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Creating an Excel 2007 Spreadsheet

Starting Excel 2007

In the following exercises you will learn some of the necessary steps to create a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel 2007. You will learn not only how to type various items into the spreadsheet, but also how to copy columns, widen columns, fill columns, add, subtract, multiply, divide, do graphics and a variety of other things. To begin, load the spreadsheet by quickly clicking twice on the Excel 2007 Windows Icon in the Windows esktop. If you do not see an Excel Icon, click the Start !utton in the lower left corner of the screen, move the cursor up to "rogra#s, then move to Microsoft $ffice% Move down to Microsoft Excel 2007 and click. spreadsheet is a nu#&er #anipulator. To ma!e the handling of numbers easier, all spreadsheets are organi"ed into rows and colu#ns. Your initial spreadsheet will loo! something li!e the one below#

'otice that the #ain part of the spreadsheet is composed of (ows )*a&eled +, 2, -, ., etc.$ and Colu#ns )*a&eled /, !, C, , etc.$. There are a lot of rows and columns in a spreadsheet. The intersection of each row and colu#n is called a cell. In the image above the cursor is on the ho#e cell % /+. 'otice (ow + and Colu#n / are 0&old,1 and colored 0orange%1 This indicates what is called the address of the cell. 'otice right a&o2e cell /+, that /+ is displayed in a s#all &ox called the 'a#e !ox. &henever you clic! on a cell the address of that cell will be shown in the 'ame (ox. If you ha2e used pre2ious 2ersions of Microsoft Excel you will quickly notice that the a&o2e i#age is 2ery different fro# what you are used to seeing% In Excel 2007 you will now use 3a&s, (i&&ons and 4roups, as well as special 3a&s5(i&&ons% 3hese replace the Menu !ar and !uttons in older 2ersions% 6or an o2er2iew of 2007 $ffice, please see the Introduction to Microsoft $ffice 2007 3utorial% 3his short tutorial introduces you to the #any enhance#ents in the 2007 $ffice Suite%

In this tutorial, whene2er we indicate that you need to click the #ouse, it will #ean to click the left #ouse &utton 7 unless we indicate that you should click the (I483 #ouse &utton% So, always 0click left1 unless we tell you otherwise% Mo2ing /round the Spreadsheet
You can move around the spreadsheet*cells by clicking your mouse on various cells, or by using the up, down, right and left arrow #o2e#ent keys on the key&oard. +r, you can move up and down by using the ele2ator bars on the right and &otto# of the spreadsheet. ,o ahead and #o2e around the spreadsheet. 8old down the down arrow key on the key&oard for a few seconds % then click-on a cell. 'otice how the 'a#e !ox always tells you where you are. 'ow hold down the right arrow key on the !eyboard for a few seconds. 'otice how the alpha&et changes from single letters )/, !, C,% 9% :$ to se2eral letter co#&inations )//, /!, /C$. There are hundreds of colu#ns and thousands of rows in a spreadsheet. /nyti#e you desire to return to the 8o#e Cell )/+; simply click<in the 'a#e !ox and type<in /+. Then tap the Enter key and you will go to cell /+. You can go to any cell by this method. .imply type-in a row and column, tap the /nter !ey, and you0ll go to that cell. If you want to go to the last column on the right, hold down the 1trl !ey and tap the right arrow !ey. If you want to go to the last row at the bottom, hold down the 1trl !ey and tap the down arrow !ey. 'ow that you have the feel of how to move around the /xcel spreadsheet, go to the cells as indicated &elow and type<in the following# C+ )=our 'a#e;>s !udget% It should look si#ilar to the i#age &elow. when you finish o not tap Enter

*ook at cells C+ and +. 'otice how your entry has spilled o2er fro# C+ into +. .ometimes this is a problem, and sometimes it is not.

3ap the Enter key and then clickon cell + and type<in the word

!$':$ and tap the Enter !ey% 'otice how !$':$ now C$?E(S the right part of your original entry33 Mo2e your cursor o2er cell C+ and click<on it. 4oo! at the upper part of the spreadsheet, 5ust above the cells where you typed (+'6+. Your name and the word budget are still there3 (on"o only C$?E(E the portion in cell +. See the i#age and arrows &elow%

There are se2eral ways to take care of this. 7or the moment #o2e &ack to cell + and click-on cell +. 3ap the elete !ey 8above the arrow movement !eys on the key&oard$. 'otice that !on@o disappears and your entire entry reappears. This is one way to expose the entry. &e9ll loo! at some others as we go along. 'ow we9ll continue entering text and data. &e thin! that creating a simple personal budget would be a logical way to show you how a spreadsheet wor!s. Mo2e to the following cells and type<in the infor#ation indicated. You can clic!-on each cell and then type-in the entries. If you happen to #ake a #istake simply retype the entries. 4ater on we9ll see how to edit mista!es. ny time you want to replace something in a cell you can simply retype and the new entry and it will replace the old one.

/!. !A !C !7 /+0 !++ !+2 !+!+. !+A

Inco#e "arents Bo& In2est#ents 3otal Expenses 6ood !e2erages "arties Miscellaneous 3otal

Your spreadsheet should now look si#ilar to the i#age on the right.

t this point you probably noticed, the words ;In2est#ents; and ;Miscellaneous; run o2er the spaces given in the cells. <o not be concerned at this point. &e0ll soon fix this. 'ow, type the nu#&ers in the cells indicatedD C. CA CC -00 A0 +A0

&hen you type-in the +A0, tap Enter. Your spreadsheet should look like the image on the right. 'otice, when you enter text that the words line up on the left side of the cells. &hen you enter nu#&ers, they line up on the right side. This is because we are using the =nited .tates 8/nglish$ version of /xcel. +ther international versions will line up logically for their text and monetary forms. &e would li!e to place an underline at the &otto# of the three figures so that we can indicate a total &elow % in cell C7. >oint to cell C7 8with the mouse$. That9s where we want the line -- always #o2e the cursor to the place where you want to insert a line. &ith the rrow on cell C7 tap the (I483 #ouse &utton.

sub-menu with a caption 6or#at Cells appears. The (I483 click will always &ring up a #enu that is tailored to the place where you click. This will wor! in any Microsoft &indows product. You can always tell 0where1 you click the right #ouse button for the cursor arrow will always &e in a corner of the #enu that appears % exactly where you clic!ed the right mouse button.. .elect 6or#at Cells% When the 6or#at Cells #enu screen 8below$ appears, select the !order 3a&. 4oo! at the *ine Style box on the right side of the #enu screen. There are several types of lines that you can choose. >oint to the thick single line in the Style /rea )see arrow; and click the left mouse button. &ox will go around the line. 4oo! at the area which says !order% >oint to the upper part of the 3ext &ox )see arrow; and click the left mouse button. thick &lack line will appear at the top of the 3ext box.

