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BIO 111 Worksheet Name:_______________________

Fall 2009 (14 pts) Due Monday 11/9/09

1. Match the numbered components of the replication fork below. Choose your answers
from the list to the right and write your choice in corresponding spaced below the
illustration. As an example, the choice corresponding to the structure labeled “1” is
provided. If the structure is a protein, give a short (3-4 word) description of its
function. (6 points)

1) DNA Helicase: Catalyzes the separation of the double-stranded template DNA







2) DNA replication is a very accurate process, generally producing errors in only one of every 10 9
bases replicated. Transcription is not nearly as accurate, producing errors in about every 10 4
bases. Why does DNA replication need to be so accurate? Why can transcription be less
accurate and errors in transcription not have long-term effects on the health of a cell and
the survival of an organism? Answer this question in five sentences or less. Write in complete
sentences and do not provide unnecessary information (4 pts).

3) Somebody tells you that the Guanine base content of the DNA in a certain species is 55
percent. Why should you be suspicious of this statement? (2 pts)

4) Explain what the term “gene expression” means (3 points). Answer this question in three
sentences or less. Write in complete sentences and do not provide unnecessary information (4 pts)
5. The following DNA sequence encodes a small peptide.
• What is the corresponding mRNA sequence for this gene?
• What is the amino acid sequence of the peptide encoded by this gene? Hint: For translation,
remember to start at the initiator codon.
In this problem, transcription is occurring from left to right so think about which strand you would
use as you template. Also, transcribe the DNA all the way to the end of the template DNA
(6 points)


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