5-3 HT5-4 HT5-9 HT5-10

Significant changes in the Australian Government in the 1920s.

-Explain the changes to Australias voting system. -Discuss how the rise of the Country Party affected Australian politics in the 1920s.

are to show their poster to the class and give a brief explanation of their poster. Feedback:
- T will go through answers

with Ss and explain in greater detail how compulsory and preferential voting works using the images provided on the worksheet in figures 1 and 2 - T will go through question answers with Ss and praise those with correct answers.
- T will asks Ss to individual

- T hands out Timeline worksheet to Ss and instructs

them to fill it in based on the previous readings. Ss may use computers to add images and add addition events that took place in Australian politics in the 1920s.

present their timelines in front of the class and explain what they have put on them. T should provide praise and might give suggestions of important events that may have been left out.

HT5-1 HT5-3 HT5-4 HT5-8 HT5-10

The Increasing number of strikes and union involvement in the 1920s.

- Explain the increase in union membership in the 1920s. - Discuss the significance of the 1923 Melbourne Police strike.

- T instructs Ss to read pages 111-114 of Retroactive

2 stage 5 Australian History. - T should read along with Ss and clarify sections of the information as they read. - T hands out worksheet Unions and Strikes in 1920s Australia to Ss and instructs Ss to answer the questions on the worksheet. - T instructs Ss to write their own newspaper articles on the 1923 Melbourne police strike. Ss complete these using Microsoft Word on laptops which the T will loan to Ss. Article should be 1-1 pages long. - T distributes Revision Quiz to Ss. They are given half the lesson to complete this independently.

Feedback: - T goes through question answers with Ss and praises those who answer questions correctly. -T will collect and mark Ss newspaper articles either at the end of the lesson or at the beginning of the next lesson. Feedback: - T collects Ss quizzes for marking once completed. These will be returned to Ss in the next lesson along with individual feedback.
- T will observe Ss news


HT5-1 HT5-3 HT5-4 HT5-8 HT5-9

Revise on Aboriginal issues and political developments of the 1920s.

-Analyze sources and events concerning Aboriginal issues and political developments in the 1920s.

- Once the quiz is finished Ss are to present their news reports from lesson 6 and hand their scripts to the T for marking.

reports and collect Ss scripts for marking. Feedback will be given when scripts are returned to Ss at the end of the lesson.

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