If the thick line does not show<up at the top of the 3ext &ox, click<again at the top line area in the Text box and the line will disappear. Then clic!-on the thic!, single line in the 4ine .tyle box again and repeat the previous instructions. If, somehow, you ma!e a #istake, simply click on and off in the 3ext line &oxes% You will notice that the lines appear and disappear. This is called a toggle in computer tal!. .o, wor! at this until you get the line on the top of the cell. &e have indicated that we want a single thic! underline at the top of the cell 1@. >oint to $E and click the left mouse button. &hen you return to the spreadsheet, click so#ewhere other than cell C7. This is called clicking away. You A

should now see a line at the top of cell C7. .ometimes the box highlighting a cell hides the lines. If you messed-up, try again. 'ow type in the numbers in the cells indicated. C++ C+2 C+C+. -0 A0 +A0 70 )/fter you type 70, tap the Enter key;

'ow, underline the top of cell C+A li!e you did cell C7. Your spreadsheet should now loo! li!e the image on the right.

Widening Colu#ns
You probably noticed, as you typed in the numbers, so#e of the words were 5ust too wide for the default cell width 8Investments and Miscellaneous$. 4et9s widen colu#n ! to ta!e care of this. Slowly #o2e the #ouse arrow to the right edge of the ! cell 8&etween the ! and the C$. The cursor will turn into an arrow pointing right and left with a s#all 2ertical line in the #iddle )see arrow &elow;% 8old down the left #ouse &utton and #o2e )drag; the line to the right%

s soon as you start to #o2e )drag; the #ouse, a dotted 2ertical line will go down the spreadsheet and it will #o2e as you hold down the left &utton and drag the #ouse to the right. Eeep #o2ing your #ouse to the right until you are past the widest word < and a bit more 8for some space$. Belease the button. The column is widened. 'otice, above the two headed arrow cursor, that as you hold down and drag, it indicates the current width of the column.

Dere is another way to widen a colu#n. >oint to the ! at the top of colu#n ! 8in the 4ray area$ and click the left mouse button 8The cell should turn dark &lue and the colu#n light &lue.$. 'ow, keeping the cursor somewhere in the &lue area, click the (I483 Mouse !utton. 'otice that a #enu with Colu#n Width9 appears. Click-on Colu#n Width9 new 1olumn &idth menu appears. 3ype in +A and click-on $E. This is another way to widen a column.

Inserting (ows
$ops... a #istake 8on purpose$. &e ha2en>t left enough roo# at the top of the spreadsheet to insert some budget #onths. .o... move the cursor to the gray 2 along the left edge 8this is the second row$ so we can insert two new rows% Click the left mouse button. You will notice that the whole row goes light &lue and the 2 turnFs dark &lue% Make sure the cursor arrow is either on the 2 or so#ewhere in the &lue row.

Click the (I483 mouse button. drop down menu will appear. >oint to Insert% Click the left &utton on Insert. 'otice how one row was inserted and how e2erything &elow #o2ed down. <o this again to insert another row. /xcel, and all spreadsheets, will remember where they moved your wor! and automatically ad5ust for these changes. Inco#e should now be in cell /A.

/ligning Cells
'ow we9ll type some more text. ,o to cell CSE"3 )3ype<in SE"3 and tap the Enter !ey;

'otice how SE"3 is auto#atically left aligned. 4ogically, since you are using /xcel, the /nglish version, the text is left aligned so that all of the text entries will line up nicely in the column cells. &e would li!e to center SE"3 in cell C-. Click on cell C- to #ark the cell. +ne way to center SE"3 is to simply click<on the Center &utton in the &utton &ar at the top of the screen. Make sure that you are $' cell C-, then click<on the center &utton 8see i#age a&o2e right$. You0ll notice that ./>T is now centered in cell 1:.

Dere is another way to center ./>T. Click (I483 on cell C-. Then clic! on 6or#at Cells%

&hen the 6or#at Cells Menu appears, click<on the 7 /lign#ent 3a& and then click<on << 8ori@ontal < Center <<?ertical < E

Center << then clic! $E. Try it. This is how you can align words for neatness. You can also point to several cells you want aligned and do this. &e9ll try that next.

'ow type the below text in the cells indicated. E64$C3 '$? EC M$'38*= 3$3/*S

8tap the Enter !ey and then widen the width of Colu#n 4$

'ext weFll highlight cells C- through 4-. To do this, point to C- and clic! the *eft #ouse &utton. Then, holding down the left mouse button, drag )#o2e; the #ouse to the right through 4- 7 when the cells are highlighted 7 take your finger off of the left #ouse &utton.

Then point to the group of cells and clic! the (I483 mouse button to bring up the 6or#at Cells menu. 1lic! the /lign#ent 3a& and choose Center )2ertical G hori@ontal;. Then point to $E and click the left mouse button. ll of the cells will be as centered. You could also click the Center &utton as you did before. <on0t forget to widen Colu#n 4 and M$'38*= 3$3/*S% =ou know what to do% Move the cursor over the line between cells , and D and drag the line to the right to widen the , column, 5ust li!e you did a few minutes ago.

Sa2ing Spreadsheets
&e have done Guite a bit of wor! so now is a good time to save your spreadsheet. If you have used previous versions of Microsoft +ffice, 2007 $ffice will &e quite different - in many ways. You0ve already noticed the 3a&s and (i&&ons, and that there is no 6ile choice in a Menu !ar. Many selections have changed significantly in 2HH@ +ffice. This is one of them.

Microsoft $ffice !utton

The Microsoft $ffice !utton has replaced 6ile in the Menu (ar. In the


upper left corner of your /xcel 2HH@ screen you will see a button similar to the i#age on the right. This is the Microsoft $ffice !utton. Click the Microsoft $ffice !utton. You will now see the /xcel 2HH@ Microsoft +ffice (utton selections. 7irst, notice that #any of the 0old1 6ile<Menu !ar choices are included in this #enu 8they are all here % we0ll show you.$ &hen we #o2e our cursor over Sa2e /s an expanded menu of Sa2e choices appear on the right. 'otice that You can save your spreadsheet in many different formats. If you save as Excel Work&ook, it will sa2e your spreadsheet in an %xlsx for#at. This will save your spreadsheet in an Extensi&le Markup *anguage )H*S; for#at. This format requires less storage space and ma!es the spreadsheet more sharea&le with others. Dowever, fol!s using previous version may have a problem opening your spreadsheet 8and may have to download a special program to assist them$. Many fol!s really li!e to save their files in "orta&le ocu#ent 6or#at )" 6;. +ne of the neat new features of 2007 $ffice is the ability to save applications as ><7. 6or this introductory Excel tutorial, weFd suggest that you sa2e in the Excel I7<200Work&ook for#at% It0s your choice, so you select the format you desire.

'otice in the upper left corner that there is a &ox to the right of Sa2e InD with a down pointing arrow to the right. Click<on the arrow. This will show you all of the dri2es and ))

folders where you may save your wor!%

&hen you see the drop-down list in the .ave in# area, choose the drive where you want to save your file. If you are going to use a dis!ette, put a for#atted - J diskette in the / ri2e, then click-on the - J 6loppy )/;D% &e are going to save our file on the 4ocal <is! 81#$ % our hard drive, so we chose that drive in the image above 8see top arrow$. To the right of 6ile na#eD, delete the information 8which is in the box$ and type<in M=!K 4E3 8see lower left arrow a&o2e$. This is the name under which you are saving your file. 8In the future you will choose logical names for your spreadsheets as you save them.$ 'ow point to Sa2e and click the left mouse button 8see lower right arrow a&o2e$.

