Longman Communication 3000

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Word a ability about above abroad absolute absorb academic acceptable accident accompany account accurate achieve acid

acquire act action activist actor actually adapt addition address adequate administration admire admit adult advance advanced advert advertisement advice adviser affect afraid afternoon again


Word abandon able about above absence absolutely abuse accept access accommodation according account accuse achievement acknowledge across act active activity actual ad add additional address adjust administrative admission adopt adult advance advantage advertise advertising advise affair afford after afterwards against


Word age agency aggressive agree agriculture aid aim aircraft airport album alive all allowance interjection alone along already alter alternative altogether amazing ambulance amount determiner analysis ancient anger angry announce annoy another answer anxiety any anyhow anything anywhere apartment apology


Word aged agent ago agreement ahead aim air airline alarm alcohol all allow all almost along alongside also alternative although always ambition among an analyse analyst and angle animal announcement annual answer anticipate anxious anybody anyone anyway apart apologize apparent


Word apparently appeal appearance application appoint appreciate approach approval approximate architecture argue arise armed around arrangement arrival art artificial as ashamed ask aspect assessment assist assistant association assumption at attach attack attempt attention attorney attraction audience author automatic autumn average


Word appeal appear apple apply appointment approach appropriate approve architect area argument arm army arrange arrest arrive article artist as aside asleep assess assignment assistance associate assume assure atmosphere attack attempt attend attitude attract attractive aunt authority automatically available average


Word avoid award aware away awkward back back background bacon badly bake balance ban bang bank barrier base basic basis bat bathroom battle be bean beard beat beauty because bed beef before before begin behalf behaviour being believe belong belt


Word awake award awareness awful baby back back backwards bad bag balance ball band bang bar base baseball basically basket bath battery be beach bear beat beautiful because become bedroom beer before beforehand beginning behave behind belief bell below bench


Word bend benefit beside best bet better beyond bid bike bin birth biscuit bit bite black blame bless block bloke blood blow board body boiler bomb bonus book boot bored born boss bother bottom bounce bowl boy brain brave break


Word beneath benefit best bet better between bicycle big bill bird birthday bit bite bitter blade blank blind block blonde blow blue boat boil boiling bone book boom border boring borrow both bottle bottom bound box boyfriend branch bread break


Word breakfast breathe brick brief bright bring brother brush buck buddy bug builder bump burn burst bus busy but butcher button buyer by bye cable calculate calculator call calm camp can cancel candidate candy capable capital captain car care career


Word breath breather bridge briefly brilliant broad brown brush bucket budget build building bunch burn bury business but but butter buy by bye cabinet cake calculation calendar call camera campaign can cancer candle cap capacity capital capture card care careful


Word carefully carrot cartoon cash cast cat catch cause CD ceiling celebration cellphone centimetre centre cereal certainly chain chairman challenge championship change channel chapter characteristic charge charity chase cheap check cheek chemical chemist cheque chest chief child chip choice chop


Word carpet carry case cash castle catalogue category cause cease celebrate cell cent central century certain certificate chair challenge champion chance change chap character characterize charge chart chat cheat check cheese chemical chemistry cherry chicken chief childhood chocolate choose chuck


Word church cinema circuit citizen civil claim classic classroom clean clear clearly clever client climb close close closely cloth cloud clue coal coat coffee cold collar collect college column combine comfort command comment commission commitment common communication company comparison competition


Word cigarette circle circumstance city claim class classical clean cleaner clear clerk click climate clock close closed closet clothes club coach coast code coin collapse colleague collection colour combination come comfortable comment commercial commit committee communicate community compare compete competitive


Word complain complete completely complicated comprehensive computer concentration concern concerned concert conclusion conduct conference confident confirm confused confusion connect conscious consent consider considerably consist constant constitute construction consumer contact contain content context continuous contrast contribution control convention conversation conviction cook


