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Unions and Strikes in 1920s Australia

Read pages 111-114 of Retroactive 2 stage 5 Australian History and answer the following questions:

1. Why was there an increase in union membership in the 1920s?

2. What was the Transport Workers Act? How did workers feel about this?

3. What did trade unions do for workers?

4. Why did Melbourne policemen go on strike in 1923?

5. Why might this strike be significant?

6. Using source A, describe the effect of the police strike on the general public?

Source A Riots unprecedented in history of Melbourne occurred on Saturday as a direct result of the strike of police. The hooligan element for a time took possession of the streets, smashing shopping windows and looting. They were followed by highly organised sections of criminals in motor cars. Damage to the extent of about 30 000 was done, and jewellery, race glasses, clothing and many other articles valued at many thousands of pounds were stolen. Legal police attempted to stop the looting. They were assisted later by special constables, and were able to restore order. Age, 5 November 1923. Newspaper report of the police strike.

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