Exiting Spreadsheets
nytime you need to leave your spreadsheet, clic! the Microsoft $ffice !utton in the upper left corner of your Excel screen, then click Exit Excel. If you ha2e not sa2ed your spreadsheet, a reminder box will appear asking you to do so.


'otice the Excel $ptions &utton to the left of Exit Excel. /arlier, we indicated that all of the choices under 7ile in the Menu (ar are still available using the Microsoft +ffice (utton. Click the Excel $ptions &utton% The Excel $ptions #enu screen )&elow; will appear. s you can see, all of the choices available under 7ile in the menu bar are here % as well as many more.

If you click the (esources selection in the /xcel +ptions menu, you will see some great on-line resources available to assist you with /xcel.


(etrie2ing Spreadsheets
&hen you need to return to a spreadsheet, open Excel, as you did on "age +. &hen /xcel opens, click Microsoft $ffice !utton in the upper left corner of the /xcel screen. the

&hen you clic! the Microsoft +ffice (utton you will see, on the right of the Microsoft +ffice (utton #enu screen your spreadsheets 8(ecent ocu#ents$. Your M=!K 4E3 should be on the list. Click on MY(=<,/T and your spreadsheet will open.

If you do not see your spreadsheet, click the $pen button and follow the steps you used to save your spreadsheet 8on >ages F-))$ % except choose $pen.

/dding 'u#&ers
'ext we want to learn how to add numbers. There are several ways to do this. /ach method has its advantages and disadvantages. (egin by #o2ing your cursor to cell CI, and clicking-on cell 1F.

Always move to the cell where you want the answer to be located. TYPE-IN METHOD
&e want to add the three numbers in cells CC, C7 and CL. To use this method type<in 8using the keys on the key&oard$ the following formula in cell CI#

Your spreadsheet should loo! li!e the image to the right as you are typing in this eGuation. 'ote# you donFt ha2e to use capital )upper case; letters % we only did this because they are easier to see in the tutorial.


'ow % tap the appear in CI.

Enter !ey.

Then, click on cell CI again. The total of these cells will now

&hen you have completed typing your eGuation, you will see this for#ula in the area &elow the #enu &ar.

Change the number in cell CC to A00 8and tap Enter$. .ee how the total /K3$M/3IC/**= recalculatesOOO

38IS IS 38E 3(KE "$WE( $6 38E S"E/ S8EE3 OOO Whene2er a nu#&er is entered in a cell the entire spreadsheet will auto#atically recalculate%
So#ething happened here. 'otice# you typed an 8equal sign$ I &efore the cell location. If you had typed in 1C J 1@ J 1E, /xcel would have thought this entry was a word )text; and this entry would have shown as you typed it. Try this if you want. ny time you create an error in /xcel, you can simply re-type or edit the formula to correct the error. The 3ype in Method is really easy if you have a few nu#&ers and can see their cell locations on the screen. If you have a lot of cells in the formula, which are on several screens, this is not such a great method. The next method will wor! a lot better for numbers all over the place.

ubtract!on" Mult!#l!cat!on" and D!v!s!on

You can type a 8#inus$ < for su&traction, 8asterisk$ P for #ultiplication, and 8slash$ 5 for di2ision. s you become more s!illed we9ll, build some effective formulas % using these features.

Po!nt Method
Move to cell CI again and click<on it. &e9ll now add the numbers a second way. 3ap the elete key on the key&oard to delete the current for#ula. 6irst, tap the M and then "$I'3 )#o2e; the cursor over cell CC and tap the *E63 #ouse &utton on cell CC 8you will see a marGuee box go around the cell$. 'ow tap a N and #o2e cursor to C7, tap the )A

left #ouse &utton, and tap another N and #o2e the cursor to CL and tap the left #ouse &utton 8notice how as you Q N and point Q the addition for#ula is &eing &uilt in cell CI$, now tap Enter. The sa#e for#ula can be &uilt using the arrow #o2e#ent keys on the key&oard 8except that you don0t have to clic! each cell as the cell is mar!ed - when you move with the arrow !eys$. 'otice, as you are entering the cell addresses, that as you place another N in the for#ula, that the cursor returns1 to cell CI. lso notice, as you point to each cell that it is highlighted by a #arquee &ox. This tells you what cell you0ve pointed to. >retty neat3 This #ethod is good when you need to move to nu#&ers that are spread out all o2er the place. .ome people li!e it best and use it all the time -- it9s your choice.

$unct!on Method
Mo2e again to cell CI and elete the for#ula by tapping the elete key. 'ow type in the following#

KThis tells Excel that we are going to su# some nu#&ers in a (/'4E which will follow the I.=M8L 'otice 7 a new feature in Excel 2007D s you are typing .=M in cell 1F that a pop<up #enu appears under the cell. &hat you see are mathematical functions. +ne of these is .=M. s you become more comfortable with numbers in /xcel, you can select the functions you need without typing in the entire function. &e0ll get into this a bit more later. There are two ways to put in this range# /rrow Eey and /nchor Method# &ith the key&oard arrow keys, #o2e the cursor to cell CC. s you move you will notice that the cell where the cursor is located appears after the MSKM)% &hen you get to CC tap the % )"eriod; Eey% This is called an /'C8$( and holds one end of the (/'4E in place. You will notice that a CCDCC appears in the for#ula area under the &utton &ar. This is a one cell range. 'ow #o2e, with the arrow keys, to cell CL. .ee how cells CC, C7 and CL are highlighted. This indicates the (ange is CCDCL. /xcel assumes, logically, that these are the numbers you want to add. 'ow tap Enter. The numbers still add, but now the formula reads ISKM)CCDCL; instead of I1CJ1@J1E li!e it did before. Mouse Method# Mo2e again to cell CI. elete the for#ula in cell CI by tapping the elete !ey. Type in ISKM) as you did before. "oint to 1ell CC 7 with your #ouse cursor. Click and hold down the left #ouse &utton and #o2e5drag the cursor down to 1ell CL 81ells 1C, 1@ and 1E should be highlighted$ % take your finger off the left #ouse &utton. 3ap Enter. )C

This MSKM 6unction is a great way to add a lot of nu#&ers, or a &lock5range of nu#&ers. (y simply anchoring, and using page downs, or using the mouse, you can highlight lots and lots of numbers to add Guic!ly. Dowever, since it only sums you can9t do subtraction, etc. >oint to cell CI again. 3ap the elete !ey to remove the formula currently in cell 1F. 3his is a really i#portant E*E3E, since what we0ll explain below won0t wor! correctly if you do not delete the formula in cell 1F.

There are a number of for#ulas &uilt into Excel, li!e Su#. These formulas are called 6unctions. nother new feature of /xcel 2HH@ % Tabs*Bibbons. 4oo! at the top of your Excel screen and click on the 6or#ulas 3a&. The 7ormulas Bibbon will display. $n the left of the 6or#ulas 3a&5(i&&on is an Insert 6unction &utton% Click the Insert 6unction &utton.