Word complaint complete complex component comprise concentrate concept concern concerning conclude condition conduct confidence confine conflict confusing congratulation connection consciousness consequence considerable consideration consistent constantly construct consult consumption contact contemporary contest continue contract contribute control convenient conventional convert convince cooker


Word cookie cool cope copy corn correct corridor cost cotton council counter countryside couple course cousin cover crack crash create creative credit crew criminal criterion critical criticize cross cross crown cruel cry culture cupboard currency current curtain cushion customer cut


Word cool cooperation copy core corner correct cost cottage could count country county courage court cover cow craft crazy creation creature credit crime crisis critic criticism crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural cup curious current currently curve custom cut cute


Word cycle dad daft due dumb during duty each ear early earth easily eastern easy economic economy edition education effect effectively efficient egg either elect electric electricity element else email embarrassed emergency emotional emphasize employ employer empty encounter encouraging end


Word dentist daddy dude dull dump dust DVD each early earn ease east easy eat economics edge editor educational effective efficiency effort either elderly election electrical electronic elevator elsewhere email emerge emotion emphasis empire employee employment enable encourage end enemy


Word energy engine engineering enjoy enormous enough ensure enterprise enthusiasm entire entitle entry environment equal equally equivalent error escape essay essentially establishment estimate ethnic evening eventually every everyone everywhere evil exactly examination example except exchange exciting excuse executive exercise exhibition


Word engage engineer enhance enjoyable enough enquiry enter entertainment enthusiastic entirely entrance envelope environmental equal equipment era escape especially essential establish estate estimate even event ever everybody everything evidence exact exam examine excellent exception excitement exclude excuse executive exercise exist


Word existence exit expansion expectation expense experience experienced experimental expert explanation explosion expose expression extension extent extra extreme eye face fact factory failure fair faith fall familiar famous fancy fantastic far farmer fashion fast father favour favourite fear feature fee


Word existing expand expect expenditure expensive experience experiment expert explain explore export express extend extensive external extraordinary extremely face facility factor fail fair fairly fall FALSE family fan fancy far farm fascinating fast fat fault favour fear feature federal feed


Word feedback feeling female fence fetch field fight figure file film final finally finance find fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fixed flat flavour flight floor flow fly focus folk following foot for force forest forget fork


Word feel fellow female festival few fight figure file fill filthy final finance financial finding fine finish fire firm first firstly fish fit fix flash flat flesh flood flow flower focus fold follow food football force foreign forever forgive form


Word form heavily height hello help hence her hero herself hi high highlight highway him hire historian history hit hold holding holiday home homework honestly honour hook hope hopeless horror hospital hot hour household knowledge lab laboratory lack lad lady


Word formal heavy hell help helpful her here hers hesitate hide high highly hill himself his historical hit hold holder hole holy home honest honey hook hope hopefully horrible horse host hotel house know known label labour lack ladder lake


Word lamb land landlord lane large last last late later laugh launch lawyer layer lead leader leading league learn leather leave left left legal leisure length less let level liberal licence lid lie life lift light lighting like like likely


Word lamp land landscape language largely last last late latter laugh law lay lazy lead leadership leaf lean least leave lecture left leg legislation lend less lesson letter level library lick lie lie lift light light like like like limit


Word limit limited link lip list listen literary little little live living loan locate lock log lonely long look lord lose lost lot loud love lovely low lower luckily lump lunchtime machinery madam magic mail mainly maintenance majority male mall


Word limitation line link liquid list literally literature little live lively load local location lock logical long long-term loose lorry loss lot loud lounge love lover lower luck lucky lunch machine mad magazine mail main maintain major make male man


Word manage manager manufacturer many march margin mark marketing married marvellous mass master match material math matter maximum maybe meal meaning meanwhile measure meat media medicine medium meeting membership mental menu merely mess messy method middle midnight mile milk mind


Word management manner manufacturing map march mark market marriage marry mass massive match mate material maths matter may me mean means measure measurement mechanism medical medieval meet member memory mention mere mess message metal metre middle might military millimetre mind


