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Key Terms Conservative Country Party

Immigrant Preferential voting Stolen generations Coalition Nationalist Party

Labor Party

Compulsory voting

Arbitration Strike Trade union ACTU Segregation Talkies

Definitions Persons or groups who are averse to change and hold traditional values. A political party which rose in the 1920s, aiming to politically help those farmers living in rural parts of Australia who felt other political parties were only concerned with city affairs. A person who chooses to leave their home country and become a citizen of another country. A system of voting in which the voter ranks candidates in order of preference. The Indigenous children who were forcibly taken away from their parents and families, and placed into missionaries or reserves. An alliance that if formed between two or more political parties. Formed in 1917, merging ideas of the conservative Liberal Party and the National Labor Party. This party was led by Prime Minister Billy Hughes and held government until 1929. A political party which stayed out of government through most of the 1920s, until 1929 when its leader James Scullin was elected Prime Minister. A system in which electors are obliged to vote in elections or attend a polling place on voting day. If an eligible voter does not attend a polling place, he or she may be subject to punitive measures such as fines or community service. The use of an arbitrator to settle workplace disputes. An act whereby employees stop work and protest for higher wages or improved working conditions. Organisations which organise strikes and assist workers in improving working conditions and wages. The Australian Council of Trade Unions The act of separating people based on racial prejudices. Slang term cinema

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