The Insert 6unction #enu screen will appear 8i#age at right$.

4et0s wor! with the Insert 6unction menu screen. Click the s#all down arrow to the right of $r select a )@

categoryD 8see arrow at left$. In the drop down menu that appears you can see that there are all !inds of formulas 8functions$ that come with /xcel spreadsheet 8e.g. statistical, mathematical, financial, etc.$. Instead of having to go to math, financial, or statistical tables in a boo!, you can enter data from your spreadsheet into the formulas and receive answers. This is a really great, timesaving feature. &e0ll now show you how to use the 8elp features of /xcel 2HH@ to wor! with, and understand, these functions.

Click /ll in the drop down #enu.

The Select a function #enu will loo! li!e the i#age &elow.

4oo! at all the functions 8formulas$3 &e0ll 5ust go through how to use the addition formula 8.=M$ in this tutorial. If you need these formulas in the future, you0ll !now they0re here. Kse the ele2ator &ar on the right side of the .elect a function menu screen to #o2e down the list until you see SKM. Click SKM.


Then click $E. (e#e#&er, you clicked-on 1ell CI % which was e#pty because you deleted the formula in that cell.

&hen you clicked $E, the 6unction /rgu#ents menu screen 8a&o2e$ appeared. If you look at the top of the screen in the SKM area, you0ll see that /xcel 2HH@ has guessed that you desire to add the nu#&ers a&o2e cell CI % where you clic!ed in your spreadsheet. .mart /xcel3 'otice that it indicates that cells CCDCL will be added 8sum cells 1C through 1E % the colon 8#$ means through. It also indicates the numbers in cells 1C, 1@ and 1E and gives you the sum M:HHNAHN)AHO I AHH 8right arrow above$. (ut it0s a little unclear how /xcel did this. The 8elp on this Excel 6unction is excellent. .o, to see how this .=M eGuation wor!s, we0ll go to Delp. To do this, click 8elp on this function in the lower left corner of the screen 8see lower left arrow a&o2e$.


You will see a Microsoft $ffice Excel 8elp window appear 8si#ilar to the one a&o2e$ that will show you how to use this SKM function 8or any function$. +ne of the really neat things about these Delp windows is that there are exa#ples for each function. &e #o2ed down the SKM help screen using the ele2ator &ar on the right of the help screen. The &otto# of the screen looks like the i#age &elow. .pend a few minutes loo!ing at the .=M Delp window and notice all of the features.

The &otto# of the SKM help screen looks like the i#age on the left. 'otice that it gives you exa#ples from a s#all spreadsheet that has data in cells ) through C. It uses these numbers in the examples at the bottom of the help screen.

&hen you have reviewed all of the help


you care to see, carefully click the H at the upper right corner of the Microsoft $ffice Excel 8elp &lue &ar to close the Microsoft /xcel 8elp window% If you accidentally close the spreadsheet, si#ply reply yes to Sa2e, and then re<open the spreadsheet as you did on "age +-%

The 6unction /rgu#ents menu screen will still be on the screen.


s you can see, in the area to the right of 'u#&er +, the &i"ard has 0guessed1 that you want to add the numbers in the range CC to CL < )CCDCL;. 'ow that you are becoming s!illed with /xcel, we0ll try something special. Carefully, point to some 0plain part,1 in the gray area a&o2e% Click and hold down the left mouse button, and drag the above SKM &ox 0away1 so that you can see your nu#&ers in C colu#n cells. &hen you have done this, release the mouse button. 'ow click-on the s#all &ox on the right edge of the 'u#&er + area )see arrow a&o2e;. It has a little red arrow in it. The &elow 6unction /rgu#ents window will appear.

8ighlight cells CC to CL in the spreadsheet 8click<on CC, hold down the left #ouse &utton, and drag until the three cells are highlighted$. 0#arquee1 will begin to flash around the cells, indicating they are highlighted 8left arrow a&o2e$. The 6unction /rgu#ents area will appear as a&o2e. 'ow click the s#all &utton on the right of the cell 8see right arrow a&o2e$. The nu#&ers will show in the area to the right of 'u#&er +. Click $E at the &otto# of the 6unction /rgu#ents #enu screen. You0ll see that the SKM for#ula RMSKM)CCDCL;S shows in the for#ula area at the top of the screen. This is a really handy method to highlight a group of numbers you want to add.


Auto um METHOD - %
.ince we add numbers more than any other operation in spreadsheets, /xcel spreadsheet has an additional feature - /uto Su#. Move to cell CI again and tap the elete !ey to erase your last formula. You should still be on the 6or#ulas 3a&5(i&&on% 'otice T /uto Su# &utton% 1lick the /utoSu# &utton%

n image similar to the one on the left will appear.

Click T Su#%

W$W OO /uto#atic additionOO 'otice that the cells, you0d logically desire to add, have a #arquee around the# and that the SKM function is displayed in cell CI. You0ll need to confir# that this is the correct formula. .o, tap the Enter key, and the .=M function will now be set in cell CI. ny time you want to add using this method 5ust clic!-on the cell where you desire the total to be and clic! T Su#%

3his would &e a good ti#e to sa2e your work%

"E(I$ IC/**= S/?E /' (E"*/CE =$K( W$(E I' C/SE =$K *$$SE "$WE( 3$ =$K( C$M"K3E(


'ow #o2e to cell C+7 and add the total Expenses in cells C+to C+C < us!n& each o' the 'our methods%
&hile you are in cell C+7, go ahead and place a line at the top of cell C+7 using the format cells % border #ethod that you learned on "age A%

In cell /+I type<in 'et Inco#e. 'ext, adUust the width of colu#n / 8>age C$. Click<on cell C+I. In cell C+I we want to su&tract 8 < $ the amount in for Expenses in cell C+7 from the amount for Inco#e in cell CI. This can be accomplished by using either the 3ype<In Method or "oint Method. ,o ahead and do this. <on0t forget to tap the Enter !ey to confir# your for#ula.

3he for#ula should look like MCI<C+7

More Cell 6or#atting
&e want our nu#&ers to look &etter. To do this we9ll include dollar signs and deci#al points in our nu#&ers. This is done by using the #ouse% "oint to cell CC, hold down the left #ouse &utton and drag )#o2e; down slowly to highlight cells CC through C+I. Your screen should look like the image &elow.

'ow point anywhere in the highlighted area and click the (I483 #ouse &utton. pop-up menu will appear. Click-on 6or#at Cells 8li!e you have done before$.

Your 7ormat 1ells menu screen will appear % similar to the image at the top of the next page. Click-on the 'u#&er 3a& at the top of the 6or#at Cells #enu screen. >oint to Currency


and click-on Currency%

'otice se2eral things. The right side shows the nu#&er of deci#al places% 3he 2 is the default for cents. We>ll use 2. 'otice a&o2e the eci#al "laces that there is a sa#ple of what our nu#&er will look like. t the lower right it shows how negati2e nu#&ers can appear, depending on your choice. &hen a negative number is calculated, it will appear with your choice. 'ow click-on $E. ll the numbers now have P. If you have large numbers that are Qtoo wideQ for the current colu#n width you will see some VVVVVVVV in the cells where these numbers are located. If this occurs in your spreadsheet, go ahead and widen the columns as you did previously 8"age C$.