Word mine mineral minister minor minute misery miss mistake mixed mobile mode modern moment money month moon more moreover mortgage most mother motor mountain mouth move movie much mum murder museum music must myself nail name narrow nation native naturally


Word mine minimum ministry minority mirror miss mission mix mixture mobile model mom mommy monitor mood moral more morning most mostly motion motorway mouse move movement much mud mummy muscle mushroom musical my mystery naked name nasty national natural nature


Word naughty near nearly necessarily neck need negotiate neighbour neither nerve net network nevertheless newly newspaper next nicely nil no no nod noisy nonsense nor normally northern not note nothing notice novel now nowhere nuisance numerous nut object objective observation


Word near nearby neat necessary need negative negotiation neighbourhood neither nervous net never new news next nice night no no nobody noise none nope normal north nose notably note notice notion now nowadays nuclear number nurse object objection obligation observe


Word obtain obviously occasional occupation occur oclock of offence offer officer official oil OK on once one one onion only open opening operation opinion opportunity opposite option orange order organ organization organized original other ought our ourselves out output outside


Word obvious occasion occasionally occupy ocean odd off offer office official often OK old on once one one only onto open operate operator opponent oppose opposition or order ordinary organic organize origin originally otherwise ounce ours out outcome outside outside


Word outstanding over overall overseas owe own ownership pack package pad pain paint pair pale panel pants parcel parent park parliament participate particularly partner party pass passenger past past patience patient pause pay peace peak penalty penny people per percent


Word oven over overcome overtime own owner pace pack packet page paint painting palace pan panic paper pardon park parking part particular partly partnership pass passage passion past path patient pattern pay payment peaceful pen pencil pension pepper perceive percentage


Word perception perfectly performance period permission person personality personnel persuade phase phone photo photocopy phrase physically piano picture piece pile pilot pink pipe pity place plain plan planet plastic platform play pleasant please pleasure plot plus poem poetry point police


Word perfect perform perhaps permanent permit personal personally perspective petrol philosophy phone photocopy photograph physical physics pick pie pig pill pin pint pitch pizza place plan plane plant plate play player please pleased plenty plug pocket poet point pole policeman


Word policy political politics pollution pool pop popular port position possess possibility possibly post poster potato potential pour power practical practice praise prayer precisely prefer pregnant preparation prepared present present preserve press pressure presume pretty prevent previously pride primarily prince


Word polite politician poll pond poor pop population pose positive possession possible post post pot potential pound poverty powerful practically practise pray precise predict preference premise prepare presence present presentation president press presumably pretend pretty previous price priest primary princess


Word principal print printer priority prisoner privilege probably procedure proceeding produce product profession professional profile program progress promise promote prompt proper property proposal proposed prospect protection proud provide providing psychological pub public publicity publisher pull punishment purchase pure purple purse


Word principle print prior prison private prize problem proceed process producer production professional professor profit programme project promise promotion proof properly proportion propose prosecution protect protest prove provided provision psychology public publication publish pudding punch pupil purchase purely purpose pursue


Word push qualification quality quarter question queue quick quid quietly quite quote racing radio railway rain range rank rapidly rarely rather raw react read readily ready realistic realize reason reasonably receipt recent reception reckon recognize recommendation record recover red reduction


Word put qualify quantity queen question quick quickly quiet quit quote race radical rail rain raise range rapid rare rate ratio reach reaction reader reading real reality really reasonable recall receive recently recipe recognition recommend record recording recovery reduce refer


Word reference reflection refrigerator regard regime regional registration regular regulation reject related relationship relative relax release relief religion rely remaining remark remember remote rent repair repeat replacement reply report represent representative reputation require rescue reserve resident resign resist resolution resort


Word reflect reform refuse regard region register regret regularly reinforce relate relation relative relatively release relevant relieve religious remain remains remarkable remind remove rent repair replace reply report reporter representation republic request requirement research reserve residential resignation resistance resolve resource


