TO2 / Orthodontic Courses by Indian Dental Academy

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TO, Principal Secretary MS Building, Bangalore. Respected Sir, Subject: Request for consideration of P.G. applications of ental !

M S" course for t#e year $%%$ & %'

References: (" )o. *RO!M" (+,$%%$ & %' ated $%-%.-%$ $" )o. /01 $2 MPS .. Bangalore ated $2 &%3- (2.. '" )o. 4RO , (56,.+-.. irectorate of /ealt# and 0a7ily 1elfare ser8ice Bangalore ated (+-%+-(2.. 1it# reference to t#e abo8e notification dated )o. *RO !M" (+,$%%$&%' ated $%-%.-%$, 9e #a8e applied for t#e P.G !M S" course, 9e request you to please consider our applications, copies of 9#ic# #a8e been enclosed. 1e #a8e completed our probationary period and 9e are in 'rd year of Go8t. /ealt# ser8ice. :n reference 9it# t#e abo8e reference )o. $ and '.!for 9#ic# copies #a8e been enclosed" in t#e past 9#ere seats being unfilled 9it# lac; of eligible candidates in relaxation of Rule 3(a) of Appendix II A of KCSRs as a special case, Go8t. order 9as gi8en for t#ose unfilled P.G. seats to join P.G under in ser8ice quota by rela<ing rela<ation of Rule '!a" of =ppendi< & :: & = of >?SRs. 1e request t#e estee7ed office to please consider t#ese details 9#ic# #a8e fa8oured 7any cases li;e t#is in t#e past and to appro8e our applications and gi8e us a c#ance to do PG !M S" under in ser8ice quota. T#an;ing you r. Bas8ana Gouda ?. Patil ental #ealt# officer, General /ospital,@= =G:R: r. Mo#an R.Sa;ri ental #ealt# officer, General /ospital, :4>=4. r. =b#ijit. A ental #ealt# officer, General /ospital, PBTTBR. ?opies Cnclosed: (" Reference letters (, $ and '. $" =ttested copies of P.G applications sub7itted to irectorate office Bangalore. '" Probationary declaration copy. @ours sincerely

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