Your spreadsheet numbers should now loo! li!e the one on the left.



'ow move to cell /2+ and type in the word "ercent% &e9re going to calculate a fun percentage to show you how division wor!s and give you some more practice with numbers. 'ow move to cell C2+% =sing either the 3ype<In Method or the "oint Method, divide 8 5 $ the amount for Inco#e in cell CI by the amount for Expenses in cell C+7.

R3he for#ula should look like MCI5C+7S

This will give you a horrid number so why not put a percent sy#&ol with it. 'ow we0ll repeat what we did a&o2e to for#at our WWWW )Currency;%

"oint to cell C2+ and clic! the (I483 mouse button. "oint to 6or#at Cells, then click the 'u#&er ta&, then click<on "ercentage% Select @ero ) $ ; eci#al "laces. Click $E. Ta <a 333 X. Your spreadsheet should look si#ilar to the i#age &elow.


&e could repeat what we did to this point and fill in the Income and /xpenses for each of the remaining columns 8months$. There is a si#pler way to do this. /ssu#ing our income and expense a#ounts are about the sa#e, throughout the months, we want to copy the a#ounts in Colu#n C to Colu#ns , E and 6. This will require 3W$ 0steps. 6irstD Mo2e your cursor to cell CC. &e9ll highlight what we want to copyN second, we9ll tell the spreadsheet where we want to place what we>2e copied. .o, point to CC, hold down the left #ouse &utton and drag )#o2e; down the colu#n until cells CC through C2+ are high-lighted. Your highlighted area should look like the one on the left.

Click the 8o#e 3a& then click the Copy button. 2C

You will notice that once again, when you highlight an area, a #arquee of running lights moves around the copy area. .o, you0ll !now you highlighted the correct area 8i#age on right$. 'ow we9ll tell /xcel where to copy the data. >oint to cell C, click and hold down the left #ouse &utton and drag down and to the right to cell 62+ 8This will highlight three colu#ns -- +1T, '+Q, </1 -- to copy to.$. &hen you have finished your highlighting, your screen should look like the i#age &elow.

Ma!e sure you are still on the 8o#e 3a& and click the "aste &utton. Wow O> /ll those nu#&ers and dollar signs and for#ulas < E?E(=38I'4 < was copied in a flashOO 3hat sure sa2ed us a lot of ti#e%

Your spreadsheet should loo! 2@

similar to the image on the right.

Click on a cell away fro# the area where the nu#&ers are located% 3his will 0turn<off1 the highlight% 3ap the Esc key and the #arquee will also disappear%

Change a few nu#&ers in each of the #onths in &oth the inco#e and expense areas
to see how the spreadsheet works.

'otice how all of the for#ulas, totals, and percentages change 7 /K3$M/3IC/**=OOO 3his is the "$WE( of a spreadsheetOOOO
8This will ma!e the graphs we0ll create more realistic when we create them later in the tutorial.$

+ur spreadsheet now loo!s li!e the image on the right.

3his would &e a great ti#e to Sa2e again%

'ow for something to do on your own.

Entering for#ulas in the Monthly 3otals Colu#n

Click cell 4C 8under the title Monthly 3otals$. Choose one of the for#ulas you learned 2E

earlier to add the four #onthly a#ounts in the "arents row. Kse any of the four #ethods you desire. Your spreadsheet should loo! similar to the image below#

fter you have added the four colu#ns in cell 4C, you0ll copy the formula in cell 4C to cells 47 through 4+I. Click on cell 4C and follow the Copy process you did on "age 2C. 'ext, click on cell 47, hold down the left #ouse &utton, and drag down through cell 4+I. Your spreadsheet should loo! li!e the one to the right. 'ow follow the "aste process you used on "age 2C to paste the formula from cell ,C to cells ,@ through ,)F.

fter you >aste your formula, you will see some Qstuff )@eroes;Q in cells 4+0, ++, +2, and +L. This is because there was ;nothing there; to add. .o, go in and clean< up1 these cells by deleting the @eros in these cells. ,o to cells 4I and 4+7 and underline li!e you did on "age A.

Copying the "ercentage 6or#ula

'otice that we didnFt copy the percentage formula when we did the last copying process. If we had copied a .=M formula, it would have added the four percentages. &e don0t want the sum of the percentages. &e want a percentage of only applies to the o2erall Monthly 3otals. .o, we need to copy the percentage for#ula separately. Click on cell 62+, copy the percentage formula in cell


62+ to cell 42+. This is the average percentage that Income is greater than /xpenses. 'ow put a W in cells 4C through 4+I 8li!e you did on >ages 2: and 2?$ , and a X in 42+ 8>age 2A$. Your spreadsheet colu#n 4 should look so#ething like the image on the right

3his would &e a great ti#e to Sa2e again% /&soluting )and #ultiplication;
There are times, when we are wor!ing with a spreadsheet, that we do not want a cell to QrollQ to the next colu#n when we use the copy feature of the spreadsheet % li!e it did in our last copying exercise. To stop the cells from rolling we utili"e something called a&soluting. The following is an illustration of absoluting. ,o to cell /2- and type-in 'u#&er. ,o to cell /2A and type-in (esult. ,o to cell C2- and type in the number

2 7 then tap the Enter key.

&e9ll now create a for#ula to multiply our nu#&er times 'et Inco#e. You may use either the 3ype<in or "oint method. ,o to cell C2A, and type-in a formula to #ultiply cell C2- ti#es cell C+I.

The formula should loo! li!e# MC2-PC+I

The result in C2A should be two ti#es the net inco#e in cell C+I. 'ow copy the formula in cell C2A to cells 2A, E2A, 62A and 42A. Your row 2A should loo! similar to the one below.

(h Oh))) *here d!d all o' those +,-s+ come 'rom.

"oint to each of the cells 2A, E2A, 62A and 42A. 'otice, as you click on each cell, and look at the screen, how C2- 8the cell with the 2$ QrolledQ and &eca#e 2-, E2-, 62- and 428which are &lank - this caused the Q0>sQ$. &lank ti#es a number is a H.We want the 2 to &e in each for#ula and not to QrollQ% To do this we utili"e something called /&soluting or /nchoring.


4o &ack to cell C2A. 'ow we9ll enter the for#ula again, but a little differently
8to anchor the 2$. 3ype<in a MC2- 8or you could type I and point to 12:$. NO*" ta# the $/ 'unct!on 0ey. 'otice, in cell C2A and the Edit &ar at the top of the screen, that the MC2- changes toD WCW2-. 8This tells you that cell C2- is a&soluted or anchored. The QW>sQ indicate the a&soluting.$ 'ow finish the for#ula by typing in or pointing RC+7 as before. Tap Enter.

The formula in cell 12A should loo! li!e#


'ow copy the for#ula in cell C2A to cells 2A, E2A, 62A and 42A again. Your row 2A should loo! similar to the image below.