Word respect respond responsibility rest restaurant restrict result retain retirement return revenue review revolution rhythm rich ride ridiculous right right ring rise risk river rob role roof root rough round round routine royal rubber rude rule run rush sad safety


Word respectively response responsible rest restore restriction result retire return reveal reverse review reward rice rid ride right right ring rip rise rival road rock roll room rope roughly round route row rub rubbish ruin rule rural sack safe sail


Word sake salary salt same sample sandwich satisfaction satisfy sausage saving scale scene schedule school scientific scope score scream screw sea search season second secondary secret secretary sector secure see seek seize selection sell senior sensible sentence separate series seriously


Word salad sale same same sand satellite satisfied sauce save say scared schedule scheme science scientist score scratch screen script seal search seat second secondly secret section secure security seed seem select self send sense sensitive separate sequence serious servant


Word serve session set settle several sew sewer shake shame share sharp shave shed sheet shell shift ship shock shocking shoot shopping shortly should shout show shower shut side sign signal significance significantly silent silver similarly simply since singer sink


Word service set setting settlement severe sewage shadow shall shape share sharply she sheep shelf shelter shine shirt shocked shoe shop short shot shoulder shove show shrug sick sight sign signature significant silence silly similar simple sin sing single sink


Word sir sit situation skill skirt sleep slice slide slightly slip slope slow small smell smile smoke smoking snap soap social sock soft soil sole solid solve some somebody someone sometimes somewhere song sore sort soul sound soup south space


Word sister site size skin sky sleep slide slight slim slip slow slowly smart smell smile smoke smooth snow so so-called society socks software soldier solicitor solution some some somehow something somewhat son soon sorry sort sound sound source southern spare


Word spare speaker specialist specific specify speed spelling spill spirit spite spoil spoon spot spray spring square squeeze staff stair stall stamp standard star start starve state station status stay steak steam steep step stick still stir stomach stop storage


Word speak special species specifically speech spell spend spin spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread squad square stable stage stake stamp stand standard stare start state statement statistic stay steady steal steel step stick stiff still stock stone stop store


Word store story straight strain stranger strategy strawberry street strengthen stress strict strike strip strong structure struggle studio study stupid subject subsequent substance succeed successful such sudden suffer sugar suggestion suit sum sun supermarket supply support supporter sure surely surgery


Word storm straight straightforward strange strategic straw stream strength stress stretch strike string stroke strongly struggle student study stuff style submit subsequently substantial success successfully suck suddenly sufficient suggest suit suitable summer super supper supply support suppose sure surface surprise


Word surprised surprisingly survey survive suspicion sustain swear sweet swim swing switch sympathy table tackle take talent talk tank tape task taste taxi teach teaching tear technical technology television telly temporary tendency tension term terribly terror test text than thanks


Word surprising surround survival suspect suspicious swap sweep sweet swimming switch symbol system tablet tail tale talk tall tap target taste tax tea teacher team tear technique telephone tell temperature tend tennis tent terrible territory terrorist test text thank thanks


Word that that determiner their them themselves theoretical there therefore thick thing this though threat three through throw ticket tie tight till tin tip tired wander war wardrobe warn wash waste waste watch wave way we weakness weapon weather website


Word that the theatre theirs theme then theory there they thin think though thought threaten throat throughout thus tidy tie tile time tiny tip title want ward warm warning washing waste watch water wave way weak wealth wear web wedding


Word week weekly weight welcome welfare well west wet predeterminer whatsoever when where wherever which while whisper white whoever whole whose wicked wide widespread wild will win wind window wine winner wipe wise wish withdraw without woman wonderful wooden word


Word weekend weigh weird welcome well well western what whatever wheel whenever whereas whether while whisky white who whole whom why wide widely wife will willing win wind windy wing winter wire wish with within witness wonder wood wool work


Word work working world worry worrying worse worth wound write writing wrong yeah yellow yes yet you youngster yours youth


Word worker workshop worried worry worse worth would wrap writer wrong yard year yep yesterday yet young your yourself zone


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