The numbers should now be correct. >oint to cells 2A, E2A, 62A and 42A 8li!e you did before$. You will notice the QW>sQ have copied the MWCW2- to each cell )a&soluting; and the 'et Inco#e figures 8Cells +I, E+I, 6+I and 4+I have rolled1 as they should. bsoluting is something you should !now and understand. "ause and reflect <- 4oo! at all you have accomplished. If you want go in and change some more numbers or change the income and expense titles to something you feel is more fun or appropriate, please do so.

3his would &e a great ti#e to Sa2e again%

The next important lesson is to learn how to print% This done with a few easy steps.

7irst, click cell /+. ll of the &indows spreadsheets try to figure out what you want to print. .ometimes they9re right, sometimes they9re wrong. .o........

3he #ost i#portant thing with printing is to tell the printer what to print%
=nli!e a word processor, you #ay need to highlight what you want to print. 7or the moment, :)

we0ll assume that /xcel 2HH@ will guess correctly, and that you have not clic!ed somewhere that will cause a problem. If you do have problems, which we0ll !now in a second, we0ll show you how to ta!e care of the problem - a bit later. It9s usually a good idea to see what our printout will look like 7 &efore you print it. 7irst, we0ll use a "rint "re2iew to see what our spreadsheet loo!s li!e.

Click the Microsoft $ffice !utton.

&hen the menu screen appears, #o2e your cursor over "rint and then click the "rint "re2iew choice.

t the top of the "rint "re2iew screen you will see the "rint "re2iew 3a&. &e0ll these buttons to assist us with our printing.

'oticeD the 'ext and "re2ious buttons are not highlighted % they are 5ust gray.

This #eans that the buttons are not 0acti2e%1 This indicates that we are $E with our spreadsheet % it is all on one page. If we saw that the 'ext button was active, this would mean that there are other pages to our spreadsheet. If you0ll look at the lower left corner of the "rint "re2iew screen you0ll seeD "re2iewD "age + of +% This confir#s that our spreadsheet is on one page. If you do not see this 0co#&ination,1 weFll show you how to take care of it later%

If you do see this co#&ination, click the "rint &utton. Then, Click-on $E in the "rint #enu screen that appears. *a&el )write on; this printout# efault Spreadsheet "rintout.

picture, of what the printout will look like, appears &elow.


The i#age a&o2e should also loo! similar to your spreadsheet% If you #o2e your cursor o2er the spreadsheet, you0ll notice that the cursor changes from an arrow to a tiny #agnifying glass. If you click the left #ouse &utton, your #agnifying glass will 0@oo#<in1 on the exact spot where the #agnifying glass is located. If you click<again, it will @oo#< out. Try this a couple of time. It is a really handy feature. 'ow click the "age Setup &utton on the "rint "re2iew 3a&. The "age Setup #enu screen at the top of the next page will appear.


'otice that the "age Setup menu screen indicates that you are in "ortrait view. 'ow we0ll enhance the spreadsheet to ma!e it a bit more presentable. In the $rientation area click-in the s#all circle to the left of *andscape )see arrow a&o2e;. The spreadsheet will now print on the page as indicated. 'ext, in the Scaling area, click-in the &ox to the left of X nor#al si@e. =sing either the up5down1 arrows, or &y typing in the information, change the si"e to +2A. Then clic! $E. Your spreadsheet will now be larger and fill the paper more appropriately. Click-on "rint and when this spreadsheet comes out of the printer label it# *andscape 7 enlarged to +2A X. ,o ahead and adUust the si"e of your spreadsheet so that it becomes too large to fit on a single page. .et the Scaling to 200 and click $E. &hen you return to the "re2iew screen, the 'ext and "re2ious buttons at the top left will now be acti2e, and you0ll see + of - or . pages in the lower left corner of the screen. ,o ahead and click the 'ext and "re2ious &uttons to get a feel for the si"e of your spreadsheet. If you clic!-on >rint 8please don0t do it$, you0ll get these : or ? pages. If you made a mista!e when you created the spreadsheet, you might see that you have AE 8or some big number of$ pages in your spreadsheet3 'ow, click-in the s#all circle to the left of 6it to + page)s; wide &y + tall in the Scaling area and ma!e sure that + page is set. /xcel 2HH@ will now return your spreadsheet to one page. Try other things here. &or! with the Margins, 8eader5 6ooter, and Sheet tabs at the top of the >age .etup menu screen. ny time you desire to print, go ahead and do so. This will give you a feel for how the spreadsheets will print. &hen you are finished, simply clic! $E or Cancel and you will return to your spreadsheet.


Many people as! how to center a spreadsheet on the page. This feature is located on the Margins 3a& at the &otto# left of the Margins screen. Many users also as! how to place gridlines and show the row and colu#n headings 8 , (, 1 and ), 2, :$ in their spreadsheet printouts. This feature is located on the Sheet ta& in the >age .etup menu screen. &hen you are finished wor!ing with >rint >review, click the Close "rint "re2iew &utton. &hen you return to your spreadsheet you will see dashed lines around your data. >rint >review added these to assist you in !nowing where the edges of your printed data will be on paper. &e0ll show you a nice new feature that assists even more in a minute.

Cure for the pro&le# 7 if you ha2e too #any spreadsheet pages%
Click cell /+ and highlight your spreadsheet down through cell 42A. /fter youF2e highlighted /+ through 42A, click the Microsoft $ffice !utton and then click "rint. In the "re2iew and print the docu#ent area 8on the right$ click "rint

"rint #enu screen will appear.

In the lower left corner of the "rint #enu screen you will see an area that looks like the i#age on the right. Click-in the s#all circle to the left of Selection. This indicates to /xcel that you only want to print the area youF2e highlighted. Click $E. +nly the section that you0ve highlighted will print. =ou can still #odify your spreadsheet if you desire. +nce you0ve clicked Selection, you may click-on the "re2iew button to see a preview of your highlighted area. 7ollow the instructions above to modify as you desire.

"age *ayout ?iew


'ow that you have a feel for printing your spreadsheets, we0ll loo! at a neat new feature in Excel 2007 7 "age *ayout ?iew. In the lower right corner of your Excel screen you0ll see the Excel 2007 3ool&ar. "age *ayout ?iew The Excel ?iew 3ool&ar loo!s similar to the image on the right. 'or#al ?iew "age !reak ?iew :oo#

You are currently in 'or#al ?iew. 4oo! at your screen and then click the "age *ayout &utton 8as shown above$ on the Excel ?iew 3ool&ar. Your /xcel screen should loo! similar to the image below. &ow3 Your screen now has all the settings you entered in >rint >review. 'otice the Bulers at the top and on the left % 5ust li!e Microsoft &ord3 .o you now have a very accurate >rint >review as you are wor!ing.


.pend a few minutes using the Ele2ator !ars on the (ight side and !otto# of your /xcel spreadsheet to move up and down and left to right. s you move you0ll see the "age !reaks and "ages as theyFll "rint3

8eaders and 6ooters

4oo! at the top of your spreadsheet and you0ll also see an area which indicates# Click to add header.

If you desire a 8eader 8or 6ooter$ on each spreadsheet page, you can now create them in this view3 'otice 8a&o2e$ we0ve moved our cursor o2er the center 8eader area 8the 7ooter area is at the bottom of the page$. &hen we did it turned light &lue. If you move your cursor over the left and right Deader areas, you will see that they0ll turn blue as well. If you then click on one of these areas you0ll see a 8eader G 6ooter 3ools 3a& % with a esign 3a& &elow. In the esign (i&&on you0ll see that this Tab*Bibbon is tailored to wor! with creating your Deaders and 7ooters. This is one of the great new features in 2HH@ +ffice and /xcel.

,o ahead and experiment as you desire. This new feature really ma!es wor!ing with Deaders and 7ooters really easy.

"rint "re2iew !utton in Yuick /ccess 3ool&ar


.ince you0ll be using the "rint "re2iew feature frequently, it would be nice to have a &utton in the Excel Yuick /ccess 3ool&ar, so you won0t have to do all that clic!ing.

To add a "rint "re2iew &utton click the Microsoft $ffice !utton < li!e we did to open our >rint >review.. &hen the menu screen appears, #o2e your cursor over "rint and then #o2e the cursor o2er the "rint "re2iew choice.

&hen the "rint "re2iew selection turns orange, click the (I483 #ouse &utton and a pop-up menu will appear. Mo2e your cursor o2er the /dd to Yuick /ccess 3ool&ar selection and click the left mouse button.

s soon as you clic! you0ll see your >rint >review button added to the /xcel Suic! ccess Toolbar3 'ow, anytime you desire to >rint >review your spreadsheet, all you0ll have to do is clic! the Suic! ccess >rint >review button. s you see other buttons you would li!e to add to your /xcel Suic! ccess Toolbar, simply follow the instructions above.

This will be a lot of fun. &e are now going to turn your spreadsheet numbers into graphics - bar charts, pie charts, etc. This will greatly assist you when you display and explain your wor!. new % really awesome % feature in /xcel 2HH@ is 1onditional 7ormatting. &e0ll begin with 1onditional 7ormatting and them move to full page 1harts.

Conditional 6or#atting

1onditional 7ormatting will let you show graphics in your spreadsheetsO The best way to describe this ama"ing new feature is to show you how it0s done.

7irst, you0ll need to highlight so#e of the data on your spreadsheet. &e highlighted the Inco#e and Expense numbers for the month of ece#&er for our image. +ur 1onditional 7ormatting graphics will appear in this column.

'ow, loo! at the 3a&s at the top of your Excel screen and ma!e sure you are on the 8o#e 3a&. Knder each 3a& is a (i&&on made up of 4roups 81lipboard, 7ont, lignment, etc.$. +ver to the right is a Conditional 6or#atting selection in the Styles 4roup.


&hen you move your cursor over the 1onditional 7ormatting button, an image similar to the one on the right will appear. &e0ve enlarged the image so you can get an idea of how this feature will wor!.

In the lower right corner of the Conditional 6or#atting &utton is a s#all down arrow. Click on this arrow.


&hen you clic! the down arrow the i#age on the right will appear. 'otice the ata !ars, Color Scales and Icon Sets choices. s you move your cursor over these selections you will see that a number of choices are available with each option.

To show you how this wor!s we #o2ed our cursor over ata !ars. our cursor o2er the the right. 'otice, our <ecember 1olumn data is now highlighted in blue. lso notice that the larger nu#&ers have a longer &lue &ar highlight with them. Then, we #o2ed !lue selection on

This is really a neat new feature. ,o ahead and loo! at Color Scales and Icon Sets as well. /xperiment as you li!e. If you clic! a selection it will show that graphic on your spreadsheet. If you go to >rint >review, you will see that effect. 'ow you can print spreadsheets that have not only data numbers, but a graphic to show their si"e3 If you don0t li!e the 1onditional 7ormatting effects, you can use the =ndo rrow 8in the Suic! ccess Toolbar$ to remove them.

!efore we wor! with 1harts, there are a couple of ESSE'3I/* steps we have to do. 7irst, we have to tell /xcel 2HH@ what we want to see in our chart and then were we want the chart ?H

to go. 7irst# in cell !I type-in Inco#e 8to replace the word 3otal$. 'ext, type-in Expenses in cell !+7 for the same reason. You0ll see why we do this when you see your chart.

?E(= IM"$(3/'3999% !ut 3rickyO

.omething new.... 8old down the left #ouse &utton and highlight cells !- to 6-. 'ext, 8$* $W' a Ctrl !ey at the &otto# of the key&oard and, while you are holding Ctrl down, highlight cells !I through 6I. You will now see two QrangesQ highlighted. 8old down the Ctrl again, and highlight cells !+7 through 6+7. These three ranges will ma!e up your chart. The x<axis will be made up of cells !- through 6-. nd, the two sets of bars % .eries - will show Income and /xpense. &hen you complete the above instructions, your screen should loo! li!e the image below.

If your spreadsheet does not look exactly like the one a&o2e, please try again. This is a bit tric!y and it often ta!es 8even experienced spreadsheet users$ a couple of tries to get the highlighting 5ust right. &hat we are about to do is entirely new in Excel 2007. .o, if you have used previous versions of /xcel % hang on % this is awesome3


Click the Insert 3a& at the top of the Excel screen. &hen you do you0ll see that one of the 4roups in the Insert 3a&5(i&&on is Charts.

7or our first chart, weFll use a Colu#n Chart. Move your cursor over 1olumn and an image li!e the one on the right will appear.

Click the Colu#n &utton and you0ll see an image li!e the one on the left. s you can see there all !inds of 1olumn 1harts. &e0ll begin with a simple two dimension 2< Colu#n chart. You0ll be able to change this later, if you desire % to another 1olumn 1hart of one of the other selections. Click on the 2< Colu#n chart indicated by the arrow on the left.

/s soon as you click, because you highlighted your data, an i#age similar to the one &elow will appear. onFt worry that the Chart is co2ering your data % we0ll ta!e care of that in a minute. 'otice that when we highlighted cells !- to 6- this created the H</xis la&els 8./>T, etc.$. &hen we highlighted cells !I to 6I and !+7 to 6+7 this created the two Inco#e and Expense &ars for each #onth. nd, when you typed Inco#e into !I and Expenses into 6I this created a *egend on the right side of your chart. ?2

'ow, let0s #o2e our chart to a page of its own % so it will be easier to wor! with and not cover our data. Click anywhere on your chart and you will notice that a new 3a& appears at the top of your Excel screen % Chart 3ools. Click the Chart tools 3a& and the Chart 3ools 3a&5(i&&on will appear li!e the image below.

'otice, on the right end of the Chart 3ools 3a&5(i&&on is a Mo2e Chart *ocation &utton. Click the Mo2e Chart *ocation &utton. &hen you click the Mo2e Chart *ocation &utton a Mo2e Chart #enu screen will appear 8li!e the image below$.


Click on the s#all circle to the left of 'ew Sheet and change 1hart ) to My !udget Chart % as indicated above. Then click the $E button. *ook at the &otto# left of your Excel screen. You will see a new 3a& % My !udget Chart3 Your data is on .heet ). &e0ll rename it when we have finished wor!ing with our chart.

You should be on you0re My (udget 1hart Tab. If not, clic! this tab. Your chart should now fill the /xcel screen. Click in one of the outside corners of your chart.

Chart 3ools
Ma!e sure that you can still see the Chart 3ools 3a&5(i&&on. If not, clic! the 1hart Tools Tab.


'otice that there is a Chart *ayouts 4roup in the 1hart Tools Bibbon. There are many different 4ayouts you can choose to enhance your chart. Click the More down arrow in the lower right corner of the Chart *ayouts 4roup.

&hen you clic! the More arrow an i#age similar to the one on the right will appear. WeFll choose the *ayout in the upper left corner. &e0ll click on this choice s you become more experienced with 1harts, you choose the 4ayout that will best display your data. You can also enhance the colors of your chart bars and bac!grounds in a similar manner. 3o the right of the Chart *ayouts 4roup is the Chart Styles 4roup. To see these styles, click the More down arrow on the lower right of the Chart Styles 4roup.

Chart Styles
Chart Styles #enu screen 8similar to the one &elow$ will appear. You can click the various


choices as you desire. /ach time you clic!, you0re My (udget 1hart will change to the .tyle you chose.

If you donFt like the Chart Styles, you can use the Kndo /rrow 8in the Yuick /ccess 3ool&ar$ to remove them. / note % as you choose different 1hart Types, you will see the 1hart .tyles menu 8above$ change to that new 1hart Type. WeFll show you another way to enhance the colors of your &ars in a #o#ent.

If you would li!e to change your Chart 3ype % loo! in the upper left corner of the Chart 3ools (i&&on. You0ll see a Change Chart 3ype &utton. Click the Change Chart 3ype &utton.

Change Chart 3ype menu screen 8&elow$ will appear. 1urrently it is on our 2-< 1olumn 1hart. &e0ll change it to a -< Clustered Colu#n chart next. ?C

&e0ll click the -< Clustered Colu#n choice and then click the $E &utton. clic! the +T button our entire chart changes to a -< Chart.

s soon as we


/nother way to change chart colors

+n >ages ?? U ?A you saw how you could change the colors of the bars in your chart 8Chart Styles$. Dere is the second way to change colors that we promised. Mo2e your cursor o2er one of the &ars in your chart and click the (I483 mouse button. &hen the pop<up #enu appears, click the 6or#at ata Series9 selection. 6or#at ata Series #enu screen 8li!e the one below$ will appear over your chart. In our original chart the Income bars were blue. &e thin! green would be a better color for our Income bars. .o, we clicked the 6ill choice on the left. &hen the 7ill menu appeared on the right, we clicked the s#all circle to the left of Solid fill and then clicked the down arrow on the right side of the Color &utton. Then we clicked the green color choice 8if you would li!e to see a lot more colors you can clic! More 1olorsV$. /s soon as we clicked our Inco#e &ars changed to green. 'otice the other choices in the 6ill #enu area. /xperiment with the other choices as you desire. You can really get some neat effects with 4radient and "icture or texture fill. &hen you are finished, clic! the Close button.


Changing 3ext
To change text in /xcel 2HH@ you need to click on the text, the *egend, or the axis on which the text is located.

&e (I483 clicked on our Chart 3itle and two menus appeared. The upper #enu is another new, great feature in /xcel 2HH@. It0s called the Mini 3ool&ar. The lower menu is the standard menu that appeared previously.

&e clicked the down arrow to the right of Cali&ri and a drop down menu of font choices appeared. &e moved down the list and clic!ed-on 1omic .ans M.. You move down the menu and choose a font you like.

s soon as we clic!ed our font choice, our 1hart Title changed to that font. You can also change the 7ont si"e, (old, 1olor, and more using the other Mini Toolbar selections. /xperiment as you desire 'ow we0ll change our Chart 3itle to something more meaningful. Move your cursor o2er Chart 3itle and click the left #ouse &utton three ti#es quickly. This will highlight all of the title % 5ust li!e Microsoft &ord. $r, you can click and drag your cursor of the title to highlight 1hart Title.


3ype in a title for your budget. &e typed in the title you see below. &hen you have finished typing your title, click the left #ouse &utton in an 0open1 area of your chart 8to turn<off and confir# the title$

If you desire to enhance your text some more, BI,DT clic! on the title and the 7ormat 1hart Title menu screen will appear. You can use this menu to augment your text.

'ow it would &e a good ti#e to Sa2e again%

In Excel 2007, when you save your spreadsheet, you also save your graph% Your graph is saved wherever you are wor!ing in the graph.

Changing )(ena#ing; Excel 2007 3a&s

If you would li!e to have logical na#es for your Excel 2007 spreadsheet ta&s % rather than .heet ) and 1hart ), we0ll show you how to do this. t the &otto# of your spreadsheet you will see you ta&s 8li!e the i#age on the &elow$. To change the na#e of one of the ta&s, place your cursor o2er a ta& and click the (I483 mouse button.

&e0ll change the name of Sheet + first. (I483 click on Sheet +and the drop down menu screen to the right will appear. Choose (ena#e.

&hen you choose (ena#e, the Sheet + ta& will turn &lack % li!e the i#age on the right. /s soon as you see this, type in the na#e you want for your chart. &e typed in !udget ata.


s soon as we began typing, the tab name changed. &hen we finished, the Tabs for our 1hart and <ata loo!ed li!e the image on the below.

.o, anytime you need to change Tab names, all you have to do is Bight 1lic! and Bename.

So#e additional Charting

Si@ing your 4raph /rea < Click-on the upper right corner of your chart area. You will see little circles now appear at the four corners and sides of the graph area. >oint to the upper right corner circle and move the cursor until you see an arrow with two heads . Click and hold down the left #ouse &utton and drag down and to the left then let go. Your graph will get s#aller. You can ma!e the graph area of your chart smaller or larger as you desire. *egend /rea < Click-on the *egend on the right 8box with Income and /xpenses$. &hen you see the corner grabbers, ma!e the 4egend box a bit larger. Then click right in the *egend area. &hen the Yuick 3ool&ar appears, ma!e the font &old and si@e +.. "rinting Charts - 'ow let9s loo! at your graph and then print it. Click the "rint "re2iew &utton you placed in the Yuick /ccess 3ool&ar. If you li!e what you see go ahead and print the graph. If not, close >review and ma!e some more graph changes. If you have a color printer, your graph will print in color. &henever your graph is 2isi&le, you can point to any area of the graph, and click the right #ouse &utton on the area, and edit that particular area. You can also click-right in the chart itself. You can really go wild at this point. If you ma!e a #istake, simply clic! the undo &utton at the top of the menu screen and try again. 'oteD 'o matter what type of printer you have, graphs ta!e awhile to print. (e patient. &ell that9s it /xcel 2HH@ fans3 ,o for it3

Microsoft $ffice 3utorials

In addition to this tutorial, other +ffice tutorials are available at#


This site is updated freGuently with tutorial revisions as well as tutorials from a number of collegiate institutions. >lease feel free to visit and down load as you desire. This has been an introduction into the basics of /xcel 2HH@. If you have any Guestions about /xcel 2HH@, or comments on this tutorial, please contact#

#urray%tZlynch&urg%edu 3hank you for your patience and good luck%


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